
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva

  1. Hi Fred and Tom,


    I loved Barbara Jordan! I'm an Obama supporter although I think Hillard would do a good job...but be less electable in a general election because of Bill's baggage with Monica, etc.




    Don't forget that you can register to get your ballots by mail and do them completely by mail. Just being 65 qualifies you but so does your stroke. I thought I'd miss going to the polls but we've been voting by mail for five years now and it works out great. Call you local election board or township office for how to apply.



  2. Fred,


    I love black history month and women's history month. History is far more interesting than fiction and in both those months we get some great television viewing. We've come a long way over the last two centuries, but have some more places to travel. That's why the upcoming election is so exciting....if a democrat gets in, we'll all be part of living history making.



  3. RLT,


    I feel like I could have written this blog and thus so, I know exactly how you feel about the lose of communication. Our guys' personalities were so wrapped up in the way they interacted with strangers and friends alike and with storytelling. I'm glad they both can get out a song. The songs can be so powerful, can't they.



  4. DONNA, It hasn't been over 20 degrees here in a over a week. I can't wait until tomorrow when it's suppose to warm up. You should be getting it soon, too.


    FRED, I'll never forget you either. I really enjoyed working with you and getting to know you through your posts.


    ASHA, I should have PMed you but went through a couple of weeks when I didn't seem to want to communicate with friends. I'm glad you enjoy the Barefoot. He's one of my favorite friends from Associated Content.





  5. Hi Clark,


    Have you started any new medications or over the counter supplements lately that could account for the dreaming? Some drug interactions can cause some pretty weird stuff to happen in your dreams. I had one last night that wasn't nearly as "detailed" or scary as yours. I dreamed King Kong was at the end of my street and my senior citizen poodle rushed off to attack him. I'm hoping to pick up the dream tonight where I left off to find out who won. I've got to quit watching Animal Planet, I think. Athough I did decide the dream was about worrying about his deteriorating health and how we don't think he'll go down without fighting for his last breath.


    Anyway, I really popped in to tell you that I vaguely remember those Sandman lyrics you mentioned and I think you are right about it being about amphetamines use.


    Hope you dreams get sweeter.....



  6. .




    I completely agree with you and can't wait until Bush is out of the White House. The only reason impeachment hasn't been pushed by the Democrats is because the vice president is even scarier than the president, and he'd be the one to take over. We have lost so much face in the world during this administration, it will be decades to repair.



  7. Clark,


    It's good to see you writin/blogging again.


    I, too, have issues with the Microsoft grammar tools, so much so that I spent some time figuring out how to turn the damned thing off. If I could remember how I did it, I'd share the info with you.


    Thank you for the flattering comment on my blog. You are way too kind.

