
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. En Espanol? I had to have my chi tranlate. :roflmao: How old is Teddy? I thought he was a puppy. Phyllis
  2. Phyllis4732


    Sorry about your boo-boos, Bonnie. Hope they're feeling better when you read this. Put the peanut butter on a piece of dog biscuit and tie it on to trap thingie. I almost guarantee you success. They can't get the pb with the cracker and when they try, it's bye-bye time. Try it, it may work. Phyllis
  3. Phyllis4732

    black friday

    Sorry Kimmie. I wanted to get on ground to garden so asked and works for floor too. Uoi get on your bad leg knee, put good leg with foot bottom on floor and leaning some what down, push up, Ifyou are near something with any height like a bed, lay your bad arm on bed and puch with good arm. Yes, probably could get some extra rehab. Then again, don't know if that would work with an AFO. You know, your dog is getting to be an old guy- like my little girl. I used to have a carton that she would get up on but not now..........Getting old is rough on animals as on us too.
  4. I wasn't going to the Noetic Science meeting until I read this meeting notice: Topic: RAM DASS - Fierce Grace (DVD - 93 min.) -- with discussion. Newsweek: "An engrossing, poignant meditation on spirituality, consciousness, healing and the unexpected grace of aging" "The stroke caused me to lose faith, and it was a cold, cold place, and I suddenly realized it was fierce grace
  5. Oh yes, small animals take big room. Snooty likes to sleep across the pillow. I hang on to the edge. Can't wait for the kingsize headboards and 2 beds like we had. LOL I didn't know you were a puffer............shame on you. Don't you have enough problems? chew gum. LOL! If I find a good hyptnotist, (not a charletan) I'll make an appointment for you too. Don't worry, no Dr. I've asked, even shrink, knows're safe. But what about when porch gets cold? Glad you got some goodies. Waffles are nice but I'm lazy and buy the toaster kind when on sale. Crock pot is good for winter cooking. Just won't warm house as an oven can. Good you were able to stay alone. It's good to be separated every once in a while. Keep up the good work. Oh and, as long as Steelers make playoffs, that's ok. Of course being 1st and having a bye and homefield advantage is great but they will be there. :Clap-Hands:
  6. Rich, simply put, you know everyone's stroke is different- the area can be the same but a cm. different and that can make all the difference in the world. Was her stroke in the same area as yours? Was it as extensive? and so many other questions. OK, I'm crazy but I have come to the conclusion that fate plays a role. If not, can you answer why some people don't make it? Can you understand how some perfectly healthy individual has an accident and the brain injury is what is known as a stroke? Can you explain any of like's happenings? Why do some people develope cancer? They don't really know yet. I heard a lecture that really made me open my mouth because it was basically what happened to me. There was a group of cancer patients who were told that they only had so long to live. Those that said, ok and accepted became survivors. Of course, if you don't put your faith ain ANY higher being, this will not make sense, but on the other hand, what does fighting it in the wrong way do. Who knows if you wouldn't have had the same results with standard therapy. There is a new form and it is said that it works. It is expensive but they are getting results. I don't know if that means 100% of those who are doing it or if only 10%. It is the chance one has to take as you did. Basically if you say that what will happen will happen and give it a chance, what are the chances that a person will be in the 10% or the 90%? Isn't that life in general; we do what we can and take our chances? Anyway, wherever you are, you know what we say- never give up.
  7. Donna, Kimmie and Kristina; Asha and all other adults with Hemiplegia from a Stroke or Brain Imjury this is a new treatment and Management called NEURO-IFRAH (Neuro-Integtative Functional Rehabilitation and Habilitation) I have heard of this since almost its beginning. Two therapists from the acute Rehab I went to were sent to California to learn the system. Last year, a woman I know who had not gotten very good therapy (no thanks to her HMO) was given the opportunity as all of us at Stroke Support were to take a weekend being a guinea pig for area therapists to learn the treatment from the two. In those 2 days, the woman was helped more than the 2 previous years she had therapy. The downside is I don't know whether insurance, medicare, Medicaid etc. pay for it, however, while it isn't cheap, it is nothing like stem cells or visits to China and the results that we had heard from those places, do not = their cost. This does and isn't not anywhere near that much. So, this is free info which you may check out and see if this is available in your area and possibly if it is going to be taught and you possibly can get to be a guinea pig and try it. And they may have a trial for very little before you actually start up. Here is the website which we all can get on the internet: Tel. (858) 550-1455 FAX (858) 550-5977 The home base is in Santa Cruz, California The reason I mentioned those individuals in the beginning is because they 1st 3 use an AFO. This will no longer be necessary; and Asha, you've mentioned your hand - there is help for that too. I realize you may say but it has been x number of years since my stroke. Obviously it would be better not to have to undo habits but the new training is possible- may take a little longer, I suspose . It is certainly worth looking at the site. All prices are given which I suppose be a little more or less. I'm not sure of that. It's only about 3 years old. Check it out.
  8. Phyllis4732

