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Everything posted by HostTracy

  1. These are so beautiful Janelle!!! Anyone would love such a piece of work. You and Sue both have real talent. Speaking of crafting, art, paper craft, sewing, and every other creative hobby... It just feels good. I call them my projects. Right now I am sewing face masks... Trying different patterns. I'm also working on yard work and cleaning up my backyard fence line. I have to do just a little each day (counting my spoons). Doing these and lots of other things lift my spirit and have even kept me busy during this virus mess. Love this! ❀️
  2. Janelle, you have given me a dose of the most perfect medicine. I am still laughing. πŸ˜‚ To update one thing well two.... I had a covid test on Tuesday (been sick for over a month) and they just called. It is negative!! 😊 Second, I DIY made my own tushy wipes and they work wonderfully. Paper towel is easier to find so I have enough to dry lol. Of course no flushing but I feel as clean as a whistle! 😁 Janelle, you are a gem. ❀️ you!
  3. HostTracy


    I've been doing the rain dance Janelle 😊 you're welcome. πŸ˜‚ It's nice to see the rain decided to visit. I too did a double take looking at the cars on the road. Geez, I would not allow me to drive over there! It would not be pretty... I bet I'd off on the side of the road in the floor board crying! 😭🀣
  4. Thanks for all the positive comments and comradery. I've made some short term goals: get this cold kicked and my asthma under control (I need to be as healthy as I can be if Covid ever knocks on my door)... Catch up on my housework as I feel better (I haven't been able to keep on top of it-trying to rest a lot too)... Continue clearing my chain link fence and the areas in front of it of brush, vines, trash, roof tiles?, and cutting all stumps to ground level with my loppers (just doing a bit at a time). Staying home is very agreeable with me. It is easier than dealing with people (weird but true). So I am trying to persist at what fills up my happy glass. I know this will be much easier once I'm all well. It's always good for me to create focus... Make goals/projects and to split these into steps. Feels good to check off a step. πŸ™‚
  5. That made me smile lol. Literally, my cheerleader skirt is in my 2nd bedroom from more than 30 years ago (OK I probably can only get it on one thigh lol). In all seriousness, I very much understand your message. I am all for doing what I can to lift my spirit and hopefully that is infectious but not viral. πŸ˜‰
  6. Sue things out of our hands so to say are a real anxiety monster. I have worked very hard for the past 5 years to rise above this. For the most part I have... Sometimes my frustration and fear comes from what other people are doing. I have to remind myself that I have 0 control over the actions or I actions of others too. Then I read something that wraps me up in a safe place... The Serenity Prayer. I'm going to do what I should be doing and the rest I'm giving to God. Thank you for listening and the appropriate distance hug. I needed that. ❀️
  7. What can I say... So far 2020 has been earth shaking. Let me warn you before reading: these are my thoughts, my experiences, my worries and where I find my mind these days. This is not meant to add to the fear and chaos or to bring a negative light toward anyone. My words come from me and if you are sensitive to hearing someone's honest, transparent and straightforward thoughts then this may not be for you. I try to remember January. I don't remember what day I heard the news of a novel virus that shut down a large metropolitan city in China. I did ponder the fact but honestly not for long. I had been dealing with my own health issues and problems with illness (more than 1) that has been flaring my asthma. I think I have taken 3 steroid packs since the beginning of the year. In February, I began to hear more and more about the novel virus now known as the 2019 novel Corona virus and now more the more familiar (name and possible illness) Covid-19 and SARS-CoV-2. I started to see signs of other countries developing cases and watched the worry of everyone about the virus spread and travel (on planes and those who had been to China). I still didn't feel immanent fear but some time during February this started to affect me more. Then a F3 tornado slammed through Nashville. It was completely shocking and thankfully I now live about 45 minutes south. This tornado had torn through my old stomping grounds, within 1/4 mile from my previous home, ripping through the area I went to often for my groceries and many of the roads I took on a daily basis. I think maybe a week went by and then Nashville had its 1st case/s of Covid. Very close to home and where all of my Dr's are. On March 6th I went to my local walk in clinic because I knew I was sick. Flu test, strep test and exam. Tests are negative and I was sent home with a steroid pack and told to use my nebulizer 4x/day for my asthma. Not feeling better I went to my PCP on Monday the 9th. No truly bad symptoms so I was told to continue with my steroid pak and nebulizer treatments. 