
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Lin, they said that you retain the deed to the house. Heirs have 12 months to sell or if an area difficult to sell, at least have an active contract. The man was very knowledgeable and his presentation was excellent. Donna, I will have to see but this is or has been changed. All that George said is true. I believe there may be some differences in states though.Obviously, there should be much thought about this.


    As for heirs, let's be honest. While it's nice to leave them a lot, you do not have to worry about them and not be able to pay your bills. People must do what is best for them. The heirs, should not expect to be taken care of; they should be responsible for themselves. You and your spouse have paid for the home and the money in it was from their hard work. This should be a persons last concern. If money is needed for medical treatment, medicine and it can be to your advantage (not the heirs) then, you should go for it. You will have a place to live. Ever check prices for assisted Living situations? It will shock you! if you sell your house and the $ goes, and you outlife the $, what then? Will your heirs take care of you?

  2. Hi "Icy"


    People sleep a lot when they "need to get away". Do not worry. Yourbody and brain know when it is best for you to sleep. Listen to them. It is wise to be extra careful when you are having a "clumsy day"


    As for your eye problem, your attitude is right; Dr.s have been wrong. The opthamologist I went to last year was older and could understand but he retired, and I got this much younger Dr. (better looking too- guess my sight isn't so bad) but right away, he said he could help me see better with cataract surgery. Please tell me what good not having cataracts will do for an eye that most likely isn't connected to the brain? He didn't see any MRI's etc. and I was there and knew when my eye trouble started. I thought it was an age related problem, not that my stress was building up to a bleed. So I said no - especially since my "good" eye passed the test for getting a drivers license - so good for another year........(must drive for work) so you see, these Dr.s don't know everything.


    As for your other half- with it as you can. You are you and have always been the same- he is the one with the problem. These things too, have a way of straightening out- one way or another. That too could cause you to sleep.


    I wish you'd tell me how you could do with 4 hours. I've had to do that to get to work and it is very hard for me. Ended up sleeping at the computer and felt strange when I woke so hustled right to bed and slept 8 hours; needed that.


    Take care; better days are coming.



  3. :Tantrum: :ranting: :nuhuh: get the picture? The solution is easy, yet hard to do. Accept. Yes, we hate it, but your life is much happier if you accept things as they are and "know" they will get better - just not 100% and will take what seems like forever.


    I have an eye problem and went to an opthomologist last year so that I could get my drivers license renewed; I need it for work. He was an older Dr. who had been around and must have realized that my left eye was shot. He said I had cataracts (thanks to a med I have taken for years- believe that can be a side effect, but was the only one I could take after testing many 'cause I'm so sensitive) but anyway, he said, but don't worry about it now. I did not go back in 6 months as he would have liked, but did in a year since he wrote on report to state that I had to - and then he retired later in the year! Good for him, but left me having to find someone else. So I went to another one in the same practice- a younger Dr. He right away wanted to do surgery for the cataracts. I figured if I am able to pass the driving test for driving with 1 good eye with corrective glasses, why do that if maybe that isn't the problem (and I doubt that it is entirely) So I wear the dumb glasses which make everything look close (maybe it is) but I really wonder because I park about a mile away from gas pumps, back up only about a foot and go back and forth when there is plenty of room etc. It makes it difficult and has me acting like an idiot when I do those things- yes, I get looks.


    But, in general, you say, I'm not giving up, and I'll live my life the best I can and accept because I can't do anything about it but what I am doing. Think of all the time and energy you expend by getting upset and acting like the first 2 characters above.


    Try it, you'll see.



  4. Hi Donna,

    Know the stair thing well. There is a rail on bottom 7 steps but only on one side the top 7. I too hope you have a bathroom on the first floor - or a cork. (Sorry for the sick humor)


    I know security is strange but what is what they did to you and Kristi and Crystal couldn't be near you? I can understand their worry about people in wc because there could be some who would have bombs etc. but what if you could't walk through. That would be terrible.


    Well, now is the fun part and in no time, it will seem like you've beenn there for years. So much for kitty anti anxiety meds. Smart cat; didn't want to miss a thing. It's times like these that we wish they could talk.


    Well, I didn't travel and I'm pooped so - I'm closing too. LOL!



  5. The thought of all that work being done at Harmony Lane sounds tiring but interesting. Good to hear from you since you are one of the long-timers. (See I don't say old ones; that is reserved for Stephen and myself. LOL!


