
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732

    More Critters!

    Pam, perhaps you could answer a question for me. I'm a city girl who's going rural and will have "wild land" (but only an acre each) in back and to each side. While watching does seem fascinating,I feel certain that I will have to keep my small dog inside, but what about vegetation? Do you grow any vegetables, plants etc. outside that the creatures would eat? Would my orchids have to become inside dwellers also? Your tales of the creatures are making me anxious on the one hand and a little worried on the other.
  2. Marty, you're a DOM!!!!!!!!"dirty old man' and I love it!
  3. Phyllis4732


    This is why you hear the following: Don't go to sleep without settling any problems with your spouse. You never know what will happen before tomorrow. Yes, easy to say, but how many of us actually do it. Like Janice said, it goes beyong parents, spouse etc. Why must there be a tragedy before we say, I should have..... Guess it a kind of unconventional love kind of thing. Look to your dog. The only living "thing" that gives it. When will humans learn?
  4. Phyllis4732

    Two More Months

    Butch, 2 months is a long time. Do the people in PT think there is the possibility that Lisa could learn to do steps? Have they ever had her do the 3 steps or 4 that rehabs have? Those chair lifts are expensive. Tried one at a home show and they are really nice. Of course you'll need another walker upstairs or you'll have to carry the one upstairs. When I came home, I had been taught and drilled to do the stairs but my sister had to carry the wheel chair up and down each day until I got the rollator I wanted. It was kept downstairs and I held onto things to get around once upatairs and after we returned the wheelchair rental. Lisa's recovery is going so well now, it may just continue at the rapid pace and the two months may make a large difference from today to then.
  5. Definitely sounds like my idea of a great place! Sorry about the incident but glad all is well. As for the 3 who passed you by --- what idiots!
  6. Phyllis4732

    2nd Place ain't bad

    How wonderful!. I think you'll find that a kid interested in atheletic isn't going to smoke, drink or do drugs etc. Their bodies are too important if they want to do well. My grand nephew is a dirt bike racer. He wants to do it professonally. For the second years he is a member of the US Junior team going to compete in a foreign country. He had sponsors last year and this year he has even more. I hope Ryan finds the same luck and gets to enjoy the wonderful time that will be ahead of him.
  7. Phyllis4732


    Kim, a geek is a geek always. Even with his millions. Would that have been worthwhile? Then again it's just as easy divorcing a rich geek as well as a poor adonis. At least, with the geek, the alimony is better.
  8. Marty, how did you have a stroke while your wife, the hyper one, did not? Telll her I said "to cool it" (as though she's going to listen to me). That new septic tank price had bettter not be 25,000.00 Is not supposed to be that here. And while on the subject, I'll share a secret with you - well, maybe you already know. My country livin" chi friend says this is the way to you buy those expensive septic drain cleaners? She says someone in her family (grandmother, I think) did this and so she does. Every month or 6 weeks, pour a bottle of buttermilk in the pot and a paper towel (I intend to tear mine up) and flush. Voila, works as well or better than the commercial stuff and is probably cheaper. Hey, I hate realtors as much as doctors and lady mortgage brokers are pretty bad too - along with insurance people! Now that I've maligned members of 3 occupations, I feel good and I'm going to sleep.
  9. Phyllis4732

    hey yall

    Hey Stan, I'll go with the cornbread and I did find that I like grits but not runny. And y'all is ok with me. I'm only a "new" southerner of about45 years, but guess what? I'm movin' to redneck country! There are places there with confederate flags, plenty of pick-ups and I bet a lot of them have the shot guns and I know many have the dogs in the rear of the truck, Do you think my mexican chihuahua will feel at home?
  10. Butch, perhaps you can explain to Lisa that you need a little time now, so that you will be better rested for when she comes home. If it's hard now, figure what it will be later. True you won't have the trips but there are a million other things you will have to do. It's not that when that time comes your "job" as caregiver is over. Maybe she would understand if you put it this way. What would happen if you got sick too? Who would the two of you have then? At least one day a week.........
  11. Happy Birthday to Lisa. The laptop sounds wonderful and she will love it. Just remember - time. Everything takes time. Even trial trips home. With time, things get easier. The fact that she has started to get out is progress. Hope rehab "celebrated her birthday.
  12. Phyllis4732