2 days later I am much worse, heavy persistent cough, headache, sore throat, fever, etc. My PCP said come in and I went to his office in Brentwood. I thought I was to see my Dr. but instead saw a NP who gave me another round of tests for flu and strep. This visit was different than usual... I was immediately isolated and given a mask and everyone that saw me was fully dressed with PPE. I was also given a virus panel test (not Covid test) and a chest x-ray. I was sent home with the same course of treatment and told to self quarantine until I was called with my results. A week later I was told I only had a regular cold virus but it would be best if I continued to self isolate due to being hi risk for serious illness if I developed Covid. So I hunkered down, stayed at home. Thankfully I had the where with all to go to Costco and Target for things I would need to not run out with. I actually got 1 of the last 4 Kirkland paper towels and the only toilet tissue left was a name brand (im cheap lol I use Kirkland), I got a 5 pack of Lysol wipes, eggs, milk, and a few other necessities. BTW Costco looked like a war zone. I just happened to get there about a day before all he** broke loose. I did find a large pack of toilet paper from Target. The next day every shelf in every store I went to was bare (necessities). I ran out of toilet paper yesterday thankfully I have a pack of baby wipes (don't flush these!). I did manage to get a large bag of Always descreet pads (totally am having leaks with every cough). The next week I am no better, my nebulizer is mostly not helping and now I have new symptoms a horrible taste in my mouth every time I cough and a cough headache that is sharply painful with pressure at each temple and across my entire head. I feel this acute pain with every cough and a general headache while not coughing. So I called my PCP office. At the same time my phone starts doing this weird thing of not ringing when the Dr. calls but going directly to voice mail. So for about a week of trying to contact someone, anyone I was losing and just getting sicker. Finally, today the nurse used a phone from another office to call me after I frantically had explained my issues sick and dumb phone to a very nice lady involved in deciding if you need a covid test. She and her colleagues had all agreed that it doesn't sound like I need a test but needed immediate attention for what I was going through and she contacted my Dr office with an urgent message. Seems like my neb med was not what I should have been using. She sent the stronger prescription today. Let's see how it goes. I've been watching the updates to this pandemic daily. I know I am "high risk" (asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and just that I have had a stroke). I sit and watch as stores close, schools close, supplies become scarce, other cities desperate for help and supplies. I feel like doom is coming and I have 0 ability to control it. I also watch political leaders in my own country (including the president) squabble and stumble to be the one with the "right" message for American citizens. My question is where do politics even fit into this reality. It sickens me and I do not feel positive or safe about any of their attempts to "lead". We are being told "We are all in this together" but I just don't feel it. I feel like the truth of this "thing" is teetering and could fall at any time and we have no idea what that means. So I am trying to rest and feel better, use my new neb med and watch all the Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney+ and whatever else I can find to keep my mind busy. I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling better soon and feeling like doing projects around the house. I want to plan more "normal" activities and take this time at home to make improvements. To feel active, to be able to enjoy the birds at my bird feeder, watch flowers do their colorful dance and make projects happen around the house inside or out that I have been wanting to do for a while. I pray for everyone's safety and please take care of yourselves.
  8. HostTracy

    Weather Break

    Kevin you amaze me with your determination and positive scheduling! That hoop house is a work of art and love! Please keep sharing your progress... I very much enjoy your pictures. You and Deb are a great team! Keep up the riding so happy to hear of your improvements. You may not have the issue I do but I keep a journal and have blogged here as well. It helps me to see my true progress. πŸ™‚
  9. Oh my goodness I love you Pam! 😁 You never fail to bring me some cheer. Me and Kitty are completely binge watching Netflix, Amazon video, Hulu, Disney+ and a new streaming option CuriosityStream. I have been fighting a regular cold virus (was tested) that has flared my asthma so add breathing treatments every 4-6 hours. I have almost perfected the complete reversal of when I sleep (up all night/sleep all day) but haha that has been a ongoing struggle for a while. I am listening to a few audio books. I also have been watching YouTube tutorials for crafting. Oh yeah, I watched several yesterday on how to sew face masks for medical workers. These are not the ones that completely block virus but since their is such a shortage crisis my cousin (a nurse) said these are better than what the govt has recommended if they run out (a bandana around the mouth and nose) and I own a sewing machine. I may try to do this. I am also recipe scouting and adding to my "recipes to try" binder. My daughter Hailey has been staying with me. She likes to cook and I clean the dishes so that works out great. I'm playing catch up on anything around the house I may have put off at other times. This gives me encouragement to sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. I have got to download some hidden object games. I love those. Hailey and I spend most if our time doing our own thing. She is 23 so hanging with mom is not her priority right now. Trying to catch toilet paper available to place an order to be delivered. Yep 2 rolls left. 😬 OH I made my own hand sanitizer and sanitizer wipes (cotton rounds) for disinfecting cart handles if I have to really get something or door handles and other highly touched areas. I can't find aloe Vera gel, so I use equal parts aloe Vera juice and 91% alcohol with a few drops of essential oils. I use a small spritzer bottle and a small ziploc plastic container for the cotton rounds. Aloe Vera keeps the alcohol from drying out skin. Works great! BTW the aloe Vera juice is actually used as a health thing to drink so it usually is in the health/diet/protein area and is a huge bottle! That's about it for lately. I love that you have a nice schedule Pam... I need to implement that!
  10. HostTracy

    My Ivy

    Oh Janelle (((hugs))) I just read this. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much our little furry friends mean to us. I know the comfort they bring. Ivy will always be a part of you. I know Ivy will be twitching her nose and grinding her teeth watching over you from bunny heaven. β€οΈπŸ™πŸΌβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΌ
  11. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! πŸ™‚
  12. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! πŸ™‚
  13. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! πŸ™‚
  14. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! πŸ™‚
  15. Janelle I am so happy you have had a positive experience with counseling. I have been to my Psychiatrist every other month for 4 years and started weekly Cognitive Behavior therapy about 2.5 years ago. My Neurologist told me I may always need to go to both due to my CCAS from the stroke. I look forward to our session every week. Angela and Dr. Chalfant are a lifeline to me. I am challenged in many ways when it comes to processing what I experience everyday. When my anxxxiety gets intense I need help and can call Angela. I always feel like I am getting back on track after our sessions and feel so grateful and thankful for them both. You are very right... Sometimes just saying things out loud and now knowing I won't be judged but offered support - nothing can compare. Hugsss.
  16. Deigh thank you for that positive update. I too understand the comfort of the chat room and if I were to try the very same conversation face to face of either one or several people... I would have certain issues. I would probably have something to say but I know from experience that even after trying multiple times to speak out I hesitate especially if I start to say something but then someone starts talking. Sometimes I feel my physical self letting go of my thought because it's easier I think. I freeze. I stutter. I sputter. I ramble trying to center on my point. I can go into a panic attack I'd my anxiety of the situation becomes too much. Yes... I've learned to avoid things at times. I promise you though I type 100% better than I talk or execute communication verbally. There are a few people I can comfortably talk with. My brain trips me up when I am verbal. I have good control when I'm typing. I so much relate. πŸ™‚
  17. HostTracy

    F.A.S.T indeed

    Kelli I'm so glad you had reactive medical staff. This helps to restore my faith in a medical team truly looking out for the life of another (I have unfortunately had times when I think that was not the case). I am so glad you are home and getting lots of kitty love. He missed his mama. Best of wishes in your coming Dr's visits and lots of love to you and your outstanding medical team! πŸ₯ΌπŸ’•
  18. Asha such a profound blog entry. Thank you for sharing and I am so happy for reading. 😊🍨
  19. Happy Wednesday!!! Chat room #2 will be open in 3 minutes! πŸ™‚
  20. Hey guys kinda quiet in chat today it will be open for 40 more minutes. πŸ™‚
  21. Hey everyone chat is open in Survivor Room #2...come on in! πŸ™‚