
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by jriva

  1. jriva
    Click here if you want to know what happened in Cargiverville, the Planet Aphasia, on Thursday and Friday. Hint: it involves water "ballet," pine trees, fat-begone training and wearing out my aphasia decoder ring.
  2. jriva
    If it's Thursday, This Must be Aquatic Therapy
    Sometimes I think my life is a giant Parker Brothers board game. Roll the dice and move five spaces forward. Draw a card and it tells you to, "Go directly to jail, do not pass Go. Do not collect $200." Then I roll the dice again and I draw a card that says, "Bank error in your favor, Collect $200." When things are going well, why can't we just stay in that groove? Monday was ......... Click here to read the rest of this blog entry.
  3. jriva
    This afternoon Don got casted for a new AFO. When we told Don's PT this morning where we were going to get the AFO made he got puffed-up impressed and told us that the man who owns the place is known world-wide for............. Click here to read about how this new AFO differs from others on the market and about Don accomplishment in PT.
  4. jriva
    We've been busy this past week with a renewed push on Don's stroke recovery and with getting me, as his caregiver, some more 'me time.' I've been a blogging machine this week and you can check out my latest entries at: http://fromtheplanetaphasia.blogspot.com/ or you can click on any of the individual blog entries listed below that might interest you.
    Old People on the Move
  5. jriva
    Most of us caregivers worry when our care recipients are out of your sight....and with good reasons. Things happen and we have to deal with the repercussions. Sunday Don went to the sight-in day for the up coming disability deer hunt and.....
    Click here! to read the rest of the blog entry. (Good photo of Don on the page, too.) See the Sept. 30th entry titled, "Sight-in Day - Disability Deer Hunt."
  6. jriva
    Our lives are changing with the season. I'm seven weeks out from my total knee replacement, doing very well and I just finished therapy today. And just in the nick of time because next week Don starts both speech therapy and aquatic therapy. To read the details in the September 12th entry click here!
    Jean Riva
  7. jriva
    Week Two: Speech Therapies
    I do not like these duet client therapy sessions! From my point of view, each guy is only getting half the therapy time and they spend the other half of the session waiting for the other guy. But it's early in the semester and I need to keep an open mind that this experiment will work. I did learn one thing from watching.... Click Here! to read the rest of this entry. See the entry titled, Week Two: Speech Therapies - 9/28/07
  8. jriva
    Aquatic therapy went well today and had the twist of three students from the high school there to observe. So the PT did a lot of explaining about what it entails to get someone like Don walking again and how the brain has the ability to...... Click here to read the rest of the blog entry.