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Everything posted by HostTracy

  1. Thanks Yvonne. Tonight I went to my mom's and she colored the gray right out of my hair. 😃 I'm 45 and those little gray hairs framing my face stick out like glitter. Never hurts to feel younger lol.
  2. What a wonderful Mother's Day present and what a true blessing this family shared with you. 🙂
  3. Happy Mother's Day Asha! You're an inspiration.
  4. I will put that up Heather! Tonight though is past the good hair day lol so I will take a picture soon and share. It's true I feel light...and cooler. This may be pretty good for the summer.
  5. Update: To give some good news I spoke with the Financial Assistance department today at Vanderbilt and the only thing that stopped my approval was my lack of a 2017 tax return. I explained that I was unemployed the year of 2016 and am still going through the disability process so I didn't have a tax return for 2017. She said I just needed to send a copy of the disability letter about the ongoing process and a cover letter with the statement of why I don't have a 2017 tax return. She told me to take their letter and my disability letter to my follow up appointment on Monday so they would know where we were in application appeal. All good news. 🙆
  6. Thankfully Asha I do have a lawyer now. It takes about 12-14 months in TN to get a hearing from the time you appealed which was in November. I am very hopeful and I think my recent depression has just brought back a lot of negative feelings and fears. Thank you for your positive words. I also feel like I have to do my part to help kick depression. Today I got my hair cut in a totally different style. I have had long hair for 20 years probably but I had about 10-12 inches cut off into a A-line Bob. I love it! It's what I needed today. Helps me feel good about myself. My mom is one of a kind...She treated me this fun day. So I'm not giving up don't you worry. I just need to get feelings off my mind/chest...It helps me to let it out.
  7. Sue I think it is perfectly normal and it does affect your freedom in the future. I feel like I very much understand your emotional reaction. This may be a stroke support web site but we as humans can go through so many things that affect us emotionally, health wise, and our future expectations. We all have the right to feel what we do and process our new truth or knowledge. Just like stroke acceptance can be a rough road. We are all here for each other and that will always include you. Hugs my friend.
  8. HostTracy


    We are truly blessed Kelli 🙂
  9. I just woke up and saw your post. Thank you so much Heather for understanding and positive words.
  10. The last 2-2.5 months I've been dealing with a throat issue. Chronic hoarseness, ear pain, and my throat stinging. A couple of weeks ago I went to an ENT who looked in my throat and at my vocal cords. He seems to think my vocal cords have thrush from my asthma inhaler so he had me take a 2 week course of Diflucan. A month ago I filled out paperwork for financial assistance at Vanderbilt for this procedure and any ongoing appointments or therapy I may have. I got the letter today telling me I have been denied. I had a pretty quick response and welled up with tears. This just reminds me that I have no insurance because I can't work and am still going through the disability process. I've been dealing with some depression over the past 4 months and I am trying to get on top of it. Today just hit the wrong way and makes me feel more depressed and upset. I feel like I am feeling sorry for myself or whining. It's just been such a long disability process and I have been through some pretty rough things the past year. It adds up....especially since the stroke. I just feel so tired. I'm sleeping more and more I think. Just want to be asleep. So that's where I am today and I'm hoping I can turn these feelings around soon.
  11. Hugs Sue...Your words say so much. Thank you.
  12. HostTracy


    Smiles...I know my 21 year old and I don't always mix well. I'm not sure if we will ever gel well. I do understand your mom now not being able to get rid of you lol I bet my mom feels the same. I guess I'm glad we for the most part mesh.
  13. Congratulations Pam...Your future looks bright. Acceptance is a huge stepping stone. Coping and building your life after is the light at the end of the tunnel. 🙋
  14. I understand Jay. Fortunately for me being in middle Tennessee it seems the last 3-4 years have actually seen longer springs and falls. It's also like winter comes a tad later and stays a tad later. I have found it weird but nice sorta. Climate change I think is in effect.
  15. Asha it's so good that you now have an answer to your pain. My stepmom was just diagnosed with a torn meniscus...she was enduring a lot of pain as well. Her Dr. Has her wear a brace that extends above the knee all the way down to below her calf. This helps to keep her leg straight therefore keeping her knee from bending so as not to get worse. She also has PT she attends 2-3 times per week. She was not necessarily given a time frame for recovery. I hope this leads to improvement for you.
  16. Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary!!
  17. Sue I am hoping that other members of my stroke group will venture in. I gave them all the web address and told them how I love it. 🙂 So maybe we may get some new people here. I hope they decide to venture in
  18. Kelli I am giving you a tearful virtual hug right now. I feel such relief which is confusing. I think from feeling not alone. That in no way means I am glad about how either of us got here. But to feel validated, to know that another sees me means so much. Tonight I shared this post I made with my stroke support group and the entire group totally got it and many really related. I felt so blessed at that moment. We all thanked each other's understanding...I think we all felt a bond that amazes me. I find this here as well. Sue you are in that bond too. I am hugging all of you. Through tears. I am truly moved...Thank you and all of you so much.
  19. I agree with you about sharing everything on a vlog about your family and I worry about bad people creeping their way in. I do however watch clean with me vlogs. I find something so satisfying about watching another clean and beautify their home. It motivates me in a way. 🙃 So I guess yeah...I'm weird lol.
  20. Sue thank you so much for reading and always offering wonderful advice. I am forever grateful that you don't understand...I also mean this in the most positive way. Hugs.