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Everything posted by HostTracy

  1. Deigh I haven't even thought of that. Yes spoiled πŸ˜• unlimited fiber here and i remember when we also had a limit. It added up quick. Yuck! I wish I had a better option. Got put my thinking cap on.
  2. HostTracy

    My Adventures

    Asha it is...those of us who attend really enjoy this effort together.
  3. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! πŸ™‚ Hi chat is happening right now come on in and join.
  4. OK this is kinda confusing but I've been calculating time differences for you Sue and Deigh. Sue, New South Wales, as of today my time 7:30 pm on Saturday (April 6) the time there is 1 of 2. 10:00am Sunday 7(ACST {UTC +9:30}) or 10:30am Sunday 7(AEST{UTC +10}) depending on where you live exactly. #1 ACST is 14 hours ahead of US EST. #2 AEST is 13.5 hours ahead of US EST. I will figure this out for our chat times after you let me know which time zone you are in ACST or AEST right now. Deigh, New Zealand your time zone is 16 hours ahead of US EST. OK let me work on this and give atleast you two a schedule. Also I think Asha put a link up to figure out the difference too.
  5. Guess what Heather? I have a sewing machine!!! A really good sewing machine!!! In storage right now and need to get it seviced but that is a great idea!
  6. HostTracy


    From the album: My Adventures

  7. HostTracy

    My Adventures

    Adventures=people, places, and things I have tried, enjoyed, and want to share! πŸ™‚
  8. HostTracy


    From the album: My Adventures

  9. HostTracy


    From the album: My Adventures

  10. Mine too Asha! It gives me energy and a positive feeling 😊!
  11. Sue I have learned to love potted flowers! That is an excellent idea and renter friendly too. I love it because I can still play in the dirt and grow beautiful flowers all while being able to rest on a stool or chair. It's exhausting otherwise and because I no longer can squat it's safer. Bending over with my head down and lifting up and then back down a couple of times will send a very dizzy me to the ground! Down on the ground I'd be pretty safe but may have to make camp for lack of getting myself up again lol. I so much agree with you abiut color. I'm a pretty neutral lover but it's the pillows, the art on the wall, the throw on the couch end, the home decor scattered about, etc. That's where I love to throw in a pop of color. My pallette will include blush pink, a rich blue between royal and navy, and splashes of deep blue green ocean (think deep carribean). These intermixed with shades of gray and beige... Farmhouse aged white washed and weathered. πŸ˜‚ I am doing some heavy day dreaming over here!
  12. I can't believe April is here already. 🌷 Spring Fever has spun its' spell. Flowers are popping up to smile at the sun and trees are budding and flowering preparing to burst into life. I really like this time of year... It's a time of new and fresh... New beginnings and new adventures. The drab of winter is replaced over a few weeks with color, warmth, joyful beginnings, everyone is looking up to the sunshine even the flowers, inner hopes start to infuse many... A virtual treat for the senses. Most of us get a bite or two from the spring bug. Today, I ventured out and picked up a couple pairs of sandals for the coming warmer weather. Things are moving right along in my life. I was chosen to apply for THDA's voucher program to help with housing and guess what! I qualified! I have received my voucher to look for housing in my area that will WORK with THDA (Tennessee Housing Development Authority)... Basically section 8 help. I ran a little ad in our local buy, sale, trade so that I maybe could find something in my qualification range (which proved harder than I had expected). Guess what! A long time friend I have since 2nd grade reached out to me. He owns a real estate agency and he said he wanted to help me find a home. I was not expecting that and am over the moon thankful. Jimmy (my friend) has a duplex open that they are redoing. He said it would be about 3 weeks before I could see it they are gutting it and replacing everything. I have about 1 more week and I am sooooo excited. I have driven by several times in anticipation. Once I see it and want to try and get it he and I will fill out an intent to Rent from and the THDA comes and inspects it. Then using all the variables from rent to utilities to need to %'s of gross income they then will approve or disapprove... Many times if the values are close they will work with the THDA to gain approval. So I'm not holding my breath, I am allowing myself to get excited fully knowing that I do not know the outcome. I'm OK with that... I choose to believe that I can do this (fear of trying in my eyes is becoming more and more a path to failure... If I fall ill pick myself up, dust myself off, and try try again!!! I told God in a prayer that I am giving this to him. Trusting that no matter the outcome it will be right. I'm not scared or worried. I'll take it as it comes. Breathes in heavily, it's such a free feeling washing over me. I have started a list of things I want to do or have, how I want to do something, what kind of flowers I would love to gaze at, take care of. If not there then somewhere :). I will keep you posted on this new and exciting adventure... It's so fitting for the season!!! So question... What great advice can you share with me to make this adventure as exciting as it can be. It can be about anything i.e. Flower choice, suggestions about what would be really enjoyed, a decor idea, a storage idea, a l've had a stroke and I have stroke brain idea, ANYTHING!! PRETTY PLEASE. πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ€©πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ‘‚πŸ€žπŸ‘πŸŒ·πŸ΅οΈπŸŒΈπŸŒ»πŸŒΊ
  13. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join Friday night chat in the Coffee Shop. 8-9pm
  14. That's an awesome message that many here would find strength in. Thank you.
  15. HostTracy


    Simply beautiful. I agree with have a rare talent for making words dance and tell a story. I know I would want to read more! πŸ™‚ Thank you.
  16. I am not sure. It doesnt say anymore I can send a message to Kelli and see if she can help. πŸ™‚
  17. When you get to the lobby Sue... Try clicking on the room box and hopefully a drop down menu pops up. Usually in Room #2 but I know Friday night is in the coffee shop? (, I hope I'm saying that right). Maybe that will help. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Good luck we'll watch for you.
  18. HostTracy


    Kelli I love you... You make me smile inside. I am pretty sure that the coming of spring bouncing to life will have a good impact for you. That of course doesn't make all better but there is some truth in "spring fever". I can only imagine right now being in your shoes. If I do I can absolutely understand where you are. I'd probably be similar and question the same things. πŸ˜‰ You are always positive with everyone... I know it's genuine but that doesn't mean that your same moments dictate how you care for others (I feel that is a really awesome attribute... we don't all have this great ability). Give yourself permission to to have the feels you have at the moment. During this be really good to yourself and always know you have a whole network of support with fluffy pillows to curl up in. I am here for you as a friend. I absolutely do not doubt you'll be passing along the positive abundantly! Thank you for sharing... It feels good to let it out. πŸ™‚ (((hugs)))
  19. I saw you too Sue. πŸ™‚ I am not sure why it's fussy for many at first.
  20. Hey friends, come on in. Chat is happening right now!
  21. Sue beautifully written. 44 years... You know a thing or two about marriage. A well earned right. I can't even imagine your view... Thank you for sharing it. Wisdom from a long memorable marriage is something so many need to hear. In America it is the norm rather the few who divorce... me included. I smile when you speak of Ray and that your marriage was work, filled with ups and downs, the "things" you guys did for each other. The reality that is now... it's lonely, you miss your partner in life, everything always brings you back to memories of your life together. Wise - wisdom. I truly hate that the now has you meandering this life without your Ray. My heart goes out to you Sue. I see you as an inspiration for many. I am praying for you, that all your upcoming medical choices all go through without any issues. Have much fun with your visitors coming. Those days will be filled with memories to carry along with you. Thank you for sharing.
  22. Hey everyone! I'll see you at 3 pm EST for chat! I hope to see you there. πŸ™‚
  23. I second that applaud!!! Caregivers never get the credit they deserve imo. My daughter was 19 in college full time and worked full time and all at once had to care for me. I don't know where I would be today without her. The overwhelming responsibility of this trifecta still affects her life today. My baby quit school, got into a toxic relationship and moved out just to be left alone in a year. I can never repay her for her service and love to me. I am humbled every day. I love her to the moon and back! I am grateful and blessed.
  24. Hi Chat is open come on in! πŸ™‚
  25. It's been a while since I have written. Things are changing...some good some not so good but I'm rolling with it. I am happy to say I have started to volunteer here on Strokenet as a Chat Host since the passing of our friend Denny. This is for you Denny and all the other great members here at Strokenet. I hope I do it justice. So far it's been a joy and I have caught back up with some chat friends I haven't seen in a while. I welcome any of you to join us in Survivor Chat Room schedule is Monday 3-4 EST and Wednesday 3-4 EST but there are many other scheduled chats. Pull down the chat chat drop down list at the top of screen and check out the chat schedule. Last time I blogged, I think it was the beginning of 2019. I talked about my past meeting my present. Things in that area have been calm since and no pressure. I'm glad. Now I will update you on my dad and his lung cancer journey that started last year. He had a scan in December I think and was told the cancer is gone. I know he felt so much relief...we all did. Then in early January his regular Oncologist called (the Oncologist that read and gave my dad the good news was not his regular Oncologist...he was on vacation). He started apologizing first before anything...more than once. That is when he told my dad that he wanted to look at his latest scans himself and that they had missed a new cancer spot on the opposite lung. He did tell my dad that he would have to have a biopsy to be sure but he was pretty sure. After the confirmed biopsy my dad was told it was stage 1 and not near a lymph node like the first and that he would only need radiation 3 times. This time would take longer and would be stronger and he would be strapped to the table for accuracy. It was a hard 3 treatments...painful because of the length, being strapped down and having a larger dose. He seemed pretty depressed. Since then we have waited until the newest scan last week. He has had pneumonia in between those times and was hospitalized but thankfully feels better. My stepmom told me that his newest scan shows a "cavity" in a new area. I put cavity in quotes because they are not sure what it is...a left over area from pneumonia or a new cancer spot. He will have it tested soon. I will update when we know more. Until then...just helping to keep his spirits up. I blogged about winning my Disability case and 1st having Medicaid for a month and then Medicare and now Part A, B, and D. The Medicaid was backdated to June 1st 2017 and my Medicare to January 2018. So I have been busy working on past bills and collections. I've even sent my medications in since my mom paid cash for these (I could not). Having trouble though...some Medicaid says they have determined it not medically necessary, some is not approved because I got more than 30 days at a time (90 day Rx), some are even when i was hospitalized last year with a really bad chest infection and severe asthma and on oxygen (deemed not medically necessary. 😀 GRRRRRRRRR I am being penalized because I got 90 day Rx's when I could to save my mom money....I had no idea I would have retroactive Medicaid with ridiculous rules. How could I have known. Besides those 90 Rx's were the same as 3 30 day Rx's. πŸ™„ So it's been a sort of exhausting battle...I'm still fighting. I also had positive dreams of being able to get my own place when I won. However, I can't afford housing on my SSDI income alone. I am going to have to apply for our state's section 8 voucher program to help me. There are 4 areas in TN and each opens on the "waiting list" for 1 day. EDIT: I had stopped writing this blog a bit ago so there have been some changes. First, I am finally on the housing list (pre-ap list) happy and breathing ok ready for the next step. I am truly enjoying being a part of the volunteer team here and hosting some chats. Thank you to all of you who have joined in and please I invite anyone who would like to come hang out (check chat schedules). I am now doing cognitive behavior therapy once per week via the internet. It's going great so far. πŸ™‚ I'll just end this blog with a hug and thank you. Things are changin...some good and some not but I am well. Looking forward to the rest of March.