
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About JoyNeedsSupport

  • Birthday 10/26/1985

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  • Stroke Network Email

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  1. Welcome to StrokeNet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    1. mary14


      Hi Joy,

      Strokenet kind of confirms my own feelings. It makes me reaize I'm not alone. I'm fortunate to have several friends and a spouse and they have been accepting and supportive. I am having difficulty accepting the disability that I now have. But my hope is that I can rehabilitate to the point that I can walk and drive. I wish you a steady improvement. Keep as positive as you can. Being positive lightens the burdens the stroke left me with. I often have a "Poor me" attitude that I don't like at this moment. I'm trying to reprogram my brain to be more positive in my outlook and I want to have the will to turn my negative thoughts into positive ones. Many of the posts look at the positive side of things which help me to change my thoughts.

    2. Linnie


      Hi Joy, looking forward to meeting you!  :smile: