
Stroke Survivor - male
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About DennyS

  • Birthday 03/11/1947

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    Denn Shane
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  1. Happy Anniversary DennyS!

  2. Happy Anniversary DennyS!

  3. Hi Denny: You have a remarkable stroke history. Have the docs been able to find out what causes your recurrent strokes--and hopefully stop them? My first and only so far was 10/09, but I have big time motor deficits from right sided hemiparesis. The therapists say I'll walk again freely and can live independently, but it's taking time! All the best, Henry

  4. DennyS

    Rehab Revisited

    Ross... and family... I am so sad to hear this... Since joining here, granted I haven't gotten to know a lot of members. I've read quite a few bio's and blogs. And I did read Diane's... Words alone will never comfort. But you can rest assure that Diane will be missed and was loved by the people on here. And you are right.. she is at rest... she is looking down at you, knowing your love. Denny Shane
  5. DennyS

    Denny Shane

    I had my first ichemic stroke was in 2004. My 6th ichemic stroke was in 2007, about a month ago. After the first stroke I had absolutely no outward signs. Sometimes I needed a cane, sometimes I would go without. Strokes 2 through 5, still the same thing. I had ambivalent feelings about the whole thing. A friend, who a stroke about 6 years ago, is confined to a wheelchair and has not talked to date. He has had one stroke. After five strokes I was walking around, acting quite normal. Last month I had #6. Things changed... this time it changed my brain around a bit. I had aphasia. I could understand what was being said, but I had my problems with language. I had problems with speaking the words and with just finding the right words. It really irritated me that I had all of the words and sentences in my head but they would get lost by time they got to my mouth. The other problem is typing. My fingers will not type what was is in my mind. I often misspell and and I seem to type some words twice in a row. All and all, it is quite interesting. I am learning a lot.
  6. Hi John... Believe me, I know how you feel. I first Ischemtic stroke was in 2004 and with my 6th Ischemtic being about a month ago. After the first stroke I had absolutely no outward signs. Sometimes I needed cane, someones I would go without. I was thinking it worked with the sun. Strokes 2 thru 5, still the same thing. Just like you feel... I had ambiovent feelings about the whole thing. I friend who a stroke about 6 years ago and he is confirmed to a wheelchair, has not talked to date. I even felt bad seeing him. He is with 1 stroke, with me having 5 and I was walking around. Last month I had #6. Things changed... this time it changed brain around a bit. I had aphasia... I could understand what was being said... I had my problems with language... both with spreaking the words and with just finding the right words. And it really iritated me that I had all of the words and sentences in my head but would get lost by the they got to my mouth. So in closing I feel like maybe God has given to me was a chance to be to speak, and to write and give other survivors some hope that it's the end of the world. The of the best things I was found is StrokeNet... there are tons of out there friends. One other problem... when I write, like now, I tend to forget what I am writing about and go into outer space somewhere. LOL Hang in there, you'll do fine. :big_grin:
  7. Thanks to StrokeNet I happily wearing showing my wristband!