
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732
    :happydance: I sent this to my friends as an email. But since some of you are not on my email list, I am sending it as a blog. Sorry a little long.
    My Friends are divided into 3 groups - those friends that I have met from school, work, some who do not have email etc.; those who love the chihuahua breed and my Stroker Brothers and sisters. Time is divided into weeks in reference to babies, months as they grow older and later we count years. There comes a time when milestones are celebrated in segments of 5, such as anniversaries. A few of you may not know this but, At about 11 pm, I celebrate the 1st milestone of my brain bleed. I am a survivor and as such wear a lightning bolt charm on a chain around my neck; I have earned it. LOL! It is the international symbol ofstroke because it strikes just as quickly. I was very lucky - the bleed was in the cerebellum area of the brain which leaves one with the symptoms of having lifted their elbow too many times. The areas affected are numb not paralyzed. I had a friend who called everything an experience and how true that is. Except for the first 6 days when I was zonked out of my gourd to allow my brain a chance to heal, it has been very interesting seeing the workings of the brain. I never thought much about that funny organ and what it would be like when it didn't work, but as survivors, we all agree we learned fast. If you are in the other two groups, consider yourself lucky, because with stroke your life will never be the same again. In time we learn acceptance and through hard work we make the best life available for ourselves. It is difficult for me to have an easier time than many of my sisters and brothers and like non strokers I can't imagine their problems. I do want to say something to the non strokers reading this. we are the same people we have always been. We just do thinks more slowly, speak more slowly, are perhaps a bit clumsy because we struggle with one hand or not our dominent hand etc. but our hearts are in the same place, we love being accepted as a friend and we hurt when many don't call as much or at all. We've discussed this and can't decide whether it is brought in front of you and although it is not catching, you stay away from fear the same may happen to you, or if someone has never been as blunt about it as I have. This is my gift to my brothers and sisters- to start a spark of knowledge about the way we feel and also the ice cream and cake at chat tonight- virtual of course, so no calories or sugar. LOL! And to the non strokers, my gift to you is that if you or a loved one find yourselves as a survivor or caregiver, come to us; we are the experts and will help you find the way. We also have a writing called A message from your brain. I will email it to any of you who may be interested. It is a very powerful piece. So today, Happy anniversary to me and back to working toward perfection tomorrow.

  2. Phyllis4732
    Don't get me wrong. To be honest, I love gifts. They don't have to be expensive or even something that is really needed, so please understand this when you read the bad section.
    THE GOOD: If you have heard some fowl words being ottered by someone, it was me. I love those el cheapo can openers that you could buy for 25 cents. Nothing fancy, didn't last a life time but did the jobs. OK, like everything else the prive went up - to $1. Still the best as far as I am concerned. They are around but you have to seek them out. I am a righty and the stroke affected my right hand. Opening cans with the wonderful new openers has been very difficult. I even had to buy a new one when doing a food demo necessitating opening cans - and had trouble with it. At home, even a tuna can becomes a chore using my sisters openers. I had/have? an electric can opener which is packed away waiting for my move but right now I haven't got one. Not that I eat a lot of canned foods and not freah, but things like tuna, salmon, tomato sauce etc. have to be opened. Well, I'm sure you all know about the One Touch can opener which is supposed to be shown on tv, but I didn't. It is magnificent! You only have to put it on top of the can and push the button (it's battery operated) and it goes around the can, has a magnet to hold the severed top and is supposed to stop when complete. It cuts the can on the side not the top but you still have to be careful. Best thing since sliced bread.
    THE BAD These things didn't happen to me but are something else - LOL! My niece, my sister's youngest daughter, has always looked around when visiting and observed what is needed and would get these things as gifts. I tried that method this year and it worked great! Several years ago when Game Boys came out, we had gotten them to play Tetris- a good brain game. My sister kept hers on the bookcase headboard. It stopped working though, and she did not, for whatever reason, throw it out. My niece mentioned it to her and my sister simple said- "It doesn't work" Well, since she has lots of books, magazines and other "toys" there, she did not realize that it was missing. Today, she had a small shopping bad and in it was a Game Boy. Looking at it, it looked old and in fact like hers. Apparently, my niece had put new batteries in it to surprise her mother. Guess she didn't try it and- it still isn't working. The laugh was on her...... I guess when a person is old, you don't think they have the sense to change the batteries?
    But, the "best" bad of all and really the funniest, was a gift with others in a very pretty flannel decorated draw string Christmas bag. It was from her friend who is a hypochondriac - Are you ready? a bottle of Vitamin C! Hello? This is Florida - we have all the citrus one could possible want and right in the yard- and no! My sister does not have to take Vitamin C for any problem. LOL! :roflmao:
  3. Phyllis4732
    Being bulimic is bad; but when compared to a symptom of a bleed, perhaps it would be #1. But, not wanting that either, I finally used a cola and am about to have another to relieve the residuals of being a buffet pig!
    Oh, everything was so good! We went earlier than we should have and there were many people there and we parked in the last row, but the walk back after in a very light rain wasn't too bad.
