
Stroke Survivor - male
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Image Comments posted by Willis

  1. On 8/19/2021 at 12:16 AM, GreenQueen said:

    Yes sir!! My diet is my major hurdle!


    Hopefully your daughter's issues can be sorted. All the best to her.


    I don't have a gall bladder, so avoid fatty foods. Diabetes...IBS...bring on lettuce and water!!



    Well that is plenty for anyone to deal with I would say. Shoot

  2. 8 hours ago, GreenQueen said:

    Willis, life has been full of ups and downs!


    I had a cold, and because of that developed an ear infection!  Still getting over that!


    My IBS is a little out of control, but that is definitely my fault. I need to get back into better eating habits. 


    Wayne and I have been away, which I will add in to my blog.



    My daughter deals with very serious IBS and food allegies. She leans mostly holistic and we may be zeroing in on her gall bladder. Get better my friend. Eat what you should and try to remember the price when you don't Enjoy that get away. 

  3. 8 hours ago, GreenQueen said:

    No worries Willis.


    My bike is very lonely...I haven't gone for a ride in weeks!


    Have you set the bike up at the new place?



     Yes I have and it also was pretty lonely. The change of homes had my old routine thrown out the window & until a couple weeks ago I was doing nothing. Well sleeping a lot. That feels so good. I've started a little and I do mean very little. I have been trying to ride a very simple ride everyday since late July. I have missed a few but it usually wasn't my doing. I ride 3 two minute sessions at a little resistance to the peddling and about a minute rest between. 6 minutes and that adds up to just short of a mile. It is so tempting to want to push the numbers of this higher and higher but at this point in life it's not wise. In Sept. I may do one 3 minute session and two 2 minute sessions for the month but I will not longer drive myself to do more and more. Add a little here and there but mostly have a goal of moving things. That way I don't feel that dread of. "oh I still have to workout today". I can't say I look forward to it but it doesn't feel like a mountain I have to still climb. How have you been?



  4. On 6/21/2021 at 4:42 AM, GreenQueen said:

    Oh wow!

    Snow is so very magical!!


    We were in Canada for Christmas a few years ago and the kids, Connor in particular, had the best time playing in the snow!


    One lady came up to us and said that watching him play reminded her that snow is beautiful, not a nuisance for driving in etc.


    I hope you enjoy your daily workout Willis!



    Thanks! Don't know why but I never saw these responses. I am so sorry.

  5. 14 minutes ago, HostTracy said:

    Wow this is a beautiful view Will!!!!

    Thanks Tracy it does help make it better watching the birds at the feeder and the the occasional action on the road.  Doing good in the new year. Today was the 1st day this month I didn't ride.


  6. 19 hours ago, heathber said:

    Will sometimes we need to find a different way to do things. These sit down ski options look amazing fun https://www.brasski.org/sit-down-skiing.html#.XduADdVxV9M


    worth finding out about anyway.


    Kev I'm so glad you got back in the saddle.  Keep working on the left leg, it may yet decide to be helpful.  The less bracing you can use the quicker it will be at trying to be useful. But you need to balance function with safety.  Bracing will hold the leg still and out of the way but it also prevents the muscles from working, remember the more you use a brace the more dependent on it you become.

    Wow ! Yes thank you Heather! I know this exists even right here in my home state of Michigan. I just have never taken the next step to look into it. That link you sent breaks the ice though. Next I will have to see how bad I really, really want it. Before my stroke I thought I would easily ski into my early 70's possibly. I'm 69 until May. My doctor and I were teasing back and forth about my wanting to be skiing and his comment was "Is that something I needed to keep doing" as I was getting up in the tears now. Thanks again for the link.

  7. But riding again Kev and that is great! My dream would be to ski down any kind of hill again one more time but with this left leg only 5 to 10% there that likely will never happen, unassisted anyway. Everything is pretty darn ok otherwise. Wishing you many satisfying hours in the saddle!

  8. Cool! Played here some but we don't see much of it. My daughter was a pretty good soccer player and played all 4 years in college. Before college she played soccer with some pretty tough gals and a few of them played rugby at a club level at their college. One of the gals was telling me about it and said one of the traditions of initiation was drinking a beer out of your rugby shoe! Wow!