
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Ha, Ha, Ha! How about a libnut? (whatever that is. Maybe you're that.
  2. Phyllis4732

    Bad news

    Janice I will remember your husband Joe with prayers and will also send him energy. I agree, God is in control and will take good care of both of you. Phyllis
  3. I would have loved reading about what was said about me. I'll bet it was a doozie. For starters - why is she 275 miles away from home when she had her stroke there and she didn't call 911 because her little dog would have run away? To this day, I wonder when I had my discharge appt. with the neurosurgeon and he was briefly reading the chart, he said- "Oh you're thr one with the little dog"
  4. Great news about the Rehab. In- patient is great. There is no having to go. Getting ready can be such a task and by the time you arrive you are pooped. And best of all, you get the therapy you need. I'm sure than Chris will be happy with the outcome. Any time schedule insurance-wise? A rehab with a good reputation has the best therapists too. I'll be anxiously waiting to see how it goes on future blogs starting in 2 weeks. Phyllis
  5. Phyllis4732

    Hans' surgery

    So sorry to read this. Certainly Hans and you had enough before. I take it that this was permanent. It could be though that this will be easier all around once you get to doing it. I'm sure they will teach you the correct way and there will be no accidents. And as you said, it probably would have happened sooner or later. At least now, it done and over and all went well. Phyllis
  6. Fred, your post wasn't there when I started mine, Basically, we feel the same way- Guess we're right,
  7. Very interesting, Kristen. Some thoughts from the other side - a survivors. I sincerely believe the hand will eventually come back, BUT it may never been able to do really fine things. Also, the brain will do it. I noticed after maybe a year that I was picking up finger foods such as French Fries with the good hand. (Opposite from what normal was) I also now automatically put cups and saucers, water glasses etc. on the good side when at a meeting and also at home. I don't want to spill in public. The bad hand can hold but I don't trust it. The eye. I have one of those. I hope it will come back but most likely won't. The neurologist I go to just said, it's no good when giving me an exam. He's the type who if he thought there was a chance he'd send me to someone. For argument sake, let's say that Patrick should accept that, but never give up hope of new things, perhaps a nerve transp;ant if they come up with it and he wants to try it. It sort of necomes final but there's that glimmer of hope that allows you to hope that somewhere down the line, who knows. With that, accept but don't give up a thread of hope. As for the type c/g you've been- I haven't heard of anyone actually beoming superwoman. You are doing the best you can I'm sure. A bad one would say "the h--l with it and leave. I know to the two of you, 8 months is a long time, but it really isn't. I think you have to go on as if nothing happened and live your lives with limitations. By this, I mean going on vacations if that was what you did before. Yes, you would have to make adjustments such as if Patrick carried luggage and now couldn't- figure a way for him or ypu to do it such as a case with wheels - If you wanted a family or a larger family, don't let this stop you, and if Patrick feels he wants to do some type of work, perhaps something home-based if necessary, find the ways to make this happen. Lastly, stroke can and does happen to all people, ones who took very good care of themselves and those who didn't, young and old, from accidents, etc. look at the different type of stories we see here. It happened. you just have to continue the best you can and make a good life.
  8. LOVE IT! and going to send it on.
  9. Phyllis4732


    Are grits and cornbread sent with a membership card? LOL! Phyllis
  10. Phyllis4732

    The Darkness

    Have you looked at the meds you're taking? Have any been added? With me, I often run the opposite. Could your med for depression (are you taking one?) be what is causing the problem? I had depression with my 1st stroke and it was a simple thing. This time, my stroke wasn't as simple and while I should have had depression, I did not. Perhaps it was more acceptence. No, I'm not suggesting trying for a second.....but if you've accepted fully, then there should be no problem, just going to the next step. The real positive step. This is what is, it can get somewhat better, but in any case, what can I do now with what I have?
  11. Glad it's over and done with. Of course, you'd be safe if you killed your wife- you have a brain injury. Comes in handy sometimes. Let's face it Marty, how much was the marriage license? Pretty cheap considering all the blog material you got out of it.
  12. I'm a person who talks to my dog - and I do believe she understands You see she is a chihuahua and they can be very comical by just tilting their head as if they are listening and understanding. The truth is I don't really like people as much as animals, particularly dogs. They know and give unconditional love; people (most) really don't. They are like elephants who don't forget - the bad as well as the good.
  13. Phyllis4732

    things said about me

  14. Phyllis4732


    Mary, think you'll understand the french expression: WHAT CHUTZPAH!
  15. Phyllis4732

    Why am I such a grouch?

    Janice, think it's up to you, however could it be new meds that are working in reverse such as antidepressants? Go out and buy something silly for yourself that will give you a lot of pleasure. Or, and this is bad- eat something you shouldn't. Tsk!Tsk! Shame on me for these suggestions!
  16. Phyllis4732

    What a game!!!

