
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732


    AOL has a vote if people think New Orleans should be rebuilt. I haven't looked yet but will because I'm wondering what the majority say. I can see both sides but it will never be the same and yes, it could happen again. They did rebuild after Andrew. So many of the new homes that were hit had been poorly constructed. Many places had changed such as shopping centers etc. but they weren't under the sea to begin with. Those places have mold and it is very hard to clean up.........
  2. Phyllis4732

    new toy

    Enjoy your new toy, Stan. Flat panel monitors are supposed to be better for the eyes. Don't ask me why but that's what the therapist said. And yes, I like mine too.
  3. Phyllis4732

    This and That

    YUM! YUM! Too bad you live so far away. It would be difficult "tasting" them
  4. Phyllis4732

    He's BaaAAaack

    Can't say this was a complete surprise. Glad you are back and will still "be around".
  5. Sandy, if I didn't know better, I'd suggest you see a shrink. LOL! Why is it that all psychiatrists are "different". Does their practice rub off on them? Seriously though, have a great vacation and soak up some of the rays to last through the coming winter back in cold NY. I must admit - your BLOGS are extremely interesting. No telling what gems I will find! Will ,iss you in chat and on the boards, so hurry back to us. Phyllis
  6. Phyllis4732


    Bonnie, I know the way you feel about August; with me the month was November. I hated seeing it come when a family member was sick and/or old. You know it is said that we don't lose people that are close to us - for this reason. We will always have memories of them as long as we live, therefore they are always a part of us. I wish you and your friend many more years of memories - but good ones. Tomorrow is September 1st and maybe you will get your miracle. With all the destruction going on with the war and Mother Nature, things have got to start looking up and for you, I hope it starts this morning when you make your call. My prayers, thoughts and energy will be with you today. Phyllis
  7. Sandy, there may be another way to go. My sister was county committee chairman for one of the political parties and this necessitated her always having her hair just so - at any given time. She started wearing wigs. Yes, they are bothersome to my way of thinking, but a lot easier than going through the bleaching. She never goes any place now without one (she has 2 so she can switch and for when one must go to the shop) Would this work out of you?
  8. Janice that is what necks are for--- to keep our heads attached. I'm glad I have one because my head would be in outer space if not attached.
  9. Phyllis4732


    Yes, Stan, I often think that going to a neurologist well "after the fact" is questionable but in my case my neurologist is also a bonafide shrink, and since my problem was stress, maybe not such a bad idea. We've had a few "talking sessions" with a demonstration of walking, so it's kind of a mixed bag as well. He is also a wonderful diagnostician so that helps too. And of course a neurology is a specialty so, you are basically going to an advanced general practioner. Of course, he (she) whatever the sex of the neurologist as a "GP originally, doesn't do things like butt checking........heck, you know you've got one. Phyllis
  10. Phyllis4732

    good morning america

    Good for you, Stan. Maybe we should all do the same in our local papers and TV stations. We sure don't get any notice now, but if 3000 - 4000 people do it, it should start to catch on. Going to think about a letter to the editor. I've had pieces in this rag before on political things. Maybe I can get a little scratch on the surface of an unknowing (and uncaring) public. I haven't read the message boards yet, but you should put it there.
  11. Phyllis4732


    Shame, shame Michael! You mean me, a northern bred broad, has to tell y'all that we call it "sweet tea" and y'all don't go to a luncheon at the country club where you aren't served a glass of it along with the meal. (You get coffee as well) Also, red necks are those who drive pick up trucks with a shot gun hanging up in the cab and a big ole dawg in the rear, At home they display a confederate flag and may even have one in the truck. Hey, these are going to be my neighbors. There is a giveaway. I don't drive a truck which many women in the south, especially, do.
  12. Phyllis4732

    Sororities and Rush

    Janice going to look when I have a chance. Sounds interesting.
  13. Phyllis4732


    Kim, actually constipation is better than the opposite. Nerves really set me going, and little did I know that 13 years ago when I thought "great, I'm eating and the food isn't sticking around, I'll loose weight" I never realized that I was loosing potassium. After 6 months of this, I had my first stroke and when I was in the ER (thought feeling on face was from a bee sting) they kept asking me if I was on a diuretic, taking diet pills etc. They rechecked my blood and asked again. It was about 2 years later that I read that you can also loose potassium this way also. A potassium deficiency is no good. Unfortunately, I also have had problems like yours. IAfter that stroke, I was unable to cry. I lost my dog and a good cry would have helped but in stead I kept all my emotions in and I became plugged big time. Rather than wait getting a new dog, it became necessary to do it at once. I did have to wait until the puppy was old enough to leave her mother, so I felt that a proper grieving time was met. So, I've seen both sides of the coin. Can't realy decide which is worse. Anyway, thanks for a good laugh. I love the idea that you and Michael were able to IM Note to Stan: She sure is a nutty southern broad, huh? (I do "love" you, Kim. you're my kind of people)
  14. Phyllis4732


    I'm moving to a heavily wooded area and on the corner of the main thorofare is a small buildboard that states where the fire alert is. So far when I have been there, it has said low. Guess they have more rain than we do her in civilization. Wonder what caused the fire (explosion) Maybe utilities used propane or something that could have overheated? That's sickening to think about and gives me the shudders.
  15. Phyllis4732


    OK, I do not get my meds from Canada but my sister and dog do! Actually, she is switching to the dogs drug company (of course they have a human division also, silly) Anyway, she has gotten meds from there for quite a time now and the deal was this. You had to say what countries you would accept the meds from and list about 6. She picked those that should be good. Of course, she has not had a stroke where we can't just go off them. By the way, the dogs stuff comes from New Zealand (heart worm preventative) and I get Advantage for fleas also. Think it came from Australia. My personal opinion is that we are getting a royal -------- with the new Medicare deal and I will not become part of it. I had a friend who was in an HMO and whose Dr. said she had to have the real thing (not a generic), and she got them probably for 5.00! We pay a lot of money to Medicare and do not get meds as those in an HMO do, however, I feel their quality of Dr.s isn't always the best (of course some of them are). I did overhear a woman at a medical office where I had taken literature (another of my weird jobs) and she was having trouble with her appointment, because her Dr. hadn't made it or something and the office wanted to reschedule it and she told them never mind. Seems she said she paid extra too to be able to go to specialist of her choice.
  16. Janice, don't pick on Marty! When was your prostate exam???????LOL
  17. Phyllis4732

    Insurance Companies

    Don't you just love it? Maybe if you tell them exactly, they'll give it to you because you're mentally chanllenged. LOL. Tell them, you wake up and sit on the edge of the bed for 5 minutes while your pressure settles itself, then you stand unladylike because you have a balance problem and you stagger to the bathroom and.......well, you take a diuretic and that takes you a while. By then your managerie of animals needs feeding and walking, but to walk, you have to take your cane so you don't fall etc. etc. etc. LOL
  18. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW- all fingers and toes are crossed here- even the dogs!
  19. Phyllis4732

    No more blogging

    Marty, can't believe anyone on this site is so rotten. After all, we're basically the same. BTW, congratulations on selling the house! You got rid of the Ba$!ard that was your neighbor. Hip, Hip Hoooray! Y'all moving down this way? To warm Florida? Maybe we'll meeet somewhere on I-4 (That's as close as I'll get to Orlando. Get lost there big time!) So set up your computer when you get settled and come on back to us, ya hear? Phyllis
  20. Phyllis4732


    I'm always happy when I hear a 4-legged one is getting a good home! So happy for you and the pooch.
  21. Phyllis4732

    WHAT IF?

    I disagree with some of the comments. I loved your blog. I believe "what if's are part of life." Read an article on DNA recently. (Don't believe it was here) But it said, we leave our DNA everywhere we've been. "What if" someone never figured that out? I had a bit about people you meet. Some just in passing, some become life long friends. Why? "What if?"
  22. Phyllis4732

    Who I love the most

    I go along with the majority- yourself or the dog. Actually the only thing that gives unconditional love is a dog. In Reiki, we try for that but when it comes down to questioning, everyone there agrees it's the dog. There are never any if ands or buts. I don't think a person can love themself unconditionally because we know we have flaws. We can forgive these and make excuses, but its always there for us to see. Well, I'll stay tuned..............
  23. Phyllis4732


    Gee Marty, you have the same type of neighbors I had (for the most part) and yes, in their way, they can cause strokes Since when does circumcizing a plastic pelican cost $400. Those things sell for about $10-20? Your neighbor is the type that should get "his" and you should live to see it. Maybe not nice to say, but these types deserve it. Maybe, you should find some "nice" new neighbors for him which will make him realize how great you were. Come to think of it, people like him, never would think that! Grr!
  24. Phyllis4732

    dr's office follies

    Hope the nurse you get for the mammogram isn't the one who wanted to weigh you. Perhaps they gave her a job because she's handicapped; they forgot to add a brain to her in the assembly line of life.