
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva







    We don't always give guests the keys to the blog community. It's a choice we each can make in our blog settings.




    I can't believe you still don't say "sex" in mixed company down there! Are you pulling our legs?










    I lived alone for 33 years--almost half my life. Living alone, contrary to popular belief, does NOT being being lonely. Hugh difference there.









    Add my congratulations to the list! Try my trick sometime of just desert and coffee in the evening. Less work and money, but just as much fun.


    If sometime you want to intertain your daughter and a few of her friends, have a mother/daughter tea party.




    My 2cents





    I ditto everything said up above and I repeat a few other things that we've covered in PM's or chat....my brain is on over load tonight...and I don't remember which.


    By the way, you look cute in a cowboy hat.







    Okay, guys, I'm REALLY bummed out here! You all keep enticing me to "browse the Yahoo Personals." Fine, I decide that I like looking at people on the make as well as anyone else and I was bored, so I'm going to try it out. Right? Well, Yahoo won't let me!! They are discrimating against us people over 40!---unless we lie, of course, and say that we are in order to register. What do they think? That everyone over forty is either dried up and not interested in the opposite sex or big fat liars who will say anything to get a date? Okay, that might actually be true, but I only wanted to window shop! Why place an age limit on that?


    I'm going back and registering as a hunk, a super studmuffin who is looking for a spunky, short New Yorker who likes kids and pets. I'm going to say that I like women with the first inital of "P" because I bought all these monograms silk sheets on sale and I want to use them. My male alter ego will be 39, of course, have a driver's license and I just happen to have bought a pile of philopsophy books recently. Do you think I'll get anyone to respond to my profile?




    Hey, Hey, Hey all you former waitresses!!!!


    I'm one of those people who would order the bacon cheesburger with a diet coke or split a strawberry shortcake with Don, but have water to cut a few calories out of my day. It's called choices and cutting down from what we'd normally do. Thos bottomless Coke glasses they give you in restaurants can add a lot of useless calories to your daily calorie count, especially if you eat out twice a day the way Don and I used to do.







    Wow, Lin, I knew the percentages were high for guys leaving their spouses after an illnesses, but I didn't know it was that high! It really is sad that marriage vows don't really mean much to a lot of people other than a big party where you get to dress up and say them in front of friends and family.







    I was sitting here eating a bunch of candy with M&M printed on them....to help me think....and I figured out your mystery man as I was looking through the L's in the members list. So, I'll need one of those checks you're sending to Cinder if you want me to keep my mouth shout.







    Just type the "L" into the membership search engine and you've got yourself several pages of looking for Kim's needle (dream guy) in the haystack. I'd look myself but he probably doesn't need another mom or grandma in his life.




    Kim, don't worry. No one reads this blogs. It's a secret society that is right under everyone's noses but they aren't looking.






    "Normal" is an illusion---there is no such thing in the stroke world. There might be statistical odds that the insurance companies try to work out so they can justify cutting payments off here and there, and those standards might have erroneously got taken for "normal" but they are not!


    Hang in there. Jean





    Stan, So, I guess what you're saying is that you and Pam are just friends? Shucks, we all knew that!! Well, most of us did. She's looking for a guy with a driver's license.


    Pam, I figured out Kimberly's hot crush---Marty. Well, she said he had five letters in his name. Oops, she also said he wasn't married. Darn, I thought we had it figured out! But then again, Marty could be lying about there being a Mrya in his life just to keep you young chicks from jumping his bones every where he turns.






    Ah......... watering a dead plant won't bring it back to life unless it's a bulb plant. I'm glad you're wife has a sense of humor about it. I've got a houseplant I've had for 45 years, I would be heartbroken if it died on me. Great blog entry, anyway. We have to find and celebrate that good things that happen in this process as well as record our stresses. They are often few and far between and finding humor is a good thing.


    Next time you're in the dog house, maybe a book on basic gardening would be a cheaper choice that a dozen roses. Hint: one rose will often do the trick, too. It's the thought that counts.