    Happy you are having companion from Mexico. Too bad your friend can't tell me what to eat that isn't spicy. I'm going to dinner with a stroke friend and it was her time to choose. Should be interesting for me. I've eaten some things at Taco Bell but can't remember what they were called.


    Being honored to speak at the conference is wonderful. I know you'll do well. Remember to send us any clippings or comments from it.


    Hope to see you again soon - have a great supply of Pepsi right now so if you need the fridge room for iced tea, it's yours............Isn't that kind of me? BTW, do English people drink their tea iced ever?


    Phyllis :big_grin:

  6. Thank you Bonnie, but this is a news release in free giveaway papers. They just have the same set-up for all.



    (I'd also like to put it on Bright House, a cable company that lists clubs. if possible, but my sister changed to a dish and I don't know how to contact. She is saving $ but The Dish stinks. She has had to fight them all along and wanted to drop them, but they said she signed a year contact. She did get her programs and I get most of the things, I like, but I'll find a way to get Bright House when I move. She can't get regular TV because of her location (poor reception if at all), maybe though, I will be able to.)

  7. Sounds great, grab bars and all.


    Those canna bulbs are really choice and quite expensive in Home Depot. I keep wishing the neighbor next door would throw some in the garbage. Things are supposed to grow better if you get them from the garbage and do not say "thank you" for them. Can't understand that, but we had the most beautiful iris that we got that way. LOL!.


    Enjoy your "working" stay.



  8. How great! Hope you don't have a hard time going back.........but for now, enjoy every minute. It's too bad it is so dar away. A little closer would be better and you could do it more often, but for now, have the time of your life.


    A renewed you is just what the Dr. would have ordered. It will be great when you and Ray are together too. There's nothing like being apart. Getting back isn't so bad after all and you'll both will be filled with stories to tell each other.


    Will be looking for your return to chat in.....a few...........



  9. Good safe trip. It is the start of a new life for but of you and yes, it will turn out fine for both of you.


    Will miss you but only for a few days and then you will be back - the new edition.


    What Asha said is right as well as what you wrote. Leaving it to The higher source is the thing to do. He is going to do what is right so why sweat it. Bye for now. Waiting to hear how everything went and is going.



  10. Fred, you're lucky your name is"King". My last name is German, In English, we all know that "i" comes before"e". Not so in German or at least my name. It tells me my name is spelled wrong. You should hear me scream at my computer. So to keep my bp down, I don't use spell check. LOL!


  11. Donna, you "guys" are doing great! This is one miserable job especially because you aren't moving "around the corner.


    Think of it this way.....8 more days and then you'll be in Pittsburg and have all the help you could possibly want. It's great that your family is being a real family and helping by trying to make this as easy as possible. Even food will be waiting and with summer, something cool to drink on arrival is going to be great.


    This day is almost over and soon it will be 7.

  12. Ann, I'm so sorry you didn't get your time sleeping later. Going back after being up and "working" just isn't the same.


    I know about places like the VA and HMO's. yes, Dr's are businesses too but the former ones are REALLY businesses that look for the cheapest way. They then try to point out how goood it is for whatever reason. I know that people in HMO's don't get the chance for acute rehabs, simply because they wil not pay the fee. The same is true with the rehabs they use. They apparently do not pay the top salary to the therapists and they in turn go where they can make more. So, when they tell you, they are giving you medicine, you are not gettin the best, although they perhaps would say you needed the top brands and you could pay a co-pay. I had a friend who used to follow her Dr. around if he'd change HMO's and he always saw that she got the top meds. She, in turn gave him a very nice bottle of wine at Christmas........... As Asha said, she gets meds from India. Canada isn't supposed to send meds to the US but people are asked what country they will accept meds from such as GB, Australia, Germany etc. My dog gets her flea preventative and heart worm prevention through Canada and it comes from Australia and New Zealand. Same stuff as from US. It's a shame that we must do things like this. Part D is a disgrace and HMO's and the VA are worse.

  13. Oh yes, I agree. A very pretty girl and yes, a wonderful smile. With that smile how can things go wrong.


    Have been wondering what is going on. Working on your "problems you found? When does school start?

    Well, I'm on my way to take a nap.



  14. BTW, the author of the book - When Bad Things happen to good people was written by a Rabbi. He had a son who had,,,,,,,I'm not sure of the word but it starts with a "p", I think and it is where shildren age very fast and at 13, they have the illnesses etc. of very old people, even wrinkled skin. His son passed away. I don't remember how he explained it but I guess that is was, he was in a better place.


    Bubbles kids are now grown, of course, but with illness, you have to provide and I'm sure she did.

  15. The bad - sorry these things happened. The good - start planning for next year's 4th when you will be here and able to go into the pool.


    Eventually, these problems go to someone else. I don't really believe that anyone is ever spared completely.

  16. Sue, howabout trying velcro or duct tape? LOL! Have missed you and think tonight is the time. Hope it lasts a little later because it is the time for the Orchid Society meeting and I will be there until they throw us out at about 9. Hope I don't miss you or too many others.



  17. Both of you and anyone else reading this - stop wasting your time with could have's and should have's. A stroke is a TBI (tramautic brain injury) and with other things (as we've seen from our emebers) TBI comes from various reasons. Would you feel any better if you had gotten your stroke for another reason?


    While it is honorable to try to warn others that it could happen to them, they are going to think the same as you- "it can't happen to me." And heredity isn't the answer either. My mother had a stroke and we are 3 children and I am the youngest by many years. I am the only one who has gotten stroke and probably be the only one, It's more a personality thing. I stress; they do not.


    The past is past and your thoughts now must be to make the best you that is possible. Part of this too is to walk with your head up and certainly be proud that you are a survivor.There is no room in your brain for shouuld have's, could have's and pity parties etc. The brain has work to do. has work to do.


    yes. to me it is fate. Believe that or not. Here is my proof.........Who decided where your stroke was going to go? Why did some people have their problem in the left front lobe and get aphasia and you perhaps did or did not? Give that some thought.

  18. It would have been a little easier if there was alcohol, drugs , speeding etc. involved, but this way, it all seems so senseless. A simple drive home and tragedy strikes. I'm sure the minister will try to make the family and friends feel the young man is in a better place - and who knows, maybe he will be. Most likely, it happened so fast, he didn't know what happened; unfortunately, the girl driving will never forget. She is the one who will be hurting the most (and she is).


    Like everyone here, I send my concondolences for the umtimely passing of the young man, healing for the girl, as well as understanding for her and healing for all.


    Everyone looks for summer; unfortunately there always seems to be one of these accidents claiming our young people at this time.


    My thoughts will also be with the young people, the faculty, the families and friends and all the townpeople.

  19. A nice looking BBQ.My BBQ chicken is cooking as I write- in the oven. LOL! My last bbq was a portable one and used gas. I was never comfortable having gas too close to the house and kept it on the back patio. I wouldn't do that again. Perhaps if I had an outdoor shed. Anyway, I am sure you enjoyed the end results- the chicken. Hope the recipe was worthy of such a fine appliance put together with your own special touch.To Sarah: I'm with you. LOL! Phyllis :big_grin:

  20. Unfortunately my answer to your blog got swallowed up in cyber space but as I was driving to work this morning, I gave your blog a lot of thought and came up with I think the perfect answer.


    BELIEVE IT OR NOT, YOU HAD THE PERFECT WEEKEND! No, I haven't lost my marbles - let me explain. Although you did not have fun, you learned much more than you realized. You see, you now know exactly what you have to do in the next few weeks before the opening of school. You got a glimpse of the problems you will encounter and can work on their solutions. You have received excellent suggestions and I will also give you a few - do this: Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. On the left, write the problem you encountered and on the right, put the suggestions given to you as well as any you may come up with or embellish those there. Then choose the answer for that problem.


    My suggestion to help many of the problems. This may seem like going backward but it will solve so many of the issues. Do you have a rollator? If not consider getting one. You cam get one which has a basket which you can put your books into- a backpack can be a load on your back. You can put in your bathroom needs when in the dorm and if a tray isn't available, you can use the seat for your food tray. If you are tired because the campus is spread out, you can sit and rest a few minutes on the seat and you won't fall over any rocks because the wheels will hit them first and you will b e holding onto the handlebars and have the bicycle type brakes. There may be a problem in rain but that can be figured out. They cost somewhere in the 150.00 or so range but are certainly cheaper than a car and even cheaper than some bicycles. This has solved several of your problems. And they do fold up. I'm not sure about the basket type since I did not get a basket but if you don't, you can get a large tote to put on the handles bars.


    Not so many problems will put you in a better frame of mind and even if there are no available seats anywhere, you will always have one and won't have to stay in the dorm because your legs are tired.


    Figure out each problem and you will have accomplished a lot from the weekend.


    Remember, you are a fortunate girl; you have intelligence on your side; use it. And you have us. LOL! We have years of experience.

