
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Hi DJ,


    It is obvious why you stroked. Stress related?


    I'm here though to tell you some good news. I also had a stroke in the cerebellum, however the opposite side but that was my dominant side. You won't believe this but you will see how fortunate you are. Cerebellar stroke doesn't paralyze- it numbs and you learn to live with that. And, Dr. will say if you are going to have a stroe, it is the best place. Your problem is a little more involved than mine though because the reverse side gave you mild aphasia. You can always do work ( related research) but perhaps not try cases where you would need to speak. On the other hand, I need physical activity and it casuses a bit of a problem.


    You will be doing well though. It took me about 5 months to get back to some very simple work and driving. I was extremely fortunate because I had the best of therapy and therapists. Just lucked out. My stroke (this one) was a bleed. The previous one- possibly also in the cerebellum was from stress and hit a narrow spot- That time, no one would be aware that I had had a stroe. This time, I am like the town drunk.


    Just keep plugging and things will go well. Anyway, :welcome: to our cyber family. If you wishj to take your mind off your problems, join us in chat. We are a wild bunch (but help anyone who needs answers etc.) but otherwise it's food and drink, virtual of course. You will swear you are there eating and drinking and having fun. Just check the schedule ad appear.


    Hope to see you there.





  2. OK, Shirley, Why? It would be difficult for me to know because the therapist I had did not let me use a cane and on on her day off, another one did. She said definitely not. So, I had gone the way of the rollator and found getting off of that very easy. I did have to use a cane ( was my mothers) when I hurt my good leg and needed to get to work. I probably didn't use it right but it gave me support when I had to get up on an egg crate. (LOL!) I'm keeping it in th car just in case... similar to you having the quad cane near by.


    But to you. I suppose we become comfortable using something and going to what we think is less secure. gets to us. It is normal to be afraid that something will happen and we may fall and have to start all over again- BUT, if your therapist, who you have faith in, says you are ready, you are, so don't give it another thought. You were successful! Be happy and rejoice! Think of it as one step closer to helping your daughter. (my, she was small and early.)


    So, get on and enjoy your success. I'll toast you in chat tonight with this evening's cappuchino. :big_grin:




  3. It was sad that the hostesses apparently are brain dead. People don't use canes to be fashionable; shouldn't that have told them something? I imagine sensitivity classes aren't as important as learning to place a menu in front of people - then again, %wise, I'd say a good many people are insensitive- often until they find themselves in the same place, As for the teen-agers, one bad apple wasn't a bad %. True o% would have been better. It was nice though that the others reacted as they did. I hope in the end you got to enjoy your meal.
  4. "So make the most of the season, and if no-one else gives you what you want, buy yourself something good to make this a memorable one."


    Sue, I did just that. For 3-1/2 years, I haven't had any cologne to wear. I know it comes in all prices but I have 2 favorites- Replique and Estee. So, I was only going to ask the price of Estee when I passed the Este Lauder display and get it when they have their "gift with an X dollar purchase". Actually the older, wiser saleswoman said she'd find me a "gift" and instead of a bunch of things I really don't use and lipstick of the wrong type and color, I figured maybe it would even be better. She offered a travel bag. Not planning on going anywhere but - who knows? Knowing the price of the cologne, it's not something you'd tell someone you wanted, so I just bought it. It has made me so happy - and "I stink real purty too" LOL!