    I started out ok with veggies from the salad section and a few T. of salads, tuna, surinam, potato, macroni. and honeydew and canteloupe (fruits r good- LOL!) and then my second plate of a "mixed salad" with everything including tiny cubed turkey and ham, chopped egg etc. etc. Now a normal person would stop here but Piggy was there for the turkey, steak and all. Unfortunately, they said that steak wouldn't be available until 4 PM and no way we would still be there- but as I was finishing the turkey and additions, the woman next to me had a steak so I thought I'd have a look, and sure enough, they were managing to serve steak to those who wanted it, so my dessert would be steak.
    My mistake was not to drink enough with the food to wash it down. I finally decided that a slow pepsi with my evening pill may help and it has.........gingerale with lemon would probably been better. So now, at 10:00 pm, I'll have another and Piggy will then settle down with the ads for Black Friday.
    Next year, we'll time it better and I'll dilute my intake better- LOL!
    Hope all of my friends here were smarter than this Piggy was . :im stupid: :big_grin: :cocktail: :roflmao:
  4. Phyllis4732
    Almost 4-1/2 years ago, was my last day merchandising in a department store. When Sir Bleed came, some individuals were given the gift of some great jobs and I ended up in rehab. In about 2 months, I will start my 20th year as a Field merchandiser. I loved the work and still do, and I think of all the lines I've serviced in that time, I most enjoyed the department stores, especially during the holidays when they all were decorated big time. I worked several "part time" jobs and the work was very varied from sunglasses to carpet metals many feet taller than I.I worked in every department store in Dade, (now called Miami Dade), Broward and Palm Beach County (Burdine's (a Florida chain), now turned into more Macy's, Macy's, Lord and Taylor, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, J C Penney, and some no longer in business in Florida like Bonwit Teller and Jacobson's (from Indiana). And of course the office types like Office Depot, Office Max, the appliance places, Circuit City,Best Buy and of course, Home Depot, K- Mart, Target that I loved ,and what ended up being the icing on the stroke Wal-Mart. Oh and numerous small individual shops.
    Today was a Red letter day, I returned to the department store scene going to Belk's to service Tandy Products both of which I never have done in all that time.
    When I entered the acute rehab, the rehab doctor who I imagine decided what I needed, asked a question he does all of his patients- "What do you want". The answer for me was easy. I said I knew I wouldn't be as good as I was, but that I wanted to go back to work. With the wonderful therapists I had there and those at the step-down, in about 4 to 5 months I was job hunting and soon able to drive to the first job I had gotten. Things were different here, I'd only be working in 3 counties (actually 4 I think by mistake) and each county only had perhaps 2 or 3 if it is as larg as Volusia County where I live similar stores (as a chain store) That meant that department stores were few and the people in the position were happy with their jobs and stayed. This area is big on grocery chains and resetting them or the home improvemen stores that have those very high ladders - not the thing for a person with bad balance. Also, you worked not by county but miles from your home especially with gas as it is now priced.
    The Belk's store just opened in Flagler County where I will be living and within the mileage from here and that gave me the opportunity. I do it for a company that is in the same city as the company I worked for when I worked in Target. When I applied a few years ago and they found that out, they knew I knew my stuff. I hope I will get the new super Target they are building in the dame town as Belk.
    Was it east going back? To be honest, no. The groceries, and mass merchandisers like Lowe's, Home Depots , K-Mart, Walmart and even Target have carts which are a blessing and very similar to using a rollator (but no brakes). In a department store, you're all on your own. But, did I enjoy it? You "betcha". I was in seventh heaven returning wallets to the state they should be in- zippers closed, snaps snapped and price tickets inside. The fixtures looked as they did when the store first opened. If I must say so myself, I did well.
  5. Phyllis4732
    Of course neither of the other two animals would tell us where he could be or gave any indication that he was not there and hiding. He had disappeared in thin air. Friday, at 8 am my sister had a Dr. appt. but tried to get the Humane Society to see if he had been turned in but they don
  6. Phyllis4732
    This past week has been an awful week!!!
    As those of you know from my blogs or come to chat, I have been having trouble getting the building permit so that I can have a modular home set in a rural area- on wetland. You also know that I am living at my sisters and she has 2 cats; I have a 6 lb. chihuahua. And you know, that the older cat by about 6 months is a short-haired common white cat- very sweet and terribly stupid as well as being a wimp. His name is Pinky because of his pink nose etc. I call him Mr. Pinky because he is the only male in the house - neutered male. The other cat Little Kitty is female (also spayed) long-haired, looks like a Maine black person so is large, tiger striped , smart and a "female dog". She hates me and my dog as well and the longer we are here, it doesn't get better. And, you also know she has spit at me and used her claws when all I would do is walk by her- too close. The rule for the longest time was if I wasn't in the house, Snooty, the chi, had to stay closed in our bedroom. Now though, she will allow Snooty to be in the same room and all 3 animals enjoy my sister's bedroom, Little Kitty, on the bed; Mr. Kitty on the comfortable chair and Snooty on the floor where the sun comes in the window. The other thing I must say is that Little Kitty is a night cat and will stay outside and enjoy the air, either while sitting on a chait im the patio, on the stairs leading to the balcony oron rare ocassions in front of the house under my car sometimes until 5:30 in the am. Pinky may go out for a few minutes but then comes in and goes to bed.
