
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732
    I am in a state of shock! Recently, I received a form letter from my Dr. stating that along with Medicare, he was going to be a Humana Dr, He expounded on the wonders of belonging to such a group, I had no intention of joining, I have a personal dislike of HMO's but to each his own,
    Today I called up to make an apppointment because I'm almost out of medicine and the reseptionist said he isn't here anymore. I guess I said What? and she said that he sold his practice and is moving. I asked where and she said to Georgia. I have followed hom in the past 14-1/2 years from Ormond Beach to Jacksonville Beacg and Jacksonville to Ponte Vedre (between Jacksonville and St Augustine) to Lake City and then to two locations in St. Augustine where he had his own practice. He said his wife # (#2) said that that was it, she wasn't moving anymore. He bought a home, had a son (had a daughter with the first wife who he has custody of) and everything seemed ok and now this!.
    I have come to the conclusion that this man m has a flaw somewhere. He is no longer a kid, He seemed to have a good practice but then he started messing it up and people (one I know) stopped going to him. He was debiting checks before the ink was even dry. Guess he just got an offer to good to refuse. Maybe he wants to try the medical drug sales racket as he had said many friends were doing. If he wants to practice in another state, he would have to get a license but why? He loves golf and bosting and he had it all,,,,,,,,unless there is now wife #3. Guess I'll never know............
    So, what do you do when you need medication and don't have time to find someone else? I have many crazy ideas but not taking meds (although I'd like to) is not one of them. So, I took an appointment with an ex-retired, plder Dr. and maybe he has old fashiuoned iseas like I have. I hope so. :uhm:
  2. Phyllis4732
    I accepted the offer to be a part of the reset team for two weeks. I'll never learn. I recently made arrangements to transfer to a different, physically easier division. The money may not be as great but it will not be necessary to get up at 4 am, I am not a morning person and the clanging of the alarm when it's still dark is not my thing. Because I am a very heavy sleeper, I have to put clock where I can't reach it to turn it off and go back to sleep. This is hard because I should not quickly jump out of bed because of the meds I take.I then sit quietly for 1/2 to 3/4 hour and then after taking the dog out, leave and drive 1-1/2 hours and be at the store to start at 7am. Not only is it still dark but the fog at that time has been awful.
    I was given a section of the cereal aisle to reset. I'm 5'2" and the top shelp is too high for me. We use plastic milk crates to stand on, however I realized that instead of using a piece of wood to knock those in the back of the top shelf down, it would be easier if I was closer - which meant going higher. So, I "made" steps, a single and then a double. The sad part was that it is easier to have the double boxes on the right but because it is my affected leg side, I had to work in reverse.
    The laugh for me came when the reset supervisor came by and told me to be careful because he didn't want to do CPR. Little does he know........I had to be sure not to laugh out loud!. Guess he thinks I just walk funny because I have arthritis. LOL! Next week another week of "fun" but closer, less driving and I get to sleep an hour longer.
  3. Phyllis4732
    Why is life so cruel?
    About a year ago, give or take a fe months, I met a couple in dtroke support. They are a nice couple; the wife is the survivor and the husband is the caregiver. Recently, she has started to again shoe progress and was able to again start therapy. We had gone to dinner once and it was a nice outing and then do to work, I missed the last meeting. I emailed them and said we should get together and asked what happened at the meeting. When I hadn't heard, I called but got the answering machine and left an answer,
    Today, I received a call from the survivor. She told me that her husband had had brain surgery for a brain tumor and it was found to be malignant. How can these things happen? Yes, I read the book, Bad things Happenm to Good People but that doesn't make things anty better.
    It has been about 10 days since the surgery and he is in a rehab; I went to see him and he looked quite well. Tomorrow he is going to do the pre-arrangements for radiation and will most likely have chemo as well.
    In a strange way, her now having to be the caregiver in a sense perhaps is a blessing of sorts because it may (in a strange way) set a course for her to advance and for him - well, a certain number of people do become survivors and why can't he be one of them. I pray that this will happen.
    There is a saying that translated is,"People plan and God laughs" If you think about it , it's so true.