    Glad neither of your sons was physically hurt. As for the citation, perhaps sanner minds will prevail. These coaches are supposed to be teaching sportsmanship and NOT by "Do as I do, not as I say" I guess. Phyllis
  17. Good for you Denny! Is there any way we can see your winning tee-shirt design? This is for you. C[_}or however you do it. Be careful; it's very hot. Phyllis
  18. Yes, I defibitely recycle. The tearing etc. is after that. I use computer paper on back side fpr things that do not have to be sent to a company and either write notes on them or print letters with things that must be done at work etc. As for envelopes, it depends. If they are there and I'm writing checks, I may use them for the math. Marty, I'm surprised thecat puts up with you.
  19. Phyllis4732

    Lisa's TEE

    Great news about Lisa's heart being good! You can tell her that she was spoiled with a motorized wheelchair. A few days in rehab, and only about 4-5 days out of ICU, the leg sections of my chair were removed. When I got to step- down after 2 weeks, they would push you to lunch and dinner and back but I needed snail speed and they didn't have time for that. I was again left to "walk" and pull along using the rails on the wall. Tell her, this is the way to go from now on, and real improvement.
  20. Yes, she was just under in osteosporsis but maybe she has slipped the other way- she does take calcium and other stuff I think. She takes more than I do. I take a med twice and wear a patch. Used to take aspirin until this stroke- not allowed now.
  21. I'll be thinking of your son and sending energy his way. The good thing is if he's all county (it's a team they "make up" from the county with the best players. Of course there isn't a team but that's what it is. The best of each position. Football is dangerous but if a young man get on a team, gets a scholarship to college, gets a good education so that he will be able to earn s living after football, it's wonderful. Some get injuries; some don't - just like life. If the young man goes on to the NFL, he can be set for life. Good money, spend it wisely, invest wisely, open a business such as a sports store or restaurant which would do well because you sre well known. Get a pension after 5 years, I believe or something and he's set for life- AND they don't abuse their body with drugs (well, some do but many don't) Sports are good for young men. My grand nephew just went to Slovakia as a member of a 4-man member of the Junior US Dirt Bike Racing team. He went to Brazil last year. Seeing the world. Takes care of his body but- he must go to college so he will have something to do workwise if he doesn't make it professionally- He's 19. A sophmore.It the way to go if you can.
  22. Phyllis4732

    A minor setback

    Butch, I'm a survivor and not a C/G so I can see this from both sides. Do you have a way to get Lisa to regular therapy? If you do, it may be better to take her home. True, her progress may not be as quick so she may get to the same point a little later. It's not as though she will never get there if she goes home. I feel she would do much better at home. To be honest, March was a long time ago and I believe the date has already been set back several times. IF she can get therapy, then she should come home October 1st and not stay another month IMHO BTW, are you sure it isn't a money thing? I had to be transferred to another hospital to be near a neurosurgeon in case my bleed got worse, BUT hospital #1 insisted THEY do the MRI and MRA first. Naturally, hospital #2 had the facilities and not in a temp building way outside near the parking lot. (The wait for this possible life- threatening Their term) move took many hours before it was scheduled and then done and then EMT was called.) Could something like this be happening? BTW, glad you are back. Always think of you and your using the term "Minnesota Nice". My Minnesota connection has not let me down yet!
  23. Phyllis4732

    collecting seeds

    I'm another seed collector. There are some things that reseed themselves. My sister had gotten some plants several years ago from a field somewhere and she planted them. Well, they have taken over, and although she severly cuts them back, they still bloom and are now all over the neiborhood. They have beautiful purple flowers. Anyway, they are selling them for almost 4.00 apiece in Lowe's and I tell her she has a million dollars worth. I have some in pots to take with me when I move and also am collecting the seeds from them. I found a perfect place for seeds - those horrible medicine bottles that Target now uses which are good for nothing. At least they are being recycled and not going to trash. If you PM me and give me your snail address, I'll send you some seed pods which I starting to collect. Can't do better than that pricewise.
  24. Phyllis4732


    Hey Marty, do you do windows and what do you charge per hour? Glad you're getting your mate back. I think she should pay you (wink, wink) for all the work you did!
  25. Phyllis4732

    Todays Gain

    Great!. Funny how the brain does its thing when it wants to. Sometimes you don't even realize it. With me in stead of jelly beans, they used therapy clay (it comes in different consistencies but actually any clay would do). They put items in it like beans, split peas, beads etc and you use the hand to knead it to get the item out. The trouble was they never knew how many were there and you really didn't know if you missed a pea. I do like Bonnie's jelly beans division- especially when you can eat them. Favorite color first or last?