    My permit did not come, but an email denying the permit did. I turned to the DEP (Department of Ecological Protection) for advice and suggestions since they work closely with the ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) whose permit you must get in order for the DEP and County permits can take effect. They usually respond right away but when nothing came, not even an email stating that they could not help me by Wednesday night, I was quite upset. I couldn't sleep well because I had to get up at 4 am to go to work Thursday. and I "was waiting for the alarm to go off". I got to the job in plenty of time and managed to stay awake. When I finally was able to drag myself into the car and arrived home, the first thing I did was to check the answering machine in my sister's room, being careful to notice which cat was on the bed; it was Pinkie and so I petted him and came upstairs to go on the computer. The time was about 1:40. At 3:00 I had to leave for Stroke Support and as computer was shutting down, I saw a message from the DEP and it was great news. They were going to contact the ACOE and see if they could resolve some of the mess. I quickly left and attended the meeting, passed out about the Monday "support" meetings I was having and got back home at about 5:15 pm and came upstairs to my computer to wait for my sister to come and tell her the good news. Of course we spent some time speaking about it. I came back to chat and the computer. Later that night when it was time for the kitties to go to bed, she asked me if I had seen Pinkie. I told her that the last time I saw him was 1:40. We started to look for him and call him since this was unlike him but no Pinkie could be found. All doors were opened (to the 2 attics and the other rooms on the second floor which are not used except when family comes) all cabinets, because he likes to get in them and hide when it rains (and there had been a shower) everywhere, but he wasn't in the house. She went outside and called him and he didn't show up. She walked to the street north of this one which gets a lot of traffic during the day and early evening hours but no Pinkie's body, and I got in the car and drove for several blocks and around the circle we are on (about 1/2 mile) and found no cat that had been hit. So the wait for a few hours in case he did decide to stay out, but by morning he still wasn't home.

    Part II: Tomorrow
  7. Phyllis4732
    I HATE PHONES! And demos, well they can be upsetting to say the least - as well as painful.
    This has been a difficult week. I had accepted doing a demo in Walmart. It was for hand lotions (doesn't matter which but both are very popular and also a bit expensive) Knowing this, I put a negative sing. It was people do not like demos that are not food (most important) and which allows the customer to sample the product but does not give a coupon. I guess it was my attitude that kept me from taking the test until I had to (most companies do not require this but this one did) So, finally I called. The first thing asked is the code number to get you the right message.The code was 0690. It is an IVR system which repeat what you put in and you must press 1 for yes, 2 for no. THAT is the #1 reason I hate phones! I detest a list of things and you must push a certain number! Want English, push 1; spanish push 2. Want to know such and such, push 1, so forth and so on, 2, this and that 3 etc. I haven't the patienbce for that. The day I called, I put in 0690 and the voice said " you put 4694, push 1 if correct; 2 if it is not. After doing it about 10 times on 2 different phone, I was frustrating and screaming!. I enlisted my sister and being an entirely different personality from me, she loves phones and called. The first time she also got the same answer, but on the second try, she got it and so she handed the phone to me. Finally, somehow I got through it.
    Yesterday morning, before leaving for the demo, I had to call and again give 0690 and yes, again it was stated as 4694! so fortunately she was here again and she got through that part and handed me the phone but other numbers I had to give also had 0's and yes, they also came out 4's on the other end. My sister made the call again and put in the numbers I had written down and that callwas finally also completed and I left for the store.
    The demo was ok but very hard on me. It is a 6 hour demo - standing- except for a 1/2 hr. lunchbreak, much spent also on my feet, walking to the other side of the store to get lunch and back and waiting to put my order through and receiving iand walking back. My sit down time was reduced to about 15 minutes, without even time to stop at the restroom.
    Now, a demo of 6 hours is just that but a demo of food seems to go faster because you are always busy, but any other is boring and seems 12 hours long. This was one of those. It was finished finally and I decided to come home and use the option of reporting online rather than making a call since my sister was home and there was no way I could get it through - and there is something to be said about reporting online and taking as much time as necessary. When I got out to the car though, I had to "help" my bad leg into the car - it was so stiff. Halfway though the trip, my gas light went on and I feared I wouldn't make it home and get stuck so, I had to stop and get out and pump the gas. As they say, "no rest for the weary". Got home, walked to the end of the driveway to get the mail, took the dog out for a fast trip, grabbed a cold drink and dragged up the stairs to my room and computer and guess what? There was no website to put in the report! I could not believe it. So I called a help number that there was and got a human person and asked what the corrrect site was (a typo perhaps?) She said that they were having trouble and gavce me instructions. Several hours later, I completed the report, faxed it, pasted it where needed (because my writing leaves much to be desired, and must fax again because the number that I faxed it to was also incorrect!
    Phones and demos!!!!!!!!!!!! Not for a while. Perhaps by then, I'll forget this experience. I do hope they have no trouble with paying............LOL!
  8. Phyllis4732
    I wasn't going to the Noetic Science meeting until I read this meeting notice:
    Topic: RAM DASS - Fierce Grace (DVD - 93 min.) -- with discussion.
    Newsweek: "An engrossing, poignant meditation on spirituality,
    healing and the unexpected grace of aging"
    "The stroke caused me to lose faith, and it was a cold, cold place,
    and I
    suddenly realized it was fierce grace
  9. Phyllis4732
    Donna, Kimmie and Kristina; Asha and all other adults with Hemiplegia from a Stroke or Brain Imjury this is a new treatment and Management called NEURO-IFRAH (Neuro-Integtative Functional Rehabilitation and Habilitation)
    I have heard of this since almost its beginning. Two therapists from the acute Rehab I went to were sent to California to learn the system. Last year, a woman I know who had not gotten very good therapy (no thanks to her HMO) was given the opportunity as all of us at Stroke Support were to take a weekend being a guinea pig for area therapists to learn the treatment from the two. In those 2 days, the woman was helped more than the 2 previous years she had therapy.
    The downside is I don't know whether insurance, medicare, Medicaid etc. pay for it, however, while it isn't cheap, it is nothing like stem cells or visits to China and the results that we had heard from those places, do not = their cost. This does and isn't not anywhere near that much.
    So, this is free info which you may check out and see if this is available in your area and possibly if it is going to be taught and you possibly can get to be a guinea pig and try it. And they may have a trial for very little before you actually start up. Here is the website which we all can get on the internet: Tel. (858) 550-1455 FAX (858) 550-5977
    The home base is in Santa Cruz, California
    The reason I mentioned those individuals in the beginning is because they 1st 3 use an AFO. This will no longer be necessary; and Asha, you've mentioned your hand - there is help for that too. I realize you may say but it has been x number of years since my stroke. Obviously it would be better not to have to undo habits but the new training is possible- may take a little longer, I suspose . It is certainly worth looking at the site. All prices are given which I suppose be a little more or less. I'm not sure of that. It's only about 3 years old. Check it out.
  10. Phyllis4732
    Due to circumstances, not of my doing, it is necessary for me to go to a new doctor. This is extremely stressful for me; I hate change. Needless to say, my life these past few years have been full of change.
    In a nutshell, my doctor of 14-1/2 years had left the area and apparently the state. This is nothing new with him. It seems to be a flaw he has- at least to my way of feeling. Hating change, I set very deep roots and it takes dynamite (in this case a meaningful stroke) to unearth them.
    So, the practice had been taken over by a new group and I picked a Dr. I wished to see and made the appointment. At least my records were right there etc. When I went though and was given a Physicians Assistant, I was told Dr. K wasn
  11. Phyllis4732
    It is with sadness that I inform you of the demise of the Bonsai Watermelon. The main artery through which it received oxygen and water/food has dried up; there is no hope of any recovery.
    Later today, I will be performing surgery to extract seeds for future generations of this strain. The autopsy, examination will have a picture taken for future comparison and research.
    I will then perform the last test and that will be "to taste".
    No doubt there will be a report given on tonight
  12. Phyllis4732
    For 15 years I have gone to the same
    You must have the best eyes in the world
    my eyes were straining to read your blog...such a small font
    It's an optical illusion!
    I'm the one with the bad eye and even I can see that we are all using the same font (#2 on our chart) and in a way, mine even looks larger. Perhaps it is the artist in me, but, I choose to use color, bold and italics "in keeping with my balance". You have all chosen the default- black, not bold an no italics.
    This is #12 which to my surprise is the chosen size according to the class at the library on Word that I took. So... I have these suggestions for those of you who have felt it necessary to remark on the small print I use:
    1) Get your eyes to the opthamologist or at least invest in a cheap pair of readers (which I prefer because I am so hard on glasses).
    2) do not use the default, but change the size of your font and
    3) do not throw stones at glass houses for they may break, fly back at you and hit you as they have done here.
    LOL! And this is#18!

    :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  13. Phyllis4732
    I HATE change! For 15 years I have gone to the same Dr. He left the state and sold his practice to a bimbo Dr. I just could not take him! so..........I had to find a new one. I started out in library looking at the books that have every doctor in the US listed, their age, address, and I think school attended and residency.......I listed suitable ones. To me a US or good Canadian University, a private practice, not young but with a few years, a man (I'm a (fe)male chauvinist pig, and things like that. I hate telephones so if an email was listed- great. Then, I went to the computer and looked up the Florida Medical Quality Assurance and checked there. It gives the license info and goes a little further. Of course this form is filled out by the Dr. and it is possible that some things could not be completely true. It goes into insurance they carry, any reported problems, suits etc. any office such as chief of Staff for instance, organizations they belong to (Medical Associations etc) and tuned my choices. I asked a friend of my sister who lives in the area if she knew about any of these Dr.s. She only knew one because a friend had dated him (LOL!). Not exactly whatI was looking for. So, one had an email and I sent an email and asked if he was accepting new patients and said I'm old fashioned and didn't wish to see a physicians asst. which are getting very popular here. I received an answer saying that he sees 2 new patients a week and to call. He explained that he did not accept medicare but that they put the claiom through and I would be sent the return from them. OK, I called and had to wait about 6 weeks.
    Today was the day. I could feel my stress building and I was almost flying by this morning. My problem is I stress so badly that my pressure goes sky high. I have asked every Dr. if they knew of a legitimate hyptnomist, not a charleton and of course did. I knew one in south Florida but when I needed him, he had akready died. And my neurologist was also a certified psychiatrist- a great combination and I've had both types of treatment from him if he saw I was up-tight. He saw my problem but could not get through to me. I began to think that I had chosen someone who would not understand my way of thinking. I was a few minutes late leaving and had thought I had left enough time, I had looked at the directions on yahoo and started to proceed. I have gotten crazy directions before and when I went down the street where I felt it was and could not find it I asked a man who walked out of an office. He was helpful but wrong. He said it must be the other side of US 1. (The hospital was at the far end of the street and although I have gone to Dr. on hospital "campuses" did not think that that could be it. So I went to the other side of US 1 and could not find it but was at the place where I get my blood work done and went in there and asked for help. They said- "It's in the hospital" so I went back. Now the hospital is made up of many buildings and the parking lots were full. I asked a man in a med outfit and he said he was new there and didn't know. I finally drove so far out, I felt like I was in another city (well not really but a good walk) I tried to call from my cell phone but didn't dial it right- area code or 1 first or something..... so I started to walk and hoped I'd find it. I was so glad to find a shuttle which picked me up and drove me to the correct door. When inside though there was no directory, so I went into the first office (also a Dr.s) and was told the y had only been there a few days but they had a card and called the number and got the directions- up the elevator to the 3rd floor, make a right and first door on the left. Even I could then find it. I was late, I was nerand I had to make a pit stop by then. Well, to make this long story short, he was very understanding about my whole situation and things went well. If I had blown my cool completely, they probably wouldn't have to call 911 but just push me through the sidewaks. LOL! All ended well. I am slowly unwinding, but happy with my choice. :cocktail:
    BTW, know when you are asked, Do you smake? Do you drink? and here is now a new one, Do you wear a seat belt?
  14. Phyllis4732
    Unless you are 62, this will just be something interesting to read, but if you are 62, this may be a subject you should look into.
    We all know how stroke robs people of the things in life that they have worked so hard for. We know about people loosing their homes because they are no longer able to pay their mortgage payment or the taxes and insurance on their homes and desparately need the money for their long treatments. I don't know the % of people here that are 62 since there seem to now be so many younger people who have gotten stroke via PFO, but there may be some.
    My sister had gotten an invitation to attend a presentation on reverse mortgage. It was held at a restaurant and lunch came with it, so it was a very interesting proposition. She could bring 4 guests with her and so she took me. Since I am getting closer to again being a home owner, perhaps this would also be something for me as well.
    The speaker was the president of the company and really good and very easy going. People were permitted to ask questions as he went along so they would not be forgotten, which many speakers do not allow.
    The deal is this. You may be feeling a crunch but no one ever thinks of the money they have invested in their home as being a valuable source, except if that home is sold. In this case, you get to live in the home as long as you want and you get paid a monthly tax free amount. You cannnot be forced out of your home in any way and you can spend the money anyway you choose - no questions asked. Even if you choose to blow the money on a trip to Las Vegas, or buy the car or boat of your dreams. Your home which you paid for for many yearts is your equity and that money is yours.
    I can't explain all of the factors but if you have a home and need some cash , check into it. It has been changed from the reverse mortgage of years ago and is backed by the govt. This money may not be enough to live on but could be that little extra that you need, and even if you get SSDI, I don't think this counts as income because you already have this money
    Never assume you are not qualified for something unless you have checked it out.
  15. Phyllis4732
    I.m always looking for one time jobs as icing on the cake and so when I found one that seemed to be ok for me and was 4 times a year to boot, I applied and got 4 locations.
    The job consists of going to a Citgo station and putting in 6 forms of POP (brochures, signs etc.) I should have known when I went to the first pace that I was in for trouble. Their parking area was all filled and when I tried to get a space on the other side a car beat me. So I decided to start at the furthest place, The Country Store which is 7 rural blocks from Hickory Street where I am going to be living- home to me.
    Of course, I went to the porperty 1st to see what the rain had done- weeds! Then I went to the station.
    The first form I decided to do was to put 12" x 18" signs in the frames on top of the pumps. There is a slot on the top and you are supposed to take 2 signs and slip them in after you have removed the old ones. HA! I never realized how tall gas pumps are and with the added foot for the sign frame, we're talking not possible for a shorty like me. So I got out the 1' high plastic utility step I keep in the trunk for times when I can't reach or see to the back of top shelves. It just fitted on the raised base of the tunks. I ofcourse could not see the slit but could feel it. So to remove the old signs- no go. I took a large Philips screw driver to assist in pushing up and enough came up that I could grab. I also thought I could use my utility knife to cut them out. No! What they did not say was that there is a permanent metal linging in the frame and you have to squeeze the new plastics on each side to get the new ones in after you manage to get the old ones out. Now remember, I am disco-ordinated do to the cerebellar stroke. To make matters, there was a lovely breeze for the weather but no so good for putting in pesty signs that would blow. And......there I was on a stool on my tippy toes (thanks goodness for a therapy exercise that allows mw to do it) below the slot and feeling for the slot.
