
Stroke Survivor - male
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  1. I have reduce spasticity in my pec tendon, shoulder and neck, just starting at my latest dose increase, to get loosening in my super tight hamstring.My doctor says he will get my leg functioning better and my ar able to be used. i hope he's right,many pump users on the facebook forums have had theirs for 15 or 20 years and swear by them.The only negative is the thing sticks out a bit on my abdomen.It made me move up in waist size for pants.other than that,i grt a little foggy on thr day after dose is raised, but that dosnt last long. I'm at 169micro grams so not much...
  2. I struggle with the projects i used to enjoy,I'm a car nut and like wrenching and detailing,i can only do some of those, but i still motivate myself to get to the gym no matter how i feel that day.I come out always feeling better, energized and stronger.
  3. alansd

    Hearing Aids

    so true!I have tinnitus but resist getting an aid.Though there are some newer ones that look good.i hear plenty though:)
  4. after being in a clinical study at Emory University,i learned about the intrathecal baclofen pump. I visited a renown local neurologist who highly recommended it for me.It took many months to find a surgeon skilled in this area. Then i had to get a trial of the drug, by having a spinal injection of a microdose, to determine effectiveness for me.It worked very well, and we scheduled surgery for the pump implant.I got this in March.It remains to find the appropriate dose, staring at 50 mcgs daily.Now after a number of dose adjustments I am seeing results at 129mcgs,My shoulder tendons are relaxed ,my neck is less tight.My pec tendon was super tight and no amount of stretching helped, but it is now not a problem. My leg is slightly looser, but the calf and ankle not yet.I will continue dose adjustments at 10% per visit, until the leg is improved.The pump is good for up to 7 years, then will need replacement,It will be refilled as needed, in 2024. This is the only relief for spasticity I have found. facebook has an active pump user group which is very informative.
  5. atomic power is frowned on by climate extremists, it is clean and safe but is not relied on enough.Too many uninformed opinions on it.On log Island where I grew up we had Nuclear power for 40 years, here in georgia also.It kkeps the cost down and reliability up
  6. i use a similar item at my PT.My calves cramp frequently bur getting better and stronger with exercise.The flexibility is horrible, but even that is improving.I tie a flex band loop around my two ankles and try to walk sideways.Yesterday I rode my recumbent trike and the left was much stronger.
  7. I like to watch the comedy,"Dry bar"videos on youtube,they help. I've recently had some small arguments with my wife of 36 years, We've never argued much if ever, She yelled st me for the first time and it freaked me out.I could see her leaving and all the bad that comes with that, but it blew over. She said I "snipe" at her .... I think she is too protective of me, reminding me multiple times to do such and such...But I am guilty of forgetting what was said, and cant' help it . At this point all is well again. I am controlling my tone when we talk, and trying to chill more. Meditation helps. I stiil take a low dose anti depressant as well.
  8. i too have some balance issues,, what helps are online programs for eye stability..using them on an ipad or such is very helpful. have someone hold ap a pencil in front of your eyes and then follow it as they move it around. Also my PT has me stand on a small suspension bridge i too have some balance issues,. Also my PT has me stand on a small suspension bridge that is held up by chains, they ask me to raise my weak leg.This is very hard as the thing keeps moving. The evening after my first work on this I felt my leg normalize for the first time in 4 years.It was exciting but only lasted that evening. It gave me real hope though.The bosu ball inverted is good too. Close your eyes while touching a counter top or similar.Its hard but helpful. I saw a Neuro doc who told me to resume PT and OT and was referred to a Neuro based clinic. They only serve stroke survivors and TBI. They are terrific, but very busy, so I cant yet get in there that often. It is important to keep trying.
  9. alansd

    New everything!

    We went through a similar time a year ago. Right at the start of covid , we both felt the house we loved was way too much for us. too much land, room, stuff! So we would drive around every afternoon after my wife came from teaching, to look at homes. We decided we both liked the area we were in, and wanted a smaller place there. Stumbled on a new development only a mile from our home, we liked the look and feel of the neighborhood, and toured the model home. It was love! Big benefits for me. No stairs, easy to access cabinetry, very efiicient and had a huge glass shower with no step in. moving our stuff from a 4700 sq foot house to 1770 was challenging, but we got it done by selling and giving away so much, things I had for years, like automotive tools, music gear and collectibles went away.Even my prized 911SC coupe. And VW Thing jeep style.Tough to see them go, but rewarding that they would be used and enjoyed( both manual trans, not useful for me anymore). NOw a year in, we are quite happy in our place, very friendly neighbors and a familiar Yes its been a lot more than 6 months since my stroke, 4 years this week. AHH how time doesn't fly. lol We went through a similar time a year ago. Right at the start of covid , we both felt the house we loved was way too much for us. too much land, room, stuff! So we would drive around every afternoon after my wife came from teaching, to look at homes. We decided we both liked the area we were in, and wanted a smaller place there. Stumbled on a new development only a mile from our home, we liked the look and feel of the neighborhood, and toured the model home. It was love! Big benefits for me. No stairs, easy to access cabinetry, very efiicient and had a huge glass shower with no step in. moving our stuff from a 4700 sq foot house to 1770 was challenging, but we got it done by selling and giving away so much, things I had for years, like automotive tools, music gear and collectibles went away.Even my prized 911SC coupe. And VW Thing jeep style.Tough to see them go, but rewarding that they would be used and enjoyed( both manual trans, not useful for me anymore). NOw a year in, we are quite happy in our place, very friendly neighbors and a familiar Yes its been a lot more than 6 months since my stroke, 4 years this week. AHH how time doesn't fly. lol
  10. this life I have is as you know hard and slow.I am used to go, go, go
  11. me too, my wife hates it when i cuss or throw something.Its frustrating to work so hard and improve so slightly,I find if I make my goals very short, it helps me. drive to the store/walk in after parking/get a power buggy to ride/find my purchases/pay/leave/drive safely home. I break it down. that helps me not get frustrated.
  12. I hear God's quiet voice in messages I read and see and hear seemingly by chance,If you are open, these help guide you. I have been guided in many situations ,Now I feel like my regeneration will rise with Spring, in the warmth of the sun.Hope I heard correctly, only time will tell.We are going to Florida first week in April, we will see what might be.