
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Tonight was the night of the Christmas Party of the Orchid Society. It was held where we hold our meetings each month - The Casements. The interesting thing about this place is it was the winter home of John D. Rockefeller. Legend has it that Mr. R. used to stay at the large hotel across the street, He then found out he was being charged more than the other guests, so he bought the home across the street. (The hotel was torn down about 10 or 15 years ago and a huge condominium was built on the locationSeveral rooms are kept the way it was and several are used for meetings, art classes etc. You can see into several of the old rooms and they are beautiful. The ballrooom had about 10 decorated Christmas trees done by different businesses and organizations. My favorite was done by the garden club. Our party had the same caterer as last year and they did even better. They served a buffet of cut vegetables, shrimp (they were huge), a fruit platter, meatballs and perhaps 10 other hors d'eurvres, small cream puffs, water, colas and coffee. The price for this delicious party was $11.00 and each person attending gets a small orchid. It is quite a bargain. They had 4 large orchid plants (not a common type) as door prizes and I was lucky enough to win the first one so I had first choice. How lucky can one get? Actually, I've had a very disappointing day due to a crazy Florida environmental law having to do with wetlands. Just another way to get $ from people. Florida living is paradise? I'm starting not to believe this. And this past weekend, I bought a lightening bolt pendant on a chain which I can wear 24/7. I was given a very petite one on a thin chain but it was too fragile for me. I feel I have earned the right to wear one and I love it! Hopefully people will ask about it and what a perect way to tell the stroke story.
  2. So happy for you. BTW, there sre exercises for the tongue. I was shown a TV and i'd have to do what she did as she would count. They must look stupid to watch but they do work. I even did them to music- a dancing tongue. LOL! It all sounds great and as Bonnie said, patience. It's a must with a stroke. I was fortunate in that I had learned it oreviously. I'm sure you will as you see improvements.
  3. Yesterday was a day I'd like to forget! I really didn't feel like going to work because I had to defrost 4 units. Defrosting in this case isn't as simple as setting to a defrost cycle and voila; it means pulling the plug and waiting..........It started out ok. I have a rountine. Go to the closest north location and remove old product, pull the plug, leave a sign in unit saying "defrosting" and then go to the second place. While it was defrosting I went to the Chinese restaurant and ate and read a paper and then went back and finished. Then back to the first place and while moving a spinner rack over to make some room to put up the "poster" on the unit, I started my cerebellar act- knocked it down and 200-300 recipe cards fell out. People ran from all over and it was quickly fixed because they were expecting a visit from management and it was one of the things being checked. Left there and went south- same thing first place leave the paper that it was defrosting and on to the second where I push my cart into a barrier outside the store. The rest went ok, finished and proceeded to the last place and started to gather the packages of refrigerated ready- to-bake cookies to put them in my cart which was nearby and the stack about 10 packages didn't make it and fell all over. I was so glad to leave the store after fudging through (must release the ice from the bottom which will melt) and came home. I'm so glad the day ended. Oh, BTW, my fortune cookie read "The day gets better" HA!
  4. Phyllis4732

    My First Time

    Ditto all! Hi! Hey, there are things you can do here to help children, My sister is a guardian ad litem. She is a volunteer officer of the court and she takes the role as spokesman for kids who are in foster care- often because they own parents just don't want them. And there are organizatiuons who need help where chikdren are involved, Just because we are a wealthy nation does not mean our own children are also wealthy. Many live in cars with their parents. Not much fun for them. Bet there are dozens of places who could use someone like you who is so experienced. Anyway, welcome Phyllis
  5. "So make the most of the season, and if no-one else gives you what you want, buy yourself something good to make this a memorable one." Sue, I did just that. For 3-1/2 years, I haven't had any cologne to wear. I know it comes in all prices but I have 2 favorites- Replique and Estee. So, I was only going to ask the price of Estee when I passed the Este Lauder display and get it when they have their "gift with an X dollar purchase". Actually the older, wiser saleswoman said she'd find me a "gift" and instead of a bunch of things I really don't use and lipstick of the wrong type and color, I figured maybe it would even be better. She offered a travel bag. Not planning on going anywhere but - who knows? Knowing the price of the cologne, it's not something you'd tell someone you wanted, so I just bought it. It has made me so happy - and "I stink real purty too" LOL! :big_grin:
  6. Well, the town wasn't Melbourne but near by in Cape Coral (I think- anyway near Cape Canaveral) Because of the redidents who work at the Space Center, it is a nice area with all of the chain restaurants, some local ones, penty of motels etc. The show isn't the best - that one is in Coconut Grove, near Miami and I loved going to that one, but this one is larger than the one in Daytona Beach and has mostly Florida artists while Coconut Grove has participants from all over. The 2 busiest places, besides the stands that sold kettle corn (yummy) were a leather bag place and one where I gave my money. I bought an Appalachian Bow Saw knife. They come left-handed and right-handed which posed a possible problem for me, since, I am becoming a lefty eater but I still use my right hand in cooking. The knife takes very little pressure to use but the thing that sold me is it will cut crust type bread, cut bagels but it will also thinly slice tomatoes. Any knife that slices tomatoes easily and safely and does other fruits, vegetables, the breads and cheese, is a good deal the way I see it. 200 hours of use and then you can replace the blade for $3.00 - sounded good to me. While we waited for the man to wait on me (no more than 5 minutes), he easily sold $100.00 worth, and people were standing in line to try it out. (That is what was clever - he had some french bread and some tomatoes and you could see how great it was.) And oh yes, I walked myself silly again, duh!
  7. I had had a gift/card shop for over 20 years, so I was never able to shop Black Friday. Of course, I'd buy things wholesale. LOL!
  8. No one can say I didn't get any exercise today- I fought the war of Black Friday. When will I learn that this practice isn't for me. Don't get me wrong; I did not get to the stores at 5 or 6 am. I waited to about *ish". I did get all the shopping done that I was going to do + a little extra like getting dog food as long as I was in the same shopping center. But the best things was when I had to park way out and I found a Petsmart shopping cart not too far from where I parked, went to Barnes and Noble and and stashed the cart where it hopefully would still be waiting for me and then going to get the dog food, I confess though that I didn't take it all the way back when I got to the car. I actually didn't get totake it all the way to the car because I had to walk across a grass divider to get there. Perhaps another soul was grateful to find it. With Black Friday, you don't have to have had a stroke to be glad of a cart to lean on; "healthy" people get tired too. Tomorrow is the art show in Melbourne, Florida. More exercise - but Sunday is really going to be my day of rest.
  9. It's 10:06 pm and I am still suffering. I didn't take this little poem as I should have. MAY YOUR STUFFING BE TASTY, MAY YOUR TURKEY BE PLUMP. MAY YOUR POTATOES ' N GRAVY HAVE NARY A LUMP. MAY YOUR YAMS BE DELICIOUS, MAY YOUR PIES TAKE THE PRIZE, MAY YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER STAY OFF OF YOUR THIGHS !!!!!!!! Yes, everything was good but somewhere I made a pig of myself. Even though un-coordinated me tried to put stuffing under the glass plate (I finally figured it out and picked up the bit that fell on the floor at the buffet) but I did manage to finally get a lot on the plate. LOL! I can't believe I did that. The trouble was, I found the plate too many times. I could hardly get into the car and drive home and then did what I shouldn't have - went to sleep. Actually though, my stomach had stretched as far as it could and was bumping into my ribs. I plain hurt. So it is going to be more than the thighs that it should stay off of. Because I was in such a happy mood yesterday, I bought my 6-7 lb. chihuahua an 11-12 lb. turkey all for herself. Well, I hope out of the goodness of her heart, she will give some to her cat cousins and also to my sister and myself as sandwiches and left-over type meals. Actually she hasn't learned how to open the refrigerator door yet nor can she use a knife to slice some for herself. I hope she liked the way I cooked it. It really was a fun thing to do for her; the first turkey I've made in the real oven in perhaps 20 years (I used to use a convection oven after that, but nothing since the stroke but the stove top or the microwave.) Well, it's time to read the ads. Tomorrow is Black Friday and I am one of those.............
  10. Tomorrow is a special day for me besides being Thanksgiving, Of course I feel it is special for all survivors It's our special day to be thankful. If you're not, get with it. Tomorrow is 3-1/2 years since my bleed. Just this morning when signing my signature to checks, I realized that my writing is almost back to what it had been. No more 1st or 2nd grade large cursive letters. It came back much quicker with the first simple stroke and was exactly the way I had written before. My hand is number this time though. I wasn't expecting it to come as far. The second thing I'm thankful for is that I got an email with a surprise. My septic permit was done and ready to be picked up. This is important because until you get it, you can't apply for the building permit. The house will really mean my return to complete independence. The peace and quiet of rural living wait for me. I'm so happy when I've visited my lot and could only see shrub weeds and hear birds chirping. They had to clear a 4 foot wide path for the inspectors to take a soil sample and they made sure it was that +. I could see dirt and there were also some pretty pines I hadn't been able to see. I imagine that the soil must be good and not just sand because the land had never been used before. Only tree leaves, pine needles and - well creatures (the one thing I'm not to sure about .....I hate snakes, mice, rats etc. ) Well, you take the bad with the good. I hope everyone has the blessings that they would like, just as I'm having mine. A very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to all! Phylllis
  11. As many know, I had a bleed in the cerebellum area. I call it the funny place. This is the area that controls balance and coordination. It's a different type of stroke. I believe I read someplace where it doesn't paralyze.( but instead there is numbness ) Therapy is needed.It's been said by doctors that if you are going to get a stroke; the cerebellum is the best place. I'm very grateful, but don't get me wrong. There are frustrating times as well. It's the end of the week so I was naturally tired and really needed the entire weekend to re-charge my batteries. I had said that I would do a demo for Mrs. Dash - a seasoning product that does not contain salt. Unfortunately, the company who planned this event saw $ signs coning into their coffers if they cover several products at the same time. One was to pass out Southern living recipe booklets (very nice) Mrs Dash small recipe folder tear off pads, Mrs. Dash samples to be given away, 3 products to be displayed on the table with several so customers could pick them up right there, Glad Press "N Seal but the star was to be the sample salad that would be made and distributed - called the Blushing Cranberry and Pear Turkey Salad. You would need 3 pair of hands to work while giving the required script when giving these booklets out and making the salad. A great number of cans had to be opened and my favorite can opener id an old fashioned cheapie. They used to sell in the 5 & 19 for maybe 59 or 69 cents. Thus is 3006 though and can openers are wider and more expensive. We use an oldie to open the cat food and through the years of using it, rinsing it and probably not drying it, it is slightly rusty. So, I had to choose a newer model. To make a long story short, I could not use the can opener. I bought a lighter, smakker one and still no go, so I went searching for help. I food the dept mgr. who was very ice and to keep things simple, I told him I had an injued hand. He opened the one can and was going to do the next but I told him I would do it and he should observe. I was able to get it open. The comedy continued with trying to get the mayonnaise from the jar into a bowl without getting it all over the place. Thank goodness for my roll of paper towels.. Well, it ended up with a very tired Phyllis - no lunch break so standing from (:35 to 4:45 and a very sore hand, BUT the salad was a success and got many good remarks. Doing it at home on the kitchen counter with all appliances at hand and a sink to pour liquids is so much easier. If you like to make this really tasty salad, here is the recipe. 1/2 C. mayonnaise 1/2 C. whole cranberry sauce 4 - 5 pz. cans of turkey or chicken chunks (Hormel 3 C, romaine (it should be chopped a little smalller than what comes in the bag) Mix together the mayo and cranberry sauce and set aside. In a large bowl toss the chunks with the romaine and then combine the 2 and toss. Use a piece of canned pear as a garnish.. That's right Mrs. Dash WASN'T used. Go figure why they had to make such a big deal of Mrs. Dash.
  12. Phyllis4732

    Veterans Day

    Nice salute Fred. As I went to work this morning, I was greeted by the American flags on every lightpole on the road crossing the Halifax River (part of the intracoastal system. What a beautiful sight. Then I got to the corner of Walmart where I had to turn in. On the corner were about 8 - 10 protesters! My blood started to boil and unfortunately I was running late. I really wanted to tell those -------s off. Of course I didn't know where to even start. They had one sign stating the number killed; an impeach Bush sign and other choice goodies. Today especially wasn't the day. I bet in other countries they would be gathered up and hauled away. Yes, I know Freedom of Speech. GRR.....................
  13. There must be a section somewhere with statistics but I don't know where or if this topic is covered. Been wondering how many people have had their stroke in the left frontal lobe, the brain dsem, a cerebellar stroke, pons area etc. Thought that would be interesting. I know I each stroke is different but there are many similiarites - especially when dealing with the same place. As I mentioned on the board, it seems that most of those who have/ had PFO's are intheir 30's. Just thought this would be interesting.
  14. Phyllis4732

    Full Moon

    Ya got me! LOL! Too bad about those who feel "put out" over a wheel chair, but makes me think of a saying which translated is - What you laugh at comes before your eyes - so, who knows when they may find themselves in a wheelchair as well. As for the parking in the handicapped place - don't attempt assault, just report it. Is it woth $150.00 (or whatever the price) to the perpetrator?
  15. If it's a small airport how many of those could there be to approach? This would never happen in real life--- Well Jean, yes it
  16. It was a father and son and they do have cell phones. There is no real hostess or bartender.; it was an informal small place. It wouldn't have worked anyway because they hadn't arrived yet. (private plane) Would have maybe worked with the situation you mentioned in a larger setting with regularly scheduled flights. I will put what actually happened later. Hint: I'm strange.
  17. This is going to be a fun blog and I hope for some participation. Thinking is good for the brain - as is humor. I will give you the situation. You are to meet 2 people that you have spoken to on the telephone only. The location is a small airport (private) and you are to meet in the restaurant that is there. One person is older and the other an adult child (same sex). It seems so simple that neither party suggests how they will meet. No further description, no red roses worn, - nothing. OK, how would you decide what to do? Who should make the first contact etc. I'm interested in seeing how people who are alike in at least one way but really so very different would react in this situation. Let your mind go wild. :roflmao:
  18. Phyllis4732


    :roflmao: :roflmao: MARTY!!!!!!!!!! yOU DRIVE THE MEN WILD! Even had me wonder what you were on.
  19. I thought some people make take it that way; I would too. It probably did get people to carefully read everything. LOL! ,I agree in what you said Sue and I'm sure person did not mean it as it came out. That was why I did not write to person directly. Asha, it wasn't a humorous remark taken wrongly. In fact, most people would read over it and not have it affect them. Guess lately I've been so into New Age that it is making me look at things differently.
  20. Someone wrote something very insensitive on this sit (board or blogs). No, I certainly am not going to name the person or give the sex of the person. It is very uncalled for in a place such as this. Perhaps most people here wouldn't think twice about it but it hit me right away. I don't think the person it was written to even looked at it that way eith. But, I really got to me and I thought about writing to that person and telling him/her what I thought. I do understand when people like us have a stroke problem or are in the presence of one who does, where this may not seem what it says - so - if you feel the least bit guilty, think twice before you write something that could be hurtful. And NO, it wasn't said to me. As I told one of the guys in a Home Depot who is always saying funny things and then apo;ogizes (when none is necessary because I know he's kidding) I don't care what he says and all of the people behing and working there burst out laughing and he gave me the thumbs up sign.
  21. I never knew that clocks the world over were changed' now I do.I wish they would change the year round so that in December when it gets dark early, it would be lighter a little longer. The trouble of course is the kids have to go for school buses in the dark. Guess there is no happy medium.
  22. HOW GREAT! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :congrats: I could never do that.......not learning, and certainly never speaking before anyone who maight criticize, stroke or not. Now let's see what a great new name you can come up with besides justsurviving, Phd.
  23. I have had such a busy 2 weeks just passed that I knew nothing till now. In fact I picked up 2 strange me on Thursday morning at a small private airport -yes, it's that bad. (I did have to meet 2 men I had only spoken to on the phone, so I hadn't lost it all completely. LOL) To get serious, I never knew that you had this problem. Was that what caused your stroke originally? As Fred indicated, stronger powers will see you through and with the rest, I will pray for a quick recovery. In fact, I'm even going to see how my "energy" is from level 2 - I will send Reiki energy your way. Hope you make it back to Friday nights in time so we can have the Cranberry/Turkey/Sweet Potato Cappuchino! (no it's not on the list, you'll have to originate it for us.) Take care and keep us informed of the date when you know. Phyllis