
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. That's great, Butch, This is the way it happens - a little at a time. Perhaps Liz is at a point when she can not now do any more. When she perfects these skills, making dinner more and more, and needing your help less, it will be time for new skills. Happy holiday to you and yours too. Everything sounds so wonderful, I wish I was part of your family and friends.......but you still have that Minn. cold![/color]
  2. Phyllis4732


    Pam I believe you are in upstate NY. Many Nyers who live in the city do not even own an automobile; they do depend on the subway and busses and yes, walking if they are going a reasonabble distance. And of course there are many who work in NY live elsewhere, in NJ and Conn. Can't you imagine the problem if you lived uptown and worked in the village or Battery Park. My sympathy to them. They will not be able to get to work, Taxis cost a fortune if you can get one. Stores aren't able to make the $ they had hoped for this holiday season, the garment industry will have trouble getting their spring lines out etc. if this continues. While I don't approve of government intervention, seems to me that perhaps the national guard there may have to run government busses or they will need to get scabs who will cross the picket lines which is dangerous. When there was a strike of air controllers, they went for others and the airlines were able to move safely. I'm not sure the old controllers ever got their jobs back. What happened was a selfish attitude by the unions.They should be glad they have work and not be so greeedy, especially at this time of year. True, for them to get over their pont it was the best time but not really the right time or way to do it IMHO
  3. Phyllis4732

    Long time no Blog

    Oh, what wonderful news! If you're serving cornbread you're having "sweet" tea. That;s what it's called here in Florida where there are southerners who aren't converted northerners. It's served just like water and is in the price of the meal at almost all restaurants that aren't fast food, buffets or chains. Hope you enjoyed your meal. Again, magnificent news! It's about time, I'd say! Phyllis
  4. I can "buy" that definition. Phyllis
  5. Fred. probably the easiest count is by strings. If you have 10 strings of 50 each etc. and add them that way. Then to pack the hundred feetstrings together, the 50 feet ones etc. Perhaps strings can be color coded to know which box to go into for which size. Now, if a bulb burns out, the count won't be exact but who's going to count thousands of lights to tell the man there are only 9,993 in stead of 10,000? Like in every town, there was a beautiful display that was always written up in the paper and on tv. The trazffic was impossible there and I believe they had to have off duty police to control it. Then, the man decided to let the display be put up in a public place that I believed charged a small admission and a deal was worked out or something. It wasn't the same. And then, there are always new people who are starting displays like that. I guess one tries to outdo the other and it gets to be a huge mess, but we always have to go see it, don't we? Several years ago, the home of the National Enquirer (trash newspaper) would have an extremely large Christmas tree. It was free to go see and people would gather their friends together to travel the 40 or 50 miles to see it. The parking was a mess because so many would go. Then condo associations would rent buses and they went. Other displays were added and the "miniature train people would set up a displat also. It was fun to go with friends and then end up with having hot chocolate somewhere. Mr. Pope who I believed owned the paper died and I believe his wife continued it, but what there is now is a mystery to me. In the end, your way of using the same decorations etc. is easiest and understandable, but there is always someone. I visited my land and down the dirt road was a house where they had a huge "plastic" blow-up type Santa. This on a dirt road that probably only they, their family and friends and the few neighbors on that road who went to the other end (to drive around the block since turning would be difficult) would see. I'd hate to think what would happen if the multitudes ever tried to go by for a look see. That dirt road would end up a mess of ruts. LOL
  6. Guess you aren't being correct by using the word "Pepsi". "Coke will be very angry! However, it is the brand I like and maybe Perry too. Guess in the future we must refer to it as a cola........... Coming to Harmony Lane now to have a AHEM cola and collect the wonderful tidbits that are there. Hope you have a fire going; I'm cold. Phyllis
  7. Oh, so sorry. Those burns are horrible. Guess maybe when our brains aren't working, we should wear oven mitts when in the kitchen. There's a new item now that is advertised called something like an Ov-Mitt. It's not as clumsy as a regular oven mitt and costs much more, but maybe for strokers a must. Take care, do not allow this to get worse; seek ER help if necessary. Now going to do some "free cell" to test my brain, today. Find it's a good indicator to how my thinking process is going. Phyllis
  8. Bangers and beans at 10+ pm????????? Man, you must have a great stomach to go to sleep on that. So, if I should wander up Harmony Lane, will I see a snowy site like this, eh? Funny, I remember the main part from last year but it looks like it has some added features. Well GG, I'll be looking for the decorations when I come for my pepsi. In fact for the holiday, maybe I'll have some hot, spiced cider, thank you. Phyllis
  9. Phyllis4732

    Bah Humbug

    The shrinks won't like this attitude.........True, no one is up to a lot of decorating or baking but none? Wrong attitude. If only a few red bows, a wreath on the door, a ceramic electric tree. It's once a year.
  10. Ha Ha! Yes Marilyn, I was sick in bed - think it was the 8th when he declared war though; the attack was the 7th, We "knew" ina roundabout way, a kid who went down on the Arizona. How were you messing Wally World? Buying? I was there, didn't see you LOL. I was straightening my Stravina display. They are the decorations and magnets and wrapping paper with kids names. I do 4 and this is a service week. Finally got my yearly can of popcorn with a doggie picture. They only had the ones with puzzle tops but now have the 4.50 cans. When the popcorn is gone, I use the can for all sort of things.
  11. Knew and love that story. Never heard about the shopping bag. I could use one too. Unfortunately any L & T too far away. Boo Hoo. Asha, get 2. One for me too. LOL
  12. Phyllis4732

    surgery comung

    Will be praying and sending you energy. Phyllis
  13. Have to agree- practical gifts just don't cut it. This is the time for the ridiculous. Now where is the Neiman Marcus catalogue when you need it? Wonder what's this years special gift besides the several thousand dollar jeans?
  14. Eh Gary, What flavor cake and ice cream is there? Have been trying to go to Harmony Lane but I've been falling asleep by the time I get here. I was ready to start playing the violin, LOL. (No, of course I don't play. Only lasted a few weeks in lessons. Got tired of having my elbow always shoved down. LOL My Dad was a professional violinist which helped with his scholarship to college and also gave him enough to buy a home when he married.) Anyway, glad you got your oil change and you'll be good for another 40000 K. They tell me you're due back 12/4/06 and have put the sticker on your personal windshield. Cheers Phyllis
  15. Amy, just don't take it out when a boyfriend visits.
  16. I agree - no need to apologize. God did provide for the trip and the wonderful trip. Whatever one's beliefs, everyone must agree it was a wonderful experience for you and well worth it for those of us reading it. Phyllis
  17. Pam, Best wishes in what you decide. Just remember to give it much thought. I like to take a sheet of paper, divide it vertically and list reasons for on one half and reasons against on other side. Not only will this give you a time to spend much thought but writing it down will give you a chance to look it over again and again and perhaps change some things from one side to the other. Most important though, make up your own mind and let NO ONE change it for you. There should be no place for "could- have's" or "should-have's".
  18. Phyllis4732


    Hi Bonnie, Glad you're feeling better. BTW, it is now 4 pm my time so 1:00 yours. Since there are only the 2 of you, my dog and I will be flying to your home on my broom to help you eat the turkey. Come to think of it though, forget it; we don't need to get the flu or whatever it was you had. PS you can use what we would have eaten for sandwiches, salad, a la king or tetrazini, hot sliced sandwiches, etc. etc. etc.
  19. Phyllis4732


    Sorry, the answer is: People don't want to come. At my stroke support group, brochures giving date, time, location and speaker are sent for 4 months (had been sent monthly also) and you still only get a handful! They come maybe once and then leave an don't return. Why? There's ther reunion. Hundreds of invitations are sent to everyone who's been a patient at the rehab. Everything is paid for for the survivor and a guest (spouse) and even parking is paid for and there are young mrn who park the cars. Wonderful catered meal, wonderful program. Maybe 100 come. (From years and years) Why? I haven't figured it out. It appears to be international too. Maybe they feel badly that they haven't made enough progress - but how many could that account for - couldn't be all. Any other ideas? On the 15thwe are having a Christmas party with just food, games and conversation and no speaker. Bet only a handful will show up.
  20. We'll never know about the woman.......unless we can add 2 + 2. I do hope she made out ok and got the help she needs with whatever problems she has.
  21. Wish it wasn't this busy now. I can't multi-task too well. Only got 1 job done and remembered others that should be done. At the same time, I shopped some for company coming to visit (family, but company just the same) and faxing and xeroxing my Purchase order for home. Too much at once. You're lucky Gary, at least "Thanksgiving and Friday are normal days. Tomorrow, as well as work, is the mad rush for sales (one of the biggest days, if not the biggest. I'm a glutton for that!. Miss you in chat........Maybe tomorrow.
  22. Bonnie and Asha, My heart breaks for both of you, They say that the loss of a child is the worst loss and I believe it. I loved what you said about Aaron carrying a baby girl (meaning Asha's daughter) I have strange beliefs but I do feel as though there is a place where people "go". I do believe we are re-united also.. My only problem is, if they grow older as we have, what then? Or, do they remain as they were. Oh, and they have been restored to perfect health. Asha, have you ever read about The rainbow bridge? Sure you have, Bonnie. Look it up on the computer, it is a beautiful story. Kind of makes me want to cry (if I could)
  23. Gee Tom, don't think you like the President. I can tell that even with my damaged brain.
  24. Sue, the moment stroke touches our lives, our world changes. It isn't just your home or church, it's everything and we have all gone though it to some degree. I like to think of the new beginnings but to be honest, I guess there are some things we miss while we rejoice in some of the new. I wonder how many people can actually say that their lives haven't changed from any point from birth on. They perhaps marry and move away and then life takes over and one of the couple "passes on" or their marriages ends in separation or divorce. So, is it fate (or predestination that happens) ?
  25. Sandy, 13 years ago when I had my first stroke (the mild one compared to this one which by some standards - others peoples experiences- could also be referred to as mild) I had to get some counseling for depression. The counsellor tried meditation and it was disastrous. It made me agitated. By since that time and having gone to Reiki which was done with meditation as well, I learned that meditation, whether in person or from a meditation tape depends on the person's voice (at least to me) similar to when one receives hypnosis I would think. There is a woman who can get me everytime. She just puts me under and it takes more than her countdown to bring me back. There are different forms of meditation and the one she uses is described as a form of story telling. She asks the group if they have ever experienced meditation and when there are some who say they haven't, asks them if when they were in school and rather then listening to the teacher looked outside and wished they were somewhere else........well, this is the form she uses. She "takes" you somewhere else (or you go where you want) and voila, you've meditated. Unfortunately, I'm now 275 miles from there and have only been able to go once a year when I travel there for something else. It's one of the things I miss and haven't been able to connect with here. By the way, I do meditate like that when I'm driving. BAD NEWS cause I drive right past places I need to turn and get lost.