
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by alansd

  1. alansd

    two years on

    I just recently reached two years since my stroke. I have come quite a way in recovery, but not yet satisfied.I have explored and used many devices, programs, exercises, OT and PT, and all this has contributed to my present state of ability.I often hear"you look great" Or" you are doing well." But people don't see the daily struggle to do simple life tasks, and how hard it is to stay motivated to progress. I go to a gym....LA Fitness, every other day, on a regimen.When I first went a year ago,it was very hard to do any exercise machine.Now i do all the machines. It helps my strength, attitude and I meet so many people there,it is very motivating. Ive just begun to use my left ( affected) arm to use 4 different machines. I can hold the handle with my hand, sometimes aided at grabbing it with my right . I am pulling a weighted pully across my body both left and right and then up and down.My shoulder has improved, and my elbow gained flexibility. Still, I only use 3 to 5 pounds.I will add weight when I can.What is gratifying is that I can get down on the floor and do stretches.I am able to get down and back up on my own, sometimes painful, but tolerable.It truly helps my back and overall feeling to do this. What ia new is my volunteering as a stroke peer helper at our very large local hospital.This is just beginning, and I have a bit more training to attend, though i have done some already. I am a bit nervous about my mental-emotional stability when I meet someone who is experiencing all the effects, and might have the pseudo-bulbar affect in full swing,I surely don't want to join them in a crying jag. All in all I deal with each day and what it brings,always optimistic and seeking some recovery I might see, that is too subtle for anyone else to notice. Its great to be alive. I add prayers every day for full recovery and healing. Ive been led to many thing by listening to people I have met, and showing genuiness and thankfulness.I now do acupuncture once weekly which came about from a chance meeting.In the past months I had an opportunity to participate in a college clinical trial, and use a Saebo flex glove,as well as try a hyper-baric chamber for a month. .
  2. i often feel like my speech is odd, but I am told it is fine,I think its the feeling in my mouth that is off.
  3. I found this thread looking up fatigue. I too suffer from "heavy brain "afternoon, usually a 30-45 minute nap comes on. Then too by 930 or 10 pm I am out out for night, it is not terrible, but does slow me down yeah and the hiccups after eating, and I sneeze often. So many annoying things linger from the stroke.Whose idea was this anyway?
  4. i prefer the positive track.Screaming only is a temporary blow out.
  5. just a suggestion....listen to some Joel Osteen sermons. He is so positive and uplifting I find it very helpful.It keeps me motivated to do all the crazy stuff I do weekly.
  6. i bought the curved knife and it enables me to do more cooking.It feels good to do that
  7. a hand surgeon I met told me to hold a guitar i my lap and keep trying to get my left hand on it, the brain will take over.


    ive been trying, but the hand slips off mostly, still gotta keep trying.Ive got an offer from a band if I can get it going...

    1. Deigh


      I think you should hold your hand on your hand surgeon and see your brain makes your hand slap him around the head!


    2. alansd


      He's quite a fine dr.  To many athletes and musicians but the answer is further out for me, my hand just slips offvthe neck...very frustrating..will I ever play again? Still think so....

    3. Deigh


      I apologise for my reply, I should expect with the amount of effort you are putting in, you should play again but we have different problems, My left hand was still able to do most of the things it did before except for a 10% loss of strength and that meant that getting the right hand to hold a plectrum was the major concern for me.


      I've oversimplified that a bit, building up the strength is only part of the problem, the rest is re-learning how to get  it to do what is expected of it. But the point I'm making is that the left hand is the most important part of guitar playing, I've met a muso who could strum with just a stump instead of a right  hand.

      Keep at it.





  8. we've had temps on the 70s with on off rain, flowers and trees blooming. I am so happy to see them. my neighborhood ducks are back visiting us daily, which is great to see.
  9. My 92 year old mom,passed last week,she had a hemmoragic stroke and only woke a few times in the following week.She was very strong, and had a great attitude, that kept her going through the 20 Years since my dad passed also from a stroke. we were able to FaceTime during one awake time with her, and it was great to see her acknowledge us on the iPad. The funeral was in Florida, and required two planes and a shuttle bus to get me there. Totally exhausting trip, but well worth it, seeing my 9 nephews and nieces and many of their spouses. Also my brothers and sister were there, making it a great reunion my mother would have truly enjoyed. As a sideline, when we got to the hotel,my younger son who is in the army, arrived and walked in followed by all of the Atlanta falcons football team, which we are big fans of. Truly exciting to see them up close and realize how huge most of them really are! So it was as good a trip as a funeral trip could be. I came homectotally exhausted and emotionally drained, and had to rest the next day all day.
  10. an abnormal day is filled with driving my 2 old cars on the back roads near my home, lots of curvy winding roads with light traffic make it fun . a 78 porsche 911 and a 73 volkswagen Thing are are fun and very different experiences. i enjoy both a lot. will miss them these next months.
  11. alansd

    An Unexpected Improvement

    obviously no fo everyone, i just thought it was a cool idea
  12. terrific, my mom ie 92 very healthy and active, does the brain games at her assisted living daily
  13. alansd

    An Unexpected Improvement

    check t6his out msanually powered off road designedf at MIT looks really cool grit chair