
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by Willis

  1. On 6/2/2023 at 5:25 PM, Deigh said:

    Following an ad on the local radio I purchased a small bottle of Sleepdrops from my chemist. The product is  easily applied and has worked well the few times I've used it with no after effects. It worked reasonably quickly for those times when sleep escaped me.



    Is cannabis legal in New Zealand?

  2. Ha-ha, well kind of ha-ha I guess. Yes you could have created a dangerous stampede to get out of the store had that sneeze got out. 😅  It amazes me here in the States how many different approaches people take in dealing with this. Sadly it's comical at times if that makes sense. Take care friend in New Zealand! This almost 72 year old in hoping to wish you a happy 100th someday.  

  3. 9 hours ago, Deigh said:


    Yep Willis, I also would like to thank Keli for working on this. We seem to have a few problems with the site at this time which could explain why we are not getting new members joining us. For instance I'm not getting notifications via E-mail when someone adds to a message of mine. I don't  know whether its my computer or the site that  is at fault!



  4. 5 hours ago, heathber said:

    Kelli it is so hard to take over someone else's role. It's hard when they are still around to ask how did you do this, and even harder when they aren't available to ask 🙂 We thank you and Missy for doing your best to keep the site running as Steve would have wanted. (((HUGS)))

    Love you heathber!!

  5. On 2/9/2022 at 6:57 PM, Madade said:

    Getting more energy and been doing treadmill.   The right-side tingling is more intense.  Hopefully, I can walk it off.  The never say never applies again.

    YES! and back on the recumbent bike here Mark and slowly building back to pre double covid. Feels Good!

  6. 3 hours ago, Deigh said:

    NZ has had a jump in numbers today, 360 cases of Covid, this is the worst figure we have ever had. Bit Scary. I needed to sneeze when out on my daily walk and muffled it the best I could before local panic could set in.


    Be as careful and safe as possible.


  7. Las Vegas (the gambling capitol of the world) announced today the mask mandates in all casinos have ended. Stay tuned this could get interesting in a state with contact so close it has legal prostitution.

  8. On 1/24/2022 at 10:52 PM, becky1 said:

    Madade, thanks for sharing. That sounds awful. I'M SO GLAD THATYOU AND Willis are RECOVERING.Prayers. Becky 



  9. 11 hours ago, becky1 said:

    I knew it would happen this way- It has always been this way with me. There would be something going around at work, and it missed me (I thought) Then when I began to feel safe, and everyone seemed to have already have had it, I WOULD CATCH IT. This is no exception-I have COVID. I seldom go outside anywhere- can't drive or walk so my sweet hubby does it all,Apparently, he brought it home to me. So far. all I can say is that Shingles was worse, in terms of how bad it made me feel. I haven't been to my doc yet for an official diagnosis, but just reading the symptoms, it sounds like I have the Omni variant . One of its signatures is that it comes in like a lamb-you think that it's so mild that it's just a case of the sniffles, then it sucker punches you.   Becky

    Becky thank you! You just confirmed something I have had ALWAYS happen to me and now I know another. Yes that almost cocky feeling of "Oh ya I beat this one. I'm not going to be affected by this virus," Then weeks later POW!

  10. Mark a great report. Thank you. I have been vaccinated and boosted since Sept. In Nov I had the Delta variant and am now getting. over the omicron version. I feel being vaxxed it kept me out of thE hospital. In particular with Delta. More soon when I find some energy..

  11. On 1/17/2022 at 6:26 PM, HostAsha said:

    Will :


    we have scheduled chats every day afternoon 3-4 EST in survivor room #2 & in the evening we do  have chats on M,W, F from 8-9 EST though friday's chat is in coffeeshop rest all are in survivor room #2.


    Sue :


    welcome, you will be amazing chathost with your kind & compassionate nature, so looking forward to meeting you more often now.




    Thank you so much Sue!


  12. 15 hours ago, heathber said:

    Being you is the best thing!  And as my physio says if you get off the train. Get off for something you really enjoy and savor every bite of it as a treat, then get back on the train.  Applies to activities as much as food.

     I really like that one & stroke boy gets it too. Ha-ha "Stroke boy" is how I refer to myself around my 2 Grandsons, 8 &11. They laugh and use it themselves sometimes. It keeps things light and in perspective for them. That's my goal.

  13. On 12/10/2021 at 5:11 PM, HostTracy said:

    A wonderful way of thinking! Trust me it is much simpler to see, feel, grieve all the negatives but I know I have reaped the positves from opening your eyes, heart and head to your current circumstances and see/feel what you can get from that (the positive, new blessings you may have never paid attention to, the choice to find the joy).



  14. On 11/30/2021 at 5:59 PM, heathber said:

    Yep its all in how you decide to approach stuff.  Not saying it doesn't suck or is always easy to do.  But choosing to be happy is a real thing and it makes a big difference to your mental health.  As stroke survivors we have experience in the ability to rewire our brains so why not use that for mental stuff as well as physical.
