
Stroke Survivor - male
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  2. Happy Anniversary jrodriguez!

  3. Happy Anniversary jrodriguez!

  4. jrodriguez

    Janice Rodriguez

    I am an attorney for the firm Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C. I graduated magna *beep* laude from Georgetown University Law Center in 1999 and have a Bachelor of Science from University of Maryland University College. Before law school, I had a successful career in information technology. I am a stroke survivor. My stroke, in September 2000, left her with severe aphasia and apraxia. With the help and encouragement of a loving family, several terrific speech therapists, and a supportive employer, I was working part-time. However, I am now in recovery at home after suffering a series of seizures. I live in Alexandria, VA, with my wonderful husband, Jose (and of course, Pepe, my silly chihauhau and Rudi, my mischevious cat). Our sons, Stephen (24) and Michael (23), live nearby. Some of my stroke activities are: Stroke Network Newsletter Web Review contributor; founder of Speech Directions; and Chairman of the Consumer Advisory Committee, Stroke Comeback Center. Speech Directions is a peer-directed, self-help group for people who have aphasia and related disorders (apraxia and dysarthria). Stroke Comeback Center will provide ongoing, high-quality, professional, supportive therapy for stroke survivors. This picture was taken in our vacation in Arizona. We had a tour of a old copper mine in Bisbee. Fun!!!