
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Ann, I haven't "been around" much so your home plans were real news to me. That is great! It must be nice to do something like this without small county hassels.


    I hope I can find the picture of the place. So very exciting to have a place of your own and not have to hound and beg for everything. Kind of similar to having your loved one in a SNF or having him home.


    So glad you had a good day and Bill is doing well, perhaps better than you thought.


    I am going to go to the beautiful Memorial Day ceremony that is held at the city hall square. We are fortunate to have an area where residents "park" their planes in their backyards (John Travolta once lived there) and they provide a touching fly-over with the 1 man missing formation. When it is over, everyone places the carnation given to them at the eternal flame. I will remember Bill and thank him along in my memory when I think a few thoughts when placing my carnation.



  2. when do you draw the line between hope and acceptance?



    AS I see it, the answer is NEVER. For your own happiness you must have acceptence but that doesn't mean that all hope is gone. Everyone must still hope - not onlt those who have had a stroke.


    I'm sure you have a dictionary. Look up the word "hope". An old Webster I have has hope as being "a desire for something with a feelingn that the desire may be fulfilled". I is a "future" thing; Acceptance is mor final I's say., therefore there will/would always be a line between them and no "when" entering into it.


    So what is the answer? I think to make the lovely smile you have and know that what happened because it was known that you would be a true survivor,


    I was recently thinking sbout you recently and thought that you are almost finished with your Freshman year at college. A wonderful achievement! I remember how you had so very many concerns about how you would be able to do things like your cafeteria tray, managing on snowy days etc. You did manage everything and did it with flying colors. And..... you will continue to do so. Because, you've "got the stuff" to do it.













  3. Fred, for as long as I have known you. you have been a believer; therefore, put your body in Who you believe in. In some strange way, it's proven it works.


    As for your fried turkey, I have never had any. I guess though that because I love fried food, I'd love it. I know it's popular here in the south. I suppose our northern cousins perfer to roast the bird because all that roasting and baking, as well as make the home smell good, also heats the home. I agree -of course I don't have to live with your wife - go for it! You've got all you need to do it so go man go! Just tell the good Mrs . King that since you are making the turkey, she can make all of the healthy things like veggies. LOL!


    Bonnie, your tests have proven your way of treating osterporosis must be working. Any change for the good, no matter how small, is a positive.


    I can smell the desserts now.........


    I really enjoyed reading about your grandson. He certainly is a big one!. Tell him if the coach thinks he has the potential to go for it. He appears to have the physical requirements. If he wishes to go to college, this is the way to go because unfortunately (perhaps) atheletic scholarships usually include everything, and with todays expenses, that is a big help. That, of course doesn't mean that studies are to be overlooked. From there, if he can continue to excel, he can get a chance with the pros, and from there, if he is smart and doesn't blow the money he makes at it, he is set for life. If, in the end though, he decides not to go further, he will have his education paid for. The bright side also is that if he does go pro, he always has his degree when those days are over. Not all young men have that opportunity.


    Have a great time with the family and as I do and everyone should, enjoy the holiday! Eat to your heart's content, well almost if you have problems such as diabetes or high cholerterol and then, the theory from dieticians is if it is hard to resist, just cut the portion sizes of those things and figure them into your diet plan.

  4. Have a great one, Marty! Youm Mrs. Marty, the kids (ha!) :cocktail: and the dog. Hey, are you stealing the crumbs that are supposed to go on the floor for the dog? For shame!


    I am one who DOES go shopping on Friday. Unfortunately my favorite place is at least 165 miles away (to the closets) but, I have some goodies here. First to Lowe's, Maybe somehow, the pointsettias I buy for my place will eventually get into the grown before they die in the pots. I just lost the last of last years.


    AND< MOST IMPORTANT, I again want to thank you for teaching me how to find the car in a parking lot. I use it all the time (LOL!) and have even had people say, it's over there. You can be sure I will be hitting the panic alarm (or the lock) on the key chain. :unsure: :big_grin: :roflmao:



  5. Oh Ann, you don't know my happiness for you. I had been so depressed when Bill had to go tot the SNF. He seemed so fine when you were here in Florida (yes, it was a while ago) I so feared that this was going to be his forever home............but miracles do happen and even the few mild changes aren't very bad ones.


