
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva




    That is restraint to work at a book sale and only come home with two!


    It's so weird hearing you talk about it being the end of summer over there while I'm looking out the window at falling snow. I'm so sick of shoveling snow and planning trips around the weather!


    Glad Ray will be home with you soon. Having our guys in the hospital presents it's own kind of stress with all the running back and forth and wondering when we're not there if they are being cared for properly---usually an unrealistic fear that no one can do it as good as we can.


    Try to do something special for yourself this next week. Those opportunities for 'me time' won't be around much longer.



  2. Amy,


    I know there are no words to comfort you, the process you need to go through can't be comforted. So I just hope you can feel these virtual hugs I'm sending.


    But know one thing: there are parts of your grandparents and parents in you and you are passing those parts on to your daughter. It might just be the way you all smile or say a certain word, the way you walk and certainly your values...but those things will aways be there to remind you of better times with your grandparents and parents.


    :friends: Jean

  3. .



    Boy, you'd never know it that some people have control of their mouths. If some of the stuff they say was intentional, then I'd hate to see inside their thoughts.


    Black History Month is a good idea for the same reasons Women's History Month is important. Both the accomplishments of women and blacks were left out of the early history books by white male publishers to the point that people assume we didn't contribute anything to the building of the nation. It ticks me off to hear people complain about these 'months.' History has been bias for several centuries. What's a couple of decades of black or women's history months compare to that?






    It's too bad everyone can't find an aphasia support group or go to a teaching college for therapy where you get to mingle with others with aphasia. There are so many types and degrees of aphasia but you're right---it doesn't matter what walk of life you have, what educational level or anything else---people with any kind of aphasia all support each other and are able to laugh together. I'm so happy you found a group! Don starts his classes again next Tuesday.




    Welcome to the blog world, Mud. Not quiting is a good thing to be celebrating here!


    Some day I hope you'll explain where your display name came from. "Mud" has had me curious since I first saw it.