    Damp weather

    With me, it's not mental but physical. I walk into things. AS for the dark later in am and early in pm, I hate it, especially the mornings when there is fog. Personally I think that there should be more changes during the winter months. The school kids must wait in the dark for the buses. Was dumb when they did away with local schools, and yet the campuses and facilities of the larger schools are pretty nice. I think if they change the time every 2 months from Oct to April, it would help some. OK off my soapbox.
  9. It is with sadness that I inform you of the demise of the Bonsai Watermelon. The main artery through which it received oxygen and water/food has dried up; there is no hope of any recovery. Later today, I will be performing surgery to extract seeds for future generations of this strain. The autopsy, examination will have a picture taken for future comparison and research. I will then perform the last test and that will be "to taste". No doubt there will be a report given on tonight
  10. Maybe they are having trouble with the site like I am. Sending an IM or email. Phyllis
  11. Hi DJ, It is obvious why you stroked. Stress related? I'm here though to tell you some good news. I also had a stroke in the cerebellum, however the opposite side but that was my dominant side. You won't believe this but you will see how fortunate you are. Cerebellar stroke doesn't paralyze- it numbs and you learn to live with that. And, Dr. will say if you are going to have a stroe, it is the best place. Your problem is a little more involved than mine though because the reverse side gave you mild aphasia. You can always do work ( related research) but perhaps not try cases where you would need to speak. On the other hand, I need physical activity and it casuses a bit of a problem. You will be doing well though. It took me about 5 months to get back to some very simple work and driving. I was extremely fortunate because I had the best of therapy and therapists. Just lucked out. My stroke (this one) was a bleed. The previous one- possibly also in the cerebellum was from stress and hit a narrow spot- That time, no one would be aware that I had had a stroe. This time, I am like the town drunk. Just keep plugging and things will go well. Anyway, :welcome: to our cyber family. If you wishj to take your mind off your problems, join us in chat. We are a wild bunch (but help anyone who needs answers etc.) but otherwise it's food and drink, virtual of course. You will swear you are there eating and drinking and having fun. Just check the schedule ad appear. Hope to see you there. Phyllis
  12. ah, but you weren't a complainer who used the same size as I. As I said, people who live in glass houses shouldm't throw stones. I'll have to remember that if I write to you. #3 here is larger than #12 on the computer. Not sure what it is though. but I suspect #2 is 10. I was using the default just as they were. LOL!
  13. Nice blog, daughter dearest. We do get carried away in chat- but that's what makes it so cool or groovy as Shirley says. Beats sitting and crying or looking into space. It's the recreation therapy of stroke network instead of bingo at my rehabs. LOL! Guess my new role entitles me to be a psydo Steelers fan now. Go Steelers! LOL!
  14. For 15 years I have gone to the same You must have the best eyes in the world my eyes were straining to read your blog...such a small font [/size]Hello! It's an optical illusion! I'm the one with the bad eye and even I can see that we are all using the same font (#2 on our chart) and in a way, mine even looks larger. Perhaps it is the artist in me, but, I choose to use color, bold and italics "in keeping with my balance". You have all chosen the default- black, not bold an no italics. This is #12 which to my surprise is the chosen size according to the class at the library on Word that I took. So... I have these suggestions for those of you who have felt it necessary to remark on the small print I use: 1) Get your eyes to the opthamologist or at least invest in a cheap pair of readers (which I prefer because I am so hard on glasses). 2) do not use the default, but change the size of your font and 3) do not throw stones at glass houses for they may break, fly back at you and hit you as they have done here. LOL! And this is#18! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  15. I HATE change! For 15 years I have gone to the same Dr. He left the state and sold his practice to a bimbo Dr. I just could not take him! so..........I had to find a new one. I started out in library looking at the books that have every doctor in the US listed, their age, address, and I think school attended and residency.......I listed suitable ones. To me a US or good Canadian University, a private practice, not young but with a few years, a man (I'm a (fe)male chauvinist pig, and things like that. I hate telephones so if an email was listed- great. Then, I went to the computer and looked up the Florida Medical Quality Assurance and checked there. It gives the license info and goes a little further. Of course this form is filled out by the Dr. and it is possible that some things could not be completely true. It goes into insurance they carry, any reported problems, suits etc. any office such as chief of Staff for instance, organizations they belong to (Medical Associations etc) and tuned my choices. I asked a friend of my sister who lives in the area if she knew about any of these Dr.s. She only knew one because a friend had dated him (LOL!). Not exactly whatI was looking for. So, one had an email and I sent an email and asked if he was accepting new patients and said I'm old fashioned and didn't wish to see a physicians asst. which are getting very popular here. I received an answer saying that he sees 2 new patients a week and to call. He explained that he did not accept medicare but that they put the claiom through and I would be sent the return from them. OK, I called and had to wait about 6 weeks. Today was the day. I could feel my stress building and I was almost flying by this morning. My problem is I stress so badly that my pressure goes sky high. I have asked every Dr. if they knew of a legitimate hyptnomist, not a charleton and of course did. I knew one in south Florida but when I needed him, he had akready died. And my neurologist was also a certified psychiatrist- a great combination and I've had both types of treatment from him if he saw I was up-tight. He saw my problem but could not get through to me. I began to think that I had chosen someone who would not understand my way of thinking. I was a few minutes late leaving and had thought I had left enough time, I had looked at the directions on yahoo and started to proceed. I have gotten crazy directions before and when I went down the street where I felt it was and could not find it I asked a man who walked out of an office. He was helpful but wrong. He said it must be the other side of US 1. (The hospital was at the far end of the street and although I have gone to Dr. on hospital "campuses" did not think that that could be it. So I went to the other side of US 1 and could not find it but was at the place where I get my blood work done and went in there and asked for help. They said- "It's in the hospital" so I went back. Now the hospital is made up of many buildings and the parking lots were full. I asked a man in a med outfit and he said he was new there and didn't know. I finally drove so far out, I felt like I was in another city (well not really but a good walk) I tried to call from my cell phone but didn't dial it right- area code or 1 first or something..... so I started to walk and hoped I'd find it. I was so glad to find a shuttle which picked me up and drove me to the correct door. When inside though there was no directory, so I went into the first office (also a Dr.s) and was told the y had only been there a few days but they had a card and called the number and got the directions- up the elevator to the 3rd floor, make a right and first door on the left. Even I could then find it. I was late, I was nerand I had to make a pit stop by then. Well, to make this long story short, he was very understanding about my whole situation and things went well. If I had blown my cool completely, they probably wouldn't have to call 911 but just push me through the sidewaks. LOL! All ended well. I am slowly unwinding, but happy with my choice. :cocktail: BTW, know when you are asked, Do you smake? Do you drink? and here is now a new one, Do you wear a seat belt?
  16. Phyllis4732

