
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by jriva


    Small seizures



    Glad to have you back, Mel, even if it is from the wing of a hospital. You sure have had a bad start to 2007. Cut that out! :)


    Seriously, hope you come home to your family soon!



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    Glad to have you back again and it's great to hear you had a good time. Thanks for the mid-vacation report you made, problems and all.


    God, that would be a task to gather all those medical records! I was part of a class action suit involving a drug once but they didn't make me do all that. After several years me and thousands of others got a check for a whole $23.00. :)




    We have two very good poets in this blog entry!


    At first, it's hard not to resent people for falling away. We all go through this after a life altering event like this. But it's a fact of life that our problems and challenges are not their problems and challenges. Old friends have their own to deal with and while they may make time in an emergency, it's unrealistic to think they are going to stick around and help us out on a regular basis. That is a bitter pill to swallow. Relationships change when we change. We lose old friends and find new ones and the transition in between isn't easy.


    Hang in there Kerry's mom. It gets easier to accept and move on.



  3. Hi Ted,


    Glad to get your update. You'd better listen to that doctor and find a way to take it easier. Ya, like a person who is both a full time caregiver and full time employee can do that. Have you exhausted all the resources in your community to find some respite for yourself? Here's a link to a message board topic about this subject. Hope some of the posters have an idea or two you might be able to check out.





    We're always here if you need to talk about the stresses of caregiving.






    Glad to hear about Ray being home and sad to hear about your friend's bad news.


    If Ray is using a wheelchair, they do have trays you can add that will make it impossible for him to get out without help. Poor guy likely just forgets. Good luck!!!!!!!!



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    It really ticks me off when they repeal helmet laws. The bikers who want this ought to walk those bikers through the head trauma centers to see what happens when head hit concrete and others who vote to repeal it should remember it's tax payers paying to care for those head trauma people for the rest of their lives.







    Wow, what a time you and Bob have had! I'm glad you've got those ups, tribulations and victories to go along with the downs, trials and failures. We humans are remarkable resistant aren't we. Keep the faith.



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    Good for you! You know, they make a cutting board with an spike sticking out of it that you can put things like tomatoes and potatoes to hold them still. It also has sides on one corner to hold a sandwich against to spreading stuff. They gave my husband one of these cutting boards in rehab...like he'd ever spent more time in the kitchen than it took to walk through to the garage. :)



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    Welcome back Betty Jean. The caregiver life sure does keep us busy, doesn't it.


    I wish I had some ideas about getting Jim's days and nights turned back around. That happens in our household too but, for us, it's because we spent most of our work lives working the night shift---Don 35 years and me 15. I try to get us to bed by 1 AM and the TV off at 2. I get up at 8:30 with the dog and Don gets up at 10:00. Some times the 2:00 works into 4 AM if there is a good movie on or we can't sleep and then I'll set the alarm to force us to get up at the same time, regardless. Otherwise we're up until for 4:00 for several weeks if we slept in the next day. Old patterns are hard to break!


    You might have your pharmacist look at Jim's list of meds and see if one is contributing to the problem. If so, changing the time of day he takes something might help.

