
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Phyllis4732
    OK, I'm not one of our recipe people and should leave that to Rolly and Chef Denny, but this is too good to not share. (A word in my defense - I do have a BS in Home Economics) Here is a rather simple recipe and if you have some sort of chopper to a Cuisinart, it will even go faster,
    This is a great salad - very different. Great for the family or as a Pot Luck dish. It is best kept in the layered form and each person, spoons down to the bottom and mixes it in their own bowl. The reason is if any is left, the lettuce stays freah and crisp, probably because it is on the bottom.
    If you are worried about some of the items because you are on a special diet, you perhaps can substitute; however, you get very little of the "bad things" such as bacon, cheese and egg.
    Lettuce - 1 head - shredded
    bell pepper - 1 large - chopped into small pieces
    scallions - 1 bunch - chopped into small pieces
    eggs - 3 hard boiled - chopped
    peas - 1 box frozen - (do not thaw)
    water chestnuts - 1 can - (drained)
    mayo - enough to cover top with a thin layer
    sugar - thin layer to sprinkle on top -(just a little)
    cheese - 8 oz. pkg. mild Cheddar Cheese (1 pkg, already shredded)
    bacon - 8 to 10 strips (very crispy and crumbled)
    Use a flat dish, deep and layer as listed, then put in refrigerator over night or fix early in the morning, until ready to serve. Just before you serve, mix it all up. Can use a Pyrex oblong layer cake dish or metal about 2" deep.
  2. Phyllis4732
    (Finally figured out how to do this again)
    I am writing this because I did not see anything said about the lecture last night. I had to leave during the question period because I had to participate in a confeerence call for a job this weekend. (Never did get in the right room but I did get to a room and should be paid for the call.) And I fell asleep later so didn't hear anything after in chat.
    I have my own feelings about it - of course I'm not the adventurous type and like proven methods, but then too, I feel to take a chance one would have to be in pretty bad shape. There, of course, isn't any guarantee but there are plenty of areas where they could use so many excuses such as - it wasn't soon enough, the condition was severe and so many treatments would be necessary etc. As I understood, the cells are introduced in the spinal fluid. To me, that is an area that shouldn't be fooled with (unless a person desparately needs to) Too much could go wrong. When I did hear the Q&A, I didn't hear about the failures; there certainly must have been several.
    I haven't had a chance to go to the web site yet and will when I get a chance, but these are my feelings right now - quite expensive for something still in a sort of experimenting stage.
    It was interesting to "hear" though. :uhm:
  3. Phyllis4732
    The company that I was supposed to work for tomorrow (July 4th) was kind enough to give us a choice of today, tomorrow or Wednesday. I decided to go today. It's in the north direction and then when I went to change my weekly patch, realized that I had forgotten to buy them when I passed Target last Thursday. That is south so I had to go the approxiimately 10-20 miles there, back the 10-20 miles, pass the cutoff for the house and go the 20 for the patches and 20 back! Stupid me! :uhm:
    Since I had such a long drive, I did what I always do (and shouldn't) daydream. I had the CD on with The Prayer disc with Andreas Bochelli and that helped keep me calm even with the many drivers I screamed at. Not good for a stroker who got this way from stress. Anyway, as my thoughts wandered, I thought about and wondered why so many people who used to visit the message board and for whatever their reasons have left us. I wondered if some have entered the golden gates, have decided that they no longer needed support or just that they have other places to go and things to do.
    With me, when I am here, it's a relief from the many weird and assorted challenges I seem to face each day - no not physical ones, but the ones associated with being on this planet at this time.
    When I came home, there was a call for me. It was an alum from the UM who went through the glad mouth stuff (and was shocked to hear when asked about changes) that when I went to school and it was referred to as "Suntan U" we were not permitted to wear shorts or bathing suits where we could be seen by the people on tourist buses. My, have times changed!
    Before I leave, I want to thank the computer Gods for not dumping me - yet.
    Wish everyone in the US a happy, healthy and safe Fourth of July. Now what would have happened if out forefathers did not set out to find "freedom". Guess to some, they didn't..........

  4. Phyllis4732
    Unfortunately, I may have to stop spending many enjoyable hours on the Stroke Network which I truly enjoy, but since Shout arrived (could be a coincidence) I am continually dumped off my ISP. While it again connects me, I have to again sign in and although I marked
  5. Phyllis4732
    Perhaps I should say steamed - but somehow it isn't the same. :Tantrum:
    I'd appreciate it if someone could explain to me reasoning of executives or those who are supposed to be in the know. Tell me how highly paid people seem to have not been in line when brains were being handed out. Honestly, even with a scared brain that has some connections that do not always make contact, I can think of things better than they. (I'm not bragging, just telling it as it is.) They sit around tables in board rooms and decide what is going to make more money for them.........most of the time, these so called executives never did the job but will tell you how it is supposed to be done.
    Then there are people who decide how we should spend our money. Maybe, some people can live on less. Maybe some people who don't make millions know how to pay bills while those we think of as big spenders owe everyone and their brother by trying to keep up with the Joneses.
    Yes, I had a crummy day today and all because of people. I know though that this kind of tantrum :Tantrum: is better than keeping it in and having it "blow up my brain" as I've already done. :im stupid: This idiot is learning something - finally.
    I guess that is why I prefer animals - the kind with four legs. They have more sense than humans. And their unconditional love can't be beat.

  6. Phyllis4732
    My last blog was 12/25/05. Why? Because I couldn't figure out how to post. :im stupid: As I said, I've got an excuse; I had a stroke almost 3 years ago. Must have fried my brain a bit. :uhm: :roflmao: Anyway, I'm back. The weather in Central Florida has finally gotten to be to my liking - now at 11:16 pm it's 78 degrees. The flowers are starting to bloom; the grass is a little brown from no rain and the newspeople are starting their yearly scare about hurricane season. So, I guess it's time for me to show up on moldy page 12.
  7. Phyllis4732
    I have lost my brain! At least the way it functions. I don't think an EEG, cat scan. MRI or MRA will be able to find it. Oh, wait, this isn't exactly a stroke problem - guess a psychiatrist should be my first stop - and the one I liked is retired..........well, I'll tell you my story and let you be my shrink (Sandy, you're disqualified because you are a legal one)
    I had an opportunity to work this weekend at a Sam's Club (only those in US will understand, I guess. Sam's club is a discount store where you pay a membership fee, and get to buy large sized cans, multipacks etc. On weekends they have many demos of food products and you can go and eat an entire meal. OK, so there is this demo for a Brazilian coffee. The fact that I am a stroker and it means standing for 6 hours on 2 days and 8 for the 3rd should explain part of my problem. One of the last things my OT in step down did was have me stand (with wheelchair behind me if I tired) and set a clock. He kept asking me if I was tired and I said no. Well, the clock went off at almost an hour and so it looked as though I perhaps would be able to do a short demo. I have done them for 4 hours and lean on freezers etc. when tired and space my lunch break, and done 2 days in a row and then come home and stay in bed for a while............The thing about this one was 1) because my schedule was different, I forget to take my bp medication (a real no-no) but felt secure because I wear a patch and feel I'm covered until I can correct the situation, 2) anything and everything that could go wrong did, but when it was over, I had beed fun! (See my problem?) Perhaps the check that will come in a few weeks helped. Actually, there will be 2-3 of us and people who come for samples are so interesting. The "booth" was supposed to be set the night before and wasn't so I got a call to go earlier if possible. And I ended up trying to help set it up. It took 2 of us, 2 employees of Sam's and a manager to get it up. We were able to get the beans ground but we apparently blew fuses and could not heat the water. No coffee - lots of upset people waiting for it, the group leader was taking some pills for nerves as well as going out to smoke and I cut up the biscotti and granola bars to go with the coffee that wasn't. Well, we pascified some people with the snacks and promised coffee today - So here I am trying to get in the right frame of mind for another 6 hours. The coffee is going to be made in the back somewhere and brought out
    and served in our booth. Somehow, the video we watched didn't tell this.
    So, if you live in the vicinity of a Sam's, check it out. A coffee demo extrodinaire will be comimg to your area soon. And me? I'm going to take my pill right now before I forget. :oops: :im stupid: :happydance: :uhm: but right now happy and feeling no pain, but wondering where I canget my head straightened out............... Happy holiday weekend!
  8. Phyllis4732
    This has been bothering me for a week now. My Dr. (Family Practice) suffers from paranoia. Well, at least this armchair shrink think so. :big_grin: I've gone to this man for 14 years and I just can't believe the changes. (OK, I accept if unhappy, I can changepractioners. I don't wish to do that, and I understand the reasons why he is the way he is, but he has carried it too far.) I realize that there are people who run out on bills and I accept that people are sue happy. Having said that, I'll go on. (Sorry, don't think countries with socialized medicine have this problem - so ignore this blog) A few years ago, he started using a company that debits checks. I have medicare so the government does pay. My 20% even if I ran out on the check, would be minimal. OK your argument - those small amounts add up. I honestly don't think there are many Dr.s who are doing that. The next problem is somewhat very understandable and yet..........I understand a Dr.s being afraid of being sued by some individuals. And we all know that that mal practice insurance is very expensive - especially for neurosurgeons and I believe obstetricians, surgeons etc. In fact, many hospitals "employ" neurosurgeons and pay their mal practice which of course is a great savings to them. And you hear stories about some Dr. who take their chances is fields usually that are not charged high rates..............I understand if you do anything that the Dr. feels you may sue him and hold him responsible, he wants you to sign a form. I can even accept this, but will someone tell me why if you would like a copy of your blood test and are there in person asking (not on a phone), why must you sign your life away for that? Of course I do refuse things (fishing trips) and I can understand being asked to sign a form about that. Now though it has gone further. He loves a computer and what it can do. You get a print out of things you are to do, your meds etc. which is very nice. Whether one reads it, is a persons' business. And of course, I can understand having to sign that, BUT! having an idiot reading it slowly to me just about pushed me over the edge. I was stressed when I came, stressed while I was there and VERY stressed when I left and still stressed when I finally got home and tried to lie down and rest. I think I almost spent as much time signing all the garbage and being read to as I did at the appointment. They should not care (and probably really don't) if you don't read these things. They have your signature and that's really all they want. I was so stressed, my heart was racing and so now I have another diaganosis. All I want to do when the "cashier" starts reading again is say, "excuse me", take the sheet and tear it up in little pieces and drop it on the desk! And you know, all of these "services" are not "free". The fee has gone up about $80.00 in 14 years. I was told that medicare doesn't give as large a % or something. The hardest part was that the neurologist fee was only about $7.00 more than the Family Practice Dr. The true fact is, the neurologist has 2 certifications and was a brilliant Dr. I was told he was a specialist and has to coordinate all of the other Dr.s reports. The truth is he said he never interfers with a neurologist and accepts what they say. Wrong season, but. Humbug! (That's a good word for a "lady" to use, not my most favorite. Well, I should feel better now, but I'll feel even better when I find a way to get even - like having him sign a Patients Right form AND READ IT SLOWLY TO HIM! LOL!
  9. Phyllis4732
    Truly, it only happens to me! I work for a wonderful company in Minn. They have great coordinators. A few days ago, I got an email asking why I didn't do the work that had been assigned. Long story short- they changed how to get into their website 2 weeks ago and I somehow missed it. So my coordinator, sends me the work, tells me how I can report it and says if you have any trouble, call. OK, today was the day. It was at Wally World and was just the type of work I love - a kind of audit.
    I settled down to put my report online and see a note from the coordinator to all. She has been booted up the ladder and we were given the name, email address etc. of the new coordinator, OK, I'm happy for both. I go to put my work online and for some reason, my computer has gone wacky. It will move to the left and I can stretch to the right but then it stops 2 columns short. So, I typed all of the information that did not get on the report (and the report did not complete because some is missing and send it to the old coordinator- returned! Sent it to the new coordinator- returned! Sent an email to see if it would go saying I'd call- returned. So :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
    PS I'm listening to Christmas music at least that is cheering meand it feels so good to have a tantrum and scream! HUMBUG!:Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
  10. Phyllis4732
    Many of you know that I have been trying to have a new home built. Finally, it looked as though things were going along nicely. The house is a modular home which is considered the same as a stick built home as far as loans, insurance etc. I really loved a certain model of a manufactured home and I was lucky enough to get a very similar home which is a modular. The builder came highly recommended by the home manufacturer. I found both men, father anf son, really nice. However, 1) they are out of town but will build anywhere but 2) they only do the houses and not the foundation that the home is to be set on. Finding someone who would do this has been a problem. About 3 weeks ago, my sister got a brainy idea which seemed to pay off. She contacted building supply dealers and asked them for names of builders who would be able to do this type of work. We knew it wouldn't be right to ask for just one but that was all the man could come op with. I called his office and his wife answered. She took down all the information and had asked the name of the manufacturer and when I told her, she said nothing but I'll tell mt husband. Well, I received a call and an appointment for the following day. I asked my sister to come with me for several reasons. One is the problem of driving and having to look for house numbers at the same time- especially on a busy highway, Another is as strokers you are aware that at times, even though we may have made a list, we may forget or forget what is said. And in general, 2 heads are better than one. I had prepared a folder with the unformation on the piece of property with the form from the property appraiser that is on line and a sheet giving all the information about my builder- physical address, email address, fax #, telephone and cell phone #. I have been dealing with the son who is a young father although I had originally spoken to the father as well. They are Sr. and Jr. (same name) We were very delighted with the contractor who had much experience as a builder both up north and down here. The surprising part is that he had gone to see these homes because he wanted to become a builder for them. The fact is, there is not one in this area. I thought what a great opportunity for the man to be working with my builder who has so much experience setting these homes and is so highly thought of by the company. He will learn the operation by observing. I did not mention this to the builder but -Jr. was happy that it looked like all the pieces were fitting and we were finally on the way. We explicately explained that we wanted his co. to do the foundation, and for him to act as a general contractor arranging things from the foundation down (well, septic system, land clearing etc.) which were my responsibility. Everything that was above the foundation was the builders. Also, permits etc. that men in the know can handled. I still believe there is a double standard and women are treated like 2nd class citizens by many.That seems clear enough, doesn't it?
  11. Phyllis4732
    :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum:
    Many of you know that I have been trying to have a new home built. Finally, it looked as though things were going along nicely. The house is a modular home which is considered the same as a stick built home as far as loans, insurance etc. I really loved a certain model of a manufactured home and I was lucky enough to get a very similar home which is a modular. The builder came highly recommended by the home manufacturer. I found both men, father anf son, really nice. However, 1) they are out of town but will build anywhere but 2) they only do the houses and not the foundation that the home is to be set on. Finding someone who would do this has been a problem. About 3 weeks ago, my sister got a brainy idea which seemed to pay off. She contacted building supply dealers and asked them for names of builders who would be able to do this type of work. We knew it wouldn't be right to ask for just one but that was all the man could come op with. I called his office and his wife answered. She took down all the information and had asked the name of the manufacturer and when I told her, she said nothing but I'll tell mt husband. Well, I received a call and an appointment for the following day. I asked my sister to come with me for several reasons. One is the problem of driving and having to look for house numbers at the same time- especially on a busy highway, Another is as strokers you are aware that at times, even though we may have made a list, we may forget or forget what is said. And in general, 2 heads are better than one. I had prepared a folder with the unformation on the piece of property with the form from the property appraiser that is on line and a sheet giving all the information about my builder- physical address, email address, fax #, telephone and cell phone #. I have been dealing with the son who is a young father although I had originally spoken to the father as well. They are Sr. and Jr. (same name) We were very delighted with the contractor who had much experience as a builder both up north and down here. The surprising part is that he had gone to see these homes because he wanted to become a builder for them. The fact is, there is not one in this area. I thought what a great opportunity for the man to be working with my builder who has so much experience setting these homes and is so highly thought of by the company. He will learn the operation by observing. I did not mention this to the builder but -Jr. was happy that it looked like all the pieces were fitting and we were finally on the way. We explicately explained that we wanted his co. to do the foundation, and for him to act as a general contractor arranging things from the foundation down (well, septic system, land clearing etc.) which were my responsibility. Everything that was above the foundation was the builders. Also, permits etc. that men in the know can handled. I still believe there is a double standard and women are treated like 2nd class citizens by many.That seems clear enough, doesn't it?

  12. Phyllis4732
    This is the easiest way to give some response. I got caught in another storm yesterday and they are really frightening. I decided maybe the way the storm is coming and the slope of my windshield cause the problem to be worse. I also had to sit in the car for about 1/2 hour so I could get into Home Depot, although I had a good parking place (which I always enjoy since my neurologist said I was qualified for handicapped parking). I always think Ha, Ha Dr.---.Anyway, it didn't give me enough time to get to my other store which I must do today - going early before the rain.
    Fred, we hadn't had any rain for a very long time also, and we did have the brown grass and all. Know what you mean. The temps here were only in the 90's though LOL.
    Sue, I agree that lying down in a dark room would be great. I'm sure the aspirin would help too but they are a no-no for me (I had a bleed)
    June, cleaning closets? Are you out of your mind? LOL. Rainy days are for sleeping!
    And Bonnie, if it were only my balance that would be bad enough, but I also have a co-ordination problem with it and I seem to knock things on the floor whether I'm near them or not. Those things, balance and co-ordination are typically cerebellar stroke. All I can do is laugh.
    So, I better get off and do what I must and then try to avoid the rain.
    I have another laugh tomorrow. I'm doing a demo but this one is different. It's in Wal,art and I'm giving cheese slices of Adkins cheese (healthy, I guess Adkins says) BUT here is the strange part. I do it from a cart that had been turned into a moving demo table. Now I've heard everything. There is a good point. I have the cart to hold onto and it will be like a rollator without brakes or a seat. :cheer: :party: :roflmao: [/size][/font]
  13. Phyllis4732
    Today was the day of the yearly rehab reunion. This was my 4th and each year it seems to get better. They had a Luau theme and as you entered the convention center where it is held, a lei was placed around your neck. You were given a name tag, a door prize ticket and the wonderful "goodie bag".Sat down at a table for 8 and it was beautifully decorated with a pineapplw centerpiece with those little paper umbrellas and small sik flowers from cut upleis. Ah, but what did the goodie bag contain? This year the bag was a beautiful blue and black tote and contained a rehab t-shirt. refrigerator magnet that gives the warnings of a stroke and the most unusual item. In fact I need your help telling me what it is. It is in a clear plastic box and it about a 1-1/2" glob of some sticky stuff in the shape of a brain! A wonderful 3 dimensional replica, with all the pathways and even showing the brain stem on the back. It is not a keychain, is not a magnet (too sticky even if you wanted to glue a magnet to it for a refrigerator decoration. I wondered if it is sticky and squishy because a brain feels like that? Whatever it is, I love it; it is cool.
    The food served was excellent- a salad, rolls and butter, sweet tea (this is the south), and and entree of boneless chicken breast with a thing sauce with mushrooms and waternuts, string beans and penne pasta with small stuffed green olives. Dessert was a decadent chocolate cake hunk with just a sprink;e of maraschino sauce and a dollop of cream.
    There were slides, interesting speeches, the adminstrators telling of new events etc. and testimonials by anyone who wanted to tell their experiences, One man who had 2 hip replacements told how he won his golf club title. Strokers told how they woke up never thinking they would have a stroke, did and how they have rehabilitated (as well all had) Some of the therapists were there and people got to see the ones (in some cases) that had helped them. It was a wonderful few hours and I look foward to next year.
    Tomorrow is the start of the monthly stroke support meetings. This year there are 2 groups - one for those with aphasia (to discuss their particular problems and then one for other strokers. I can't wait!
  14. Phyllis4732
    I started to read The Ha Ha because it appealed to me whether it was the choice or not.but, it id excellent because IT HAS 60 CHAPTERS WHICH MEANS MOST ARE 3 PAGES LONG (or so). This is a blessing because it can be picked up and you can easily read only 1 chapter or a few more depending on the time you have. It's good too! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  15. Phyllis4732
    It's 10:06 pm and I am still suffering. I didn't take this little poem as I should have.
    Yes, everything was good but somewhere I made a pig of myself. Even though un-coordinated me tried to put stuffing under the glass plate (I finally figured it out and picked up the bit that fell on the floor at the buffet) but I did manage to finally get a lot on the plate. LOL! I can't believe I did that. The trouble was, I found the plate too many times. I could hardly get into the car and drive home and then did what I shouldn't have - went to sleep. Actually though, my stomach had stretched as far as it could and was bumping into my ribs. I plain hurt. So it is going to be more than the thighs that it should stay off of.
    Because I was in such a happy mood yesterday, I bought my 6-7 lb. chihuahua an 11-12 lb. turkey all for herself. Well, I hope out of the goodness of her heart, she will give some to her cat cousins and also to my sister and myself as sandwiches and left-over type meals. Actually she hasn't learned how to open the refrigerator door yet nor can she use a knife to slice some for herself. I hope she liked the way I cooked it. It really was a fun thing to do for her; the first turkey I've made in the real oven in perhaps 20 years (I used to use a convection oven after that, but nothing since the stroke but the stove top or the microwave.)
    Well, it's time to read the ads. Tomorrow is Black Friday and I am one of those.............
  16. Phyllis4732
    Yesterday was a day I'd like to forget! I really didn't feel like going to work because I had to defrost 4 units. Defrosting in this case isn't as simple as setting to a defrost cycle and voila; it means pulling the plug and waiting..........It started out ok. I have a rountine. Go to the closest north location and remove old product, pull the plug, leave a sign in unit saying "defrosting" and then go to the second place. While it was defrosting I went to the Chinese restaurant and ate and read a paper and then went back and finished. Then back to the first place and while moving a spinner rack over to make some room to put up the "poster" on the unit, I started my cerebellar act- knocked it down and 200-300 recipe cards fell out. People ran from all over and it was quickly fixed because they were expecting a visit from management and it was one of the things being checked. Left there and went south- same thing first place leave the paper that it was defrosting and on to the second where I push my cart into a barrier outside the store. The rest went ok, finished and proceeded to the last place and started to gather the packages of refrigerated ready- to-bake cookies to put them in my cart which was nearby and the stack about 10 packages didn't make it and fell all over. I was so glad to leave the store after fudging through (must release the ice from the bottom which will melt) and came home. I'm so glad the day ended.
    Oh, BTW, my fortune cookie read "The day gets better" HA!
  17. Phyllis4732
    Well, I saw the new Dr. today (actually not the one I was to see). The computers that were in each room must have been taken by the old doc to his new office in Georgia and in their place.................are you ready? a gallon jar of Kosher Dill Pickles! Same brand that is on the counter here. I have always been taught that when you have high blood pressure, you are to limit your intake of salty foods and pickles are a salty food. Because I am slightly heavy (the diagonsis is obesity (unspecified) ? huh? :uhm: Seems to be an obese person is more than an "Overweight one" and I am only the latter. Yes, I suppose I should be a size 8 and I am a 12. Obese? So ok, I was given a food sheet and it has the food triangle (ok I agree freah veggies and frutis are good) and a list of food to eliminate (yes, I love them all) and a list of allowed foods (Shrimp? - high cholesterol, Canadian bacon? ok better than regular, but and fruit juice is to be eliminated and get this- Dill pickles and sauerkraut (another salty) are called "Weight Loss Expeditors" Excuse me?????? So I questioned the good doc and he said, you then drink water and the salt is eliminated that way.........Anyone ever hear of anything so crazy? Sure, you'd be thin and get a stroke from all the salt!
    I didn't mention that I'm a graduate home economist and took many diatetic courses. Yes, it was a long time ago but some of these wacky diets have gone too far. Didn't Dr. Atkins die at an early age?
    The good thing though was that I went to get meds and not be hassled and I got the prescriptions.
    Unfortunately though, they are having with medicare, Humana. As far as I'm concerned I'd starve and get my meds in Canada if need be rather than go to an HMO. They may be great for the doctors (they are money makers) but if you get a stroke, I KNOW they will not pay for an acute rehab or a top notch atep-down in many cases. To each his own. The worst part was I had to wait for an hour for my appointment and had our book club book but wish I had ear plugs also; they constantly had Humana lectures going on a VCR, I was ready to throw a shoe at the TV. Great for stress............
  18. Phyllis4732
    It is now about 9:15pm and shortly I have to go to sleep so I can get up for work tomorrow. Fortunately, this is the "local week" and I get to sleep an hour later, but I am already missing the days when I did lots of things that I couldn't have done otherwise.
    I went to Reiki Tuesday night. It was a disappointment though. Each group does things a little differently. They do table Reiki here; I'm used to chair Reiki. It takes about an hour to get there and the same home so it's a long evening.
    Then Wednesday, I had dinner with a friend who has aphasia. I hadn't seen her in a while. She is doing one on one with a speech therapist and shows some improvement.
    Thursday, I took my car in to get the door stripping replaced and found out I can get the product at any auto discount for about 2.99. Cheapest I've ever left a dealership ($0).
    Friday, I was lazy and stayed home and enjoyed doing nothing.
    But Saturday was the weirdest of all. I told my sister if I ever do it again, to call my ex-neurologist/psychiatrist (he retired) and tell him that I've lost it and need his help. :roflmao:
    I went to a Wholistic (their spelling, not minr) Fair. It was bad enough that I had overshot the street. They had a small sign, not a large one that hangs over the street on US1. When I go south on the block to the west, there is a large sign. Then I had to go until a street I knew. If I got there I had gone too far. Well, I finally arrived and had to park 3 blocks away. It was crowded and they had a lot of vendors but somehow, it wasn't really anything I wanted. Perhaps it was the thick booklet explaining unconditional love. Simply put, that is what a dog gives, period. No huge book necessary. The CD's didn't appeal, the jewelry wasn't worth the prices being charged, the samples didn't look very appetizing and I decided that I would have been happier if I stayed home and left to come back. Good thing too because we had a huge storm. Never again; it isn't my thing.
    Today, was another lazy day, dividing my canteloupe plants, going through and straightening some papers and just now taking my clothes from the dryer, making my sandwich for tomorrow and putting it in the fridge. So now, I'm all set to go to sleep. Nite all.