
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. My last blog was 12/25/05. Why? Because I couldn't figure out how to post. :im stupid: As I said, I've got an excuse; I had a stroke almost 3 years ago. Must have fried my brain a bit. :uhm: :roflmao: Anyway, I'm back. The weather in Central Florida has finally gotten to be to my liking - now at 11:16 pm it's 78 degrees. The flowers are starting to bloom; the grass is a little brown from no rain and the newspeople are starting their yearly scare about hurricane season. So, I guess it's time for me to show up on moldy page 12.
  2. Sounds like you are giving it? There isn't a person from a company who is giving it at your home with people you invited? Anyway, with chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies, wish I lived closer. LOL! Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. Phyllis :Good-Luck:
  3. Phyllis4732

    Go Go Go Joseph....

    LOL! Think it was the loin cloth.
  4. In 1992 I had a simple stroke. I was told by a neurologist that if I took an aspirin a day (325 mg.) I'd never have another stroke. Because I was getting black and blue from a mere brush against anything, the GP said 81 mg. was enough. 11 years later, I had a hemorrhagic stroke- he forgot to mention that. I really liked taking the 81 mg.because it's said that aspirin is good for a lot of things, however, now, almost 3 years after the bleed, this neurologist says definitely not, ever again. So, you're right - they can drive you crazy. In my case, I'm dammed if I do and dammed if I don't. BTW, the 81mg. that the Dr. is taking, and says you should be taling 325, is no guarantee he couldn't get a bleed. Do what you feel is best for you with your neurologist guiding. He is the specialist when it comes to the brain.
  5. There's nothing like tomatoes from the yard. There is a jar people use for strawberry plants- a sort of urn with bay windows. LOL! Sure a regular pot will do. Many years ago when I was a kid, I planted some watermelon seeds. I got one watermelon but put a fingernail in is to see if it was pink inside. The whole thing could fit in my fist. LOL! Planting things is a good experience for a child. I used to help plant tulip bulbs and I still love to get dirt under my nails (not very ladylike but there's something special about the feel of the soil.) Anyone ever make mud pies as a kid? They're fun too, especially with stone "nuts"
  6. Amy, one thing is sure. There will be a place somewhere. When my mother passed away, she was entombed where a friend of ours from the same town up north was. Then my Dad went beside her. I used to be in that area and feel badly that it's quite a drive from here. When I visited there, of course I paid my respects. The nice thing about entombmet is that you can have a person moved unlike my grandparents. One set are in an area that is old and not taken very good care of... But as Asha pointed out, the spirit has left the body - or so they say. I have this strange feeling. When they do meet again, all their afflictions are gone and they are ok- but I haven't been able to decided what age they are..........Heavy stuff.
  7. Gee, you'd think we are lepers. Thank goodness you were given the job. Fortunately, whoever hired you understands - even if you were the "one" hired to show they don't discriminate. I hope you continue to make a bundle. Maybe that way the others will understand- unfortunately for the wrong reason though. In a way, this is as much a part of "the stroke story" as warnings of how to notice one. I wonder how many jobs that I didn't get because I "was a little different" have been given to those who weren't as qualified or do as good a job as I would do because they weren't "different" Thank you for the lesson you're teaching to the "real losers". Who knows it's said "what goes around comes around" (duh, sr. moment, or the reverse?)
  8. Phyllis4732


    Guess I left my heart in South Florida. I went back for a few weekends but haven't been back for a year; do I ever miss it. When I was there though, I hated all the trsffic snd wondered how I ever dealt with it. I do miss some of my favorite restaurants, stores and friends. My home there is gone and I'm having a hard time getting settled her. Only about 275 miles but still too far to go for a short ride. I knoe the way you must feel. Hey, you are starting a new life with your fiance; it will turn out great and what was said about returning to visit with your parents is true.[ Please don't cry about it; won't help anything unfortunately. Of course the fact that you can must help. My stroke 14 years ago zapped that. It's much worse not being able to cry come to think of it./color]
  9. Stopped by a second and read your blog. How very interesting. I almost felt I was there too. Have to agree with the others- you are special and Ray is very lucky to have you. It's time to go to bed and I know I will still be thinking about your blog. Have a wonderful day. Phyllis
  10. Phyllis4732


    Agree with you Marty. I hate cell phones but do have one for emergencies. I had a car which would get stuck a lot. One night, when it did, a car drove up and a woman stuck her cell phone up and asked if I needed help. So, for that they are good- or for women who are out alone at night. Also though, "sick" people who go anywhere alone could find one helpful. The truth is I carry mine, turned off when it should be on for work. Marty, guess you don't go to women's rest rooms. They are very popular there. LOL!
  11. Sue, I loved the picture; now I have a face with a name. Never noticed it before. Suggestion, maybe? Is there any man on the list that you think Ray would enjoy "meeting" through email? If you can think of someone, ask them to "write" to Ray. Maybe it would work. Someone with same interest? Age etc. Sametype of stroke? Same post stroke period? Worth a try, maybe. As for dancing. I dance sitting down. Some music just gets me going. Slow music, well, not as good LOL. Actually, I think of it as exercise. Heck, I had to move my legs with weights on in therapy.......
  12. :roflmao: And remind her there's well, fell, dell, jell, sell, tell, yell. LOL! Very funny indeed.
  13. I kind of go along with Jean. It's surprising that they aren't handicapped accessible. I thought it's common now - then again I guess it's not actually the law and maybe some areas. especially here in Florida, see many handicapped people do to the older population. Are you sure there isn't a way? I'm sure it's a bit of a disappointment when you can't go to something because you are handicapped. As for falling, I was taught almost right away how to get back on a low bed from the floor. Wasn't there any training. What I am trying to say is that people do fall but do not hurt themselbes. Perhaps we let down easily. There are also ways to "help the person up. I wanted to work in the yard; I love pulling weeds and so asked how to get up from that. It is doable; you just need a therapist show how and take a few minutes for your practice. Does Lisa still get therapy? These are a few advanced things that are good to know. Well, a few short months and you will be able to get back on the golf course again. Life will slowly but surely start to come back for the 2 of you.
  14. whatever there is to eat; whatever there is to sleep; whether your pj's or shirt gets food on them - so what? You did not invite your sister. She is coming and if she isn't satisfied, so what? Do not feel you must go out of your way for her. "You are sick" and no doubt your husband has enough on his hands. The two of you have not asked for any help and are doing the very best you can. Please do not make yourself sick over this. Whatever you are eating, so-be-it. Spaghetti is filling and not too expensive - or mac and cheese from a box. Do not serve meat if you can't afford it and desserts with whipped cream etc. are not necessary. What the two of you can do is more than enough. You'll provide something to eat, a place to sleep period. All that is necessary.
  15. Debbie, I don't believe that even a trained therapist can tell for certain that you will not improve. No one knows and many of us have proven them wrong time and time again. I wish people like that would forget their negative thoughts. They could at least say something like It's possible that - - - - -. So, don't feel badly about it and just go on your merry way. Let your brain do it's thing. IT is the BOSS, not the therapist. In the meantime though, please try toget some help. I can't believe they want to "wait" until you get approval. That really sucks. As someome has said, go to the ER and maybe tell them they would be responsible. You know they fear suits; it doesn't loook good on their record. The most important thing is to get help if you need it when you need it. You know what they say about the squeaky wheel.
  16. Yes, I cann believe anything, I goto an out of town Dr, (long story)- not too far but one where you can't just drop in the office and say you didn't give me enough medicine between my visits. It's possible too that the medicine I take comes in bottles of 90, not 100 which I ask for and I believe is a common I ran out and the pharmacy called the Dr.s office and they gave me only enough for 30 days which would bring me to New Years. So I needed a few more until I could get an appointment fitted in with my work. I gave them all info. They called and I wasn't here but my sister was and asked her what I needed. She said she didn't know thename of the med but it's on my chart (duh!). There was another call and they decided that I was getting it at another pharmacy, I guess and she said Target and probably didn't say the city- but I believe that is listed also. Anyway, when I called the pharmacy and there was no medicine, I just called my neurologist and got it from them. Of course I don't belong to an HMO. I wouldn't be able to deal with all their stupid rules............. Stick in there. Just look for someone and get the meds when you can (preferably earlier although I know there are certain times and rules with HMOs. Good luck. PS What a switch in practices (types) Probably, malpractice insurance is easier to obtain. I believe many neurosurgeons are now "employed" by the hospital who pays their malpractice or a part of it.
  17. Sandy, this is one of the times I agree with you. (BTW, please send one of those tunafishy sandwiches here when you are feeding the NYC Public School kids) Isn't remembering part of acceptence, Jean? What is so terrible to remember, but not dwell? Yes, dwelling could be bad, but ignoring is worse. JMHO, perhaps not as well put as I'd like.
  18. Phyllis4732

    Another week

    JJanice it's good you are getting a break because when your husband does come home, it will be very difficult for you. It would have been hard on someone who didn't have a stroke and you have that added, but it will be do-able. Just take your time and do what you can in your time. It's good your husband is getting the extra healing time. That will be a great help. Just remember to keep the do-gooders away or there for very little time. If someone is extra "good", I hope that one person will help. What I mean actually is not whole gangs of people to tire you both out. I hope the new year has good things in store for the two of your. HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2006
  19. WB,GG. Glad you're back and had such a great time. It's nice to get away some time. Hope you're ready for some friends at Harmony Lane. I've missed it. Phyllis
  20. Butch, I don't know the cost of the license but if it isn't too much and wouldn't put a dent in the budget, renew it. Yes, she may never do any work again but you never kmow and having to take everything over again could be a problem. Are there any dummy heads etc. that she could practice on. Guess not, but what about starting with nails. Can she put polish on? Could she do things at home (would it be permitted. It would be a start and give her such pride. That could lead to doing other things. JMHO
  21. Sue, I really do understand what you are saying and I am answering not as a caregiver (which I had been with my Dad when my Mom had a stroke) True not the same but I am looking at this from another point of view. I have 2 questions. 1) When you were married, were the words "till death do us part" used? and 2) what if the tables were reversed? Perhaps you are just thinking that perhaps a nursing home.....there really has to be a better way. I spent time in a nursing home butI knew it was as a "step down" for 4 weeks. Of the people there who were permanent residents, those who were in very bad shape- it was understandable, those who were there as residents I don't think had much of a life. The place was really excellent with activities that were great, a sort of patient board who I guess planed some things, "walks" around the area, musical entertainment at lunch during holidays etc. as well as a beautifully decorated "Living room" where they were tables and chaurs for cards, a huge TV and comfortable furniture. It was rarely used by the patients. Occasionally, a couple of residents played cards there. I had a roommate who was a permanent resident. She had lived with a friend who was a caregiver who became a friend. When the friend moved away, her son who did visit her everyday and call did not take her into his home but put her there. It's true as a diabetic she needed insulin but basically, she gave up. She would not go to the dining room to eat her meals, never left the room except on shower day etc. I visited her after I left and was in out patient and then I would visit her after that. For about a month, they had a psychiatrist seeing her to try to change this pattern but it didn't seem to help. One day when I went to visit, she had an IV and said she had a flu. I stayed away for a few days and went when she said that they were going to remove the IV and when I went and met an aide in the hall and asked her if my friend was sleeping, she told me the news....... Because she just stayed and got no exercise, she developed a stoppage, was taken to the hospital and apparently had had enough and did not permit surgery. A nursing home is not the way. Perhaps something else. A nursing home is NOT your answer. Perhaps help in another form.
  22. Phyllis4732

    Part 2

    And, and?????????????
  23. Phyllis4732

    Part I

    Just like a mystery, you've got me wanting more......
  24. Great news, Janice, Best Christmas present ever, So glad all went well. Now for a healthy 2006 for both of you. Phyllis
  25. Phyllis4732

    ho ho ho!

    Ditto everyone else. Have a real happy. Phyllis