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Everything posted by Madade

  1. Lake effect snow off Lake Huron tonight just started at 6:30 map
  2. Agree here it's just cold!
  3. Good to hear from you and get an update.
  4. I'm trying to be more social. Got all the shots and went maskless at the Stroke club. Attempting to swim at one that offers swimming and be social at another branch with exercise. The weather here just hasn't been good enough for me to walk outside here. Snow and now bitter cold. The pool was nice to view out at the snow inside this pool. Workout was a tad more tolerable.
  5. Yes this has been down so long it need some activity
  6. Been quite a while since been able to use the forums/blog so trying it out while in a chat
  7. Thanks for the info regarding site back up Deigh
  8. Hello Green Queen been a while Welcome to 2023
  9. Hi Markpat. I was also in ICU for 2 weeks. I do not recall anything. I was responding but I was not aware of anything. My wife said they were moving my legs; arms moving; fingers flexing. Near day 11 they got me out of bed and walked me with 3 therapists. I do not recall doing any of this. The choice of sub-acute care was a big decision for my wife and family. They chose the larger facility that was affiliated with the university hospital. Meaning 2 hours of driving for her and visitors but they had a lot more equipment and experience. I attribute her choices to where I am today. The sub-acute care facility had a fluctuation of 80 patients with strokes. They also dealt with brain injuries from accidents. Amazing what the staff here deal with daily as far as brain injuries. Returning in June to discuss my status with the doctor after 8 years. I agree with all of Heathber comments
  10. So sad to see people try and reach out on here to only get nothing. I sense that no one is monitoring the site daily. You are right with the memberships, not much really happening. All since Steve passed.
  11. Madade


    Getting more energy and been doing treadmill. The right-side tingling is more intense. Hopefully, I can walk it off. The never say never applies again.