
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. OK, I'm not one of our recipe people and should leave that to Rolly and Chef Denny, but this is too good to not share. (A word in my defense - I do have a BS in Home Economics) Here is a rather simple recipe and if you have some sort of chopper to a Cuisinart, it will even go faster, This is a great salad - very different. Great for the family or as a Pot Luck dish. It is best kept in the layered form and each person, spoons down to the bottom and mixes it in their own bowl. The reason is if any is left, the lettuce stays freah and crisp, probably because it is on the bottom. If you are worried about some of the items because you are on a special diet, you perhaps can substitute; however, you get very little of the "bad things" such as bacon, cheese and egg. Lettuce - 1 head - shredded bell pepper - 1 large - chopped into small pieces scallions - 1 bunch - chopped into small pieces eggs - 3 hard boiled - chopped peas - 1 box frozen - (do not thaw) water chestnuts - 1 can - (drained) mayo - enough to cover top with a thin layer sugar - thin layer to sprinkle on top -(just a little) cheese - 8 oz. pkg. mild Cheddar Cheese (1 pkg, already shredded) bacon - 8 to 10 strips (very crispy and crumbled) Use a flat dish, deep and layer as listed, then put in refrigerator over night or fix early in the morning, until ready to serve. Just before you serve, mix it all up. Can use a Pyrex oblong layer cake dish or metal about 2" deep.
  2. Truly, it only happens to me! I work for a wonderful company in Minn. They have great coordinators. A few days ago, I got an email asking why I didn't do the work that had been assigned. Long story short- they changed how to get into their website 2 weeks ago and I somehow missed it. So my coordinator, sends me the work, tells me how I can report it and says if you have any trouble, call. OK, today was the day. It was at Wally World and was just the type of work I love - a kind of audit. I settled down to put my report online and see a note from the coordinator to all. She has been booted up the ladder and we were given the name, email address etc. of the new coordinator, OK, I'm happy for both. I go to put my work online and for some reason, my computer has gone wacky. It will move to the left and I can stretch to the right but then it stops 2 columns short. So, I typed all of the information that did not get on the report (and the report did not complete because some is missing and send it to the old coordinator- returned! Sent it to the new coordinator- returned! Sent an email to see if it would go saying I'd call- returned. So :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: PS I'm listening to Christmas music at least that is cheering meand it feels so good to have a tantrum and scream! HUMBUG!:Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
  3. Phyllis4732


    Marty, I can understand your wanting to skip the funeral but in truth, a funeral and even the flowers are not for the deceased but for the living survivors. They are the ones who need the help. I'm sure they will understand though having seen how it "hit" you today.
  4. This has been bothering me for a week now. My Dr. (Family Practice) suffers from paranoia. Well, at least this armchair shrink think so. :big_grin: I've gone to this man for 14 years and I just can't believe the changes. (OK, I accept if unhappy, I can changepractioners. I don't wish to do that, and I understand the reasons why he is the way he is, but he has carried it too far.) I realize that there are people who run out on bills and I accept that people are sue happy. Having said that, I'll go on. (Sorry, don't think countries with socialized medicine have this problem - so ignore this blog) A few years ago, he started using a company that debits checks. I have medicare so the government does pay. My 20% even if I ran out on the check, would be minimal. OK your argument - those small amounts add up. I honestly don't think there are many Dr.s who are doing that. The next problem is somewhat very understandable and yet..........I understand a Dr.s being afraid of being sued by some individuals. And we all know that that mal practice insurance is very expensive - especially for neurosurgeons and I believe obstetricians, surgeons etc. In fact, many hospitals "employ" neurosurgeons and pay their mal practice which of course is a great savings to them. And you hear stories about some Dr. who take their chances is fields usually that are not charged high rates..............I understand if you do anything that the Dr. feels you may sue him and hold him responsible, he wants you to sign a form. I can even accept this, but will someone tell me why if you would like a copy of your blood test and are there in person asking (not on a phone), why must you sign your life away for that? Of course I do refuse things (fishing trips) and I can understand being asked to sign a form about that. Now though it has gone further. He loves a computer and what it can do. You get a print out of things you are to do, your meds etc. which is very nice. Whether one reads it, is a persons' business. And of course, I can understand having to sign that, BUT! having an idiot reading it slowly to me just about pushed me over the edge. I was stressed when I came, stressed while I was there and VERY stressed when I left and still stressed when I finally got home and tried to lie down and rest. I think I almost spent as much time signing all the garbage and being read to as I did at the appointment. They should not care (and probably really don't) if you don't read these things. They have your signature and that's really all they want. I was so stressed, my heart was racing and so now I have another diaganosis. All I want to do when the "cashier" starts reading again is say, "excuse me", take the sheet and tear it up in little pieces and drop it on the desk! And you know, all of these "services" are not "free". The fee has gone up about $80.00 in 14 years. I was told that medicare doesn't give as large a % or something. The hardest part was that the neurologist fee was only about $7.00 more than the Family Practice Dr. The true fact is, the neurologist has 2 certifications and was a brilliant Dr. I was told he was a specialist and has to coordinate all of the other Dr.s reports. The truth is he said he never interfers with a neurologist and accepts what they say. Wrong season, but. Humbug! (That's a good word for a "lady" to use, not my most favorite. Well, I should feel better now, but I'll feel even better when I find a way to get even - like having him sign a Patients Right form AND READ IT SLOWLY TO HIM! LOL!
  5. When I had my stroke, someone at one of the hospitals said I would sleep a lot. I thought they meant at first - no, not so. As has been said, it's part of the territory. The Stroke Association is having a seminar and one of the topics is fatigue. That is the reason, I'm going. I don't think though that there is anything to help but to give in a take a nap when tired. But, yes, heavy medication will definitely make it worse - at least I found this out. :uhm: Night.
  6. First of all A big :happybday: to Lisa. Now down to business. Completely agree with Pam. It does no good to become dependent on a wheel chair when you are on the verge of walking. Personally,, I'm in favor of a rollator. It can be used in the house as well as ou, has a seat for rests and is in a walking position and will strength the legs. I started using one and then started to push it a little ahead and then walk up to it. Now, I occasionally "take it for a walk" but mostly have it "parked". I am planning on keeping it near the bed when I move because I won't have much furniture to start and when I get up for bathroom breaks, I'm still half asleep and use furniture etc. for balance. The rollator will come in handy and be good since I will be all alone. I'm sure if she had a choice, she would see that gaining independence is more important than depending on a motorized chair.
  7. Oh Sue, I'm so sorry for the "hurts". The way I see it, those "friends" were really only acquaintances after all. It's said that if you can count your friends on the fingers of one hand, you're lucky. I truly believe that. My sister and I are not eye to eye on that one (well, other things too - we're complete opposites - same mother and father too) She calls people friends- everyone she knows- and I call them acquaintances. Another thing. My mother used a foreign saying which translated is - "what you laugh at comes before your eyes", or simply "happens to you". It's true too. As a funny instance, my sister has always had multiple little sneezes rather than one hard one. And of course being taught to always say "God Bless You" with a person like that, you do it once or twice and then more or less laugh or say something funny. Lately, my dog has been sneezing this way (can't find a reason) and of course my sister reminded me that I always said something to her and now............So, to the point. People who hurt people (although they may not think of it that way) get it back. What goes around, comes around. Not nice to say- but they get theirs. I'm sure you nor Ray have never been this way to others and I'm sure that you've even gone out of your way to help people, who for whatever reason, weren't as fortunate as yourselves. It's easy for me to say, but let it roll off your back, and, continue being who YOU are. Many years ago, I had a gift shop. So often people would come in with children that would make me want to pull my hair out. A woman with an emtremely well-mannered son who was hydrocephalic used to come in to buy cards. I always tried to be especially nice to the boy and one day the mother mention how nice that was; it made me feel so good. I think of the boy and mother often but will never see them again and who knows what happened, but the warm feeling is always there. Hey, you know you have friends here and a few good ones there (in person) so the heck with the odd acquaintances Phyllis :hug:
  8. Hi Fred, Love it or as I like to say "ain't that the truth?" Poor English, but it expresses sentiments perfectly. BTW. made this red because it's such a cheerful color - everyone needs a little of that - especially with all this gray. Well, just a little more. :cheer: :cocktail: :roflmao: :happydance: :gleam: :oops: gone too far- HAVE A GREAT DAY! Thanks for a start with a smile. Phyllis
  9. I am writing this as a blog because there is a smaller group that comes here who
  10. The company that I was supposed to work for tomorrow (July 4th) was kind enough to give us a choice of today, tomorrow or Wednesday. I decided to go today. It's in the north direction and then when I went to change my weekly patch, realized that I had forgotten to buy them when I passed Target last Thursday. That is south so I had to go the approxiimately 10-20 miles there, back the 10-20 miles, pass the cutoff for the house and go the 20 for the patches and 20 back! Stupid me! :uhm: Since I had such a long drive, I did what I always do (and shouldn't) daydream. I had the CD on with The Prayer disc with Andreas Bochelli and that helped keep me calm even with the many drivers I screamed at. Not good for a stroker who got this way from stress. Anyway, as my thoughts wandered, I thought about and wondered why so many people who used to visit the message board and for whatever their reasons have left us. I wondered if some have entered the golden gates, have decided that they no longer needed support or just that they have other places to go and things to do. With me, when I am here, it's a relief from the many weird and assorted challenges I seem to face each day - no not physical ones, but the ones associated with being on this planet at this time. When I came home, there was a call for me. It was an alum from the UM who went through the glad mouth stuff (and was shocked to hear when asked about changes) that when I went to school and it was referred to as "Suntan U" we were not permitted to wear shorts or bathing suits where we could be seen by the people on tourist buses. My, have times changed! Before I leave, I want to thank the computer Gods for not dumping me - yet. Wish everyone in the US a happy, healthy and safe Fourth of July. Now what would have happened if out forefathers did not set out to find "freedom". Guess to some, they didn't..........
  11. Thank you everyone for your remarks and help. Bonnie, I know Trevor and the problem I had before, he, nor others, equally qualified could solve (I finally got help from Dell since it was only on my Dell computer, not my sister's, not the one at the library (neither Dell's) With this problem, my ISP is aol (who I find strange anyway) There is another site that it has been doing it some. Unfortunately, that is a work site from a job I just started. It isn't as bad as it is with Stroke Net- and it doesn't always happen. In figuring that out, it appears not to be Stroke Net, or the work site but something bigger (like aol) I have places I go to frequently on my favorites (ok I am lazy, but one click is easier). In the meantime, I give Stroke Net 3 dumps before I decide I've had enough for that session. So far today, ok. Perhaps. I can try going in different ways and then make one of these my favorite.
  12. Unfortunately, I may have to stop spending many enjoyable hours on the Stroke Network which I truly enjoy, but since Shout arrived (could be a coincidence) I am continually dumped off my ISP. While it again connects me, I have to again sign in and although I marked
  13. I get a "stop fee". I believe it was originally 2,00 or 2.50. When the gas went up, they raised it to 3.00 but when it started to come down, they said that new rules only allow them to pay 2.25. The gas then went even higher but they did not pay a penny more. It's a killer. Unless I can take advantage and do the 2 stores on the same day, it costs a lot more. Didn't gas go up in Chicago too? And at 2.25, that doesn't even take into consideration insurance, new tires when needed and eventually a new car!
  14. I have lost my brain! At least the way it functions. I don't think an EEG, cat scan. MRI or MRA will be able to find it. Oh, wait, this isn't exactly a stroke problem - guess a psychiatrist should be my first stop - and the one I liked is retired..........well, I'll tell you my story and let you be my shrink (Sandy, you're disqualified because you are a legal one) I had an opportunity to work this weekend at a Sam's Club (only those in US will understand, I guess. Sam's club is a discount store where you pay a membership fee, and get to buy large sized cans, multipacks etc. On weekends they have many demos of food products and you can go and eat an entire meal. OK, so there is this demo for a Brazilian coffee. The fact that I am a stroker and it means standing for 6 hours on 2 days and 8 for the 3rd should explain part of my problem. One of the last things my OT in step down did was have me stand (with wheelchair behind me if I tired) and set a clock. He kept asking me if I was tired and I said no. Well, the clock went off at almost an hour and so it looked as though I perhaps would be able to do a short demo. I have done them for 4 hours and lean on freezers etc. when tired and space my lunch break, and done 2 days in a row and then come home and stay in bed for a while............The thing about this one was 1) because my schedule was different, I forget to take my bp medication (a real no-no) but felt secure because I wear a patch and feel I'm covered until I can correct the situation, 2) anything and everything that could go wrong did, but when it was over, I had beed fun! (See my problem?) Perhaps the check that will come in a few weeks helped. Actually, there will be 2-3 of us and people who come for samples are so interesting. The "booth" was supposed to be set the night before and wasn't so I got a call to go earlier if possible. And I ended up trying to help set it up. It took 2 of us, 2 employees of Sam's and a manager to get it up. We were able to get the beans ground but we apparently blew fuses and could not heat the water. No coffee - lots of upset people waiting for it, the group leader was taking some pills for nerves as well as going out to smoke and I cut up the biscotti and granola bars to go with the coffee that wasn't. Well, we pascified some people with the snacks and promised coffee today - So here I am trying to get in the right frame of mind for another 6 hours. The coffee is going to be made in the back somewhere and brought out and served in our booth. Somehow, the video we watched didn't tell this. So, if you live in the vicinity of a Sam's, check it out. A coffee demo extrodinaire will be comimg to your area soon. And me? I'm going to take my pill right now before I forget. :oops: :im stupid: :happydance: :uhm: but right now happy and feeling no pain, but wondering where I canget my head straightened out............... Happy holiday weekend! Phyllis
  15. Sandy, you're a "pinknik". Now everytime I see something pink, I'll think of you - especially kitchen gadgets. So how many times have you used your pink coach grapefruit slice coin purse. OK it didn't arrive yet. See, that "wonderful price" is meant to only let you have enough change to fit into it. :big_grin: Phyllis PS. Written in pink in your honor Highlight to be able to read.
  16. (Finally figured out how to do this again) I am writing this because I did not see anything said about the lecture last night. I had to leave during the question period because I had to participate in a confeerence call for a job this weekend. (Never did get in the right room but I did get to a room and should be paid for the call.) And I fell asleep later so didn't hear anything after in chat. I have my own feelings about it - of course I'm not the adventurous type and like proven methods, but then too, I feel to take a chance one would have to be in pretty bad shape. There, of course, isn't any guarantee but there are plenty of areas where they could use so many excuses such as - it wasn't soon enough, the condition was severe and so many treatments would be necessary etc. As I understood, the cells are introduced in the spinal fluid. To me, that is an area that shouldn't be fooled with (unless a person desparately needs to) Too much could go wrong. When I did hear the Q&A, I didn't hear about the failures; there certainly must have been several. I haven't had a chance to go to the web site yet and will when I get a chance, but these are my feelings right now - quite expensive for something still in a sort of experimenting stage. It was interesting to "hear" though. :uhm:
  17. You mean those ads I see on TV are wrong? They practically promise a chair. Why don't you suggest the therapist push and lift a chair where there are no ramps. Most of all (and I'm putting my foot in my mouth----_I blame the Stroke Association. They will not stand on their own and hide behind the Heart Association. I know people who have had heart problems and automatically get chairs if needed, and parking permits when it is a known fact that some people with heart conditions are to have simple "exercise" like walking. The Stroke Association does not fully look out for us. Also, while they are good to give warning signals, what about those who are beyond that? Or simple put "What have you done for me lately?" I think the situation stinks! Phyllis
  18. G - R - E - A - T - !!!!!!!!!!! Phyllis
  19. Ken, hopefully it's early and the thyroid is all that;s involved. A person can live without a thyroid and just take thyroid in pill form. My sister's was over-active and it was gotten rid of with what they called "an atomic cocktail". That was in the 40's or 50's and she's taken the suppplement since. Just has to make sure it is right amount every now and then. Sending prayers. Everything will be ok. Ohyllis
  20. Sherry, you have been given very good advice. You did not mention your deficits nor do I know your deficits. I wonder if you received all of the rehabilitation that makes dressing and even light cooking easier. Like Jean said, perhaps a Dr. could get you some additional rehabilitation sessions to learn these things and also to get aids available to help putting on shoes, pulling up socks, the shower chair and they have long handles sponges to help reach places for bathing. What I don't believe anyone has mentioned is the fact that as one who rides a motorcycle, there is always the possibility that the tables could have been reversed, and. it would have been your husband who was the stroke victim. Do not feel guilty. I'm sure you would have done the same things for him. See, if you can get further rehabilitation at this point. It may not only help your husband a little, help "relations" but also make things that you are doing easier. Phyllis
  21. What a lovely way Asha put it. It's true; there are some sdvantages to being the way we've become. For starters - we don't rush around (can't really) so we notice things we never saw before in people, objects etc, How often did you have time to notice a beautiful rose? Or when at a fast food place, actually looked at the people around you? Enjoy the new slower life. Phyllis
  22. LOL! Me too! Sister can't understand why I am not comfortable with a small file box given to me as a gift. I prefer a cardboard carton with plastic bags from stores with name of stuff written on. Go figure. At least the stuff doesn't fall out bottom as in a folder and I operate better with my own system. Crazy, huh?
  23. I think this is great news! A step toward getting your (Baz's) life back. How great for one's esteem. Phyllis
  24. Perhaps I should say steamed - but somehow it isn't the same. :Tantrum: I'd appreciate it if someone could explain to me reasoning of executives or those who are supposed to be in the know. Tell me how highly paid people seem to have not been in line when brains were being handed out. Honestly, even with a scared brain that has some connections that do not always make contact, I can think of things better than they. (I'm not bragging, just telling it as it is.) They sit around tables in board rooms and decide what is going to make more money for them.........most of the time, these so called executives never did the job but will tell you how it is supposed to be done. Then there are people who decide how we should spend our money. Maybe, some people can live on less. Maybe some people who don't make millions know how to pay bills while those we think of as big spenders owe everyone and their brother by trying to keep up with the Joneses. Yes, I had a crummy day today and all because of people. I know though that this kind of tantrum :Tantrum: is better than keeping it in and having it "blow up my brain" as I've already done. :im stupid: This idiot is learning something - finally. I guess that is why I prefer animals - the kind with four legs. They have more sense than humans. And their unconditional love can't be beat.