
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Replies posted by CayCay

  1. I made seven years, on August 21, post stroke. I was having some minor surgery done when I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Thank the Lord I was right across the street from the new stroke trauma unit. The bleed stopped on it’s on, so I didn’t have to undergo surgery. To be honest. I don’t really remember much. The doctors didn’t really know what caused it. I don’t have high blood pressure, diabetes, or at that time, wasn’t really overweight. I can’t say that about my weight now. I really need to lose around 50 lbs. I still don’t have the blood pressure or diabetes. I am going to see a dietitian to see what to do. It’s hard for me to cook and when my husband gets home from work, he is tired and doesn’t feel like it. My left side was affected and I don’t have any use in my left arm and hand. You don’t really realize how important it is, until you need to use it. Just the smallest of things. So, if anyone has some really good recipes, please send them this!

    1. CayCay


      Hey Tracy, Thanks so much for the pep talk and being so nice. I’m like you,as you know, with the fatigue. I also have gotten very intolerant with so called friends and even some family. My so called best friend for 26 years, wasn’t understanding why when, after we had lunch, I didn’t want to go antiquing. We are talking about walking down a street with back to back stores. I just looked at her and told her to take me home. End of friendship. Well let me get off my soap box. About the Botox. On me it works well, because I have so much spasicity in my hand, to the point of not only were my nails digging into my palm, but my thumb stayed stuck under my fingers. I was considering having my tendon lengthened but my neurologist didn’t think that it was a good idea to go under anesthesia. Didn’t wanted to take the chance. You know how you get this gut feeling? I chickened out. It’s nice to finally have a conversation with someone who’s been there. Got to go. Need Coffee lol! Talk later. Cay

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I made seven years, on August 21, post stroke. I was having some minor surgery done when I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Thank the Lord I was right across the street from the new stroke trauma unit. The bleed stopped on it’s on, so I didn’t have to undergo surgery. To be honest. I don’t really remember much. The doctors didn’t really know what caused it. I don’t have high blood pressure, diabetes, or at that time, wasn’t really overweight. I can’t say that about my weight now. I really need to lose around 50 lbs. I still don’t have the blood pressure or diabetes. I am going to see a dietitian to see what to do. It’s hard for me to cook and when my husband gets home from work, he is tired and doesn’t feel like it. My left side was affected and I don’t have any use in my left arm and hand. You don’t really realize how important it is, until you need to use it. Just the smallest of things. So, if anyone has some really good recipes, please send them this!

    1. CayCay


      Hey Tracey, I am so sorry I haven’t posted yet. I have had back to back Dr. appt. I have signed up to yall’s Facebook page. I’ve been to neurologist for Botox on hand. I also have rheumatoid arthritis, been to rheumatologist for blood work. YadaYada same old thing. You do have some really sweet guys here. Trust me I need it. The few friends that I had, have pretty much left me. They keep telling it’s not because of my stroke,but truth be told it’s I fatigue quickly and can’t run the roads anymore. Sorry, It’s been a rough few days and I’m on my pity pot. Don’t want to be a downer to all of you sweet people. I will post again when I’m in a better mood.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)