
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Actually, this vacation which included you was right. You were at the point where you needed it. This way, you saw that Ray is fine there and he enjoys it. Next time, when he goes, you will better enjoy your time in whatever place of your choosing and will be comforted that all with Ray is good.
  2. Actually this was a blessing in difguise. Fortunately, no real harm was done. With today's meds, we know unfortunately, that many cause more harm than the good they are intended for. This said, knowing and changing the meds is really "great" news. If it was the cause and they were continued, what then.


    An odd way to look at this but we must look for the good in everything - yes, even strokes.

  3. Ann, what is a wife or lp supposed to do? Let their loved one just lie there and depend on them to do what they are supposed to do? They sure know how to make things look as though they were in the right, just in case someone catches them. Makes me sick.


    Personally, there should be a duplicat copy for the patient's family or whatever. Of course there would never be, but there wouldn't be any "coloring of details.


    Oh, and a person having a stroke isn't to be agitated but just lie there??????????? Whew! :Tantrum:

  4. We are having forrest fires too but in this immediate area, not too close but with high winds that we had been having, it can even cross the river/ intercoastal (embers flying)


    Glad you are safe and prepared in case you must leave. Truthfully though, I don't think that things will definitely be so bad to scare tourists. There were fires here several years ago and it didn't take very long for the green to grow up again and in South Florida when we had Andrew and other hurricanes, it gets cleaned up and it all goes back to as it was. Look, even New Orleans is slowly making a comeback.


    Glad Tippy is doing so well. I'm sure you packed an emergency for the pooches as well.


    Will have my fingers crossed for you along with more serious prayers.

  5. This is great! A gentleman from our Stroke Support group who was his wife's caregiver went to a caregiver group meeting and used to tell us about it. I believe his wife went also. Unfortunately, this was the gentleman who had a brain tumor and they have moved down south to be near a son. I wrote to her on out birthdays (same day, different year) but had no response, I do hope that they have found groups there like the ones that were here.


    I agree - as time goes on, both of you will look foward to the days when you go.



  6. Hi Butch, yes, it has been a while.


    Shame on you for thinking that Lisa has gotten all she is going to get. Just isn't so. There are improvements when you least expect them.


    Where to put your double wide? Well, you could opt for a park or on your own piece of land where they are permitted. Just be sure land isn't wetlands! I'm in the middle of that. It is amazing the way these homes have changed in the last several years, isn't it? Cathedral ceilings and all. and best of all, they have wide doors that if necessary a wheelchair can fit through.


    Do come around more often and let us know what is it is said "Inquiring minds want to know" (A nicer way to say we are noisy. LOL!) :roflmao:

  7. Thank you so much for the low-down on the prom. How clever of you to check out the dresses last year and get a great price- and how lucky to find fabric that went with the dress and being able to make the purse. A little more practice and you will be able to make the wedding gown.


    Perhaps someone will help you put the picture up for us. Sorry, I'm a dummy. We'd all like to see it, I'm sure, even though we got a good description.


    I'm anxiously awaiting the next posts about the Awards and Graduation.

  8. Remember praise. Even with my old dog, she is told "good girl" every time. Perhaps a clock in the crate would help. The dog thinks it is her mother's heart. Of course, Tippy does seem to quiet down after a few minutes, but they are sad to listen too. LOL! Who's spoiled here.


    Have a great time being the new Papa.



  9. I agree with both Asha and Donna; something better will come along. Trials are so "iffy". You could be in the control group and still not be getting the good and think of the disappointment.


    Do you have a plan B? Are you doing the exercises that you were shown and did in therapy? If so, great, continue. If not start. I know that many of the evercises I was given were gotten from the internet but I don't know where - but I doubt that it was a site for therapists. It could have been, but there's a chance that some are on line just as eye exercises are.


    And yes, the news aboutyour daughter is great! This is a beginning of a new life for her. You must give us all the details about her gown and all. Brings back memories and to be honest, I am plain nosey. LOL!



  10. My little old one has lost teeth and stupid me didn't get the Pro Plan for Little dogs and eating it is hard although she gets tuna juice on it (as cats here do) and I drizzle a small amount of water, but if I put some people food on it she gobbles it all down0 Not spoiled at all. LOL, Today meat sauce, yesterday about an inch of hot dog minced up. ) 0f course chicken is the best. Your little one will need to have his food soften or small kibble for small breds. I don't use canned and now with the scar...................Hope he's feling better.



  11. This reply is to Sue and a bit to Sarah.


    Sarah you wrote "since he has double vision". Has Gary been fitted with prism glasses? They do work. A friend had a car accident and got double vision. When these glasses came out, she was fitted with them (instead of a patch) and she sees correctly. Of corse when not wearing them, she sees double. Of course there may be some other problem as well.


    Sue, I'm so sorry. This trip though was not well thoght out by the planners. I'll bet the others hurt too from so much walking etc. To me, this doesn't mean that you and Ray can't go places together. You just have to plan it yourself and be sure that the place is ok for handicapped people. Perhaps a trip where you can see the scenery from the coach and has a park for tea and a restaurant where wheelchairs can be push easily. Don't give up; just try to figure something for yourselves.


    I do agree with Sarah that maybe Ray's injuries need a little more time. Even an older person in excellent health who has an injury will take longer to come back. Even if you were younger, it wouldn't have been so hard. These are the "problems" with aging in general. I know in a few days, things will look brighter.



  12. The remark your Dr. made about the under wires sort of made me smile. I refuse to wear any wires and would rather have my waist with neighbors. I know it's wrong but I wonder if they could be dangerous - but now it's hard to get bras without them.


    BTW, when I was in my late teens and early twenties (oh ancient times) we used to talk about girls who have their booobs up to their chin under their cashmere sweaters..........not nice but true. I find though that todays kids are really stocked. I had a friend who was a home ec teacher and said that it was difficult fitting the dress patterns and she believed it was from the hormones the cows were getting. Could be.


    Glad all was well for you Ann. As for the veins, believe they have a different way now- I have a friend who had it done a long time ago. In her case, I believe it was heredity. Is it?

  13. What Dickons said is so true and Donna, I feel that being a survivors is not free. There is pay back time. We are survivors so we can help those after us.


    Why is it that we feel as though those long legged cheerleader types who may not be in the top 2% are better off. Their beauty leaves them and they become old hags just like the rest of us but we always have brains and our inner beauty (being a giver, not a taker is one of that beauty). It is difficult to start accepting but I'll bet, you will find a chance to pay back. You have helped those who stroked online and who said some neighbor may not also have a stroke or a relative of theirs and you can help them. Just letting them see that you are able to live the life you left is a help to them.


    You will get the chance to use that inner beauty and your brains, believe me.



  14. George, I must say that after 2 strokes due to stress, I have had to "mellow" or I'll be suffering a third and 3 strikes you're out. That said, since I don't have a chance to not "cool it", guess I better be sure that I am practicing to stay calm and to he*# with anything that will stress me. :Tantrum: No, No, No!!! :cloud9: ah yes.
  15. Personally, I think you expect too much too soon. Must you go to Duluth for therapy? Is there somewhere closer. Get the exercises that will serve you well. Remember, educators say it takes a "well" person 34 times to learn something and they really don't know the number for someone who must re-learn, but repetition makes the difference. My therapist would often get exercises on the internet. I don't know if these were in a closed site that only therapists can use or anyone, but those exercises were simple and did help.
  16. Well Marty, it all depends. There are 2 cats in this house (my sisters house.I've been here almost 4 years and hope to move in about3-1/2 months- if the Corps of Engineers realizes I'm not going to be living in a swamp filled with water. )Anyway, one cat has accepted my dog and myself- the other hates everyone - sometimes even my sister. If your cat is like her- keep the wife but if he's like the other cat, maybe tell Mrs. 007 that you've invested more in cat (marriage license wasn't 65.00 was it?) than her so bye-bye......... :big_grin: No, only kidding.


    Of course she maybe would want custody and the mother is usually given the child/children so.........looks like you'll have to keep both.



  17. Some does come back but 1-1/2 years may not be a long enough time. Took my brain almost 3 years to walk up the srairs like an adult but when going down didn't happen in a few weeks, I did it myself - and you can too!


    We know that repetition is the answer; you can't just sit there and wait - and you must have PATIENCE. We're talking stroke and it is VERY SLOW.


    Your current month should give you some good exercise; keep them up until they are second nature.


    Good luck.

