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Blog Comments posted by HostTracy

  1. You are a brave soul and I am so glad that  you have been seeing positive results.

    On 3/12/2017 at 4:29 PM, nancyl said:

    And by far it has been way more effective than any med.

    I myself have had severe anxiety and panic disorder with some depression but it sounds like depression really bit hard for you. Depression and meds are quirky sometimes they just don't work so well...I am glad you have found and alternative and were brave enough to push on. Please keep us informed of your progress!

  2. You know Sue I get sorta blue every autumn...not necessarily for the same resons but my Doctor calls it SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) or something like that. For me those short days of light are tough. I try and get out in the sun or open my curtains during the day and I feel somewhat better. It slowly wears away and then spring brings me out of it. I bet though having to be alone a lot is just a bit of a downer...I can only imagine. I'm always happy to see you write and be so supportive on this site. That helps others tremendously and I am sure appreciated so much. Hobbies just aren't the same in the cooler and cold months. I love to get outside and enjoy planting flowers, trimming the shrubs, picking up sticks and fallen limbs even...being out in the sun just feels so good. Know I am thinking about you and hope that you find your autumn and winter pass over as smooth as possible. ?

  3. Kelli I have no doubts that you will rise to the occasion. It makes you feel vulnerable to have the feelings you have but I most definitely have been there. I hope that your surgery goes smoothly and that your recovery is as easy on you as possible. Believe. You are beautiful. Beauty is not just skin deep.

  4. Thanks Heather I will take that advice. I've been doing things different just trying a new system 

    . My Neuropsychologist says I need to just do 1 thing at a time. It's hard when you have a whole house that needs attention so I started making a smaller list for everyday and I check it as done even if I only did it once like laundry. So if I do 2 or 3 then great but just checking off that I have accomplished something helps me keep motivated I think. I have also been doing things in increments. I'll do a list item and then take a break and relax. Then I just keep repeating that. It's helping!

  5. I think you are right Asha. We are very practical gift buyers usually but my husband believes in giving a romantic gift 1st. (the necklace) I have learned for my family its not the presents at all many times we'll put any money set aside for Christmas together and get something we have all been wanting and needing it's just as special!