    yo soy kristina....

    Oh Kristi, I'm such a proud Auntie. You're doing so well in schoool and in life as well. You know, you didn't move to Pittsbrg because you were trying to get away from those.......females, but even if yiu had, they would still be around. People are people and there are miserable ones everywhere.You know what they say if you are given lemons- make lemonade. BTW, Asha, God gave us 2 arms/hands and two feet/legs. If one doesn't work, use the other. You are fortunate to have the useof the hand you always used; I don't but you know. being a lefty is special. I'm not sure which side your Mom has "injured" but the brain does an excellent job of retraining us which ever has the "problem". Yes, we are survivors, and proud to be- each and every one of use. My Spanish is very rusty but I can say Hsta luego. If it's spelled wrong, I don't spell too well in English some times now either, LOL!
  17. Glad all went well and you had a great time. Now, Ray can enjoy his veranda while you weed. LOL! Bet it won't be as bad as it looks. Just don't try to do it all in one day. See you in chat! Phyllis
  18. Never mind the Subway sandwich or Danielle Steel's book (It was good) the Steelers won!!!!!!!!!! and the Dolphins also continued with their trend! LOL! (Be sure to read Bungalow 2 and coming out at the end of month Amazing Grace) Sorry about your accident. We forget that we must constantly think of what we're doing first. I did the same thing and "suffered" with my good leg getting twisted. With me, I fell down some steps coming down a set of steep stairs and forgot they have 2 strange cement steps outside the door. Remember to think about your safety first and then when safely seated, think about other things. As for your mother, she is very cruel. You are not a burden to your brother. What would she want you to do if the tables had been reversed. Just close your ears to her - it can go in , but then it should get lost. Kristi has to learn the same thing. She is really an evil woman. Poor thing, things are so bad with her that she has to stir up trouble where there isn't any. Phyllis
  19. Phyllis4732


