
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Oh Kristi, I'm such a proud Auntie. You're doing so well in schoool and in life as well. You know, you didn't move to Pittsbrg because you were trying to get away from those.......females, but even if yiu had, they would still be around. People are people and there are miserable ones everywhere.You know what they say if you are given lemons- make lemonade.


    BTW, Asha, God gave us 2 arms/hands and two feet/legs. If one doesn't work, use the other. You are fortunate to have the useof the hand you always used; I don't but you know. being a lefty is special.


    I'm not sure which side your Mom has "injured" but the brain does an excellent job of retraining us which ever has the "problem". Yes, we are survivors, and proud to be- each and every one of use.


    My Spanish is very rusty but I can say Hsta luego. If it's spelled wrong, I don't spell too well in English some times now either, LOL!

  2. Never mind the Subway sandwich or Danielle Steel's book (It was good) the Steelers won!!!!!!!!!! and the Dolphins also continued with their trend! LOL!

    (Be sure to read Bungalow 2 and coming out at the end of month Amazing Grace)


    Sorry about your accident. We forget that we must constantly think of what we're doing first. I did the same thing and "suffered" with my good leg getting twisted. With me, I fell down some steps coming down a set of steep stairs and forgot they have 2 strange cement steps outside the door. Remember to think about your safety first and then when safely seated, think about other things.


    As for your mother, she is very cruel. You are not a burden to your brother. What would she want you to do if the tables had been reversed. Just close your ears to her - it can go in , but then it should get lost. Kristi has to learn the same thing. She is really an evil woman. Poor thing, things are so bad with her that she has to stir up trouble where there isn't any.



  3. Take it from one who knows - 2 strokes do to stress. Tell your beloved to chill it.


    As for deordorant go to a health food store and buy "a stone" You just run it under cool water and rub it on. It's great for those who are allergic as well because has no odor.


    My BIL used to tell family members smell- and that was after he played golf and you no what? no smell. I love it. Lasts long too. Worth a try.



  4. Ah no! And the Dolphins lost another! So don't feel so bad. Tey'll win enough to get to the playoffs and that is what counts.


    Glad things are going well as far as becoming more normal.


    Interesting story. Heard a kaballist speak and he really shocked me. It was exactly what happened to me and in a way what is happening to you. He said there was a group of terminal cancer patients and knowing this decided to leave it in God's hands (or whoever you believe in) and you know what? When they did, they became survivors. It's so much easier that way.........and that is the way it will end up being.


    As for the ghost- well, makes life interesting. Too bad she doesn't leave some $ sometimes LOL! I mean, what can she do with it but at least, she isn't taking any of yours.



  5. Ditto what the others have said- great grades and possibly "riding in the homecoming parade" Wow! I am impressed. Hope you do get it and are photographed and give your nosey Aunts and Uncles a peek.


    Rushing to Friday night chat before all the food and drink is gone.


    Granny Phyllis

  6. Marty, didn't you mean to say you would be driving and your wife would be shopping at all the interesting places you're driving therough?


    I'm sorry about your kitty cat; too young to leave you. Perhaps after you do settle down after Florida, you will give a home to another cat in need of good parents. We have some lovely cats in Florida. Of course they meow with a southern accent. :big_grin: It's meow y'all.

  7. To me, the answer to depression is acceptance. I had depression my first trip to strokedom but the 2nd time, perhaps because the first time was a simple thing, and my life came back not entirely but almost, I didn't have any because I felt the same would happen. I knew I could not come back as well because the second time was worse, but I did came back. I guess that automatically acceptance took over.


    If you are ready to accept that this is what you have (and while it can still get better) and make the most of it, you will not have the depression and will learn to be the new you. There is life after a stroke; we must accept it.




    A New Start

    Hey Kristi,


    I know about long walks to and from school. Wait til it gets cold.........but whenI brought my glockenspiel home to practice, I's sometimes take a bus forthe main drag part of the walk. Wonder how I did it now.


    The boys will come around, you'll see.


    Hint to Mom LOL! Christmas is coming..............If Kristi was older, I'd say a car would be nice. LOL :roflmao:

  8. Kristen, take a deep breath and perhaps meditate. You are stressed and have every right to. I'm the Queen of Stress and after a second stroke that shouldn't have happened. I hope I learned my lesson. Avoid anything that is going to stress. Yes, easy for someone else to say.


    I have come to the conclusion that things will happen no matter what we do. Nothing is a guarntee. I used to go to Reiki twice a week and they were starting classes for children! They said everyone stresses and maybe they are right.


