
Stroke Survivor - female
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About Benni

  • Birthday 10/25/1950

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  1. Hi Heather, long time no see! Yes, it can cover a wide range of emotions indeed!
  2. Willis, also this is called emotional lability. The spelling is correct. I find that if I research a stroke related issue, and choose a reputable site, I gain more knowledge about it. Many will tell you what treatments/meds used for it. You probably already know about research.
  3. Are you on anything for the emotions? I have never been a crying person and after the stroke I would cry at the drop of a hat. Doc put me on elavil and within a week all that crap was done!
  4. I tell him "thank you" every time he does anything for me. Don't want him to feel taken for granted. 🙂
  5. Eating is very difficult. I can only stand to have a 1/2 teaspoonful in my mouth at a time -- takes forever to eat! I. also, drink supplements.
  6. My daughter lives in Osceola, so I know South Bend. Docs are still trying to find out. I don't actually have blisters, just the pain of them. Doc chalked it up to nerve pain, but is still hoping to get a certain diagnosis. He thinks it's more than nerve pain.
  7. Newfoundland is very beautiful indeed! Hubs, and friends, are great supporters for sure. I just read your profile. I grew up in Indiana -- Fort Wayne.
  8. I never gave it a second thought when I read your reply. 😁
  9. I have tried edibles, so far they do nothing for me. Plus with my mouth pain (why i'm on gabapentin) they are too hard to chew.
  10. Willis, I had to start taking CBD oil to help me sleep. It works great!
  11. I'm weaning off it now. Been on it 6 months and not helping, just keeps me from sleeping good -- up on and off all night. They should make something that works right away (was in pain for 6 months before I was put on it, I needed relief NOW!
  12. I've learned about that -- I'm up to 900mg per day and it's finally beginning to do its job.
  13. I haven't been on here for a few years because everything has been going well, adapted to my disabilities. However, a few months ago, I started having bad mouth pain-- like blisters were lining my cheek inside, and tongue hurts in several places making it hard to eat. Doc put me on gabapentin a month ago, 100 mg. 3 times a day, blisters felt gone after about 2 weeks but tongue pain still there. Then he upped it to 2x100 3 times a day. That was 6 days ago, and I'm still in agony. How long before it kicks in? Or does he need to give me a higher dose?
  14. Benni


    I found that playing games and puzzles is much more difficult that it used to be. 

    Reading is difficult to concentrate. I have to read over some texts to make sure that I understand the meaning of what the text means. I have some ADHD, that doesn't help.


    My name is HopeE