
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva


    party torture




    Pam is right stop worrying about impressing anyone. Instead, try to feel the love in your family and in the room tonight. And if you need help with anything, give some one the privilege of doing something for you. People like to be needed. Stop reading here at Strokenet and go take a nap.




    Hi Rod,


    I was one of the people in chat with you last night and if you thought people were offended because you brought up topics that you blog about all the time, you are wrong. Last night, there was a member in chat with serious problems that required serious support. Some of us were trying to give it to her and we didn't really have the time to address your areas of interest. Chat is first and foremost for serious support. If, at times, we also have a lot of fun in there, that is great. But don't get your nose out of joint if you off-topic subjects don't get the responses that you want every time you are in the room.


    You've declared yourself the most logic thinker and top intellect around here, but when ever anyone challenges one of your regurgitated theories, you wilt like a daisy in a snowstorm instead of debating it. What gives with that?







    Is there any kind of counceling available at your church? Your husband has taught your son poor anger management---or I should say---no angerment techniques. That's not going to go away on its own. Well, we've had this conversation before....


    I couldn't live in a house with three people and one toilet! I have IBS, same as you, and I have to pee just about every half hours besides. Don used to kid me that I knew where every unlocked church and public restroom was in the city because I'm always looking for them. I sure understand the stress that puts on you to deal with the lack of a second bath in the house. Any chance of converting a closet to a 1/4 bathroom?




    What a day!





    I get tired out just reading about motherhood routines. I'm not sure I would have been up for the job, had I had the opportunity. One thing you can say is that your life is never dull.




    Hi Janice,


    What you are saying is good common sense with a lot of positive thinking thrown in. Thanks for reminding us that our moods and outlook on life are most often choices that we make.




    P.S. I don't get the connection, though, to organized religion. Was this topic a Sunday sermon?

  4. Kimberly,


    There is great merit in watching cut flowers go through their cycle of life. They are a reminder that life is fleeting and fragile and to be treasured while it lasts. That is the reason we sent them to funerals. "To everything there is a season...."


    I don't feel the least bit bad about having cut flowers in the house, and I do often. Many varieties in the market place are grown in 3rd world countries now which has helped their economies a lot in the past few decades. And buying cut flowers that come from bulbs plants actually helps spread them as landscaping plants around the world....they are by-products of the bulb industry. No one could buy bulbs to plant in their yards if the bulb companies didn't raise those bulbs and they have to cut the flowers to get good bulbs that will sell at affordable prices. Can you tell I was in the floral industry for 20 years?


    Many things in life that look simple on the surface are really complex and many things that seem complex, are really simple.






    Being human is exciting. I can use logic and move around, do things. I can be god-like in my ability to create something from nothing. I am a vessel that contains a unique aura of energy that travels through my body like river currents. It's my manu, prana, Qi, Ki, hucha or sami---pick your language/country to find a word you like to describe the vibrating energy field within the human body that some people claim to be able to see and others claim they can feel, if they hold their hands over you.


    Being human is fun! When I die I'll go back to being ashes and become part of something else that may, or may not, be equally as good as being human. Why not enjoy the ride on earth instead of wasting time looking for something that isn't in the here and now? If the mother ship does comes this year 7/5/05, why would the asteroid goddesses pick up anyone in your church....if the human form is so displeasing? Maybe they'll fall in love with windmills or power plants.





    Hi Kimberly,


    I was shocked to find out that I must have some southern blood in me somewhere. I've been eating fried banana and peanut butter sandwiches since I was a kid.




    P.S. Up here, the guys consider duct tape an essential product, too. We have pretty colors. Do you guys down there?




    You'll also have a great excuse to go out to eat as often as you want, and you'll have time because you won't be cleaning and cooking all the time. And believe me, you can do more than just heat things up in a microwave as I commented in another blog of yours. (Pinapple upside down cake comes out great!) Get a small model little deep freezer after your barn passes inspection and sneak that into a closet---plan the plug receptacle now. If they let you have a hot plate, can you build it in? If so, order one from a trailer supply store.


    Peace of mind is very valuable and having your pets and kids around are worth a lot. Giving them up would be so much harder than giving up a full kitchen.







    You are doing the right thing, not husband bashing. Small towns sure do like to spread gossip and little kids have enough to deal with, having their parents separate, without having to deal with people trying to get even more details out of them.


    If you go back to plan A and do the barn minus a full kitchen, could you make a deal with your husband that you can use the big kitchen when he is not at home so you can do your baking, etc.? You might also consider taking a class in microwave cooking. Don't laugh---you'd be surprised at how much you can actually do in a microwave. Don lived in a house for over 30 years with just a microwave and I tried just about everything in them. Even now, I rarely use my stove top burners.









    It's natural for a woman to mourn the loss of her ovaries, even if she is pass wanting more children in her life. So, take the time you need to feel blue about it, but don't feel alone....okay? You've got a whole family of people here on this site who care and understand what this means to you. I know we're not the same has having your husband able to say the words you need to hear. But in your heart of hearts, you already know what is in his without hearing the words out loud. Tell him to give you an extra hug that will be from me.









    I echo the comments up above. My husband's anti-depressant keeps him so good natured and happy that I'd hate to see him without it. Before his stroke he fought depression off and on his entire adult life. After he had his stroke, the social worker at the hospital---upon learning that Don was both a workaholic and fought depression---said men often try to 'self-medicate' depression by becoming workaholics. I've thought about that a lot and have to agree with that theory; it sure fit everything I know about my husband's way of dealing with stuff.


    Keep working at being happy, Clark. Sound's like you've got a great support team in your life to help.





    Hi Cyndi,


    I don't believe in violence so I'd advise just walking out the door and telling them both you'll be back when you damn well feel like it. They can get along without you babysitting. Go spend a day indulging and pampering yourself.

