
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by allanmorse

  1. Happy Anniversary allanmorse!

  2. Happy Anniversary allanmorse!

  3. A picture of me in my car a couple of years before the stroke. Allan
  4. allanmorse

    Allan Morse

    Sorry I am second from the right!
  5. allanmorse

    Allan Morse

    Me second from the left 1968. As you can see from the photograph I have always been a bit odd! In case you dont have them in your country I am playing with a rubber tyred bus powered from overhead electric cables called a trolleybus. Oh Dear! I have probably bored you so much you won't bother reading the rest. I am 52 and live near Pontypridd in South Wales.About a month ago I had a stroke,It was first diagnosed as an T.I.A. but the consultant has said it was a stroke in the left frontal lobe. I am very, very lucky compared with most of the brave people on this site.I only have a slight right sided weakness and a personality change to cope with. I am of course exhausted most of the time.Even simple household things send me heading for bed! I am nowhere near as tolerant as I used to be but the 1st 4 or 5 days post stroke I was the life and soul of the party when there wasn't one,laughing and joking all the time.I have become very morose now. I worked as a bus driver,here in the UK a stroke or even a T.I.A. bring a bus driving ban of a minimum of 12 months and a car ban of 1 month. I don't mind not working but hate having to rely on my wife to take me out. The worst aspect is not being allowed to drine any of my fleet of hisoric vehicles.I have a 35 year old Morris Minor,a 38 year old single decker bus and a 41 year old double-decker! I have had the double decker longer than the wife!(25 Years) If I can't pursue my profession of bus driving does anyone know if I can be forced to take another job until my ban expires? My boss has said he will try and keep my job open which is nice,fortunately in the UK there is a chronic shortage of bus drivers. Right I shall shut up and carry on reading your fascinating stories. Regards and God Bless, Allan