    I'm shutting up

    You know this makes me mad! Probably as much as it did you. Why can't people understand? I've got the same thing from my sister who I am now living with until I get my own place- and I've a time limit. You don't want to wish anything on people, but can't they even try to put themselves in our place? People who haven't been there have absolutely no clue (the sad part is they don't try) Whether it's slower speech, perhaps a slight "lisp". trouble getting up or whatever.......That's what is so great about being here. We ALL know. I know it will be difficult "not speaking" but as long as you can speak at home without the looks etc. It will be strange and a little hard, but you'll manage. Shouldn't have to but....... As I said, we don't wish things on people but what if it happened to them? Then they'd realize, I betcha ya.
  13. Phyllis4732

    good day to all

    Stan, will be thinking of you and wish you well at the meeting. If they don't like you, that's their loss but sure it won't come to that. Have lots of fun--- and as you say Be Happy!
  14. Marty have a spoiler and hit the lock thing that beeps twice never thought to hit the panic side. Duh! Probably didn't hear it because it was a distance
  15. Marty. the problem was probably caused from the horrible heat we have been having. My Dad once walked in very warm weather and also "got sick" He went home, had some fluids and went to bed. He was then fine. I once was selliung at a flea market, got too hot and really felt bad (Before I had any stroke), Same thing. Get into cooler temperature. take fluid and rest. Of course this can be very serious especially with a very elderly person, and they willl perhapd need an IV or something. Glad all is well. Phyllis
  16. Phyllis4732


    Glad all went well, Marty, You're not exactly through with these guys yet, but almost. I always feel good when I get a 3 month reprieve from mine.
  17. Um sounds yummy. Is it like a souffle or scrambled eggs with oeaches? Can't figure it out. Guess I'll have to try. Putting it with my recipes.
  18. Phyllis4732

    something new?

    You know Sam, I've got a thing I used to do and it can be set up as you like or are able. When I lived in the Miami area and was working and didn't cook, I ate at Burger King every day. ( They let you sit, read the paper, I used to do some of my paperwork, and I loved watching people. You can spend 1-2 hours and not be rushed.It was inexpensive and really not bad food if you chose the right thing and then on Saturday, I'd go to a buffet and eat everything---well, probably too much, but I'd get a bowl of brocolli (good for you) lots of cantaloupe (also good for you) Fruits and veggies aren't cheap and when there's only one person it's cheaper this way. A lot of the same people would go and would visit from table to table, And yes, there were many who used walkers etc. But what I'm getting at is to eat well, but cheaply and then splurge every now and then. I'd keep my big splurges for holidays when I'd be alone, my birthday etc. So enjpy the $50 splurge. Plan on doing it once a month or every other month. Sometimes we owe ourselves a treat. Bon Apetite and ENJOY!
  19. Phyllis4732

    im excited

    That's great Stan. See the stroke was good for something. You never would have done it if you didn't have the stroke. Now you've got the time and have the patience to do it (well patience after you get started. Right now you're so excited, you coul fly. I'm happy for you.
  20. Phyllis4732

    so far so good

  21. Phyllis4732


    Do you ever think the CPAP machine reminds you of the headpiece in a electrocusion chanber? Guess it's just my weird sense of humor. My BIL used one and even had a portable for traveling. Noise and all, they are life-savers, I guess.
  22. Phyllis4732


    I ditto Jean. Was just trying to find the way to express it. Glad someone else has weird dreams. I often do and that is one of 3 things I can't tell my sister about. (Her decision) By the way the other 2 are about the Lifetime movies I watch and about Danielle Steel books. Have to admit, honestly, they are pretty good choices.
  23. Phyllis4732


    OMG, Stan, you're going to give strokers a bad name! We're thought of as sick people who don't know what S-E-X is anymore! Cut it out or you'll make it necessary for everyone to run to a shrink because they are missing out on something. Oops, wait, let me get my tongue out of my cheek (ST wouldn't like that) and end this. More power to you - and for your sake: Hope it rains forever!
  24. Mary, 2 days, huh? Would take me forever. It was very interesting and really told us about yourself. I could never do it in even a year. LOL So now what?
  25. Phyllis4732


    Strange letter, Vicki. You confused me about the broccoli. Can you eat too much? I thought it was good for a person. Then you mentioned one year as a survivor. Do you think that makes a difference? Vicki if anything was going to happen, why would it have to wait a year? It can happen at any time. Just enjoy each day and don't worry about it. Any one of us could have gone in the first few days, but we didn't because it wasn't our time. Keep making your special dishes and enjoy them. The grandchildren will have the recipes and if they are the kind who cares will cherish them and learn by themselves. Just eat them up and be happy.