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Everything posted by Madade

  1. Finished Free Fall January 3 2024. Started Revenge. Actual book. Still have the dilemma with images. Wrote to the "contact us" See why doing this is always in consistent. ctrl-V did work now have to jump through hoops.
  2. More so the link on his story and what he learned EXECUTIVE – Interesting what those who are in the medical field encounter brain deficits and how they learn from it share to others.
  3. Recommended book from Deigh & Frank I started this book on Dec 17, 2023, and tried it on an e-reader service from my local library called Libby. Kind of handy so far. Enlarge font. Read while I work out on treadmill.
  4. Starting this book today Nov. 17 2023 - Finished Daylight a bit of a disappointment for me. Tough read. Even doing better reading.
  5. From 1 Mark to another, thanks for the link
  6. Well with the change in weather here, I'm already waiting for 2024. 2023 has been the worst year since I had my stroke. Not been watching much on the TV. Tv Ontario a public station will have interesting shows on. The Brain is an interesting series I have taped. Innocent man is book marked on Netflix. I have wanted to watch it since I read the book. Better Call Saul is a series I am watching right now but an episode every 2 weeks. This weekend is a holiday weekend with Monday being celebrated as Thanksgiving Monday. Our family chose Sunday to get together. Hopefully, the weather holds out.
  7. Got me on Tiji - blank stare 😀 Tattoo sticker
  8. FYI you can go in at any time you want and invite others. It has no moderation. Steve I knew wanted a chat platform that was based inside of website. He never got to that part. Minnit the current chat forum is open 24/7/365
  9. Madade


    Dam 🍎 carts
  10. We got something like that. A junk collector for us.
  11. Well since you're the 2nd to tell me that. I went to see if we had a public system. Wow we did for my area and a system 25 little satellite branches. Driven past several just never realized they had a borrowing online. Exactly as described. Got to register for that first. So cool to find this out.
  12. Going to read more about this treatment. Thanks Alan.
  13. Congratulations Sarah on your move.  Sounds like it was a well thought out move.  


    Nice to see activity on here.

