
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. You've got me drooling! Many, many years ago, I had fried chicken made with buttermilk in a restaurant in Newport, Rhode Island, I think. I could never duplicate it. It was just delicious. Your entire meal sounded just "out of this world. Slurp! :roflmao:
  2. Perhaps I shouldn't "enter" your blog. After all they are really diaries and as such are not for others to read, but perhaps you could use some other ideas to clarify an unusual situation. Just when was the last time you saw Jane? I believe you said you are 1000 miles apart. I also believe that you are on "friendly" conditions with those who she is with? Has she avoided your calls? Is she on medications that could cause this to happen? Perhaps you are to a point where you should put your thoughts on a sheet of paper divided in the middle. I find doing that helps many times and makes difficuly situations clearer and easier. I know how confusing this is for you- or at least I sense that. The end of my thinking is "What would Jane have done if the tables are reversed? Phyllis :friends:
  3. My suggestion is similar to Jean's. I'd put a carton in the cabinet with a garbage bag in it. I have a shredder which I love, but when I have to clean it out, and having had a cerebellar stroke, I sometimes miss the bag, so I put the bag in a small carton right near the table with the bag in it. It's better than trying to hold the bag open and dumping it in that way. The bag now stays open for the little shreds of paper - and the dog can no longer use it as a cushion after she kneads it into shape (and dumps shreds all over). Thank goodness for a hand vac. You have to figure out what works best for you. Trying to get a cap on a pen is a fun time also (and also the wand from mascara). I learned to try to hit the side and then slide the item in. Heck, I can never find the tip of my nose so why should I expect to co-ordinate anything else. :roflmao: As I say, the cerebellum is a fun place. Phyllis
  4. Robyn, I hope you got your call tonight, but as a survivor I'd like to tell you what you have realized. "Getting over" a stroke is difficult; not just physically but mentally as well. I think although we try to feel that we can be like anyone else, we are different. It can be diffucult to accept people accepting us, it is difficult to make new friends who are not strokers and we can't help wondering the way old friends feel about us now. Even though you are accepting and tell Jane what you certainly have, until she is able to more or less accept herself, she may have a problem accepting what you say. As all of us have said, stroke recovery is painfully slow; I was more fortunate than many, had been there before with a simple stroke and \ being an introvert to begin with certainly helped. I'm sure you'll find the way. Remember, even if you don't get your call, it just means it will take a little longer. Phyllis
  5. Have to agree. Other reasons also. Again want my own home; I can't believe that places charge rent for dogs as well as an unrefundable fee in case the dog damages the property. And another reason, I'm not near a frig when at work; it better controls my weight, and I really enjoy it when I get jobs I really love. Also, it really is better for you mentally. People tend to sit home and do nothing but "be sick". There are tooo many who can work and don't. Obviously, there are some who can't.
  6. Just a dumb remark for a nurse. As said before, think nothing of it. Phyllis
  7. Sue, what others have said is true; I can't add anything else. As for your problems - here are a few suggestions that you may be able to use as guides and adapt them. I imagine with Ray's attitde, he wouldn't use Pampers. Maybe you can't even purchase them where you are. It certainly would help.' I believe that when he does things, like not cleaning up after himself etc. he doesn't realize that anything is wrong. It probably just seems worse now because there are so many other things. The most important thing is that you get some sort of break. Are there any groups that have days for caregivers to get away? If there aren't, is there any way you could talk church members or rehabilitaion centers into doing something like this. You are so much better able to cope after a break, even if it is only a few hours. As for the so-called friends......well you know what I would say, Some day things even out and they find out that it's a very tough haul. Keep your chin up Sue. We, CG and survivors alike , do know what it's all about and understand.
  8. Sue, inactivity in a diabetes patient isn't good either, so don't change doing the things Ray enjoys. I know you'll be able to work it out somehow. Remember quality of life is just as important as quantity of life. I really don't believe that those things are in our hands. As for so many medicine changes, I look at that as a plus. So often we get over medicated. In the US with fear of mal practice, it's common. Then, there will be a drug recall and all "heck" breaks loose. Looks like the worst is getting up early since to me. That's what is inhumane. I'm not with it until noon. After the initial shock wears off, you're gonna do just fine.
  9. A girl we know who is from Czeck Republic was going back for a visit. She had put on some weight and starved herself to look good. She couldn't wait to go and was anxious to return there to live in a few years. Someone was cruel and told her that she had gained weight. When she came back here and glad to be back, she said people here don't do that, (well, you found one who did) Degrees don't make people. They are often so involved in learning that they forget to be human. Good for you :cheer: He deserved it + some.
  10. Susan, was your stroke a cerebellar stroke? If it was, well, that's normal now - at least for me. :roflmao: Sorry, I've a weird sense of humor however, perhaps laughing at these things has made it easier. Maybe though, your celebellum wasn't involved, because you'd be "walking drunk" as well. To me, getting up for 3rd shift would drive me out of my mind. That's certainly not for me with a pm personality. My day starts at noon (but I get up early. It takes me that long to get with it.) Hope the rest of your day goes well. Sorry for your "problems" but they gave me a laugh to start the day. I just thought - "I know" :big_grin: :laughbounce: Phyllis
  11. Thanks GG. Very catchy tune. :big_grin: It's A Sunny Day Outside. :Clap-Hands: (Did I pass? (This time)) BTW, looks like eating grits has made you a true southerner y'all. :roflmao: Is that south PEI? Phyllis
  12. I've been burning the candles at 2 ends. Thursday, I thought I'd have a light day so said I'd join the others and do the set up for the coffee demo after hours in Sam
  13. GG, you can't do this to us! Like Fred, I haven't gotten to Harmony Lane either. I have to wonder if your company has been drinking "my" Pepsi. LOL! :big_grin: Maybe they're all "iced" tea drinkers, or like they call it here in the south "sweet tea". When you go to a luncheon you're automatically served a glass of sweet tea, same as water. It's there. Anyway, don't stay away too much lomger - you're missed. Phyllis
  14. Hey Tom, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that on Tuesday, when the state of Florida has it's primaries, I shall be taking advantage of the expensive new voting machines and choosing the "R" candidates that I would like to see run and beat those "other guys" in Novemver. :roflmao: You make me laugh! Guess we couldn't be further apart.
  15. It's the end of another month. Time does fly when we're having fun. I'd like to stay home and sleep today but I've a big day planned. Ernesto didn't fully help (certainly better than a hurricane) but it was even a tropical storm when it got here. Don't get me wrong, that's great but many people spent money they don't have on things they hadn't budgeted for. Some can be saved for another time but you must pay now and maybe now isn't the time for added expense. On the one hand, it's good to be warned but when you are and nothing happens over and over again, you tend to let up and that is when you shouldn't have. There are also people who in their rush have fatal accidents or heart attacks from the strain and stress- oh and of course strokes (how could I forget those?) LOL I was going to write on people no longer around. I read some of the articles on fatigue and I didn't recognize a single name! Even now there are people that are disappearing and I wonder why? Did they just feel they no longer needed support or did they "no longer fit the category of survivor"? I was so happy to find one of these people alive and kicking but what happened to the others. Curiosity killed the cat - guess I just became a cat. Meow y'all.[/font]
  16. Phyllis4732


    This is the easiest way to give some response. I got caught in another storm yesterday and they are really frightening. I decided maybe the way the storm is coming and the slope of my windshield cause the problem to be worse. I also had to sit in the car for about 1/2 hour so I could get into Home Depot, although I had a good parking place (which I always enjoy since my neurologist said I was qualified for handicapped parking). I always think Ha, Ha Dr.---.Anyway, it didn't give me enough time to get to my other store which I must do today - going early before the rain. Fred, we hadn't had any rain for a very long time also, and we did have the brown grass and all. Know what you mean. The temps here were only in the 90's though LOL. Sue, I agree that lying down in a dark room would be great. I'm sure the aspirin would help too but they are a no-no for me (I had a bleed) June, cleaning closets? Are you out of your mind? LOL. Rainy days are for sleeping! And Bonnie, if it were only my balance that would be bad enough, but I also have a co-ordination problem with it and I seem to knock things on the floor whether I'm near them or not. Those things, balance and co-ordination are typically cerebellar stroke. All I can do is laugh. So, I better get off and do what I must and then try to avoid the rain. I have another laugh tomorrow. I'm doing a demo but this one is different. It's in Wal,art and I'm giving cheese slices of Adkins cheese (healthy, I guess Adkins says) BUT here is the strange part. I do it from a cart that had been turned into a moving demo table. Now I've heard everything. There is a good point. I have the cart to hold onto and it will be like a rollator without brakes or a seat. :cheer: :party: :roflmao: [/size][/font]
  17. It's 9:20 pm and I hope I don't fall asleep before I finish this. We finally had a decent rain; actually a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, I was on the interstate when the worst came through. It was so dark out and the rain so heavy that the white lines weren't visable. Also, bless the statethe road is uneven due to adding lanes, changing lanes etc. Projects here take years. I'm so tired of their orange and white cans They reming me of garbage cans. I finally made it where I had to go just after it had let up. I sat in the car waiting for it to stop more and started to fall asleep. That is what I want to know. DOES RAIN, ESPECIALLY THUNDERSTORMS AFFECT YOUR LEG, ARM AND GENERAL BEING? There is a cerebellar site in England and a man from Scotland had asked if others were bothered. He said that he was going to check with his psysio spelling wrong but therapist to those of us in the states. I said I'd be interested in the answer. Well, the therapist said he didn't know and the man said maybe we figured something out. I had put it in the back of whatever mind I have left and as I was leaving the book stands, lost my balance and sort of staggered toward the book racks. I was able to catch myself before too much damage was done. As I started to walk outside, I saw it was raining and thundering. I've been very unbalanced lately because of working on my feet too long when 2 jobs needed to be done at the same time. I did not get the 2 days in bed I was thinking of, but instead the second day went to the flea market - a large flea market! Before when I went, I only went a short distamce but not Sunday. I should never have left my rollator home. There were planty of empty benches to sit on and I took every opportunity I could to sit for a few minutes.I didn't get to rest on Monday either because I decided to go toa political luncheon to see a woman running for senator. Tues, I had to go out to buy readers because I couldn't find the ones I had and they were getting scratched so it was another trip and then I was asked to check on something at one of the stores. But I am so tired...........however we had the storm. Was it the storm or doing too much? Does it ever happen to you? :Yawn: :uhm: :roflmao:
  18. Have to see what this is like) I'm so very tired and fatigued. Not the best thing for a stroker. Just one more day and then decision time. Unfortunately, Two of my jobs bumped inot each other and I am a victim of more hours of work than I'd prefer. The new job is very physical - too much for me. To top this off it is early in the am. Being a pmer for years, the change has been difficult and almost impossible. My old job is in the reset phase which in itself is tiring, especially when one wants to scream, "Idiots!" Well Monday, after working 7 - 1 in a grocery "cutting in new products in the cereal section, I went to job #2 and worked there, gathering the numerous books that they forced on the store that did not sell. At the first job, I asked myself why groceries have 56' 4 or 5 shelves high of cold cereal. What is the matter with us? Aren't we now happy with plain corned flakes, puffed rice, shredded wheat without having to decide which cereal to buy the family. Then, numbers - enough to boggle this brain that had been injured. UPC numbers- 11 long which have to be written long-hand (after a while, I can't read my own writing) Why must a distributer load up almost $3000.00 wholesale of excess stock, and why does the retailer allow this? Pretty expensive to just "sit" there.:Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: .I've come to the conclusion that buyers are idiots, and those designing the plan-o-grams (diagrams of where everything goes) have never had to place it on shelves and have no idea that "there isn't room for 12 boxes in a space that holds 10". Tues. the same deal went on, but I left at 6pm so I could go to the orchid workshop; Wednesday, getting store 2 ready and then job 3 which turned out not to need any work Today, no grocery work but having to go and assist in getting the books packed. My job was very little- just putting stickers on the boxes- bless the return people - then putting out the new books the idiots think will sell when the others didn't. Tomorrow, the same for store 2. Hopefully job 3 will not have to be done tomorrow and I can come home and start my weekend of sleep! :Yawn: All the while thinking :uhm: Do I want to continue this lunacy? My 6 lb. dog who has more sense than I has been sleeping in bed for hours now; think I'll join her. LOL :roflmao:
  19. :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: (In black, ok J & A?) .About 10 minutes later I get a call (as always, the phone rang when I was in the little girls room) I ran to the phone but instead of -Jr. was -Sr. He said that -Jr. was out of town but that I sounded so upset and stressed and sounded as though I needed help right away. I could have kissed him over the phone. I can imagine how it came over the phone when I called, and if it wasn't so sad. it is really very funny. Well, we spoke a long time. I told him about the $57,000 and he said it shouldn't be more than $25,000. Of course we hadn't spoken about the permits and all, but even so, that is a large difference, and then he gave me an important piece of advice. I had told him that I finally had gotten a call from another contractor who I had called me. It was from a name I had gotten from a woman who is building a similar house and I had written to her and asked her who was doing the work. Well, -Sr. said, Run as fast as you can from Mr. So-in-so. If things don't work out with the other man, call me and I will find someone for you. He gave me his cell phone number and said to be sure to call - either -Jr. or him. It was like a breath of fresh air. Mr. So-in- so did call and had left a short curt message to contact him. It became clear what the man was trying to do. Although he had no experience with modular homes, he was probably at my expense "buy" a home from the co, ( which -Sr. said they wouldn't do) and give me a price of less than the _jr.& Sr. He wanted the fingures and all before he would give any to me. I was advised to tell him if he called that my sister and I want to sit back and take a rest for a while. I can't believe that he was going to stick a knife in the back of the very people who could have done so much for him. Greed doesn't pay. He also didn't realize that to me loyalty is more important than money. You may say that is dumb, but that is me. :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: Strange things happen: A few weeks ago I had visited the property when I was in the area, I noticed that a new home which had what looked like the stem wall was for a modular was being built, but no one was around. I found the owners address (out of town) and wrote and asked her if she would tell me the name of the builder and does her just do complete jobs or would he just do a foundation. Because of vacations etc. by the time I heard from her with the information and wrote to that man and he passed it down a few times, I already had Mr. So - in - so. I took his number down just in case and put it carefully away- but couldn't remember where. Yesterday, I again was in the area and it was early and I had the feeling that even though it was a Friday, maybe workmen would still be around. Well, there were cars and a pick-up and the house was already set on the foundation. To make a long story short, the woman I had written to and her husband were there as well as the builder. I stopped to ask about the house etc. and she invited me in to show me her place, introduced me to the builder and after staying about an hour talking, he gave me his email address which I sent to my builder and I'm again "in business". As I said- I do believe in fate.
  20. :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: When a week passed I called the wife and asked how things were going and she said that he had some figures, but that he needed a few extra days. When Friday came, she called and said he should have everything priced by Tuesday. Well, I had gotten a job out of town and would be commuting to St. Augustine (40 miles) for 3 days and I had to be there by 7 am. (I'm not an am person and with medication etc. that was a problem in itself.) So, I asked my sister if she would please call him and get the figure. I could then add the 2 figures together and get in touch with my mortgage broker. I arranged to call my sister on my celll phone at a certain and find out the price without anxiously waiting until I arrived home. As luck would have it, I was working with the team lead and you know that cell phone calls when working are sort of taboo. Anyway, I finally did get my sister and she didn't sound too happy. I knew that the fees for a manufactured house were 30,000. A modular would be more and I knew too the fees given then were exceptionally low across the board. I was thinking 30 - 40. The price given was $57.000! He told my sister that he wasn't making much etc. and then he said that the house has ducts but no air conditioner and said the man told him, He said I need to have a crane to hoist the house onto the foundation. Well, my sister said I would need an itemized list for the broker and he said he would give me one if I was interested knowing the price, It ended with my calling him in the evening. I told my sister there is an a/c and she said no, he said the man told him.......well, when I got home, I found the papers faxed to me from my builder and there was an a/c included, a crane and a crew etc. It turned out "the man" wasn't my builder but someone at the home manufacturer who he had called - and since when was the a/c, crane etc. from the foundation down? I emailed -Jr. and told him what was going on but still didn't mention that the man was interested in becoming a builder for the company. I read him what my sheet said and he asked if I'd fax it and I said yes. Later though I realized that the prices were on the sheet but then thought, well, this is "family". Knowing me, you know I am a great believer in fate. When I went to fax the information to him, I had a problem with the fax machine. My sister had moved it because she had painted her room and I figured she had touched something. She wasn't here and I'd have to wait until she came home. I decided to call his wife (who BTW runs the office) and explain what happened. I was surprised when I did not get the wife but the man himself. He said he called the home manufacturer this morning and that my builder gave me wrong information and said I should call him. Well, it was then that this stroker who managed 2 strokes from stress, had enough and the "you know what" started to hit the fan! I told him that the builder came highly recommended from the company and I would call him. I don't remember whether he said he would also call him. A short time after I get a call from the wife. She asked what I wanted him to do. She said that he noticed there wasn't an a/c etc. and he knew I needed them and so he included those things. Basically she was the "peace maker". She informed me that I should get everything in writing. She did ask about who was responsible for certain things and I said I would find out. I called my builder and got their answering machine. I hate those things and I was so upset that I started off like a machine gun, and :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: about the situation with the gentleman and I went on so long the machine shut off, so I called up again and just said, call me before you call Mr. So-in-so. My number is........ :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
  21. THIS HAD GOTTEN SO LONG THAT I HAD TO CUT IT INTO SECTIONS, HERE IS SECTION #1 :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: Many of you know that I have been trying to have a new home built. Finally, it looked as though things were going along nicely. The house is a modular home which is considered the same as a stick built home as far as loans, insurance etc. I really loved a certain model of a manufactured home and I was lucky enough to get a very similar home which is a modular. The builder came highly recommended by the home manufacturer. I found both men, father anf son, really nice. However, 1) they are out of town but will build anywhere but 2) they only do the houses and not the foundation that the home is to be set on. Finding someone who would do this has been a problem. About 3 weeks ago, my sister got a brainy idea which seemed to pay off. She contacted building supply dealers and asked them for names of builders who would be able to do this type of work. We knew it wouldn't be right to ask for just one but that was all the man could come op with. I called his office and his wife answered. She took down all the information and had asked the name of the manufacturer and when I told her, she said nothing but I'll tell mt husband. Well, I received a call and an appointment for the following day. I asked my sister to come with me for several reasons. One is the problem of driving and having to look for house numbers at the same time- especially on a busy highway, Another is as strokers you are aware that at times, even though we may have made a list, we may forget or forget what is said. And in general, 2 heads are better than one. I had prepared a folder with the unformation on the piece of property with the form from the property appraiser that is on line and a sheet giving all the information about my builder- physical address, email address, fax #, telephone and cell phone #. I have been dealing with the son who is a young father although I had originally spoken to the father as well. They are Sr. and Jr. (same name) We were very delighted with the contractor who had much experience as a builder both up north and down here. The surprising part is that he had gone to see these homes because he wanted to become a builder for them. The fact is, there is not one in this area. I thought what a great opportunity for the man to be working with my builder who has so much experience setting these homes and is so highly thought of by the company. He will learn the operation by observing. I did not mention this to the builder but -Jr. was happy that it looked like all the pieces were fitting and we were finally on the way. We explicately explained that we wanted his co. to do the foundation, and for him to act as a general contractor arranging things from the foundation down (well, septic system, land clearing etc.) which were my responsibility. Everything that was above the foundation was the builders. Also, permits etc. that men in the know can handled. I still believe there is a double standard and women are treated like 2nd class citizens by many.That seems clear enough, doesn't it?
  22. Many of you know that I have been trying to have a new home built. Finally, it looked as though things were going along nicely. The house is a modular home which is considered the same as a stick built home as far as loans, insurance etc. I really loved a certain model of a manufactured home and I was lucky enough to get a very similar home which is a modular. The builder came highly recommended by the home manufacturer. I found both men, father anf son, really nice. However, 1) they are out of town but will build anywhere but 2) they only do the houses and not the foundation that the home is to be set on. Finding someone who would do this has been a problem. About 3 weeks ago, my sister got a brainy idea which seemed to pay off. She contacted building supply dealers and asked them for names of builders who would be able to do this type of work. We knew it wouldn't be right to ask for just one but that was all the man could come op with. I called his office and his wife answered. She took down all the information and had asked the name of the manufacturer and when I told her, she said nothing but I'll tell mt husband. Well, I received a call and an appointment for the following day. I asked my sister to come with me for several reasons. One is the problem of driving and having to look for house numbers at the same time- especially on a busy highway, Another is as strokers you are aware that at times, even though we may have made a list, we may forget or forget what is said. And in general, 2 heads are better than one. I had prepared a folder with the unformation on the piece of property with the form from the property appraiser that is on line and a sheet giving all the information about my builder- physical address, email address, fax #, telephone and cell phone #. I have been dealing with the son who is a young father although I had originally spoken to the father as well. They are Sr. and Jr. (same name) We were very delighted with the contractor who had much experience as a builder both up north and down here. The surprising part is that he had gone to see these homes because he wanted to become a builder for them. The fact is, there is not one in this area. I thought what a great opportunity for the man to be working with my builder who has so much experience setting these homes and is so highly thought of by the company. He will learn the operation by observing. I did not mention this to the builder but -Jr. was happy that it looked like all the pieces were fitting and we were finally on the way. We explicately explained that we wanted his co. to do the foundation, and for him to act as a general contractor arranging things from the foundation down (well, septic system, land clearing etc.) which were my responsibility. Everything that was above the foundation was the builders. Also, permits etc. that men in the know can handled. I still believe there is a double standard and women are treated like 2nd class citizens by many.That seems clear enough, doesn't it?
  23. This is scary b/c this is the first time I have used my Medicare insurance for x-rays and PT. [/size][/color][/i][/b]Amy, you will learn that Medicare is wonderful. In 1992 when I had my first stroke and didn't yet have Medicare, I fortunately had some "emergency money" saved but not enough to pay the whole bill. I was only in the hospital for 3 or 4 days and didn't really need any OT or PT. Fortunately, carges at that time were less than they are now. I was able to make arrangements with the Dr.s and the hospital to pay a certain amount each month (sometimes just 10.00) and everyone accepted imy doing it this way. I believe it took me 2 years to pay the hospital. (No interest is charged) I paid all my bills. This time I had Medicare and it was a good thing because hospital, rehab, a nursing home where I had rehab came to quite a bit of money. 20% (I do not have supplemental insurance) is a spit in the ocean when you are dealing with thousands. I am working now and Medicare is taken from my pay; I get nothing additional- it just goes in the pot so to speak. So, using your Medicare will really be a blessing as you will see. Yes, therapy is limited etc. but still it's a good buy.[/font]
  24. Rich, I'm surprised about your attitude about tpa. Yes, perhaps it should have been discussed with you, but maybe the doctors/hospital was being very careful. Tpa can cause a bleed. Certainly you wouldn't have preferred that. It sounds very much to me that you are not accepting and doing everything you can - which is fine - don't get me wrong, but there has to be some acceptence just in case. There are people here a lot younger than 51 who have had strokes because they had pfo's and never knew it. What would you suggest for them to do? And what would you suggest for those who have had bleeds? At present there is no "tpa" although they are considering a medication used for hemophilia. People who have bleeds sometimes just don't make it. Many must have surgery. Do you think that brain surgery doesn't leave problems? Then there are s few like Fred and myself who have had bleeds. Fred's bleed apparently was in a place where it did great damage, but he did not need surgery, nor did I. My bleed was in a "good" place, the cerebellum. So I walk a little drunk etc. I have accepted that and the fact that I lost much and have had to start all over again. Acceptence, Rich - think about that. JMHO.
  25. Phyllis4732


    I also wondered if you went toPaula Deen's . Happy I'm not the only fan on here. BTW, a friend went with a senior group and they didn't have reservations and they also couldn't get in. Maybe just as well, Marty. Don't know if you don't eat a lot of butter but she uses it like water. UMM good!!!!!!!! :big_grin: