
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Both of you and anyone else reading this - stop wasting your time with could have's and should have's. A stroke is a TBI (tramautic brain injury) and with other things (as we've seen from our emebers) TBI comes from various reasons. Would you feel any better if you had gotten your stroke for another reason? While it is honorable to try to warn others that it could happen to them, they are going to think the same as you- "it can't happen to me." And heredity isn't the answer either. My mother had a stroke and we are 3 children and I am the youngest by many years. I am the only one who has gotten stroke and probably be the only one, It's more a personality thing. I stress; they do not. The past is past and your thoughts now must be to make the best you that is possible. Part of this too is to walk with your head up and certainly be proud that you are a survivor.There is no room in your brain for shouuld have's, could have's and pity parties etc. The brain has work to do. has work to do. yes. to me it is fate. Believe that or not. Here is my proof.........Who decided where your stroke was going to go? Why did some people have their problem in the left front lobe and get aphasia and you perhaps did or did not? Give that some thought.
  2. It would have been a little easier if there was alcohol, drugs , speeding etc. involved, but this way, it all seems so senseless. A simple drive home and tragedy strikes. I'm sure the minister will try to make the family and friends feel the young man is in a better place - and who knows, maybe he will be. Most likely, it happened so fast, he didn't know what happened; unfortunately, the girl driving will never forget. She is the one who will be hurting the most (and she is). Like everyone here, I send my concondolences for the umtimely passing of the young man, healing for the girl, as well as understanding for her and healing for all. Everyone looks for summer; unfortunately there always seems to be one of these accidents claiming our young people at this time. My thoughts will also be with the young people, the faculty, the families and friends and all the townpeople.
  3. A nice looking BBQ.My BBQ chicken is cooking as I write- in the oven. LOL! My last bbq was a portable one and used gas. I was never comfortable having gas too close to the house and kept it on the back patio. I wouldn't do that again. Perhaps if I had an outdoor shed. Anyway, I am sure you enjoyed the end results- the chicken. Hope the recipe was worthy of such a fine appliance put together with your own special touch.To Sarah: I'm with you. LOL! Phyllis :big_grin:
  4. :big_grin: Snooty said that Bud is a cool looking dude......... By the way, I liked the picture of your aphasia group; and you are the coolest looking dude among all those old geezers. LOL! Takes an old-timer to know one. :roflmao:
  5. Unfortunately my answer to your blog got swallowed up in cyber space but as I was driving to work this morning, I gave your blog a lot of thought and came up with I think the perfect answer. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, YOU HAD THE PERFECT WEEKEND! No, I haven't lost my marbles - let me explain. Although you did not have fun, you learned much more than you realized. You see, you now know exactly what you have to do in the next few weeks before the opening of school. You got a glimpse of the problems you will encounter and can work on their solutions. You have received excellent suggestions and I will also give you a few - do this: Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. On the left, write the problem you encountered and on the right, put the suggestions given to you as well as any you may come up with or embellish those there. Then choose the answer for that problem. My suggestion to help many of the problems. This may seem like going backward but it will solve so many of the issues. Do you have a rollator? If not consider getting one. You cam get one which has a basket which you can put your books into- a backpack can be a load on your back. You can put in your bathroom needs when in the dorm and if a tray isn't available, you can use the seat for your food tray. If you are tired because the campus is spread out, you can sit and rest a few minutes on the seat and you won't fall over any rocks because the wheels will hit them first and you will b e holding onto the handlebars and have the bicycle type brakes. There may be a problem in rain but that can be figured out. They cost somewhere in the 150.00 or so range but are certainly cheaper than a car and even cheaper than some bicycles. This has solved several of your problems. And they do fold up. I'm not sure about the basket type since I did not get a basket but if you don't, you can get a large tote to put on the handles bars. Not so many problems will put you in a better frame of mind and even if there are no available seats anywhere, you will always have one and won't have to stay in the dorm because your legs are tired. Figure out each problem and you will have accomplished a lot from the weekend. Remember, you are a fortunate girl; you have intelligence on your side; use it. And you have us. LOL! We have years of experience. Phyllis
  6. :im stupid: that describes me and the changes, It's good that edit is still left. LOL! Good "seeing" you, G.G Phyllis PS. have one of the pepsi's in the fridge; will make you feel new again. I did leave some.
  7. :happydance: Yes, I'm dancing! Another fudge nut. What a buy! I loved your blog. There is NOTHING like the beach. The ocean is THE place. Rivers, lakes and streams are better than nothing, but the ocean with it's boardwalks - wow! You did have a wonderful day; I'm very happy for you and the guy who "needed" a new tee-shirt. Sometimes just doing something on a whim without the planning is best. Phyllis
