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Everything posted by HostTracy

  1. From the album: Christmas Decor and Crafts 2020

    I made the two snowflake ones from placemats! I bought the red ones locally for a dollar each!
  2. From the album: Christmas Decor and Crafts 2020

    DIY's from 2019 Christmas and cards sent to me this year!
  3. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon! I hope everyone had a very Merry (and safe) Christmas!! Looking forward to talking to you in the chat room.
  4. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  5. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  6. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  7. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  8. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  9. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  10. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 Hey friends, come on in. Chat is happening right now!
  11. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See everyone in a few! 🙂
  12. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  13. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 See you soon!
  14. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join in at Room #2 Stroke Survivior Chat. I will be hosting Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 EST! 🙂 Chat will begin in about 20 minutes!!! See you there!!!
  15. BTW I'm having some increased anxiety, depression and anger this week. Baby Bella (the kitten who found me) just went into heat for the first time and Kitty and I are beside ourselves! 🙀 Also, after my trip to the Orthopedic specialist yesterday and after getting 3 diagnosis that I can't remember... I am now on a steroid dose pack for 12 DAYS!!! 😭 I haven't slept all night and the darn kitten is now asleep after a whole night if CRAZY! Time for an extra Xanax today.
  16. Willis I think we all have felt kindred in this thread and yes God bless all of my family and friends... They do their best and I have always said "I'm glad they don't get me. If they did then I know they have been on this beast of a journey too and I wish that on no one". I find all of my survivor kindred spirits a blessing. I just know many times exactly how they feel. It's an unspoken knowledge and it's an automatic bonus that I can share with others. Pay it forward. So Carrie you hang in there! You have A LOT of support right here...we've got you (OK we get you 😉).
  17. Carrie!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 It's really a good feeling taking those important steps. Occasionally, it might be just a step into my living room to my recliner haha but a step is a step and an accomplishment! OK so your step is monumental compared to that so a super accomplishment! Woo hoo!!!
  18. Heather lol I was already thinking of it's infinite possibilities to send a message. When I had my cane I too got a sense of this is my space and if you encroach upon it then the wrath of the of the stick is waiting to say hello. (Now, I am not and never have been one to pass out cruelty. No I'm not going to bop little Johnny over the head. It is more about how it affected my confidence. Funny how an object can foster that in someone). Last but not least, curbs, automatic doors, wide stairs with just one rail, a crowd, a crowd of walkers, crossing the road and parking lots, and those pesky tiny step up or tiny step down doorway thresholds. I find myself overly cautious and anxious, unsure of my confidence, looking down to either avoid eye contact or to watch better where my feet are landing (maybe both). Ha ha I sort of veer away from other humans instinctively. All these little nuances that I have perfected over time to deal with that anxiety and unsure feeling as I try to conquer the ever changing path we tread on. I sometimes meet kindred survivors with similar coping skills as my own but I am very aware that every survivor at least that I have met each have their own set of skills that help them during their journey.
  19. HostTracy

    Pushing for Normal

    Kevin, I love reading your updates! You are so inspirational! 🙂
  20. Heather... Yes ma'am! I also think it is a wonderful idea to wear a face shield and having a Dr. note. I have read that a face shield is great for barrier protection. Sue, I'm sweating just listening to your coming summer! 😥 That one thing (breathing while wearing a mask) has been the absolute most difficult for me. I can even get dizzy. As much as I can I avoid it. So I try to make a really good need list together before I go out on an adventure so I can get everything fir a while in one go. Good luck to you! You might consider the face shield idea (even if you alternate to catch your breath).
  21. I agree with Heather. Disability payments are a blessing. That being said, it only helps very minimal. I'm still not so good at it after 5 years :(. My mom keeps my back pay from disability in a separate savings that she can transfer to my account if needed but it will only last so long. I know in the future I will have to supplement my disability. This is a very ominous feeling fact. After my stroke I am left with severe anxiety disorder with panic attacks, PBA (brain damage - emotional lability and pretty severe), Cerebellar Cognitive Affectice Syndrome (so I have a multitude of Cognitive defecits, extreme executive function disorder and a plethora of Psychiatric issues). Ha ha how's that for using multiple discritive words. LOL So Carrie, I really get your anxiety. Today I am on a cocktail of meds out of need. At first, before I had my Psychiatrist, my anxiety would build to the point that I felt like I was going to explode. I had multiple panic attacks per day. I found a few things helpful (I needed to distract my mind) so my daughter got me a few super easy word finds (they were very easy and kinda mindless) this helped to calm down inside until I could sleep. Mt Neurologist was adament that I see my Psychiatrist because my anxiety was so high she was afraid it would bring on another stroke. Many people see their anxiety reduce over recovery time and feeling more confident. I am just in a weird stroke group (due to where in the brain my stroke was) so for me med control was a must. Now mine will be long term but I can promise you that a ton of survivors have temporarily been prescribed medication to help. Again, the easy word finds were good for me but it can be different for different people. Also, removing yourself i.e. Going into another room, a quiet space, maybe even taking a little rest/nap are great ways to have some control over what may be stressing you. It's not as easy as it sounds... I understand! I also finally just decided I have to put me above anything and everything for my health. Like Kelli said above (I don't give a 💩 what others think... I know me). I'm so glad you are here! 🙂