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Posts posted by Madade

  1. Hi Markpat.  I was also in ICU for 2 weeks.  I do not recall anything.  I was responding but I was not aware of anything.  My wife said they were moving my legs; arms moving; fingers flexing.  Near day 11 they got me out of bed and walked me with 3 therapists.  I do not recall doing any of this.  The choice of sub-acute care was a big decision for my wife and family.  They chose the larger facility that was affiliated with the university hospital.  Meaning 2 hours of driving for her and visitors but they had a lot more equipment and experience.  I attribute her choices to where I am today.  


    The sub-acute care facility had a fluctuation of 80 patients with strokes.  They also dealt with brain injuries from accidents.  Amazing what the staff here deal with daily as far as brain injuries. 


    Returning in June to discuss my status with the doctor after 8 years.  


    I agree with all of Heathber comments

  2. Getting more energy and been doing treadmill.   The right-side tingling is more intense.  Hopefully, I can walk it off.  The never say never applies again.

  3. Been asked to post about my covid.  Mentally this is challenging for me.  


    I was vaccinated twice with Pfizer.  First shot in May 2021 and 2nd shot in July.  Flu shot received in November

    No issue or discomfort for any of the shots received.  


    December was a tough month.  It was more stroke related.  After Christmas though I was picking up and doing more exercises.  Even pondering my 5000 step a day that takes me an hour to increase to 6000. 


    Rang in the New Year and even stayed awake till midnight.  Increased my Goal on the Fitbit to 6000 for January 1.  I took it easy on New Year's Day.  January 2nd felt well and did the 6000 steps a bit more than an hour.  I felt good.  I had my typical afternoon nap and overslept for 2 hours.  Stayed up briefly for dinner but went back to bed after dinner.  


    The first thing I noticed was I couldn't get warm.  Put the warming blanket on.  Slept for 4 hours and woke with a scratchy throat.  I took throat lozenges and Tylenol.   I later woke at 7 am.  Still cold and now my throat was difficult to swallow.  I couldn't walk with my cane.  My wife brought up my walker.  


    I was not hungry.  I'm just very tired and dizzy. Went back to bed. My throat was really restricted.  The right-side tingling in my body was intensified and spasticity has also increased.  

    Now I was just sleeping and taking pills or lozenges.  Heat blanket on high yet couldn't get warm.  My body temperature was fine, blood pressure was 140/90.  I barely sat up now in bed and was wheezing a bit when I breath. 


    The wife concerned now tracked down a Covid Nasal test.  Test me and it was positive.  Contacted our nurse and informed her what we should do.  We felt it might have been a false positive.  She was doubtful but would ask the doctor.  Let me rest or get to hospital if my breathing gets worse.  


    The next day the nurse said I have covid.  Doctor asks if I was vaccinated.  We said yes except for the booster.  The doctor said I still get the booster shot.  We said that it was scheduled for the 11th of January.  


    The next few days I was mostly in bed.  No hunger.  Tired and chilly.  I could only swallow Jello or puddings.  Even drinking water was a challenge.  


    Relying on my walker to get around again.  By now many families and friends were contacting us.  Many said don't let me lay in 1 position too long.  Move to side.  Try and get up walk a wee bit.  My throat was a spooky feeling.  Sitting up in bed was also very dizzy.  My blood pressure stayed high for the next week.  I was chilled but my body temperature was good.  


    After some of the dizziness subsided, I did manage to walk out to the living room and sit up for a bit.  It didn't last long till I went back to bed.  


    This sleep, chills, dizziness, swallowing fear went on for the next two weeks.  A few times I thought it was over but would fall back into the sleep routine.  

    The family doctor called to check and discuss other health concerns with him.  He estimates that I'll be experiencing symptoms for a long time due to the area where my stroke was located.  He said he was so happy I had all the shots.  His concern now is my sugar and some of his concerns are due to low activity.  I need to get working that body again. 


    I have tried the last 2 days here but only can last 10 to 20 minutes.  Run out of energy.  


    I hope this was what the member meant.