  8. Just as some people choose to go to an HMO, I chose to stay with straight Medicare. I understand how medical bills can deplete ones funds and assets quickly. When I had my first stroke at 60, I didn
  9. "Sunday, I go for a honors seminar. I will be there until Tuesday so I will miss my laptop dearly. We will be going on field trips and to workshops so I know it will be fun."<BR><BR>This is the greatest because you will be more familiar with the campus when you go in September. <IMG style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt=happydance.gif src="" border=0 emoid=":happydance:"> <BR>See. good things are happening; it just takes a little patience, planning and thought. It's great that you passed your test! Heck!, we all knew you could do it!<IMG style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt="" src="" border=0 emoid=":laughbounce:"><BR><BR>Is a picture in the gallery now? I can't wait to see the formal cap and gown photo! And I said one has to have patience - duh! <IMG style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt=imstupid.gif src="" border=0 emoid=":im stupid:"> <BR><BR>I', off to the gallery for a look-see. I never guess what people look like correctly. Probably won't this time either.<BR><BR>Phyllis
  10. Don't know how this will come out but..........Think your move will be great; your plans to rent your nephew's home may not be forever but right now it is a solution. When kiddo is in her new school and is "the new girl" she'll be happy. Although all the kids are "new" (freshmen), they have all been in that area and haven't lived in Arizona. It will be a slight hassle getting things together, but it will work out. I'm happy for you. Phyllis
  11. Sorry for your loss. As long as you have memories your loved one will always be with you.
  12. Katrina, just a few weeks more and you are off to college and your new life. Just cool it until then and you'll have it made. Hey, we don't hate you; and we are a very big strong group. How about coming to chat Fri.? It's the wild time and the refreshments are great. Phyllis
  13. Natasha, since you are so young, I would suggest that you seek medical help to find out why this is happening. If you were closer to menopause, I would say that maybe that was the reason. But in your case, this is not right. Check it out and put your mind at ease.
  14. Like many here, my thoughts have also been of Diane.There are religions that say a funeral is a celebration of life. Certainly her last few years were difficult but she was able to show her true self with the magnificent attitude she had. None of us knows what dying is like - well there are few who have "died" and been "brought back" but they don't really remember very much, except many have mentioned a bright light. To help me accept death, I have very childish thoughts but at times like these, they help greatly. I guess my beliefs are based on Rainbow Bridge. I believe that the person does go to Heaven and they are not the sick person they were here on earth but healed, and in perfect condition. And I do believe we are reunited with our loved ones again. I believe that for Diane, she is at peace. She has won her battle in that sense. The ones who will feel sadness are Ross and the children. However, there is a beautiful poem that was read at my mother's service. My copy of it is still packed away but it goes something like this. Our loved ones never die, for as long as we live they live in our are memories. (Rainbow Bridge is a very popular piece with dog owners (perhaps cats also but I've always heard about it from dog people). If you have not read it, you can find it on the net. It is very beautiful.)
  15. Katrina, nothing is forever; changes do come about. There are different opinions. You may find a Dr. who will see things differently. No, maybe not in 6 months but at some point. Just NEVER give up hope. To look at the positive side with hope is the answer, Another thing. I am a Reiki practioner. It doesn't matter that I'm telling you this but it will explain why I am doing that. I heard at a session that the fact that we do Reiki is so that we can help ourselves, because no one else is going to help us. In other words, if you want something, you are going to have to do it yourself. If it means research on your part with the DMV, you are going to have to contact them and never mind what the Dr. says. He will not sign for you but in time, you may find someone who will. It's that way with everything but in the ens you will get results or you will be satisfied that everything that needed to be done was done. With new inventions etc. cars may come about that you will be able to drive. They have the knob to help people who drive one handed and hand controls. Have you looked into golf carts? I don't think you need a license for those but you can not drive all over in them. Would you be able to control one of those? Would one be permitted on campus? It may be able to get you to places - not all- but some. Start doing your research. Oh and about your hand. Would a weight bracelet help? They come in very attractive jersey and are filled with weights and you put them on like a bangle bracelet - kind of a funky fat bright bracelet. They kind of stretch to get them on and then fit securely. I have a pr. (they come in pairs) that are royal blue. I've seen pink and yellow. Ask an OT about them. It's wearing something helpful which isn't medical looking. You do have to know the weight that would hrlp you - and they do not have to be used always- just when your hand is "acting up" perhaps. I used mine when I wanted to learn to hold a plate and not drop it at a buffet. Needed my good hand to pile on the food. LOL! And lastly, enjoy spending your graduation money. Hope you can get something that will give you joy. Perhaps a piece of jewelry that you will always have to remind you of the occasion.
  16. So very sorry, As you said, she has found peace.
  17. Phyllis4732

    Closed Doors

    Great blog, Fred. Think you missed a golden opportunity. Should have been a preacher. Phyllid
  18. Phyllis4732

    The Beach

    Sounds like a popular saying: "You've got sand in your shoes." Once it gets in your blood, you're hooked. I now live 2 blocks from the ocean and it has been a few years since I've been to the beach. I usually go when there is a space shoot since the view from there is special and so exciting. Once though, I just parked and took a walk onto the beach and into the edge of the water. Actually, the sand is very good to walk backfoot on. I was told to go on all surfaces; I think it retrains the brain or something. Duh. Glad it worked at as a wonderful vacation. There's always next year. And yes, check for the "not so busy" times when you can save on rentals.
  19. Phyllis4732

    growing up

    College is going to be what you make it. Looking back, would I have done some things differently? Perhaps, perhaps not. For instance, if the school you are going to have football, don't sit home because you have no one to go with, Go and enjoy the game and cheer on your team, Someone has to be sitting inthe seat next to you and that person could become a special friemd. Same with clubs and organizations. Take part. Do not have a oh woe is me attitude but join in with the others. Really, the grass isn't always greener on the other side; we just think it is. You may find out that the club hopping, the dating excessively, the running around are not as we think. What good would it be to date some insensitive guy? Who wants to go to parties where everyone gets high and who knows what? Some nights, sitting with your computer may be the better choice. Remember, it is your attitude that is going to make you feel happy. Ignore the "not so good". I think I need to send you the words to a french song, can't send the site as an attachment through here. Because I now write likechicken scratch, it will take time for me to copy the words down - but I will as soon as I get a chance. Phyllis
  20. Know the feelings; much like our tropical storms and hurricanes. You were gutsy to go out in that weather. (Wonder if people who use proper English use the term "gutsy"?) Duh! but that's what you were. LOL Phyllis
  21. I know I'm not the one having to do the work but think of it this way- 10 days extra pay (2 days already gone). I'd take that money and buy something special with it and not use it for groceries etc. I look at it as a gift- although you are working for it. The time will go quickly.
  22. I can imagine how hard it is to understand why some people have strokes, especially at an early age. There can be the spiritalist reasoning of "fate", the religious reason "god's will" (which to me in the same) And to go on, people are survivors for these reason as well as a Kaballist belief that when one accepts the fact that life may be over they say "It's God's will" and gives their life to God, they are made survivors and even a reason my sister gave to me as to why my oldest friend had a daughter born with CP - that E. would be able to deal with it because she was so very devoutly religious and not one to ignore the child (and she and her husband , now deceased, haven't.) The child has grown into a working productive woman who must been about 50. Or even Sue's husband's Ray's neurologist feeling that there must be a gene responsible. (Sorry Sue for not explaining it well but you know my brain has damage.) And there is my belief, being a survivor is not free. We are made survivors because we are the ones chosen to help those who come after us. That is our payback. Basically, it happens and we are not "permitted" to ask "why?" because then we get the response, "why not" as I believe Denny S said recently and is so true. Lisas, you, your husband and Rachel are beyond the "why?" stage, thank goodness. Now, the time is right to get on to bigger and better. So glad also you joioned our blog community. Phyllis
  23. Phyllis4732


    You've got such a wonderful attitude! Anyone who can even attempt to teach algebra and precalculus (I can't even spell it LOL) has got to be so proud to be able to return to this type of life. While the students were wonderful, so was your school system. I'm sure there are many that would be afraid to hire a teacher who had had a stroke. A simple minded attitude would be that- "Oh it could happen again in the presence of the students". Of course the obvious fact is that it could happen to anyone. Well, you are going to be getting a gift - the summer off to enjoy and recharge your batteries. Enjoy. Phyllis
  24. Even more difficult than closing a door is opening it. First you have to be able to put the key in the lock- perhaps with your good hand which may not be the hand that you used all your life. Then there are things like door steps and of course the things you can't hold with your teeth- grocery bags etc. An added care, the dog greeting you who is anxious to go out. Yes, people with disabilities must find the best way for them to do what was always never before thought about. Does make life interesting but does give one pride when the way is found to accomplishment. I, too, love your attitude. Phyllis