
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Rich99

  1. Happy Anniversary Rich99!

  2. Happy Anniversary Rich99!

  3. Happy Anniversary Rich99!

  4. Rich99

    Heather Strong

    I also lost the power of speech, but managed to get around 90%. It will be never be 100% again - but u can manage to overcome difficulties. Well done in going back to work, all the best!
  5. Rich99

    Rich Denning

    My full story can be found here -
  6. hello sandy , i was of course telling my story and my point of view - each to their own. Sorry to hear you were "i ran screaming from my family" - makes me feel very sad for u at that point, that would never, ever have happened to me - but glad u are found a second chance. There is no "group" in my city, certainly not this website (i live in england!) so i do not have that alternative at all. So each to their own.
  7. Hi there, im 27, my first stroke was 10 years ago, second 9, last 3 years ago, lost the power of speech at 9 (18 years old!) - so rich, i can relate to u. As for friends....i do find it very difficult to communicate, always will i dont have any massive group of close friends. Should i be dispressed about that? A little, but not that much. Why? For me, when im getting low other my situatiuon, i take stock of my life - what may happen in a years time - and 5 years time. I look at my family....i love them to peices, and always will do. Friends are damn useful, but your family will always be your core reason in life. I look what im doing - i play loads of sport, just becoming a member of a tennis club, and still member of 11 a side football vison aint so great at all - only 60% visual - but one gets around this problem. I still find it hard to coummincate to the other members, but one must try. Work - i went back to college, got a couple of BTECHs, HNC, and now a full time graphic designer. Damn its still bloody hard - i still cant recall numbers, etc, etc.....but u gotta keep on plugging. Society? when i was 18 yeah, maybe my life would have been altered a lot....but bacially im not very good at general communication...i dont enjoy it. So thats the way it is, i would rather watch a movie, watch TV, PC, etc. Its the way my life has evolved because of my instead of getting all depressed about what have been, bugger that - i do what i can do, and get on with my life. S o when im feeling down......dont worry about those so called "friends". I look at the bigger picture, and what may happen in 5 years,,...theres always the chance of finding new friends as well.