
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva

  1. .



    I'm with Denny. I'm always early for appointments and always have been. I'd rather be early and read in the car for 15 minutes than have a delay at the last minute or on the road and be stressed by being late.


    In the pre-stroke days Don was like Fred. He was never on time because he'd get lost in conversations so often when he was out and about. Now he has no choice, he's on 'Jean time.'



  2. Sarah


    In a household of snows I would have named the puppy, 'flake.' :D


    Take him around the block at least once a week in the car to get him used to travel so he doesn't get fearful of car trips. Otherwise even trips to the vet can be traumatic. Get him used to tiny trips like that and build them up. Our last two dogs have been all over the United States, good travelers, but you do need to gently ease many dogs them into it as puppies.



  3. Jan,


    Welcome to the blog world. About time you joined us!!!!


    I'm joining your chat about spring getting here. Being in the snowplow business for so many years, I remember recording a winter like this decades ago where we had no snow before Christmas, got royally dumbed the last half of January and first half of February only to have spring break out early on Valentine's Day. I'm placing my bets that is what will happen this year. I hope!!! I'm sick of snow and cold here in Michigan.






    Actually, Sue, the proper way would be for Maggie to abandon this new membership name and have me delete it from the system and MM go back to her old display name that includes all her old posts and blogs. Let me know if you want to do that, Maggie. We try really hard not to have members with more one ID.








    Welcome back. I just looked at your profile and can tell your old display name/membership used to be MargaretMary, so that might help people to remember you. Hope you are enjoying all the snow up your way here in Michigan.



  6. Lucy,


    You wouldn't be normal if you didn't vent and get upset over something like this. But you will work it out in time. If you're talking about hospital and medical bills you can often work out a reduction. That's not a give away or copping out on a bill. They have programs to help and there is no shame in using them when you need to for such good reasons as you have. When you get back on your feet you can always make a donation to the funds that helped you out, too.





    Wow, Sue, what a terrible guilt trip to hang on the caregiver who left!!! Life is never that black and white that any of us should be judged that way. I think the caregivers who leave probably didn't have good marriages to begin with or the caregiver just doesn't have anything left to give. It can be a draining experience. Maybe it's my imagination but I also think society is also quicker to forgive the male caregiver for leaving than they are the females.







    I'm so happy for you both that Ray has this opportunity at rehab!! I know it's not easy in your heart to have a husband not living at home but try to use this time to regain a little of your own strength too.


    It was so nice to see the chat numbers up there last night. Thanks for helping to make it a friendly room.