    Ah no! And the Dolphins lost another! So don't feel so bad. Tey'll win enough to get to the playoffs and that is what counts. Glad things are going well as far as becoming more normal. Interesting story. Heard a kaballist speak and he really shocked me. It was exactly what happened to me and in a way what is happening to you. He said there was a group of terminal cancer patients and knowing this decided to leave it in God's hands (or whoever you believe in) and you know what? When they did, they became survivors. It's so much easier that way.........and that is the way it will end up being. As for the ghost- well, makes life interesting. Too bad she doesn't leave some $ sometimes LOL! I mean, what can she do with it but at least, she isn't taking any of yours.
  20. I.m always looking for one time jobs as icing on the cake and so when I found one that seemed to be ok for me and was 4 times a year to boot, I applied and got 4 locations. The job consists of going to a Citgo station and putting in 6 forms of POP (brochures, signs etc.) I should have known when I went to the first pace that I was in for trouble. Their parking area was all filled and when I tried to get a space on the other side a car beat me. So I decided to start at the furthest place, The Country Store which is 7 rural blocks from Hickory Street where I am going to be living- home to me. Of course, I went to the porperty 1st to see what the rain had done- weeds! Then I went to the station. The first form I decided to do was to put 12" x 18" signs in the frames on top of the pumps. There is a slot on the top and you are supposed to take 2 signs and slip them in after you have removed the old ones. HA! I never realized how tall gas pumps are and with the added foot for the sign frame, we're talking not possible for a shorty like me. So I got out the 1' high plastic utility step I keep in the trunk for times when I can't reach or see to the back of top shelves. It just fitted on the raised base of the tunks. I ofcourse could not see the slit but could feel it. So to remove the old signs- no go. I took a large Philips screw driver to assist in pushing up and enough came up that I could grab. I also thought I could use my utility knife to cut them out. No! What they did not say was that there is a permanent metal linging in the frame and you have to squeeze the new plastics on each side to get the new ones in after you manage to get the old ones out. Now remember, I am disco-ordinated do to the cerebellar stroke. To make matters, there was a lovely breeze for the weather but no so good for putting in pesty signs that would blow. And......there I was on a stool on my tippy toes (thanks goodness for a therapy exercise that allows mw to do it) below the slot and feeling for the slot. Needless to say, timewise I'm not making a fortune on this job. In fact, they couldn't and wouldn't pay me for the time it took (LOL) but that's ok. I accept that. Well, I finished 2 stations and have 2 to go and I'll be all finished, after the paper work and faxing for the next session in 3 months. Anyone know how I can grow at least a foot before then? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :big_grin:
  21. Ditto what the others have said- great grades and possibly "riding in the homecoming parade" Wow! I am impressed. Hope you do get it and are photographed and give your nosey Aunts and Uncles a peek. Rushing to Friday night chat before all the food and drink is gone. Granny Phyllis
  22. Marty, didn't you mean to say you would be driving and your wife would be shopping at all the interesting places you're driving therough? I'm sorry about your kitty cat; too young to leave you. Perhaps after you do settle down after Florida, you will give a home to another cat in need of good parents. We have some lovely cats in Florida. Of course they meow with a southern accent. :big_grin: It's meow y'all.
  23. I have missed my friends in chat! I spent last night in computer hell with an AOL tech. It was awful. :Tantrum: Although I had patience with rehab, I have NO patience with the telephone. Show me a telephone and I go bananas, especially when they atart if such and such, push 2, if so and so, push 3. So when all else failed my sister who I asked to help said you have to call tech help on your cell phone. A double whammo. I don't like listening through my cheek bone on that stupid little phone. I had followed AOL help advice and did what the instructions said to delete aol 8.0 which had been what I used when I purchased my computer from Dell in 2003. It was upgraded a long time ago and I thought it was really dumb to waste space on it- well apparently without it, I lost contact with the network. So after almost 50 minutes and $5.00 on an 800 number (an awful cell system but good enough for emergencies which is why I have one) I was reconnected. So..........I went to eat downstairs and when I came back, my computer was not really fixed. Same thing right over again. Tried aol help (IM) and was disconnected but was sent 5 different way to fix the problem. Then today, my sister asked why I didn't set my computer back in time. (Think this is an XP thing?) Well just now after working at an awful job with the physical problems I get from "stress" (but no stroke signs), I thought it was worth a try and it worked!!!!! So, I'm all go for tommorrows coffee shop chat. Hallelujah!!! :happydance: Right now..........this is me :cocktail: Will tell you of the awful job tomorrow..........
  24. To me, the answer to depression is acceptance. I had depression my first trip to strokedom but the 2nd time, perhaps because the first time was a simple thing, and my life came back not entirely but almost, I didn't have any because I felt the same would happen. I knew I could not come back as well because the second time was worse, but I did came back. I guess that automatically acceptance took over. If you are ready to accept that this is what you have (and while it can still get better) and make the most of it, you will not have the depression and will learn to be the new you. There is life after a stroke; we must accept it. Phyllis
  25. Phyllis4732

    A New Start

    Hey Kristi, I know about long walks to and from school. Wait til it gets cold.........but whenI brought my glockenspiel home to practice, I's sometimes take a bus forthe main drag part of the walk. Wonder how I did it now. The boys will come around, you'll see. Hint to Mom LOL! Christmas is coming..............If Kristi was older, I'd say a car would be nice. LOL :roflmao: