
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Have a great time, Kim. By the way, Father's Day is next Sunday (unless you are celebrating this week for some reason), Mother's Day the second Sunday in May; Father's Day the 3rd Sunday in June.
  2. Phyllis4732

    neighbor from hell

    First of all Marty, Happy Birthday to your wife. Now for the idiots. Both of my strokes more or less were caused by insensitive neighbors and it involed trees. When I was a child, we used to have a tree that was between our home and a neighbors and it was left alone. They enjoyed the shade. When one neighbor moved, the next one also left the tree alone.also. I had neighbors though who would climb over their fence when I was away working and "trim" my tree and leave it for me to clean up. Yes, I offered at times but not as an ongoing ritual and after all you can't say they did it because you are not there to see it. The law was you could cut to the line (did't say about chopping up) not several feet away on the persons property. Were you the one who was speaking of looking into the Villages? Met someone from there and heard all about it. Sounds cool. If not, come buy where my lot is- all acre+ property and you do what you want.......Oh, mine is on the quiet side of town. And trees--- that's all there are. Love your idea for a farewelll gift, but think you can do better than that.
  3. Phyllis4732

    I'm still here

    I thought I was the only one who avoided scales. I have put on about 20 lbs from the rehab weight. Better food at home? Going out more? Naw, I blame it on a medicine I was taking. The Dr. said no, it doesn't do that. I feel it slowed my metabolism and maybe did. I went off of it because it was affecting me in other ways and I've seemed to have lost weight. The only place where I can't avoid the scale though are the Dr.s offices. I say don't tell me; I'm closing my eyes. Good luck Pam, That's wonderful.
  4. Phyllis4732

    second nature

    it is a slap on the head to remind the survivor to never let your guard down. Agree wholeheartedly, but do I remember that? NO! Just when I think I've got the "not to fall thing down" I forget and then the next day aches remind me for a little while.
  5. Phyllis4732


    Little Me, I wish you luck in finding the right place. Is your father eligible for further therapy? If so, check that out. See if there is a bulletin board with activities. Although your father may not be able to take part, it shows that they are concerned about the residents and they just don't let them all lay in bed with nothing to do. And smell the air. See if it smells of vanilla. Many years before I was in a nursing home, I visited someone at 2 different places. They either smelled of urine or vanilla to mask the smell. The one I was in after my acute rehab, was the best place. The therapy I had there for was excellent, they had acticities which I didn't have much time for and maybe should have taken a more active role in; I was able to eat my meals in the dining room and they often had people entertaining at lunch; they had their own governing board etc. And most important, I DIDN'T SMELL OF EITHER URINE OR VANILLA, which meant, they took care of that problem by cleaning up right away. These are the things to really look for. They are all going to tell you only good stuff. Your Daddy sounds like a wonderful person and deserves the best. And you are a sweet daughter for taking the time to do this.
  6. Perhaps you will understand something when you read this. Many years ago, before your were even a twinkle in your parents eyes and I was your age, there was a pretty popular singer. I reakly can't remember her name- Roberta Sherwood maybe- and she was an older woman who had grown sons- not young as you are. She used to sing, wearing a simple black dress and I believe she had a symbol that she would tap with a wire ? that drummers use. Her voice wasn't great, not even especially good, but she sang with a lot of feeling and expression. To bring this up to a few years ago. Ever hear of a man named Frank Sinatra? He wasn't great either but he had a bunch of girls in the audience who would swoon when he sang. Years later when he had matured, his reputation had grown to the point where when he sang New York, New York, everyone loved it. Who's to say that a singing career isn't in your future? It's simply getting a gimmick that will make people notice. Go for it.
  7. I'm a doggie mommy too. Taking my little one to the vet was always hard on me. He understood and often took her to the back. Maybe not nice of me but I didn't need to have another stroke there. Moved far away and my dog goes to a new vet- I miss the old one so, I went there for over 40 years- 2 generations. They are top notch too. In fact, I was supposed to go 2 days after my stroke. Left town the next day and was going to write a letter of explanation but never got to it. Oh, she's a 6-7 lb. chihuahua and 11 years old. That scares me. I'm not lucky age-wise. Hope your "baby is ok and hope it's just allergies. I know abouth doggie asthma may work for you too. Just rub her chest or gently on the throat. Happens to short muzzle dogs a lot. Phyllis