    So tomorrow is the day and know that someone here in Florida is going to be jumping for joy!



  6. Sorry Bonnie but I have been in a different world. I was going to ask in chat this afternoon who Tracy was. I didn't have a clue. The brain really gets strange when we are focused on something else like being so tired we don't know an "a" from an "o".


    So now I know and I'm real glad that Tracy's surgery is all over. Even though surgery for a gall bladder is different today from what it was, surgery is still a bad word. The good thing is that she no longer has to worry about her gall bladder since we only were given one.


    As for your being tired, it certainly is understandable. The worry alone can do it plus just the getting and doing. I'm sure the next vacation in 3 weeks will be more pleasant. Rest up for it.



  7. You love this country and you should. I gives you and the democrats the right of freedom of speech. This right therefore allows bashing the present administation as well - however, you seem to forget a few thing. I don't know your age, but I am going to teach you a few things.

    1) If the previous administration had taken some action when the TwinTowers had previously been attacked, there wouldn't have been a 9/11. And the embassy bombings which also killed Americans wouldn't have happpened either. But all of that is hindsight. You bash the President, which your freedom of speech also allows. Check out a senator from Massachusetts who also bashes the present party; people who live in glass houses should keep their mouths shut.

    2) You say you don't understand why this country does not providw health insurance for the children. let me explain this to you. I am a child of the depression, although I came into this world at the end of that difficult time. People then, our parents, were different. Insurance wasn't as big as it is now. My parents had to pay for an ear operation for my sister and two for me with doctor visits weekly inbetween them. They had the money to pay for them because they saved for a rainy day. I guess the depression taught that. Today, go to any supermarket and stand by the check out lines and observe the steaks sold for 5.99 a lb, the cases of beers and the general junk. Go to the movies and see the line of people paying big prices just to get inand then the tubs of popcorn and jugs of soda consumed while watching the show. Most people own a tv and we used to sit around the radio as a family and listen to Jack Benny and The Shadow, and occasionally go to a movie and but a bar of candy for a nickel. Go to fast food restaurants and see whole families stuffing their mouths with burgersm fries and drinks and often king-sized, Listen to the amounts of money paif for just that small amount of food. Go to the high schools and see the huge student parking lots. Those lots are paid for with the tax dollars we pay for schools which is at the top or close to the top on out tax bill. Go inside the schools and see the cell phones that the students have (although some schools are banning them now). Parents says they are able to know where their children are; our parents always knew where we were with cell phones.

    3) Social security was never intended to pay for our old age. It was meant to add a bit more to our savings.

    You say you love this country - well you should, but it 's flawed a bit. One word, RESPONSIBILITY, was forgotten. It was substituted with "it takes a village" as in it takes a village to raise children. Where is the responsibility? Where are our priorities? I'm not saying to not enjoy life, but there is a better way, and that is to take responsibility for your own life. Children are a responsibility. They need health care more than the fast food, cell phones, cars, etc. It is not the responsibility of the government .......and that is why the bill was not signed.


    And before you bash President Bush and say he doesn't have a heart; you do not know him and apparently not seen his tears. They were not for photo ops; they were the real thing. He is human just as you are, and yes with a heart.


    There are two sides to every story. Take some time to look at the other side. JMHO!


  8. How unusual.........then again to me with my odd beliefs, I shouldn't be surprised.


    My answer. Perhaps souls do go round and round and the little boy recognized you from long, long ago. Wouldn't this be the perfect setting for this...........Souls going bump in the night?


    As for going alone next year, there you go again, Marty. Maybe is "Mrs. Marty" gives you a "what for". your mind will go back to when you originally met the little boy. Keep trying, it's going to happen. :whack: just like this.

