
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by Willis

  1. 7 hours ago, becky1 said:

    Jana, Your fears are shared by many of us about ourselves, and each person has to find his/her way of coping with the "what ifs". I'm no different from you in respect to the reason for your anxiety: I, too, am afraid of having another stroke even though my first and only stroke was 13 yrs. ago. I still take anxiety meds to ward off panic attacks. One of the things that helps me is to look at it this way: Researchers are looking for averages or the most frequent occurrences.They only mention in passing 

    those  who don't fall into the averages. To borrow from your example above, the researchers could have said something like: "The  average age of the people that we studied was 66, and they had their first stroke by age 64..." (My example here is purely fictitious but used to make a point. ) The point being that very little is said about the people who were less than 66. Those people were outside their averages, just as you could fall outside average of some people who had more than one stroke.
       I think that I probably did not explain that well. Know this: Each stroke is unique to the person who has it. Yes, each person bears some similarities to other str0ke victims, but is also different in some ways.  BECAUSE OF OUR DIFFERENCES, IT MAY NOT BE USEFUL TO COMPARE YOUR STROKE TO OTHER'S. Find out,instead, the cause of your own stroke, if you can, keep taking your meds. as you are, and look to the future of those 2 beautiful kids who need their Mom. BEST, BECKY


    Thanks Becky. That was explained nicely. "They" say mine is probably one and done. I hope "they" are right. Maybe because after all this time I am pretty sure it was from a fall when I hit my head a couple weeks prior. The thing for me was I was 4 months short of 65 and had been retired 5 years already. Not how I pictured my later years but I'm here. It always makes my heart ache when I read the ages of some of our members. Back to the life not being fair thing guess. God Bless, Wil

  2. Welcome Jana as I always like to say: to the club none of us ever wanted to be a part of. You will be communicating here with some great folks of all ages and from around the world. I'm 70 year old now. I had a brain bleed stroke that pretty much took out my left side. It has mobility but very, very little sensation. I think it was from a concussion I didn't know I had a few weeks before. My"anniversary" is Feb. 14, 2015. Valentines Day! You know that saying "It takes one to know one"? That applies 10 fold here. We all get it. Check back and you will find a lot of support and answers to at some of your questions. Know this , there are many whose lives have been flipped upside down by a stroke. TTYL

  3. On 9/6/2020 at 8:28 PM, heathber said:

    I do hope no one is offended by that cartoon, but it does help you keep calm when you pass them in the street. Like the public speaking thing of imagine your audience is naked, to decrease your anxiety.

    it was great! I saw this posted about anti-maskers. "I hate wearing clothes but I do it to protect you."

    • I think it happens more than we realize and we are fortunate if we are able to recognize it when it happens. Is it part of that "you can go back but not make contact " thing? Could be. Another incident recently was the 29th of June when we had to make the choice to put our 14 year old dog down. His last days he was having a difficult time breathing and was panting all the time. It was time. So in the front of my house are a couple bird feeders. It is not unusual to hear a bird fly into one of the 2 picture windows. That has only happened in front. My wife was in the kitchen that afternoon when boom. A cardinal flew into the french doors at the back of the kitchen. It stunned itself and sat stunned on the deck, mouth open and gasping like my dog at the end. It was fine and flew away in time but I'm sure it was a good bye and thank you visit from Ellis my dog
    • .





  4.  I believe the dead's souls have moved on when they pass and they indeed are around me in spirit. My wife's brother who was my age died in June and the day of the wake when we were turning in for the evening April looked out the window facing the backyard and there was a deer standing in the middle of the yard looking at us about 50' away. So yes after almost 40 years on this two and a half acres I have seen deer but never one in the middle of the yard before. Hello Milt. We will miss you. Thanks for the visit! 

  5. 7 hours ago, HostTracy said:

    Heather lol I was already thinking of it's infinite possibilities to send a message. When I had my cane I too got a sense of this is my space and if you encroach upon it then the wrath of the of the stick is waiting to say hello. (Now, I am not and never have been one to pass out cruelty. No I'm not going to bop little Johnny over the head. It is more about how it affected my confidence. Funny how an object can foster that in someone). Last but not least, curbs, automatic doors, wide stairs with just one rail, a crowd, a crowd of walkers, crossing the road and parking lots, and those pesky tiny step up or tiny step down doorway thresholds. I find myself overly cautious and anxious, unsure of my confidence, looking down to either avoid eye contact or to watch better where my feet are landing (maybe both). Ha ha I sort of veer away from other humans instinctively. All these little nuances that I have perfected over time to deal with that anxiety and unsure feeling as I try to conquer the ever changing path we tread on. I sometimes meet kindred survivors with similar coping skills as my own but I am very aware that every survivor at least that I have met each have their own set of skills that help them during their journey. 

    That was an interesting read my friend. My cane is usually handy (unless I have once again misplaced it). I don't always use it because I don't have to but sometimes I like to use it. It's my security blanket if I need it when hitting the loo in the middle of the night and other times also. I tease my Grandsons I'll whack them with it. They like to take it and imitate Grandpa walking. Cracks me up! Yep just one railing or at the least something to lean on is always good. Stairs, I can do em' slowly and with a rail. When walking with a group I encourage them to let me bring up the rear. That way I notice I don't feel the pressure to walk fast enough for anyone behind me.  I find looking down very helpful. I do it often here as there are a few step ups and step downs here at home and yes it is great not looking at others sometimes too. You said it Tracy only kindred survivors get this 100% .  Family God Bless them they do their best to "get it" and come close and none of us would wish this on anyone.   

  6. 9 hours ago, heathber said:

    That sounds great Will I do hope that leftie continues to be useful. When things work without you having to think about it that's magic that only people like us truly understand or appreciate.

    and isn't that uplifting when it does happen. No fantasies about ever being close to normal again but I am continually amazed at how our brains continue to fight and look for ways to make things work again. 

  7. OK showered this afternoon as I will be using all my strength to get through 2 oral surgeries tomorrow. Should go smooth as I have been through this before. The 48 hours following are important for me and I've put some thought into my recovery and am comfortable with my set up, Heck we even dug the walker out again to make it simpler to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night for a night or 2. It has been awhile since I've seen that old friend, but I got sidetracked here.

     So I am a leftie and the brain bleed took that side out. As I  have said before the left hand doesn't like being left out but it has to be with some things. As I had eaten my 2 medicinal canna-butter nuggets (that contain all the CBD and THC that was in the plant) about an hour before they were were just kicking in as I was showering. We have a detachable shower head that I have always( since my stroke over 5 years ago) left attached when I shampooed and rinsed that way. As I mindlessly went through my shower routine I realized I had pick the shower head up in my left hand and I was efficiently rinsing my hair like the old days. I was suprised to say the least but it's not the only time it has happened whilst medicating with the magic plant, just sayin'. After my next dose at 6 hours before bed my side effects will be deep sleep.

  8. 1 hour ago, razrbak94 said:

    Thanks Willis, I suppose "search" truly is my friend in this situation.  Not meaning to stir anything up, just wanting real feedback, not hype of hyperbole.

    It is a curious subject these days and it has helped many, me for one. I think the fact that it does have enough medicinal value to legalize it to that point speaks to the fact that it can no longer be denied. I didn't feel I was ever stirring the pot (pun intended)😁. I do understand the attitude towards it of because of what we have all been told and preached over the years. I am pain free physically and mentally with no side effects. I only get a little of that from my BP meds.   

  9. I have gone into detail here a few times but overall didn't feel it was very well received by most so I don't bring it up ant longer. There are a handful of members medicating this way however.  I will be glad to discuss my success mentally and physically with edibles in detail with anyone seriously interested. Feel free to message me here or email me (preferred) - wildaugherty341@yahoo.com -    

  10. 1 hour ago, GreenQueen said:

    Sure is a long time Willis.

    I hope those that are no longer with us on the site are doing well.

    I know! Right? and I'm scrolling away just welcoming folks left and right from 10 and 15 years ago. A person just has to be able to laugh at themselves.🙄I agree I hope all these folks are ok these days. I hope to still be communicating with you and others here in 10 or 15 years.

  11. Welcome gerrylee! I first thought Getty Lee had joined. 😊You will have some fun here and find a lot of support and information. Some of us like to call it the club none of us asked to or wanted to join. Looking forward to your communications and keep working out. I do most everyday. Nothing big, I ride a recumbent bike everyday for over 2 miles and do about 15 minutes of lifting on a cabled weight machine every other day. Not a lot but I notice a huge difference in everything. 

  12. Saint Clair, Michigan minutes from the Blue Water Bridge to Sarnia. Born and raised in Detroit minutes from the Winsor tunnel and Ambassador Bridge and have used all 3 over my 69+ years. Love The Great White North!






  13. I do try to always make sure my wife understands that I truly believe and know I would never be where I am 4 1/2 years later without her. Also that I know I'm not the only one in this marriage who's life has been drastically altered and she has fully accepted that. Lucky me and I do not and will not ever take that for granted. ("not" the only one) edited but boy did I leave out a key word. Stroke brain lol.

  14. No apology PLEASE Chris. I had a hemorrhagic stroke in Feb. 2015 and am familiar with all you speak to. I was 64 at the time and my wife and caregiver was 59 at this time. Let me reread your content a few more times the next day or so and see if I can offer any hope to you. You are so right, this is not fair to anyone involved in these things.