
Stroke Survivor - male
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About Willis

  • Birthday 05/06/1950

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Mentor (6/10)

  1. Has anyone had contact with Will2. I'm very concerned.
  2. Is cannabis legal in New Zealand?
  3. Great to see it up and running again!
  4. Hello Kelli! I hope you are getting along ok. I just found out StrokeNet was up and running again. YAY!

  5. Just got back about a half hour ago myself.
  6. Well at least you are ok. This Strokenet stuff has got to be so frustrating. I would never have the patience.
  7. Thanks Top Dog! Good lookin' crew you're in charge of there.
  8. Willis


    Ha-ha, well kind of ha-ha I guess. Yes you could have created a dangerous stampede to get out of the store had that sneeze got out. 😅 It amazes me here in the States how many different approaches people take in dealing with this. Sadly it's comical at times if that makes sense. Take care friend in New Zealand! This almost 72 year old in hoping to wish you a happy 100th someday.
  9. Kelli honestly thanks for giving this your attention. FVERYONE here to a person understands how just getting through a simple day can be exhausting let alone taking on things like this. Much appreciated! 😘
  10. Yes it was South Wales they were reporting on now that you mention it. I'm weak on my geographical knowledge when it comes to Australia. Sydney and the band shell there and the uninhabitable outback about covers it. Traveling there has always been on my bucket list but it would take a lot for that to happen now. So glad you are safe on higher ground and don't have to deal with this mess.