    Being a believer helps because God will not give us more than we are able to handle. Somehow we manage to get through it.



  9. "FANTABULIS"! (Like that word?)


    This Granny is so pleased and also nosey about the date. I always demand reports such as who was there, what was so-in-so wearing, what did you eat etc. when my sister meets friends. That should tell you that I want a blow-by-blow description of the date- What he looks like, what hewore, what he is majoring in, where did you go, do, eat and even if he kissed you goodnight LOL!


    Sorry about the fall but all went well and I'm glad about that.


    Well, have a great heart is starting to pound from the future report I will get. ok, so it isn't but I am nosey.


    Granny Phyllis

  10. Unfortunately, everyone who needs to be in a Nursing home situation needs to have an advocate. I spent 4 weeks in one getting my step-down therapy. I had visited people in nursing homes years before and they smelled of vanilla which masks urine (I said masks) The place I was in did not smell of urine or vanilla because they took good care. That is the way it should be.


    Keep fighting Ann. They will know they can't get away with it with Bill at least - and that's basically who you care about. If they do it for Bill, they will have to do it for all. That's the way it should be. They started with the wrong person.


    Go Ann!

  11. Hi Donna,


    I would never have the trouble you did with the chicken soup! Not that I'm so great; I don't like chicken soup. LOL! I have my own problems. I can open a can of soda with a pull tab, and use my good hand to pour it, but I still have some manage to get on the counter. Well, that is what sponges, water etc. are for. yes, a microwave does give you away. My sister made some popcorn and overheated or something and for a while we had the popcorn smell. As Lin said. we have an excuse- but I also leave my shoes around at times. One of the cats and my dog love the smell of my feet and are always after the insides of the shoes, so I put them places where they can't find them and neither can I.


    You'd think your brother knowing what happened to you would have been more concerned about his "problem" and maybe knowing that, was trying to avoid what he felt. Yes, sounds suspicious to me but I hope it was the med he is taking.


    Glad Kristie is getting more comfortable with the kids at school and another week or so, everything willl be fine. As for she and your mother, well, guess you must make up your mind not to worry about it. The more involved she'll get in school activities and with new friends, the less time she will have for Granny.


    As for the Steelers, (LOL! love your shirt and the cheering rag), I'm sure they are doing well. The Dolphin have a tie but they'll fine a way to loose it, I'm sure. I get the reports when the game is on- it's bad enough that way.


    So for you: :Clap-Hands: Go Steelers! :Clap-Hands:

  12. Oh Ann, this is so very difficult for me. (I had just sent you a message before I read this.........) anyway, I am a bit confused. Is this definitely Bill's new home or will his condition be tweeked and reverse the situation?


    Your stance, of course, took much thought; and it has been pointed out "just for today" is the situation. It certainly is hard to understand how this has happened and Bill's new "attitude". Perhaps that is part of whatever happened, but I know that what you do will be the best for him.


    Do not forget us and do keep us informed. After all, we are all family.



  13. GR! Try not to stress; it the worst thing for those who have high blood pressure (not sure if this is the case with you) - even if it is controlled. One of the most important things for us to learn is to stay cool, no matter what. Let me say though, I KNOW that isn't easy. NOTHING is worth having another stroke about. My sister gets so angry with me because I don't worry about important things. She doesn't realize that I have to be optomistic or chance blowing it all. I found out what can happen. Yes, I worry, but have such strong faith that I feel it will somehow work out. Patience..........she's lucky she didn't have the stroke - she would really aggravate herself.


    Just avoid your mother as much as possible and perhaps Kristi, when she gets into the sociak life and starts to feel comfortable with life in Pa. will not feel the need to call Grandma as much.


    The week is started anew and I hope your luck has already changed.



  14. :happydance: that's me - dancing for joy! Looks like things have made a turn for the best, and that is great. Sooner or later, these different aquaintances will remain as such and some willl become close friends. It's really only been a short while and for that length of time, a lot has happened. As always, I'm very happy for you.


    Congrats for all involved in the new addition to the family. Like yourself, I became a young aunt and my oldest niece is already retired and again working. Her son is entering college next year and that gets expensive as you know.


    Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. For me, I have this crazy idea that on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day, you must wat hot dogs and all the fixings. Crazy, yes but to me it has become a tradition. Hope you enjoy your vacation home and rest up some so you can start all over again. I think that while you have gotten a red place and a blister, they will adjust to the braces and the walking will do a lot of good. At least you are able to get out and around and don't just sit in your dorm room.


    Does your school have clubs etc. Any you are thinking of joining?


    Anyway, keep letting your cyber aunts and uncles know what is going on.....I know we're all delighted to hear it and it makes us all feel young again. :big_grin:



  15. well, have to agree with the others on all points. When you look at it though, all in all, would have to give you maybe an 80 - 90 or even a tad better. The real only bad thing was the fall and as the others said, you were lucky some man was there to help and you were permitted to go to your room and rest.


    The good was that you now know the importance of tieing laces (hard lesson though) or getting velcro closing shoes in future and in meantime, maybe those jazzy bungy types Bonnie mentioned.


    Kudos for getting to meet lots of new people. It will get easier as time goes on. Glad the students accept you as they should. This is great to know. You chose a good school.


    Hope classes are good and as for weather- well, the dog days of August are almost over and fall will be here soon enough.


    How far are you from home? Good your Dad can pick you up for the weekend. I think things are going great. I'm so happy for you.


    Be sure to keep us informed.



  16. Agree with the others but as Bonnie said, counters and furniture help a lot. You leg will get better too - just be careful. And something else, unless you use an AFO, barefoot is very good or thin socks. Barefoot is better because the foot feel feels different textures and it helps the brain remember. JUST BE CAREFUL!
  17. Hi Donna,


    What a summer you two have had! And now, life in Pittsburg is really starting. Kristi is starting a whole new segment of her life- and this is a perfect time to do it. Most likely, students won't know every other student because they come from different Junior High schools, so Kristi will at at home as far as knowing everyone - well in her case anyone. She will do great.


    It was nice of your brother to take her shopping and to lunch, making it especially nice and Ma got some goodies brought to her.


    The furniture sounds great. I miss the big bed I had. It did not make it up here but I will get the same- a King Size Bed headboard with 2 singles attached.That way, I can use sheets of both sizes, but actually use singles. I like to sleep catty corner and with my little girl as a bedmate, now, I'm hugging the edge and half off it. She sleeps across the bed. Good thing she is a chi, but it is amazing how those little dogs can stretch out on a bed.


    As Asha said. home is where loved ones are and although the furniture is great, it's not needed for happiness (LOL! just comfort)


    Do be careful of the stairs. I guess you can't use themethod I had to use when I hurt my good leg a couple of months ago. I "walked" the stairs on my rear end. I was hopimh, some of it would get bounced off, but that didn't happen.......... :roflmao:


    Oh, almost forgot...........Go Steelers! [/size][/size]as long as they aren't playing the Dolphins :big_grin:



































  18. Hi Katrina,


    The day is finally almost here!


    I'm also glad your Dad let you go to the movies with friends and glad you were asked. That was great as an ice breaker for when you are in college.


    Remember to write all about colllege because it will bring back memories for those of us who went and be a new adventure for those of us who did not. We all need vicarious thrills in our lives and you are going to be one for sure.


    Sorry you missed chat. We ere a wild crowd of 16 at one time and had all types of food. Space was short though and some of us had to squeeze together. There was talk of a strokenet cruise to Hawaii perhaps and Sue and our other Australian family are going to be flying to meet us there. OK, it's virtual so far but who knows.


    Have a great start to the beginning of yournew life.


    Granny Phyllis


    PS Guess Great Grannny is closer but we'll let it go at that. :lol: :roflmao: :friends: :happydance: :uhm: :silly: :2cents:

  19. Sounds great, Fred! I've never been there either.


    Win lots of money so you can tell Wally's World Bye Bye, your wife can retire and the two of you can go live on a deserted island with your private jet parked outside. (Knowing you, you won't have to worry about emergencies with the jet right there,) And ofcourse anything else your heart may desire.


    Guess that is dreaming a little high, so at least make enough to pay for the vacation so it's free and a few bucks for spending on something you'd like. (More dowm to earth, I guess.)


    And even if you loose a few, sure you had that figured into the cost of the vacation. Got to see a lot of family anyway, and that is nice.





  20. Oh, how great! Now both of you are headed for the top. So happy for both of you.........Oh? :oops:



    Dear Bud,

    This is your friend, Snooty Noel and I want to give you a big smooch because I am so happy for you. Of course I am smaller (and shorter) than you, so please lay down so I can reach your nose. :friends:


    I can't keep her off the computer when she sees your name!


    Phyllis :lol: