
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Willis

  1. Yes Susan at 69 I get to be in that group. The side issues that many deal with like operations, infections and all the complications our damage can cause doesn't seem fair. The worst of it for me is the dizziness that seems present so often but other than the inability to sit comfortably for long is the worst of it. The fatique seems to be easing some too. Kind of hard to whine about any of that compared to others though. It's not fair (as none of this ever seems) that anyone would have to deal with more than the life changing devastation of their stroke. Yet so many are. They give a weak person like me strength everyday. The next Big Thing is so right. I had watched and ended up purchasing a Public TV program titled "Influenza 1918" about a decade ago. The similarities are interesting. Mother Nature/God has a way thinning out her spices ever once in awhile and us super humans think we can stop her. I think God is humored by mankind from time to time myself. Stay safe and err on the side of caution until this passes. Wil

  2. So very, very sorry my stroke sister. My Ellis is 13 and showing the signs of becoming an old guy. He is our 4th through our years and I'm thankful I know now to make these last few years (I hope) as comfortable and pleasant as possible. If the day comes that the vet has to put him down I don't think I can be there with these raw stroke emotions in public.I may just have to ask April to take him and say good bye to him here. I have also heard of a service that will come to your home and do the deed. Either way I know the day is coming and dread it. Hugs to you and remember the years of love and loyalty you were blessed with.

  3. Very nice. The embossing is very attractive. You have a talent for sure. I have never been a big reader of books but have always enjoyed reading articles and stuff. A couple years ago I started reading books on my lap top. What I like is being able to make the print large and also have white print on a black background. That is easy on the eyes and turning pages is not a problem. All that said it often takes me 2 or 3 months to get through a book. I will go back and forth and read a short time and stop. I guess I'm lucky and have a decent memory that lets me do that and remember the characters and plot. If you ever need stick men drawn for your cards I'm your guy!

  4. Yes it is worth it. I notice age is beginning to work against me more as I near 70. With my wife's help I took apart my schwinn recumbent bike upstairs and will get one of my neighbors to bring the 2 pieces downstairs to the front porch and we will set it up next to the picture window. Hoping if I don't have to walk up stairs to use I will get on it more. I have in the past and as hard as it is it makes a big, big difference. My daughter gave us a nice little tour of Elkhart this past fall. Very nice. The local businesses are very involved in the community.

  5. Good read George. Haven't done any mobil home traveling but they sound like they could be fun and give someone most of the comforts of home while still traveling. I often pass what must be the largest manufacturing area for these types of things in the country. We travel to my daughter's in Indiana from Michigan and use I-80 to get there. There are miles and miles of all kinds of trailers, motorhomes, pontoon boats manufactures and such. Especially around the Elkhart area. The R V Hall of Fame is there but the one time we tried to visit it was closed. We'll be back. I want to thank you for your statement about exercising. It is an on going battle to do but as you said allows us to continue to do the things we like to do. I need to memorize that one.

  6. On 11/10/2019 at 5:46 PM, heathber said:

    yes it comes very slowly sometimes, but you got it right! like my hops. My physio is getting me to do 6 - 10 hop attempts at the end of each session with her. We count the number of successful ones (where I clear both the toe and the heel) I now get more successful than failed most times.

    Hey Heather! Your countries wild fires were on our national news tonight. Hoping you and all from Australia here are out of harm's way.✌️

  7. You are a Saint nancyl! I truly believe God takes us in His arms primarily by what He knows is in our hearts. I think His arms are going to be wide open and waiting the day you get there. Someone said: " I don't know how you do it." The reply was: "No one gave me a choice". ✌️

  8. Here's something small but I like it. When I lay on my back and sleep in bed I sometimes like to lay my 2nd pillow on my chest and fold my hands on top of it. Eerily like someone in a casket! 😩 Well in the dark I usually can't tell if my left arm and hand are under or above the covers and have to use the right hand to search. Recently I was in that situation and thought I could kind of feel the covers on the back of my hand and their weight. So being a betting person I thought I would wager that numb left paw was under the covers. I won the bet! Baby steps.


  9. I wanted to throw this out there while I was thinking about it and noticing it again. My numb left arm and leg and really entire left side  confuse me from time to time. At times I'm almost convinced it has gotten much worse and my progress is going backwards. In thinking about it deeper it is making me feel like this because of the fact I can feel it somewhat better than in the past so there is some discomfort and mild pain when before the left side was there and functioning but mostly numb. It's confusing.

  10. 3 hours ago, GreenQueen said:

    George a snowblower!!

    Man that is something I'd love to give a go!

    Snow is beautiful but I'm pretty glad really, that we don't get snow. It would really limit how often and how far my beloved Henry and I could get. 


    No snow, but we wouldn't mind some rain. Over the whole country.


    J x

    Ha-ha GQ! Yes the snow can be beautiful (at 1st lol).I use t really love winter before I stoked out and couldn't play outside in it any longer. Now it's beauty is observed from behind a picture window. The thing about snow is it can be moved if it's in your way and it has never leaked into my home and put any part of my house under water. The winters are about a month or 2 too long some seasons here in Michigan but the springs and autumn are always beautiful.  

  11. I couldn't come close to holding a bar of soap in my left hand in the shower to soap my right side or a wash cloth for a long time. I noticed yesterday how much that has changed. I also had a shower chair when I 1st came home 4 1/2 years ago. I have 4 handles around parts of the bathtub's walls so I can grab one or hold on to one while I stand and shower. Bet y'all never thought we would find such joy in these little (but huge) accomplishments.