  4. Phyllis4732
    One of the nice things about living in central Florida is when a space shuttle takes off. I've gone on the beach for the daytime take-off but last night was the first nighttime take-off in over four years. We're about 100 miles away but get a good view because we are 2-1/2 blocks from the coasr so basically it is an unobstructed view. I waited to just before the time set because it was cold and all of a sudden I saw the area light-up to "daylight" I got a little nervous that perhaps there was an explosion, but shortly after it appeared and what a beautiful sight it was. I watched until it was no longer visible and then came in and again watched on tv.
    It's still hard for me to believe that this happens. I'm sure my parents would have said I was losing it if I told them that men were going to a space station that is just kind of "running around the whole".
    I realized that many have not ever seen even a dot of a space ship but believe me, there truly is such a thing.
  5. Phyllis4732
    This turned into a terrible week for me! After starting out so well from the Christmas Party, it went down hill. I imagine life is like that- ups and downs but the part that has had the worst effect is the loss of the husband of a woman who belonged to a cluib with me.
    I didn't actually know the man except for seeing him at affaits - usually during the holiday season. I don't know why, but when speaking to my sister about him, I'd always refer to him as Donald Trump. I haven't the slightest idea why. Perhaps because they were well off (though not anywhere as as weathy as "The D") or maybe it was the way he combed his hair. It was reddish and at Christmas he wore a bright kelly green jacket.
    The woman was always very nice to me; Me with my crazy balance. She nearly had a fit when we were leaving a party that she had at her home and I was on her driveway saying goodbye and I did my famous- oops my balance "act". It was only a few months after I had had my stroke and shortly after I was walking unaided. Later she told me about some oxygen product from a health food store that she felt would help my brain to heal better and even offered it buy it for me. It was a year ago when I last saw here and had told her that I really didn't need it because my neurologist had some sort of gadget that measures oxygen in the blood (which I couldn't understand and mine was 99 which was the best you could get, they said. She still felt it would help me. It was just a few weeks after when I heard that her husband had had a stroke. As I'm sure we all feel, I felt so helpless and wondered how I could help, then again, when you are improved and you are trying to help one who is newly shocked by stroke to a loved one, you are in a strange position (JMHO) Well, I imagine he went to the hospital that I was at originally was at and the nicest thing they did for me was to transfer me to another hospital because they didn't have a neurosurgeon. They since have gotten one but I do believe they are not as good as where I went. They have been advertising that they are a stroke center etc. and the competition advertises that they are Central Florida's ONLY Comprehensice Stroke Center. Of course both hospitals loose patients but the first place is really known as a heart surgery place. Anyway, it was a year since the man's stroke. She had told my sister that he would not do therapy and as I have found with others, this is the worse thing one can do. I hope we all know this. I feel bad that I somehow didn't find a way to let them know..........but then again telling people one thing and getting them to do it is a different story. I will miss seeing my Donald Trump and sympathise with his wife.
  6. Phyllis4732
    Tonight was the night of the Christmas Party of the Orchid Society. It was held where we hold our meetings each month - The Casements. The interesting thing about this place is it was the winter home of John D. Rockefeller. Legend has it that Mr. R. used to stay at the large hotel across the street, He then found out he was being charged more than the other guests, so he bought the home across the street. (The hotel was torn down about 10 or 15 years ago and a huge condominium was built on the locationSeveral rooms are kept the way it was and several are used for meetings, art classes etc. You can see into several of the old rooms and they are beautiful.
    The ballrooom had about 10 decorated Christmas trees done by different businesses and organizations. My favorite was done by the garden club.
    Our party had the same caterer as last year and they did even better. They served a buffet of cut vegetables, shrimp (they were huge), a fruit platter, meatballs and perhaps 10 other hors d'eurvres, small cream puffs, water, colas and coffee. The price for this delicious party was $11.00 and each person attending gets a small orchid. It is quite a bargain. They had 4 large orchid plants (not a common type) as door prizes and I was lucky enough to win the first one so I had first choice. How lucky can one get? Actually, I've had a very disappointing day due to a crazy Florida environmental law having to do with wetlands. Just another way to get $ from people. Florida living is paradise? I'm starting not to believe this.
    And this past weekend, I bought a lightening bolt pendant on a chain which I can wear 24/7. I was given a very petite one on a thin chain but it was too fragile for me. I feel I have earned the right to wear one and I love it! Hopefully people will ask about it and what a perect way to tell the stroke story.
  7. Phyllis4732
    Well, the town wasn't Melbourne but near by in Cape Coral (I think- anyway near Cape Canaveral) Because of the redidents who work at the Space Center, it is a nice area with all of the chain restaurants, some local ones, penty of motels etc. The show isn't the best - that one is in Coconut Grove, near Miami and I loved going to that one, but this one is larger than the one in Daytona Beach and has mostly Florida artists while Coconut Grove has participants from all over.
    The 2 busiest places, besides the stands that sold kettle corn (yummy) were a leather bag place and one where I gave my money. I bought an Appalachian Bow Saw knife. They come left-handed and right-handed which posed a possible problem for me, since, I am becoming a lefty eater but I still use my right hand in cooking. The knife takes very little pressure to use but the thing that sold me is it will cut crust type bread, cut bagels but it will also thinly slice tomatoes. Any knife that slices tomatoes easily and safely and does other fruits, vegetables, the breads and cheese, is a good deal the way I see it. 200 hours of use and then you can replace the blade for $3.00 - sounded good to me. While we waited for the man to wait on me (no more than 5 minutes), he easily sold $100.00 worth, and people were standing in line to try it out. (That is what was clever - he had some french bread and some tomatoes and you could see how great it was.)
    And oh yes, I walked myself silly again, duh!

  8. Phyllis4732
    No one can say I didn't get any exercise today- I fought the war of Black Friday. When will I learn that this practice isn't for me. Don't get me wrong; I did not get to the stores at 5 or 6 am. I waited to about *ish". I did get all the shopping done that I was going to do + a little extra like getting dog food as long as I was in the same shopping center. But the best things was when I had to park way out and I found a Petsmart shopping cart not too far from where I parked, went to Barnes and Noble and and stashed the cart where it hopefully would still be waiting for me and then going to get the dog food, I confess though that I didn't take it all the way back when I got to the car. I actually didn't get totake it all the way to the car because I had to walk across a grass divider to get there. Perhaps another soul was grateful to find it. With Black Friday, you don't have to have had a stroke to be glad of a cart to lean on; "healthy" people get tired too.
    Tomorrow is the art show in Melbourne, Florida. More exercise - but Sunday is really going to be my day of rest.
  9. Phyllis4732
    Tomorrow is a special day for me besides being Thanksgiving, Of course I feel it is special for all survivors It's our special day to be thankful. If you're not, get with it. Tomorrow is 3-1/2 years since my bleed. Just this morning when signing my signature to checks, I realized that my writing is almost back to what it had been. No more 1st or 2nd grade large cursive letters. It came back much quicker with the first simple stroke and was exactly the way I had written before. My hand is number this time though. I wasn't expecting it to come as far.
    The second thing I'm thankful for is that I got an email with a surprise. My septic permit was done and ready to be picked up. This is important because until you get it, you can't apply for the building permit. The house will really mean my return to complete independence. The peace and quiet of rural living wait for me. I'm so happy when I've visited my lot and could only see shrub weeds and hear birds chirping. They had to clear a 4 foot wide path for the inspectors to take a soil sample and they made sure it was that +. I could see dirt and there were also some pretty pines I hadn't been able to see. I imagine that the soil must be good and not just sand because the land had never been used before. Only tree leaves, pine needles and - well creatures (the one thing I'm not to sure about .....I hate snakes, mice, rats etc. ) Well, you take the bad with the good.
    I hope everyone has the blessings that they would like, just as I'm having mine. A very Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to all!
  10. Phyllis4732
    There must be a section somewhere with statistics but I don't know where or if this topic is covered.
    Been wondering how many people have had their stroke in the left frontal lobe, the brain dsem, a cerebellar stroke, pons area etc. Thought that would be interesting. I know I each stroke is different but there are many similiarites - especially when dealing with the same place.
    As I mentioned on the board, it seems that most of those who have/ had PFO's are intheir 30's.
    Just thought this would be interesting.
  11. Phyllis4732
    As many know, I had a bleed in the cerebellum area. I call it the funny place. This is the area that controls balance and coordination. It's a different type of stroke. I believe I read someplace where it doesn't paralyze.( but instead there is numbness ) Therapy is needed.It's been said by doctors that if you are going to get a stroke; the cerebellum is the best place. I'm very grateful, but don't get me wrong. There are frustrating times as well. It's the end of the week so I was naturally tired and really needed the entire weekend to re-charge my batteries. I had said that I would do a demo for Mrs. Dash - a seasoning product that does not contain salt. Unfortunately, the company who planned this event saw $ signs coning into their coffers if they cover several products at the same time. One was to pass out Southern living recipe booklets (very nice) Mrs Dash small recipe folder tear off pads, Mrs. Dash samples to be given away, 3 products to be displayed on the table with several so customers could pick them up right there, Glad Press "N Seal but the star was to be the sample salad that would be made and distributed - called the Blushing Cranberry and Pear Turkey Salad. You would need 3 pair of hands to work while giving the required script when giving these booklets out and making the salad.
    A great number of cans had to be opened and my favorite can opener id an old fashioned cheapie. They used to sell in the 5 & 19 for maybe 59 or 69 cents. Thus is 3006 though and can openers are wider and more expensive. We use an oldie to open the cat food and through the years of using it, rinsing it and probably not drying it, it is slightly rusty. So, I had to choose a newer model. To make a long story short, I could not use the can opener. I bought a lighter, smakker one and still no go, so I went searching for help. I food the dept mgr. who was very ice and to keep things simple, I told him I had an injued hand. He opened the one can and was going to do the next but I told him I would do it and he should observe. I was able to get it open. The comedy continued with trying to get the mayonnaise from the jar into a bowl without getting it all over the place. Thank goodness for my roll of paper towels.. Well, it ended up with a very tired Phyllis - no lunch break so standing from (:35 to 4:45 and a very sore hand, BUT the salad was a success and got many good remarks. Doing it at home on the kitchen counter with all appliances at hand and a sink to pour liquids is so much easier.
    If you like to make this really tasty salad, here is the recipe.
    1/2 C. mayonnaise
    1/2 C. whole cranberry sauce
    4 - 5 pz. cans of turkey or chicken chunks (Hormel
    3 C, romaine (it should be chopped a little smalller than what comes in the bag)
    Mix together the mayo and cranberry sauce and set aside. In a large bowl toss the chunks with the romaine and then combine the 2 and toss. Use a piece of canned pear as a garnish..
    That's right Mrs. Dash WASN'T used. Go figure why they had to make such a big deal of Mrs. Dash.
  12. Phyllis4732
    This is going to be a fun blog and I hope for some participation. Thinking is good for the brain - as is humor. I will give you the situation.
    You are to meet 2 people that you have spoken to on the telephone only. The location is a small airport (private) and you are to meet in the restaurant that is there. One person is older and the other an adult child (same sex). It seems so simple that neither party suggests how they will meet. No further description, no red roses worn, - nothing. OK, how would you decide what to do? Who should make the first contact etc.
    I'm interested in seeing how people who are alike in at least one way but really so very different would react in this situation.
    Let your mind go wild. :roflmao:
  13. Phyllis4732
    Someone wrote something very insensitive on this sit (board or blogs). No, I certainly am not going to name the person or give the sex of the person.
    It is very uncalled for in a place such as this. Perhaps most people here wouldn't think twice about it but it hit me right away. I don't think the person it was written to even looked at it that way eith. But, I really got to me and I thought about writing to that person and telling him/her what I thought.
    I do understand when people like us have a stroke problem or are in the presence of one who does, where this may not seem what it says - so - if you feel the least bit guilty, think twice before you write something that could be hurtful.
    And NO, it wasn't said to me. As I told one of the guys in a Home Depot who is always saying funny things and then apo;ogizes (when none is necessary because I know he's kidding) I don't care what he says and all of the people behing and working there burst out laughing and he gave me the thumbs up sign.
  14. Phyllis4732
    If you get a chance DO GO to the National Stroke Association's Hope after Stroke Symposium! I know some people had mentioned going to one already. Grab the chance if one is being held near you and do it early because they are kept small and reservations fill up quickly. There are only 4 being held this year and while some are being added each year, the chance will not come "next month"
    There wasn't anything they did not think of. They even had a "quiet room" and we were told if we felt the need that we could leave and go there ay any time - even if someone was speaking - and of course to the rest rooms as well (LOL, during breaks they were really busy- probably due to all the freah fruit that seemed to be available,)
    The speakers were all excellent and very knowledgeable. but the speaker I enjoyed the most was the speaker who gave the welcome...........and told his story. Yes, the man is a survivor and I certainly related well (and Fred, if you are reading this, you would feel so proud of this individual)because like me, he suffered a cerebellar stroke. His came when he was out of town in Baltimore and he wasn't feeling well when waiting for his plane to return him to Orlando. He had called his wife and told her he wasn't feeling well and she said you're probably hungry and said to get something to eat. So he got a slice of pizza which he said didn't make him feel better. He got on the plane and when the plane was landing apparently something with the pressure (which I didn't understand) caused his stroke. He then went on to telll of the past year and his recovery which still needs a little more time. See, this man isn't just Jow citizen like you and me, he is a television personality- weather, I believe, from the CBS channel in Orlando. I didn't know him, but many there did and a camerman from the station was there taking pictures. The reaction from the local people who did know him was quite a reception. He was excellent His name is Mark McEwen. What thrilled me the most was the fact that he said what we all want: PEOPLE KNOW ALL ABOUT HEART, ALL ABOUT CANCER, BUT YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT STROKE AND IT IS THE 3RD KILLER. He wants to be a spokesman and is headed back to the work he loves as soon as he can read the scripts that are necessary and he is getting there. He was asked if he had TPA and he said no. (He had the desire for sure) His physical therapy had gone well going from a wheelchair to walker to nothing) but his speech wasn't quite there yet (His speech went from high pitched back to normal but just needs some additional speed. He said it was the first time he had spoken before a group since his stroke and he became a bit emotional as we all can relate, he did manage to control himself quite well. When his speech was over, the people from NSA hugged him and I would have done the same given a chance.
    We WILL get a real spokeperson at last, I'm quite sure.
    BTW, there isan interesting debate going on on aol today concerning the ad that Michael J. Fox had done for an senator want -to -be who is using him to push her stance on stem cells and the remarks that Rush Limbaugh had made and the after effects from that - my feeling- it's fine to MJF to push for stem cells but not to involve himself in an election debate to do it. t isays that in his book, he says that there are times when he does NOT take his medications that control tremors somewhat for the effect he is trying to show. So, put together that is effective but to me a questionable thing to do. JMHO
  15. Phyllis4732
    oRCHTOBERFEST is a great time for Orchid hobbyists. One of the growers who has his place about 30 miles away has a weekend celebration complete with German music and bratwurst. He has about 5 fellow growers set up booths and other who sell supplies etc. One was from Hawaii.
    We always went on Saturday but decided to go on Friday when it opened to get the best selection. We weren't the first people there but what we did get was great. I was able to get a catleya orchid (the large corsage orchids) for a very low price. It had 3 flowers but it was almost through blooming and in fact as soon as I got it home, it started to do badly. Orchids don't like to be moved sometimes. But - the plant is fine and it will bloom again next year.
    I wish I had a lot more to spend but there will be other times. That's what you get for being an orchid aficinado. It's like potato chips - you can't just have one..........
