
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732


    Hey Marty. If you are put on a CPAP machine, notify yor wife that you are not on your way to the electric chair. My BIL used one and I swear I'd be laughing to myself each time I'd see it because that was what it reminded me of. I kind of feel it's not apnea. Of course, I'm not a Dr. but we know so many of them are "sometimes" wrong. Good thing you don't sleep with a dog, 'cause they aren't alllowed. That can really mess someone up. Like Duh, why are you having trouble sleeping here?
  2. Butch, look into a rollator. I was told that it could be 18 months before I would be able to walk and I hated a walker. The wheels never turned. By the time I ordered the rollator I wanted (with 7" wheels) I didn't need it as much. I decided to keep it instead ofselling it 2nd hand because it was already paid for and you never know. I still occasionally take it "for a walk" when I'm real tired, But -about $250 is cheap when compared to a motorized chair.
  3. Phyllis4732

    Family reunion

    OMG! Sounds like something I would do. Nice that Paul was cool about it. He doesn't happen to live in Ohio, does he.
  4. Phyllis4732

    just br jhappy

    Have to go along with it. Unfortunately, I can't go to water therapy like Marty or to sleep for a nap like Stan. I'm going to work and that is what I wanted to be able to do. Most of my jobs today aren't my favorite ones, but they pay a salary and there's something to besaid for that. Lowe's and Home Depot - Here I come! Phyllis
  5. Well, let's see. If we had everyone's bios, we could eliminate the women, the married men, the male care-givers and then have some possibilities. Would need a Private I to then try and decifer any clues we could get and then maybe in 2050, we may get the answer. Maybe, however, the way Stroke Network gets all of the statistics such as # of members, date most people were on etc. could figure how many that would leave..........
  7. Amy, there is a saying- People plan; God laughs. So true. Do you really think anyone had plans that went the way they planned? A friend I've known for almost 68 years seemed to have it all when we graduated high school. She had a high school sweetheart. He did not attend college and she did - for 1 year and then entered the local hospital to become a nurse. They married 4 years after and he started working for the local newspaper and advanced and remained in that job until retirement; she was a nurse. Her grandfather gave them a piece of property which they were able to build a home. Two healthy sons later and then a daughter. Her daughter did not seem right a few months after birth and they found out she had CP. All in perhaps 5 years, not even 10. To the present. Her two boys married and had children who are turning out fine as well; her daughter grew up and got a job with the post office; she became a widow a few years ago when her husband had surgery for carpal tunnel which went well but when he decided to go to bed early the next night, never woke up and on and on. What about those friends you were with? Did their lives turn out as they wished? What is the answer? I think complete acceptance of "what is". We don't know any more that's going to happen to us, but why waste time worrying about it? You're started in the right direction by volunteering at church and improving. You WILL get better each day, possibly 99%, but a stroker can never get to 100%. 10 years from now? You will be ok because you are survivor. Ever think where your friends will be?
  8. Phyllis4732

    Respite Caregiver

    A little to explain the EMT/Volunteer charges. I lived in an area where many years ago, if you were a resident and needed help, you got it free. I don't know what the case was if a non-resident had an accident and needed them. Then, it was decided to charge $50.00. Then the local politicians got into the act. They decided that since a person's insurance paid for ambulance that they could raise the fee way up. They never even thought about the people who didn't have insurance. After all, they were probably covered through some program which was for the employees and they were able to get it too. As for the movie management - let's see if I can say this like a lady..... People like that need to learn a lesson. It is not right to wish anything on anyone, but as a believer I feel that eventually they do get theirs. Why can't people see how fortunate they are and act accordingly?
  9. While no cancer is of course good, colon cancer if it hasn't yet spread, is a better place than most. They cut away the part of the intestine and all is gone. My grnadmother was elderly when she had it and she died in her 90's from a broken hip (probably pneumonia because she wasn't able to be active) but the cancer was no part of it. Keep your positive thoughts. My prayers are with your Mom.
  10. Phyllis4732


    Marty, sounds like there are some recipes there that some of us might enjoy trying- baked pancakes, wife's apple cake? You've got my mouth watering!
  11. You wouldn't question New Age, would you? Sure you're not that bad. You did shut off the stove, didn't you?
  12. Phyllis4732


    Marty, I'm very sorry you became a small part of the problem. You were just making a statement. Unfortunately, I made a suggestion I felt would be of help to many, instead the heavens opened up. I just didn't realize that a suggestion was not permitted out in the open but had to go through the board. I won't bother to try to make any more. Like you, I feel that this is an excellent site and I will enjoy reading the messages, BLOGS etc. now when I find time rather than spending as much time as I had been. I hope to see some messages from you because I love your humor. Phyllis
  13. You seem to have found a gem! Hope it continues for you. I'm happy for you and who knows, in time you may feel freer to do the things you need to do for yourself which care givers don't always get.
  14. I'm not an expert, certainly not a Dr. but could it be that because that side was your affected side, it is more sensitive? I used to be on aspirin - just the 81mg. (full size really bruised me) and even on the 81, I bruised badly, but I can't remember if it was all over or just the one side. Now, since I haven't been permitted any aspirin (I had a bleed) I only bruise occasionally (like a normal person. LOL Anyway, just a thought.
  15. Butch, nothing like a day out, is there? So glad it went so well.
  16. First congratulations! Now, would someone please tell me why people who are married to people who have strokes etc. feel they have the right to leave. What if the tables were reversed? (I find those statistics surprising) We are supposed to believe that they will get theirs. Probably so, but we don't always get the chance to see it. Here's to another 16 years to Lisa and you and 16 after that and 16 least.
  17. Vicki, don't feel badly. My cousin sold (for no reason other than she didn't like them) some needlepoint dining room chair covers her mother spent hours on. A few years later her daughter married and she loved things like that. Sometimes things that are passed on have no meaning to the people getting them and they basically toss them. Don't feel badly, you will feel more secure and the person buying them will appreciate them. Short story. We once bought a colander (used) at a farm vegetable stand. My Mom said oh, it could probably tell a lot of stories if it could talk. I would think of that each time I used it and I loved it. No, it wasn't stainless or perfect (had a small dent - wondered how it got there) My home etc. was sold by my family. Stuff was thrown out. It upsets me because it had been saved for years and I managed to live, and will now have to repurchase even simple things. My niece made the decicion on things--- Probably, because it was stainless and shiny, I won't find it in the things still packed until I move to my own place. And there was the glazed cracked china canister set which my Mom probably got when she married.I rembered it from when I was a child- gone.That's what younger generations think of things. Maybe to your daughter, or whoever, the setting wasn't right. Grandma will understand. As for bills. Everyone is willing to take little for longer. When I had my fist stroke, I didn't haveany insurance and certainly not enough fpr even a small simple stroke. The hospital set an amount I could work with and I paid that amount every month until paid. Same with Dr.s. Just send a letter or call and see what ccan be worked out.
  19. Phyllis4732


    Marty, if you think the people at your 25th looked old, just wait until you see them + 25 more years. Went to my 50th college reunion last year and at 50 years you are iniated into the Old Timers Society. The evening was lovely with a wonderful meal at a country club (all gratis) but I've never seen so many decrepited people. Wheelchairs, walkers, canes and me you name it - even a seeing eye dog. Aging does not seem pretty but---of course that was them, not me. After all, we were the babies of the group Phyllis
  20. Phyllis4732

    Big Day for PT

    We have a large family dinner once a week and I would love to surprise everyone by bring her. Butch never mind surprising the family. Think of how wonderful it would be for Lisa to be able to almost act normal and go to the family dinner. I don't remember how long post stroke she is but I do know that before I could leave the rehab, there had to be a session with my c/g to practice getting in the car from the chair. It was 3 weeks for me - of course everyone is different. I'm sending energy your way for success in doing it. Phyllis
  21. Phyllis4732


    Have the antidepressants always affected you this way? Maybe you're on the wrong one. As for your Mom, she will be fine. You know, major surgery really takes a lot out of a person. It hasn't been that long and when she starts feeling better, is permitted "real" food - things like that - and gets out of the hospital, she will feel a lot better and so will you. You'll see.
  22. Phyllis4732

    Reunion part II

    [bVickie, I'm glad it went as well as it did; it could have been a lot worse. Now it's over and you can either go or not go the next time - that is if the Irishman and 1/2 Irishman will allow that. Put the recipes on the message board so we all can at least drool, even if we don't make them. Phyllis
  23. Phyllis4732

    The Reunion

    Thanks, Vicki. I'm waiting for the "blow by blow". Just maybe, it wasn't so bad. or
  24. Phyllis4732

    Wild Kingdom

    Thanks people. I'm a city girl planning to move to a rural area - really rural. My neighbors will be wooded lots. I like the fact that I won't have humans on top of me, but I don't know about critters. They are cute to look at but "at a distence, please" No one mentioned snakes. Will have them too. Where did I ever get the idea to become a farm gal?
  25. Phyllis4732

    Farmer's Market

    I love Farmer's Markets (goes along with my love of dollar stores). Jean's advice was excellent. The "old lady buggy" as a friend who goes to flea markets calls it, is not only a support against falls, holds your numerous purchases, but is great to keep people too close. Just whack them in the ankles - they'll give you plenty of room!