  9. Bill, sorry about your bad news. They say deaths come in 3's so things will even out for you.


    Aparrently Bud is still doing ok after his surgury and that's good.


    It's a shame they are putting you through so much and took away your speech therapy, but it will be back when the idiots at insurance co, figure it all out. It's a shame. What do they think? That you are bored and this is a way to have some fun? Hope it straightens out sooon.


    Snooty says to tell Bud she stilll loves him and sends him smooches. LOL


    Take care of the two of you,



  10. Sorry about your boo-boos, Bonnie. Hope they're feeling better when you read this.


    Put the peanut butter on a piece of dog biscuit and tie it on to trap thingie. I almost guarantee you success. They can't get the pb with the cracker and when they try, it's bye-bye time.


    Try it, it may work.



  11. Sorry Kimmie. I wanted to get on ground to garden so asked and works for floor too. Uoi get on your bad leg knee, put good leg with foot bottom on floor and leaning some what down, push up, Ifyou are near something with any height like a bed, lay your bad arm on bed and puch with good arm. Yes, probably could get some extra rehab. Then again, don't know if that would work with an AFO.


    You know, your dog is getting to be an old guy- like my little girl. I used to have a carton that she would get up on but not now..........Getting old is rough on animals as on us too.

  12. Oh yes, small animals take big room. Snooty likes to sleep across the pillow. I hang on to the edge. Can't wait for the kingsize headboards and 2 beds like we had. LOL


    I didn't know you were a puffer............shame on you. Don't you have enough problems? chew gum. LOL! If I find a good hyptnotist, (not a charletan) I'll make an appointment for you too. Don't worry, no Dr. I've asked, even shrink, knows're safe. But what about when porch gets cold?


    Glad you got some goodies. Waffles are nice but I'm lazy and buy the toaster kind when on sale. Crock pot is good for winter cooking. Just won't warm house as an oven can.


    Good you were able to stay alone. It's good to be separated every once in a while.


    Keep up the good work.


    Oh and, as long as Steelers make playoffs, that's ok. Of course being 1st and having a bye and homefield advantage is great but they will be there. :Clap-Hands:

  13. Rich, simply put, you know everyone's stroke is different- the area can be the same but a cm. different and that can make all the difference in the world. Was her stroke in the same area as yours? Was it as extensive? and so many other questions.


    OK, I'm crazy but I have come to the conclusion that fate plays a role. If not, can you answer why some people don't make it? Can you understand how some perfectly healthy individual has an accident and the brain injury is what is known as a stroke? Can you explain any of like's happenings? Why do some people develope cancer? They don't really know yet.


    I heard a lecture that really made me open my mouth because it was basically what happened to me. There was a group of cancer patients who were told that they only had so long to live. Those that said, ok and accepted became survivors. Of course, if you don't put your faith ain ANY higher being, this will not make sense, but on the other hand, what does fighting it in the wrong way do. Who knows if you wouldn't have had the same results with standard therapy.


    There is a new form and it is said that it works. It is expensive but they are getting results. I don't know if that means 100% of those who are doing it or if only 10%. It is the chance one has to take as you did. Basically if you say that what will happen will happen and give it a chance, what are the chances that a person will be in the 10% or the 90%?


    Isn't that life in general; we do what we can and take our chances?


    Anyway, wherever you are, you know what we say- never give up.

  14. With me, it's not mental but physical. I walk into things.


    AS for the dark later in am and early in pm, I hate it, especially the mornings when there is fog. Personally I think that there should be more changes during the winter months. The school kids must wait in the dark for the buses. Was dumb when they did away with local schools, and yet the campuses and facilities of the larger schools are pretty nice. I think if they change the time every 2 months from Oct to April, it would help some.


    OK off my soapbox.



  15. Nice blog, daughter dearest. We do get carried away in chat- but that's what makes it so cool or groovy as Shirley says. Beats sitting and crying or looking into space. It's the recreation therapy of stroke network instead of bingo at my rehabs. LOL! Guess my new role entitles me to be a psydo Steelers fan now. Go Steelers! LOL!