
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva

  1. Butch,


    I'm always happy to read one of your updates.


    If it takes joining the "anti-depressant generation" to handle what needs doing, I'm glad you decided to talk to your doctor about it. Your 'angry man syndrome' is something I've never heard it called before but I've sure seen that trait in a lot of men.


    Catch a lot of fish this summer.





  2. Janine,


    You said: ".....finally I hit on the right thing, and he looked at me and said 'BINGO!' It was so funny; I really was not expecting it. Of course he wouldn't say it again when I asked him to...."


    One thing you should know about apraxia (which you said Larry has along with the aphasia): words that come out spontaneously without forethought like Larry saying bingo, are in a different classification than "planned speech"---trying to say a word on purpose. "Emotion driven" words like the 'bingo' just come out and require no thought about sequencing of the mouth and tongue. With apraxia, that sequencing is what is hard to do with planned speech (both written and verbal). It's like a car with a broken transmission where the engine works (the brain) and the wheels work (the mouth and tongue) but the message in between gets lost.


    My point in telling you this is that you should never think or express to Larry that he is being stubborn when he doesn't repeat or write a word for you on command. He most likely can't do it. Your reactions to him when he doesn't say something are very important here.



  3. Ellen,


    It's great to know that you're life is back on track and full of new goals and activities for both you and Denny. That is truly the goal for post stroke support...to get people back out there living again and having the stroke no longer be the focus of life as it is in the beginning months or first year. So with that in mind, congratulations on your long absence. As Martha would say, That is a good thing.



  4. Thanks, Clark. The 'dog blog' is the most fun I've ever had as a writer. I also love reading other dog blogs. There is a link list of them in Cooper's blog, in the right hand column if you ever want to poke around them. There are some pretty cute ones out there.



  5. Fred,


    When Don left rehab way back after his stroke, I was told to keep him so busy he doesn't have time to get depressed. I've tried to do just that and it's worked really well in its mission. When you have severe disabilities like he does you really need to create a whole new social life from the pre-stroke days and find meaningful things to do. You already know this...I know because I've seen you do it instinctively in your own life.


    Good luck at the the VA.



  6. Taylor,


    I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Anna. It sounds like she was a wise and warm woman who will live on in the hearts of many people. For her and her son to come all that way to help you out after your stroke...Wow, that is such a huge statement of love and compassion that it can't help but make you want to etch her words of finding the positives in life on your soul where they belong.


    Have a safe journey and remember that we let go of the body but not the spirit.



  7. Hi Butch,


    It must be old home week around here. Glad to see your update. That empty nest of yours sounds like it will take a little adjustment for you and Lisa. But you raise kids to become responsible and independent adults and I'm sure they will both make you proud.


    Enjoy your musical outlet. It sounds like that came back into your life at the right time.