    Needless to say, timewise I'm not making a fortune on this job. In fact, they couldn't and wouldn't pay me for the time it took (LOL) but that's ok. I accept that.
    Well, I finished 2 stations and have 2 to go and I'll be all finished, after the paper work and faxing for the next session in 3 months.
    Anyone know how I can grow at least a foot before then? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :big_grin:

  16. Phyllis4732
    I have missed my friends in chat! I spent last night in computer hell with an AOL tech. It was awful. :Tantrum: Although I had patience with rehab, I have NO patience with the telephone. Show me a telephone and I go bananas, especially when they atart if such and such, push 2, if so and so, push 3. So when all else failed my sister who I asked to help said you have to call tech help on your cell phone. A double whammo. I don't like listening through my cheek bone on that stupid little phone. I had followed AOL help advice and did what the instructions said to delete aol 8.0 which had been what I used when I purchased my computer from Dell in 2003. It was upgraded a long time ago and I thought it was really dumb to waste space on it- well apparently without it, I lost contact with the network. So after almost 50 minutes and $5.00 on an 800 number (an awful cell system but good enough for emergencies which is why I have one) I was reconnected. So..........I went to eat downstairs and when I came back, my computer was not really fixed. Same thing right over again. Tried aol help (IM) and was disconnected but was sent 5 different way to fix the problem. Then today, my sister asked why I didn't set my computer back in time. (Think this is an XP thing?) Well just now after working at an awful job with the physical problems I get from "stress" (but no stroke signs), I thought it was worth a try and it worked!!!!! So, I'm all go for tommorrows coffee shop chat. Hallelujah!!! :happydance: Right now..........this is me :cocktail: Will tell you of the awful job tomorrow..........
  17. Phyllis4732
    I find unexpected meetings interesting. I had such a happening today. The % of chances that things like this happen must be very high.
    I had gone to the library to a meeting. I almost didn't go; an out of town freind asked about us meeting for lunch and so I was going to miss the meeting- not that it really mattered. I honestly don't know what attracts me to the organization. Our plans changed and I did go to the meeting Some people left right ater the movie they showed end; I stayed until, the final words were spoken and then left although many remained to talk to one another. As I walked outside, I had to cross the driveway to get to my car and a car stopped to let me pass, however the car could have gone; I was over to the side and I thought perhaps the person wanted to make sure I didn't loose my balance which I didn't think was very bad. As I past the car, a women said something and I thought she was asking me something which I couldn't answer, but I stepped back (not recognizing her) and she said something like "you knew the x's". They were the couple I had written about who I had become friendly with from stroke support. The woman was the survivor and her husband was the best caregiver I had known. Perhaps you remember my saying in "part 1" that in December he had surgery for a cancerous brain tumor.
    A few months later they decided to move south to be near a son. I forget who had called but I was told that they were leaving the next day. "Y" and I share the same birthday and I sent a e-card and also tried to send emails to them some which weren't returned but I never received an answer. As best I can remember it was April when a called appeared on the answer machine from a male that said, you have my number. The name had been given but it wasn't clear and although my niece also listened to it and I listened numerous timeswe could not figure it out. I could not understand the name. I thought it may have been "Y"s husband, since there aren't many people who's numbers I have. I could not call though because I had misplaced the scrap of paper with the number; I always used the land phone not the cell.
    The woman who recognized me (and I didn't know her - I'm so bad about that) had met me when I visited him about 10 days after his surgery in a rehab. The woman, Robyn, had been "Y" caregiver when her husband became ill. At the time I told "y" that now she would have to be the caregiver. Obviously she could not but what I meant and could put it no other way was that she needed to make his life easier in whatever way she could. The one thing that burns me up is when (and my head will be handed to me for saying this, I'm sure) is when people do not try. Most people here do, but there are some who do not - no effort is made. "Y" was like this. Prior to "D's" illness she had made some improvement and I had hopes, but it was not long-lived. When Robyn told me who she was and reminded me of our meeting, I asked her how "D" was; she told me he died August 5th. This man, especially, did not deserve the lousy fate he found. "Y" was a difficult woman and I wonder if she had always been like that or it was from the stroke. I had hoped that the Dr's prediction that he had a very active type of cancer and although they tried to get it all would be wrong. He had the latest treatments of all types but I guess it just wasn't to be.
    Robyn also thought that perhaps it had been Dan you called. I'll never know...........but I will never forget this lovely man who's path crossed mine. Dan, I know you are not suffering anymore and are in a better place.
  18. Phyllis4732
    Many, many years ago when I was about 9, I planted a watermelon seed - in New Jersey. The soil wasn't exactly for it. It did start to grow and being a kid, I stuck my nail in it to see if it was "real" and of course that killed it.
    About 2 months ago, I planted some canteloupe seeds in pots and one really took off and started to grown. I watched it as you would a child. It got to be the size of a tangerine and was starting to get too heavy to just hang, so I raised it and rested it on a pot turned upside down. The weight caused it to get cut on the edge of the box. The lawn people were here and I don't know if they knocked it but it a day ago, it appeared to be in very bad shape. The leaves had dried up and it was turning yellow. Today, it was just attached with a thread of stem and so I vut it off. It was the size of a small orange and the bottom of it looked just like the "skin of a canteloupe. I brought it inthe house and cut it in half and it was a perfect miniature canteloupe! Seeds and all. So I took a teaspoon and scooped out the flesh and the taste was so very good and so sweet. Imade my sister eat the other half (LOL) and she thought I was fooling and that it was terible and was also surprised.
    I guess, it should have been transferred to the ground but the weather has been so hot that it would have dried up as the pepper and tomato plants my sister planted. Just can not get enough water on them and of course they must get sun.
    It was a great eperience and next year, I guess I'll try one earlier and use a huge pot. Guess, planting it won't be permitted in wetland.............but that will be another blog.
    It was a great experience! Who knows, maybe I've discovered something new - Bonsai canteloupes! :roflmao:
  19. Phyllis4732
    This is quite a surprise. My problems with strokenet is now gone, and I want to thank whoever was responsible. Computers! Guess you have to love them. but they can really mess up one's spirit when they decide not to work. Anyway, this is the blog, I had intended to put on Tues. past.
    I sold my soul to the devil. I did it with my eyes wide open, but after almost 2-1/2 years and almost 1 of intensive searching, Part 1 has been accomplished. Hopefully, part 2 and all that follows will be a little easier.
    As many of you know, I bought a rural piece of property in February 2005 - large enough to not have neighbors watch me each time I went out of my home. I have also hoped that I could have a small vegetable garden but it will have to be very small, although the land is about an acre and a quarter.
    Being a city girl my whole life, the terms "wetland" and "ecological protection" really had no meaning to me, but did I learn really fast. They would be a lump in my throat for about 8 months and they actually haven't ended. The Department of Ecological Protection (a US government department) and I have just about parted. I received my fill permit, necessary for a building permit, today. Hopefully, the Corps of Engineers will accept what had been decided and the County will also kick in but after a possible "show down"on a technicality. You cannot allow 25' between the wetland and the house when the whole area, except for a small section which has to be used for the drain field, is wetland.. The part that irks me most is that once when I asked how they could allow a piece of property be sold that couldn't be built on, I was told not "let the buyer be aware" but that they are not responsible for sales and that some other organization is! Yet it is the county that set the 25' rule. What difference does that make? If it is ok for the government who is the Protection agent, what do they have to say about it? Guess I'll find out.
    If any of you live in Georgia, I'm sure you know about Kudzu. If you don't know, it is a nasty vine that curls around plants and chokes the life out of them. Well, I agreed to a clause saying that I would inspect the lands and if I found any, I'd see that it is eradicated - by hand. Actually, I have done this on any I've seen whether on my own land or if I saw it on public land. So just think of me as the Kudzu Killer. This and about 20 others clauses was the cost of my soul.
    But, when all is said and done, the peace and quiet of this piece of heaven where the only noise heard is birds singing, is exactly what I need. Hopefully, I am almost there.
  20. Phyllis4732
    I had some time before the mail and lunch and there it was -as always- the piano. It's actually been a very long time since I played the piano, perhaps 40 years except when I'd play some 4 handed fun music with some kids I baby sat for. But today, no one was here and the windows were closed because of air conditioning and I thought I'd see if I had to count the spaces and lines to figure the notes on the music. There was a book of simple arrangements from Oliver so I sat down and surprised myself.......not perfect not timing exactly right (I can here my father even now) but it sounded pretty good and I didn't have to count spaces and lines or even look much to see where my fingers were. My Dad was a professional musician - a violinist, from the time he was very young and gave lessons at 9. He would sit in the next room, reading the paper, suffering through my practicing. Each wrong note would receive a remark like "no". "sharp" or "flat". He continued playing, as a second income, even after he became a chemist, married and had children, . The funny part was that he ran the gamat from Christmas Eve services in a Catholic Church to the burlesque!) I told myself since the right hand has the hardest part (but is the easiest to read for me) it would be good exercise. I enjoyed it so much, I may do it again and maybe by the time the windows are opened, I won't care if anyone walking by hears it.
  21. Phyllis4732
    It's time for me to again bring something for refreshments at the Orchid Society meeting. I leave the drinks (soda) for the guys, and feel that purchased baked goods, while nice, isn't as special as home made. A friend had recently sent me 3 recipes each made with a can of sweetened condensed milk. Today, I tried one of the recipes to see if it would be ok. Didn't want any mishap the last minute. Except that it took me a little longer than it should because I haven't fully learned to use my good hand for everything, I used a larger bowl so I wouldn't get it all over the floor when mixing. This is very simple though, even with only 1 good hand - oh and as Paula Deen would say- oh, it's so good. LOL!
    Pirate Bars
    2 C. graham cracker crumbs
    6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
    1/2 C, finely chopped walnuts (I prefer larger pieces so cut a 1/2 nut into about 8 pcs.)
    1 can sweetened condensed milk
    Put all the ingredients into a medium sized bowl (whatever that is supposed to be) and mix well. Spray an 8" x 8" pan, put the mixture in and spread evenly. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven 25 minutes. Cut into bars or small squares.
  22. Phyllis4732
    Well yesterday was the first day of the "weekly gathering" which is what it is called on the notice on the bulletin board in the library. It is much more detailed than the ad I had put here and which is going in freebie throw-a-way papers.
    I do want to thank all for their remarks. I was very careful of all words used so none would be misconstrued. I originally thought of the word "social" and obviously, immediately discarded that. Nancy your suggestion of the word "companion" but that also would not fit. This isn't a dating type thing. If that should happen, great but it had to be sterile in every way.
    So, I had gone to the movie "Miss Potter" earlier at a different library and gathered some extra reading matter to what I already had, because I was expecting to sit alone for 1-3/4 hours. They gave me a small room and said I may need a larger one later, but it was ok since I had put a low number on the form. I should have remembered to bring a sweater as the library like courthouses are always freezing. So, I sat down and read. The notice had gone up that morning because it had to be approved and the person would be there then, and I had only faxed the first notice to the paper called Seniors Today which is picked up in libraries etc.
    The shock was that my ad was on the board but the one from the "other" original group wasn't. Whether she was having a new one made or it was taken down, I don't know. She had gone to a stroke support meeting at the large hospital in Daytona Beach and maybe she found what she was looking for.
    My reading proved interesting though. I saw where there are summer aphasia meetings at another hospital in the Memorial chain and maybe she is going to that. Of course, there is nothing like the type I am trying. I've always said that I learned patience at Reiki which served me good when in rehab for this stroke and it will serve me well with this. I can do a lot of reading. LOL!
    One article had gotten me all excited! It is for a Reiki Circle! I've looked for one not too far fo 4 years - and tonight is the night! (The downer for me is that it is held at a hospice which seems strange, but perhaps the people who visit there could use the energy.) And classes are being given for Reiki 1 in Bunnell. They are priced at 1/2 of what I paid 7 or 8 years ago which was less than other places- so if they give classes perhaps they will also have a circle. Bunnell is where I' m moving- great!
    OK, week 1 if you haven't already figured it out was nada, but I'm not disappointed because by having the time to read, I found much more as well.
  23. Phyllis4732
    To my friendly guinea pigs........sorry, but that is what I am asking you to be while giving me some advice and suggestions.
    Those of you who were on chat last night know what this is about. Those who hadn't heard what it is about should get the idea from this new release.
    I am putting this in a giveaway paper called Seniors and any other that puts free listings of meeting and groups. What effect would reading a notice like this have on you. Any suggestions. I hope it isn't too long for the papers, but I can't really think of any other way to describe it. I have a notice in the library also. To be honest, I'm not expecting many if any. People don't even come to the rehab related stroke support and this is why this is being formed. It would be a sort of companion group, not instead of. OK, here it is.
    Strokers "R" We
    A new and different group. By Stroke Survivors for All Stroke Survivors, recent or long time. Non-strokers, even caregivers have no idea how we feel or how we can deal with the new person we have become. Therapists can treat our medical problems but they have no idea how we feel emotionally.
    The idea of this group is to get together as a group where there is friendship and understanding. Learn how others are coping, share what you have found and enjoy activities together, which maybe old friends can not understand - eating out, going for coffee, to "free" movies, concerts etc. that our area has to offer. Perhaps we are a little slower, perhaps our speech isn't perfect, perhaps we forget a word, here and there. Strokers understand because we have all been there.
    There is a weekly gathering every Monday from 5pm to 6:45pm at the Ormond Beach library. This is late enough to have rested from therapy, or if you work, late enough to stop by on your way home. Of course, caregivers are welcome also.
    For further information, contact (personal contact info edited by Donna - MBM)


  24. Phyllis4732
    The recent news and article about American opera star Beverly Sills death made me again think of "life" in general.
    I had the same feeling when I first knew about Bubbles as she was called. Life is cruel to everyone; the famous and not so famous- as we are. She had a daughter who was born deaf. Here was a woman who had the voice of an angel and if she sang lullabies to her baby, the child never heard her mother's magnificent voice. I just read in the article, which I hadn't known before, that the daughter has MS and a son born to Beverly is autistic. I'm sure she had seen to their care if something had happened to her. Her husband passed away last year.
    Another strange thing.....she had been disgnosed just a few weeks before with inoperable lung cancer. She never smoked. The thing that surprised me though is that a singer learns to use their lungs properly. They are certainly exercised and one would think this would strengthen them. Isn't it strange that this was the part to give out.
    Life? It will always remain a big question that no one can explain.