  16. Phyllis4732
    In the Daytona Beach area, Octoberfest also means Biketoberfest. it's a mini Bike Week! They are all over the streets and have spread to several counties area Volusia (this county)
    The large local hospital has put off an elective surgery, and usually sets up an ER area just for Bikers. I believe we get 100,000! To make matters worse, the mandatory helmet law was repealed and that trend is catching on. I have seen the greater % of bikers going sans helmets. I guess in reality, that means less work for the neurosurgeons and neurologists because when there are accidents and the rider is NOT wearing a helmet, they only have to scrape them off the street. Sad, isn't it? I guess though if you are a biker, the air blowing through your hair is nice ..........and as humans the thought won't happen to me. Yeah sure. If you believe that there is a lot of land under water I can sell you..............
    Me? I'm going to try to stay off the roads as much as possible. It is very nerve-wracking driving at night with these little, fast moving "machines" - especially at night.

  17. Phyllis4732
    They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks well, woof, woof, you can. LOL!
    When speaking with some educators this week, they said it takes a "well" person 34 times to be able to remember something, and would therefore take one who has had a stroke longer. They said repetition is the key, which is something we all know, but maybe don't wish to practice.
    We learned how to walk again etc. by repetition, and oh how we hated it. I got tired of waiting for my brain to get me to walk down stairs "adult style" as it did going up. I finally thought, we learn by repetition and I am going to see if it will work here. It was a case of consciously telling myself each time that I had to do it that way. The other problem is we lead off with the bad leg going down and the bannister for the top 7 stairs is only on my bad side. My hand is basically only numb, but there are times when it has a mind of it's own. I didn't count the times but it did work.
    Now what do I do to teach me that I am suppposed to take my glasses out of my pocket (and of course put them on) before starting the car? THAT is frustrating! :uhm:
  18. Phyllis4732
    By accident I found out I can have a lovely skin - no not my skin = the skin here. Instead of our generic skin, I can view on the cheerful lavender we had. I wonder if Iwill always get it or if I must change it to something other than generic. It has made my day start off great.
    Maybe everything is changing for me - last night I won 2 orchid plants in the raffle. Not bad for $5.00. No where can you buy orchids for $2.50 (although one is pretty strange) Even so, winning one for $5.00 is a bargin - and it is presently blooming!
    Today, I'd also like to get a well contractor and soon my plans will be complete............... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  19. Phyllis4732
    It's the end of another month. Time does fly when we're having fun. I'd like to stay home and sleep today but I've a big day planned. Ernesto didn't fully help (certainly better than a hurricane) but it was even a tropical storm when it got here. Don't get me wrong, that's great but many people spent money they don't have on things they hadn't budgeted for. Some can be saved for another time but you must pay now and maybe now isn't the time for added expense. On the one hand, it's good to be warned but when you are and nothing happens over and over again, you tend to let up and that is when you shouldn't have. There are also people who in their rush have fatal accidents or heart attacks from the strain and stress- oh and of course strokes (how could I forget those?) LOL
    I was going to write on people no longer around. I read some of the articles on fatigue and I didn't recognize a single name! Even now there are people that are disappearing and I wonder why? Did they just feel they no longer needed support or did they "no longer fit the category of survivor"?
    I was so happy to find one of these people alive and kicking but what happened to the others. Curiosity killed the cat - guess I just became a cat. Meow y'all.[/font]
  20. Phyllis4732
    It's 9:20 pm and I hope I don't fall asleep before I finish this.
    We finally had a decent rain; actually a thunderstorm. Unfortunately, I was on the interstate when the worst came through. It was so dark out and the rain so heavy that the white lines weren't visable. Also, bless the statethe road is uneven due to adding lanes, changing lanes etc. Projects here take years. I'm so tired of their orange and white cans They reming me of garbage cans. I finally made it where I had to go just after it had let up. I sat in the car waiting for it to stop more and started to fall asleep. That is what I want to know. DOES RAIN, ESPECIALLY THUNDERSTORMS AFFECT YOUR LEG, ARM AND GENERAL BEING? There is a cerebellar site in England and a man from Scotland had asked if others were bothered. He said that he was going to check with his psysio spelling wrong but therapist to those of us in the states. I said I'd be interested in the answer. Well, the therapist said he didn't know and the man said maybe we figured something out. I had put it in the back of whatever mind I have left and as I was leaving the book stands, lost my balance and sort of staggered toward the book racks. I was able to catch myself before too much damage was done. As I started to walk outside, I saw it was raining and thundering.
    I've been very unbalanced lately because of working on my feet too long when 2 jobs needed to be done at the same time. I did not get the 2 days in bed I was thinking of, but instead the second day went to the flea market - a large flea market! Before when I went, I only went a short distamce but not Sunday. I should never have left my rollator home. There were planty of empty benches to sit on and I took every opportunity I could to sit for a few minutes.I didn't get to rest on Monday either because I decided to go toa political luncheon to see a woman running for senator. Tues, I had to go out to buy readers because I couldn't find the ones I had and they were getting scratched so it was another trip and then I was asked to check on something at one of the stores. But I am so tired...........however we had the storm. Was it the storm or doing too much? Does it ever happen to you?
    :Yawn: :uhm: :roflmao:
  21. Phyllis4732
    Have to see what this is like)
    I'm so very tired and fatigued. Not the best thing for a stroker. Just one more day and then decision time. Unfortunately, Two of my jobs bumped inot each other and I am a victim of more hours of work than I'd prefer. The new job is very physical - too much for me. To top this off it is early in the am. Being a pmer for years, the change has been difficult and almost impossible. My old job is in the reset phase which in itself is tiring, especially when one wants to scream, "Idiots!" Well Monday, after working 7 - 1 in a grocery "cutting in new products in the cereal section, I went to job #2 and worked there, gathering the numerous books that they forced on the store that did not sell. At the first job, I asked myself why groceries have 56' 4 or 5 shelves high of cold cereal. What is the matter with us? Aren't we now happy with plain corned flakes, puffed rice, shredded wheat without having to decide which cereal to buy the family. Then, numbers - enough to boggle this brain that had been injured. UPC numbers- 11 long which have to be written long-hand (after a while, I can't read my own writing) Why must a distributer load up almost $3000.00 wholesale of excess stock, and why does the retailer allow this? Pretty expensive to just "sit" there.:Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: .I've come to the conclusion that buyers are idiots, and those designing the plan-o-grams (diagrams of where everything goes) have never had to place it on shelves and have no idea that "there isn't room for 12 boxes in a space that holds 10". Tues. the same deal went on, but I left at 6pm so I could go to the orchid workshop; Wednesday, getting store 2 ready and then job 3 which turned out not to need any work Today, no grocery work but having to go and assist in getting the books packed. My job was very little- just putting stickers on the boxes- bless the return people - then putting out the new books the idiots think will sell when the others didn't. Tomorrow, the same for store 2. Hopefully job 3 will not have to be done tomorrow and I can come home and start my weekend of sleep! :Yawn: All the while thinking :uhm: Do I want to continue this lunacy?
    My 6 lb. dog who has more sense than I has been sleeping in bed for hours now; think I'll join her. LOL :roflmao:
  22. Phyllis4732
    :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: (In black, ok J & A?)
    .About 10 minutes later I get a call (as always, the phone rang when I was in the little girls room) I ran to the phone but instead of -Jr. was -Sr. He said that -Jr. was out of town but that I sounded so upset and stressed and sounded as though I needed help right away. I could have kissed him over the phone. I can imagine how it came over the phone when I called, and if it wasn't so sad. it is really very funny. Well, we spoke a long time. I told him about the $57,000 and he said it shouldn't be more than $25,000. Of course we hadn't spoken about the permits and all, but even so, that is a large difference, and then he gave me an important piece of advice. I had told him that I finally had gotten a call from another contractor who I had called me. It was from a name I had gotten from a woman who is building a similar house and I had written to her and asked her who was doing the work. Well, -Sr. said, Run as fast as you can from Mr. So-in-so. If things don't work out with the other man, call me and I will find someone for you. He gave me his cell phone number and said to be sure to call - either -Jr. or him. It was like a breath of fresh air. Mr. So-in- so did call and had left a short curt message to contact him. It became clear what the man was trying to do. Although he had no experience with modular homes, he was probably at my expense "buy" a home from the co, ( which -Sr. said they wouldn't do) and give me a price of less than the _jr.& Sr. He wanted the fingures and all before he would give any to me. I was advised to tell him if he called that my sister and I want to sit back and take a rest for a while. I can't believe that he was going to stick a knife in the back of the very people who could have done so much for him. Greed doesn't pay. He also didn't realize that to me loyalty
    is more important than money. You may say that is dumb, but that is me. :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
    Strange things happen: A few weeks ago I had visited the property when I was in the area, I noticed that a new home which had what looked like the stem wall was for a modular was being built, but no one was around. I found the owners address (out of town) and wrote and asked her if she would tell me the name of the builder and does her just do complete jobs or would he just do a foundation. Because of vacations etc. by the time I heard from her with the information and wrote to that man and he passed it down a few times, I already had Mr. So - in - so. I took his number down just in case and put it carefully away- but couldn't remember where. Yesterday, I again was in the area and it was early and I had the feeling that even though it was a Friday, maybe workmen would still be around. Well, there were cars and a pick-up and the house was already set on the foundation. To make a long story short, the woman I had written to and her husband were there as well as the builder. I stopped to ask about the house etc. and she invited me in to show me her place, introduced me to the builder and after staying about an hour talking, he gave me his email address which I sent to my builder and I'm again "in business". As I said- I do believe in fate.
  23. Phyllis4732
    :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: When a week passed I called the wife and
    asked how things were going and she said that he had some figures, but that he needed a few extra days. When Friday came, she called and said he should have everything priced by Tuesday. Well, I had gotten a job out of town and would be commuting to St. Augustine (40 miles) for 3 days and I had to be there by 7 am. (I'm not an am person and with medication etc. that was a problem in itself.) So, I asked my sister if she would please call him and get the figure. I could then add the 2 figures together and get in touch with my mortgage broker. I arranged to call my sister on my celll phone at a certain and find out the price without anxiously waiting until I arrived home. As luck would have it, I was working with the team lead and you know that cell phone calls when working are sort of taboo. Anyway, I finally did get my sister and she didn't sound too happy. I knew that the fees for a manufactured house were 30,000. A modular would be more and I knew too the fees given then were exceptionally low across the board. I was thinking 30 - 40. The price given was $57.000! He told my sister that he wasn't making much etc. and then he said that the house has ducts but no air conditioner and said the man told him, He said I need to have a crane to hoist the house onto the foundation. Well, my sister said I would need an itemized list for the broker and he said he would give me one if I was interested knowing the price, It ended with my calling him in the evening. I told my sister there is an a/c and she said no, he said the man told him.......well, when I got home, I found the papers faxed to me from my builder and there was an a/c included, a crane and a crew etc. It turned out "the man" wasn't my builder but someone at the home manufacturer who he had called - and since when was the a/c, crane etc. from the foundation down? I emailed -Jr. and told him what was going on but still didn't mention that the man was interested in becoming a builder for the company. I read him what my sheet said and he asked if I'd fax it and I said yes. Later though I realized that the prices were on the sheet but then thought, well, this is "family". Knowing me, you know I am a great believer in fate. When I went to fax the information to him, I had a problem with the fax machine. My sister had moved it because she had painted her room and I figured she had touched something. She wasn't here and I'd have to wait until she came home. I decided to call his wife (who BTW runs the office) and explain what happened. I was surprised when I did not get the wife but the man himself. He said he called the home manufacturer this morning and that my builder gave me wrong information and said I should call him. Well, it was then that this stroker who managed 2 strokes from stress, had enough and the "you know what" started to hit the fan! I told him that the builder came highly recommended from the company and I would call him. I don't remember whether
    he said he would also call him. A short time after I get a call from the wife. She asked what I wanted him to do. She said that he noticed there wasn't an a/c etc. and he knew I needed them and so he included those things. Basically she was the "peace maker". She informed me that I should get everything in writing. She did ask about who was responsible for certain things and I said I would find out. I called my builder and got their answering machine. I hate those things and I was so upset that I started off like a machine gun, and :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: about the situation with the gentleman and I went on so long the machine shut off, so I called up again and just said, call me before you call Mr. So-in-so. My number is........ :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: